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Generation 7

Page 31

by Ross Richdale

  It appears so, Graham replied and grabbed Holly's hand. Yes. There it is again.

  The message continued from where it had left off. Starship 43 is an infrared heat seeking detection device on board that will detect the presence of humans. Only your native species who, I believe, are cold-blooded can enter the starship without detection. Any temperature over eighteen degrees Celsius is recognized.

  Stop! Holly ordered and spoke briskly to Graham. We need Jaddig here. With their crucnon friend holding her hand a few moments later the president's voice continued.

  The main computer terminal is on level five of the starship, he said, artificial gravity will be on-line, as soon as the shuttle attaches but for security there are no stairs or elevator accessing the room. Once inside, the procedure to override the computer is identical to the one I hope you have used for the Alpha Base computers ... The voice continued until Holly again ordered it to stop.

  Can you do it, Jaddig? she asked.

  We'll be sluggish at that temperature, Jaddig frowned, but as long as our body temperature is above fifteen we won't go into hibernation. She frowned. Let's hear the rest of the tape. Her yellow eyes looked amazed. What do you call voices in your mind?

  I have no idea, Holly replied. The word tape will be as good as anything.

  Holly started the voice and heard the rest of the instructions. From the dates mentioned it was certain that Doomwatch would be over rode in three days, an alien incoming transmission would control the starship, wake the creatures up and prepare it for landing in Delpe's ocean. Once this happened it would be too late for humans to regain control. The president also warned they were to make no attempt to use the new gega-light technology to contact Earth. If it was switched on, the aliens would home in on the signal and regain access to all their computers.

  It is too late for Earth now, President Arbor concluded in a sad voice. If possible, we shall send another probe to your planet with other information. In the meantime, do not attempt to contact us. I wish you well, my friends. Within the next few months you may, be the only ones of our kind existing in the galaxy. This is Doctor Peter Arbor, President of United States of America saying farewell and God Bless You All.

  The voice in the trio's minds stopped.

  Oh Hell, Jaddig gasped. I'd better get up there to switch that computer off.

  But not alone, Holly replied.

  Well, you or Graham can't come, Jaddig retorted. You heard that your warm blood will be recognized.

  True, replied Graham. But we have lots of crucnon to help you. He scowled. A flying female could also access the control room without ladders.

  But who? Jaddig replied.

  Pinin, Holly said. She's out of maternity and is quite a reliable girl.

  I guess, Jaddig shrugged but doubt showed in her face, but who else?

  After being asked, Pinin and Tifru both agreed to go and a little persuasion made Jaddig agree to Syleb being allowed to accompany them. Forty five minutes later the shuttle now, under control of Gray and the inboard computer renamed Admiral, shot into the atmosphere above Base Alpha. It was agreed no voice or vision contact would be made so Holly and the humans had to wait until the craft returned, hopefully in a few hours time.

  I hate this, Holly confessed to Graham. We might never see them again.

  I know, he replied and wrapped an arm around her. They're all very brave volunteers.

  But Pinin and Syleb are so young. Holly added.

  They'll be fine, Graham added. I think we're going to be proud of them all in a few hours.

  I hope so, muttered Holly. I certainly do.

  Jaddig gripped her seat and tried to relax as the G-force thrust her back into the seat, the noise of the motor vibrated her antennae and her eyes felt as it they were about to be thrust out the back of her head. She managed to glance sideways and caught a brief glimpse of Pinin beside her. Outside, the world became a ball of blue ocean, green landmasses and white clouds, a beautiful planet backed by a black sky and stars, millions of them everywhere. They had been in blazing light from the sun but now, darkness surrounded the shuttle. The shudder of the fuselage stopped and pressure on Jaddig eased. Everything lost weight and she realized she was floating above her seat with only the security belts holding her down.

  She glanced outside and saw the planet was now above them.

  We are in orbit, Admiral reported. Arrival time is twenty one minutes.

  There it is! whispered Syleb and Jaddig stared, enraptured at the glowing sphere in front. Already, it was twice the size of the moon and growing by the second. Fifteen minutes later it filled the sky and as they moved closer still Jaddig could see that, except for a band around the equator, the starship was spinning.

  Please fasten seat belts. Arrival is in four minutes. On contact, we shall begin spinning and you may experience nausea as artificial gravity is reinstated, the computer reported.

  Jaddig clung on and watched a mechanical arm swing out from the equator band and grip the shuttle. They were pulled in until, with a shudder, the two ships joined. The band began moving until it reached the speed of the main sphere. To Jaddig, though, it appeared that the starship and themselves had stopped moving and the stars, planet and sun were spinning around them. There was another slight bump and her stomach lurched.

  Air locks are in place. You may enter Starship 43.

  Jaddig uncoupled her seat belts and stepped to the floor. Though expecting problems, she found it was as easy to walk as back on Delpe.

  Well, Tifru commented. Shall we go girls? The interior of the connection tunnel was like the inside of a yellow tube but this became a metal floor when the Starship was reached. They waited, air hissed around them and Jaddig shuddered. It was cold, well below the twenty-five degrees they had become used to back in Base Alpha or the even higher tropical outside temperatures on the island.

  Please wait until the temperature reaches seventeen degrees and air pressure is stabilized, a different but familiar voice announced. Doomwatch welcomes you to Starship 43 and hope your stay is a pleasant one.

  Jaddig caught everyone's eyes, all apprehensive but not really scared. Pinin was wide eyed and bit on her lower lip, Syleb so serious but determined while Tifru appeared no different than he would be back on Delpe.

  A buzz sounded, the airlock swung open and they walked into a room with carpet on the floor, rectangular walls, furniture and even windows with realistic views of a forest behind. A human male dressed in uniform stood waiting for them. It was only on close inspection that they could see he was not real but a robot.

  Welcome to Starship 43, he said in a very normal voice. My name is Harold. If you follow me I shall take you to your quarters. There you can refresh. Dinner shall be served in cafeteria 3 in one Earth hour. Unfortunately the main dining room is off line due to the small number of humanoids aboard.

  How many humans are there here, Harold? Jaddig asked.

  There are no humans aboard at the moment. You four are the only crucnon on Starship 43

  And who else? Tifru asked.

  Harold blinked his eyes but remained expressionless. The suspended animation chambers have an occupancy rate of eighty seven percent. No other species are awake at the moment. I shall advise you if the conditions change.

  Another great evasive answer, Tifru whispered in Jaddig's antennae as they walked through a corridor that could have been in a Vybber office block and shown into an apartment. It had two bedrooms and a small but well set out lounge. There was also a small kitchen and bathroom. Once again it could have been an upper class apartment block reserved for government officials back home. Thank you, Harold, Jaddig said. Do we have free access throughout the ship or do we need your assistance?

  All living areas and control decks are available for your inspection. You have priority clearance to all decks that have artificial gravity and air supply.

  And the rest of the ship? Jaddig inquired. Space suits will need to be worn in the vacuum but access can be prov
ided if you wish to inspect the cargo.

  Can it? Jaddig was surprised at this unexpected reply.

  Of course, Harold replied. It will take fifty hours to adapt space suits for your anatomy. They were designed for humans.

  Pinin caught Syllabi's eyes. For a computer, this Harold could be quite devious.

  It Won't be necessary, Jaddig responded without even a change in her expression. We only want access to the livable area of the starship.

  Very well, the neutral voice responded. Just call my name if you need my assistance. The red line on the corridor floor leads to the cafeteria.

  And the main control room? Tifru asked.

  Follow the yellow line. For other areas, just state your destination and the route will be displayed in the floor paneling.

  The robot gave a slight bow of his head and left their quarters.

  I don't get it. Tifru grumbled. We were warned about keeping a low temperature and not having humans with us, yet it is obvious we are aboard.

  Perhaps they got it wrong, Syleb suggested.

  An emergency is declared if an alien species attempts to board Starship 14, Doomwatch's voice filled the room.

  And humans are aliens? Jaddig replied with a frown.

  All mammal and bird species with heated blood cells are foreign to our environment and are an alien presence.

  Since when? Tifru added. You had humans aboard quite recently.

  Our security precautions were reprogrammed forty three hours ago, Earth time.

  But we're welcome? Syleb spoke up.

  You come in the parameters of a friendly species. You are welcome.

  Now that sounds like a computer, Tifru muttered, but it answers your question, Syleb.

  Yes, Jaddig added. I think the sooner we get our job down the better. She turned to the flying female beside her. How are you feeling, Pinin?

  I agree, the flying female replied. Let's get it over with. This place is too artificial. I have the feeling it could change any minute

  Me too, shivered Syleb. She gazed around at the walls as if searching for a listening post. I feel every move we make is being watched.

  Jaddig nodded and led her small group through a series of corridor. Without the yellow line they would have been hopelessly lost. In the middle of a curved section the line turned at right angles into an alcove with an airlock at the end. When they approached the door slid open.

  Oh Hell, Tifru muttered. We were never allowed in an area like this when we were on board.

  They were on a steel catwalk that disappeared in both directions in a gigantic circle. In front was a gap that dropped away hundreds of meters with ladders descending and ascending to other catwalks. A steady hum of machinery could be heard and floodlights above cast a harsh white light over the area.

  This is where the shuttle craft is stored for inter-galatical flight, the ever present Doomwatch's voice commented. It would be damaged by post-light speed if kept outside.

  And where is the main control room? Jaddig asked.

  Door 376, the computer replied. It is opposite and five flights up.

  The four peered across the abyss and upwards where a blue light began flashing above a very ordinary looking steel door. As they had been warned, all the ladders to the opposite catwalk levels were gone.

  Pinin paled and stared down.

  Can you do it, My Girl? Tifru asked.

  Yes, Pinin replied, felt in her breast pocket to check if the disk was where it had been placed and stretched her wings out. See you guys, she whispered and leaped off the catwalk. Jaddig who remembered when she could fly, stood looking confident but both the others gasped as the flying female dropped downwards in a slow tumble.

  She'll get dashed against a lower catwalk, Syleb gasped. She grasped the safety rail and stared down.

  But Pinin was capable and fit. Her wings flapped in a blur and she began to rise up past the three spectators in a graceful flight. She circled higher and higher until she became a dragonfly in the white light.

  She's almost there, Jaddig reported Good on you Pinin. Keep going! That's a girl.

  By the time Pinin reached the blue lit door her movements already felt sluggish. She was fit enough but the low temperature was cooling her blood so that extra effort was needed to maintain height. She blinked and for a moment, lost concentration and dropped a few meters.

  Buck up, Girl! she growled at herself and pumped her wings down a little. But her eyes were like lead and began to shut. It's too cold! she cried.

  The temperature is fourteen degrees, the computer boomed out and echoed throughout the vast interior. Do you require it to be raised?

  Yes! Pinin gasped but remembered the preset alarm, but only up to eighteen degrees. Understand!

  Certainly, the computer replied.

  Pinin nodded and gazed around. Way below, her three friends were waving. They depended on her. Holly depended on her. The whole planet! She had to keep going. Her eyes shut but were forced open and her arms ached, not her wings but her arms.

  That's stupid, she snorted. My wings are doing all the work,

  Of course, her arms had been motionless! They needed to move to restore circulation. She swung and kicked in a swimming motion and it helped. The pain in the arms subsided and her eyes felt less heavy.

  Pinin circled around once more to gain altitude and focused on the blue light above the door. It was below her! With a slight twist she swung her legs down, landed on the steel catwalk and walked into in a circular room that towered up to exposed steel beams. Half a dozen monitors showed views of the planet, space and interior corridors. Jaddig and the others could be seen standing on the catwalk and this gave her confidence.

  She searched around until she found the main console. It looked similar to that on Base Alpha. With pounding heart, the young crucnon tiptoed along and sat in the seat. Yes, there was a slit to push the disk in. She found the object in her pocket, took it out of the tiny plastic container and, holding her breath, poked it into the slit.

  The screen immediately in front changed so it was a sky blue and the words asking for her name and identity number appeared. Pinin typed in the words she'd been told and waited. You have requested the manual override of all computer controls. All video and radio transmissions to outside resources are to be cut, Doomwatch's voice spoke. Press, Yes if that is correct.

  Pinin reached forward and touched the button.

  Every monitor in the room switched to the field of blue. After a wait of at least three minutes a white box appeared on the screen.

  The manual override program has been corrupted. The only alternative still functioning is the self-destruct sequence. Do you wish to enter this phase? Underneath were two alternative buttons, Abort and Yes .

  Pinin was excellent at speaking and writing English but it was still her second language and she could not really understand the statement. Back on Alpha Base Holly had taken her through a sequence and told her that, if in doubt she should avoid the abort button.

  She gulped and pressed Yes .

  Once commenced, the self destruct sequence cannot be aborted. Starship 43 will implode thirty minutes after the countdown is commenced. Are you certain this is your wish?

  Pinin studied the paragraph but had no idea what implode meant. Well Holly, I hope I'm doing the correct thing. She swallowed, reached forward for the Yes button. The youngster was so intent on the activity a slight swishing noise from behind was unheard.

  Only when a cold slimy snake like object wrapped around her waist did she realize something was dreadfully wrong.

  Look, Syleb cried out. The ladders!

  With a grinding clang, twenty or more ladders swung down between the levels and two steel bridges slid out across the abyss to meet and click together in the middle.

  She did it! breathed Jaddig.

  Tifru, though, grabbed her arms. Listen! he hissed.

  The other two did. The squeaks and groans of the ladders and bridge stopped and were replaced by
another sound. Screams!

  Help me! Pinin's high pitched voice in crucnon boomed out through the loudspeaker system.

  Tifru took one look at the females and bounded for the swaying bridge. He reached the opposite side in seconds and, closely followed by Jaddig and Syleb, tore along the catwalk. Screams of utter terror filled the air but more chilling was by a weird slurping grunt. Tifru reached the entrance to the control room and stared inside in horror.

  A petrified Pinin was on the console wrapped by silver, pulsing being. There appeared to be no head but an oval jelly like body with eight, three-meter tentacles. Three encircled the Crucnon's slender body while the five others waved around in an attempt to grab her limbs. But Pinin was fighting for her life. Arms and legs kicked and punched with remarkable success while she continued screaming in absolute terror.

  We're here, Lassie! Tifru shouted.

  Pinin's eyes flashed relief. With a well place kick, one of her tiny boots hit the creature in the center of its body mass. It gave a low-pitched hiss and buckled up. The tentacles relaxed a second but this was all she needed. She heaved herself up, found her wings free and flew into the air, straight up away from the vial creature.

  Tifru now took control. He reached in a pocket and extracted an ancient firearm. It was only twenty centimeters long but had a barrel the diameter of a water pipe, an ornate wooden handle and iron firing mechanism.

  Get back! he screamed at Jaddig and Syleb.

  None too gently, he thrust his left hands out to stop them in the doorway. With his lower right hand he raised the blunderbuss while two fingers of his upper hand pulled back a steel lever the third curled around the trigger.

  Meanwhile the creature had reached up, two tentacles wrapped around Pinin's ankles and it began to pull her down. She screamed yet again, grabbed the edge of a crossbeam and held on, her wings flapped in a blur but she could not escape the creature's clutches.

  Tifru fired! The room erupted in a gargantuan roar, flames shot out the front of the weapon and a thousand stone like pellets plastered the creature in the middle of It's body.

  It flipped over in agony so it's forefront could be seen for the first time. In the center of the writhing tentacles were eyes and a beak like mouth. For a second, the eyes focused on Tifru with an expression on utter disdain; blood, dark red like human's, spurted out from a score of wounds and it collapsed onto the floor in a heap of moaning jelly. For two seconds the moans continued before the tentacles jerked and the creature lay inert.


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