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Generation 7

Page 30

by Ross Richdale

  Jaddig screwed her face up There's a skeleton in everyone's cupboard. she answered. I try to forget about those imperfections in my biological past. She attempted to keep a straight face but her lips cracked into a smile when Holly placed playful thump on her shoulder.

  After researching historical records on the fairest justice systems, it was decided to base the trials of the twenty-three hijackers on the International Tribunals used on Earth in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. In the whole of New Washington there were only three judges so members of the House of Representatives were nominated to build the number up to seven.

  Andrea declined a place on the bench so the government nominated Holly, Jaddig, Suzi, and Rob Cotterell as the government representatives on the tribunal. The trial was held at Alpha Base and lasted twelve days. On the afternoon of the last day, the twenty-three humans, now somewhat subdued after initial ranting and refusal to cooperate, stood to await the outcome. Expressions of the defendants ranged from open defiance to uncertainty and fright.

  Senior Judge Hilton Mazarin, dressed in a dark business suit and somber tie began his deliberations There are a total of fifty two charges as listed on the charge sheet, he spoke in a quiet voice and fixed an icy stare at the men and woman charged. The tribunal has come to a decision and find Thomas Albert Anderson, Beverly Jane Chattersfield... as so he went on with sixteen names read in alphabetical order ... Guilty to all charges.

  The defendants stood with defiant looks on their faces and one man spat on the floor in a futile effort to attract attention to himself.

  Mazarin coughed and continued, The following have been found guilty to lesser charges. They are as follows... For twenty minutes the judge read out four more names and went through the fifty two charges to declare each person's guilt or innocence for each one.

  The twenty defendants mentioned shall be transported to the Republic of Vybber that has agreed to...

  You can't do that! screamed a woman with long blonde hair and Nordic appearance.

  It has been done, Ms. Liepman. New Washington is a small nation with limited penal institutions.

  They're insects! spat the women. As a human, I demand decent and just facilities.

  And you, Madam are an animal, Jaddig interrupted the judge and glowered at the woman. You chose to treat innocent victims worse than one would treat rats. You gave up any rights with your despicable behavior. If I had my way, you'd be executed at dawn. She hesitated. Luckily for yourself, my colleagues on the bench here have a more humane attitude. Her face turned to a tiny smile that never reached the eyes. Humane! Interesting word that, but somewhat archaic, as this trial showed.

  The twenty guilty prisoners will leave the dock, Judge Mazarin announced and watched as the line was hustled out of the room to leave three young humans, two men and a woman. One youth had a tear stained face and the woman, younger than Holly, stood behind the wooden dock with a trembling lip and downcast eyes.

  Barry Andrew Chetwyn, Janice Vera Paterson and John Cameron Tunbridge; the tribunal has decided that, though acting extremely foolishly at times, you were all placed in a situation that you had little or no control over. Furthermore, the testimony of several of the witnesses spoke of your attempts to make the conditions easier for them. Food and warm clothing was sneaked to the victims and medical help provided. The judge stopped. You have been found innocent to all charges and will be offered a flight back to Earth on the next available starship. In the meanwhile, you are welcome to join the settlement of New Washington as free citizens.

  The young woman looked up with misbelief while the youths merely grinned and shook each other by the hand.

  Thank you, Your Honor, the woman spoke in a quiet voice and fixed her eyes on Jaddig. I had never met your kind before Ma'am, she added, but found an intelligent species with all the positive traits that my companions lacked. I apologize for the treatment they suffered in our hands.

  And I accept your apology, Janice Paterson, Jaddig replied.

  She glanced up and saw Holly standing at the back of the room. Their eyes met and they both smiled. It had been a difficult time but justice had been done with the result, in many ways, quite different from what either of them had anticipated.

  At seven hundred hours the following morning the FanWarrior rose into the sky above Alpha Base and headed for a remote city in western Vybber with the well-secured prisoners on board. Holly and Graham were watching the aircraft rise above the observation deck on the island when Janice Paterson, Barry Chetwyn, and John Tunbridge stepped out of the elevator and walked across to the observation deck.

  The three newcomers appeared self-conscious and stared nervously at the ocean below until Holly made a point of moving across to where they were standing and started a conversation. And what are you going to do with your land? she asked with a small grin.

  Land? John asked. What land? We have no land and no money to buy any.

  Every new citizen of New Washington is given an allocation, Holly explained. It's not large but if you can grow enough food to feed yourself and have a ten percent surplus after three years, the land becomes your property. You're also permitted an interest free loan to build a basic house of eighty square meters or smaller. You three will be able to have first choice of sites before the settlers on Starship 43 are brought down.

  You're kidding! Barry replied with a slight grin and glanced over at Janice. Can the allocations be combined?

  Sure, Holly replied. Families are given a larger area than single people. Why?

  Barry flushed. It's just that Janice and I are sort of partners.

  Sort of, the young woman scoffed. Barry Chetwyn, if you call our arrangement, sort of, I'll... She tried to appear angry but laughed when Barry stepped across, placed his hands on her cheeks and deposited a kiss on her lips.

  Janice is pregnant, he said with pride in his voice, but we never dreamed we'd ever be free again. Now, thanks to all of you, we have a chance.

  Congratulations, Holly replied. We need all the new citizens we can get.

  Janice smiled. On Earth there are so many people it would be impossible to buy land, unless you're a millionaire or have a family that is, She slipped an arm around Barry and cuddled in close.

  Is that what attracted you to that organization that hijacked the starship? Holly slipped in.

  I suppose, Janice replied, They made everything sound so good but after we'd joined a few months we couldn't get out. They had a hold over us. She stopped and stared out across the island. They took all our processions and said they'd provide for us. I guess they did. This bit about being against outworlders, as we called them, was a recent idea after aliens began to colonize Earth. There are three or four different species there now and the planet is already overcrowded. It seemed logical that they should be told to go home. She flushed and glanced at the Jaddig at the front of their cabin. That was before I knew any of you.

  After the starship was taken over by the organization, John added, we were told if we fraternized with the crucnon or human settlers we'd be punished. We were little more than prisoners ourselves.

  I've still got scars to prove it, Janice continued and lifted her jersey.

  Holly stared at three purple welts across the woman's lower back.

  That was for just something minor, she whispered.

  Why didn't you show those at your trial? Holly gasped.

  In our whole lives, nobody believed anything we said, the young woman continued. We had no faith in receiving any justice here. We thought our leaders would go free but not us.

  Why? Holly asked, her eyebrows contracted in concentration.

  They have money and have used it on Earth to bribe their way to freedom. We had no reason to believe it would be any different here.

  Holly nodded, excused herself and walked to the elevator and called Jaddig on the intercom. Jaddig, she said. Are you busy?

  Not really, the crucnon woman replied. Just helping in the maternity ward. Why, Ho

  I want you to come up to the observation deck and talk to Janice, Barry and John. Their experiences sound almost identical to yours before we met.

  Jaddig went quiet and Holly frowned. You should know me by now, Jaddig, she said solemnly. I'm not trying to make a point or prove anything. It's just that they're so interesting to talk with and are really quite insecure.

  Oh Holly! Jaddig laughed. I do know what you mean. I'll come up straight away.

  Moments later she was seated with the three newcomers and engaged in an enlightening chat. After a few moments Holly dropped out of the conversation and stood back to watch the four. Janice had just made a point and flapped her hands around while Barry hardly took his eyes from the girl. They were obviously very much in love.

  Excuse me, Holly said and slipped away along the deck to where Graham had retreated. I love the view here, My Dear.

  Graham grinned and held a pair of field glasses out. Have a look at those birds on the other side of the lake

  As Holly bent forward he reached across he lifted her hair and deposited a kiss her on the cheek. She smiled and reached for his hand. We did the right thing with the trial, she said softly.

  I think we did Graham replied. Those three over there don't look like hardened criminals to me.

  No, replied Holly. They aren't. I have a strange feeling they're going to be an asset to our community.

  And the other four thousand to come?

  Holly smiled and bent up to kiss Graham. There will be a cross section, My love. Some won't cope while others will find everything wrong. Some will bring prejudices with them but I'm hopeful most will become useful citizens.

  Graham threw his hands up in mock horror. Imagine four thousand Malone Davidsons! he chuckled.

  Yes, there are extremes, aren't there? Holly replied.

  She felt so peaceful inside, sort of proud and confident all tied together in a big bundle. Her gaze met Graham and she saw the same expression Barry was using with Janice a few meters away. Thoughts moved on to Clay and Bikut and she grinned again. She brought the field glasses to her eyes and focused on the lake where five huge white sea birds were about to land. Their webbed feet extended as they skidded in, plopped down on the water in a perfect line, paddled across to where tall rushes grew out of the water and disappeared in the shadows.

  Perhaps we should turn the base into a holiday resort, she sighed. I doubt if the view from here could be surpassed anywhere on Delpe. The deep blue lake, green trees...beach!

  Yes, grinned Graham, but look the other way.

  Holly turned to where the deep valley appeared covered in thick jungle. There are only trees below, she commented.

  But the view there is faked. In reality, you'd see the space shuttle, cranes and the whole space port, junk and all.

  I know, Holly replied, but it's still a beautiful island.

  Like our whole world, Graham added. Beautiful on the outside but a bit raw underneath.

  I guess, the young woman threw back her red hair, smiled and reached out for her partner's hand. But it is our world, Graham. Nobody can deny us that. It is changing quickly but I'm sure it is also becoming a better place.

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  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Holly was dreaming! She tossed in her sleep and an arm slung into Graham, snoring peacefully across the bed. Eyes opened in the dark room as she yawned and focused on the digital clock. Three forty seven!

  She wriggled up into a sitting position and attempted to recall the dream. Somehow it seemed important. Perhaps it was something from her mother. She grimaced and, a second later gave a gasp of fright. The voice was still in her head, talking to her as if Mom was in the room. But Holly was awake and her mother, thousands of kilometers away at home.

  Sweetheart, listen, said the voice. If you hear me in your mind just think a reply. Don't speak out loud.

  How do I know this is not some alien or computer trick? Holly thought but subconsciously suspected it was some sort of delusion.

  Immediately, though there was a response. Oh, Thank God! Andrea's voice penetrated her brain. You are awake. I was only receiving your dreams.

  Mom. It sounds like you, Holly thought, but I need proof.

  Remember your tenth birthday, Sweetheart. We gave you a crossbow and you loved the red and green feathers on the arrows. Later you were frustrated when that boy, Philip I think his name was, beat you in the school crossbow championship for Year 5 children.

  Memories flooded back into Holly's mind. It must be her mother. Nothing would have been recorded about that minor incident in her life. Okay Mom, I'm convinced. What's this all about?

  This mind probe is coming to you via a space satellite that has arrived in orbit around our planet. I have received a recorded message from Earth. The President of the United States of America Doctor Peter Arbor has dire news and something you must do within the next five hours.

  Go on, Mom.

  All the computers on Delpe, even Doomwatch, are infiltrated by an alien species and need to be manually wiped.

  How, Mom?

  Holly listened to the instructions that involved how to reprogram the base computer as well as those on the space shuttle and aircraft. The procedure was relatively easy but Holly had to keep everything to herself in case the computer overheard her voice.

  I have already over ridden the computers here, Andrea's voice said. So the rest is up to you. Take care, Sweetheart. If you wish to contact me by mind probe, think Mind Probe Access Code followed by your name and date of birth to reconnect.

  Right, Mom, Holly thought and found her mind clear of her mother's voice just as if a telephone had been turned disconnected.

  After a nervous wait until morning, Holly had breakfast and strolled into the tiny base library. She searched through a row of blue covered electronic logbooks and pulled out Number 19.

  Can I help with your research? Doomwatch's voice filled the room and made her jump in fright.

  No, Holly stuttered, I'm just curious about those birds on the lake and was told they were introduced unofficially from Earth by an original crew member. I thought the old records might tell me more. This was a story her mother had suggested she use.

  There is nothing on record, the computer continued. Apparently quite a few species were introduced without official approval. Enjoy your research. The room went silent.

  The cover of the logbook opened to show a four by two-centimeter yellow computer disk, similar to hundreds of others in the library. In spite of herself, Holly's hands trembled as she slipped the disk in a slot in the computer and a view of the title page flashed on screen, as well as the words, Please enter your name and loan number.

  This was it! Guided by her mother's voice in her mind, Holly reached for the keyboard and typed in Code 54 Manual Override Virus. She gulped and pressed Enter .

  Without even a flicker, the monitor blanked out and so did everything else! Lights switched off, every pilot light on the base flicked to flashing red, elevators stopped, doors froze, stoves in the kitchen switched off; even people having a morning shower found the water stopped flowing.

  An agonizingly slow twenty seconds later, red emergency lights came on throughout the base and a siren began to howl followed by a prerecorded voice advising everyone to remain where they were and wait for emergency evacuation procedures to be announced. Shouts and calls were heard everywhere.

  Holly waited as a test pattern rolled across the screen for another two minutes before words appeared. Download Successful . There were three buttons to choose from. Holly avoided the Cancel , and Start Evacuation Procedures to press Reinstate Local Service and everything came on line again. Holly heaved and glanced at the clock. The whole procedure had taken only five minutes.

  This computer is off line to any incoming signals but all local memory banks can be accessed, a metallic voice filled the room. Please select a voice and name you wish to use.

  Holly was so intent on watching
the monitor she did not hear Graham walk into the room. He stood behind her and stared at the screen.

  What's happening, My Dear, he said. The whole base blacked out.

  Holly leaped in fright and swung around. Gra ... ham! she yelped. Don't sneak up on me!

  Thank you, said the computer in a perfect imitation of Graham's voice. Please advise all personnel I can be contacted by stating my name.

  Graham stared at Holly. Is that my voice? he asked with a frown.

  It is, Holly suddenly grinned. You spoke at the very moment the computer was picking one to use. She turned serious and told her partner everything that had happened.

  This is Gray Ham speaking, the computer interrupted. Do you wish to...

  Oh My God, Holly cut in. It has interpreted my scream as the name to use.

  It was Graham's turn to grin. And it even got my name wrong. Talk about being a ham.

  Holly grunted and spoke to the computer. Just use the forename Gray, in future, she ordered.

  Sure Holly, replied Graham's voice. Gray it shall be.

  So Gray became the new voice at Base Alpha. Afterwards, Holly took the same disk and overrode the computers on the shuttlecraft and the two aircraft in the hanger and began a mind probe to report the success to her mother. She was though, flooded with a male voice in her mind.

  This is a recording so I am afraid you cannot reply, said the voice. This is President Peter Arbor speaking. It is essential you over ride the computer aboard Starship 43. To stop or replay these messages just think an appropriate command. The creatures on board are the alien life form that we are fighting in Spectra 5. If they are brought out of suspended animation they intend to land the starship in the ocean of your planet. This species can live under the water and will use the ocean to establish a colony. It is essential they are stopped.

  Holly frowned and grabbed Graham's hand. He stared at her and gulped I can hear a voice, he gasped. She let her partner go and the contact to him broke off.

  So as long as I am touching you, you can hear the message, Holly whispered.


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