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A Mate for Lazarus

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by Charlene Hartnady

  The Program

  Book 3

  A Mate for Lazarus


  Charlene Hartnady

  Copyright and Disclaimer

  Copyright © December 2015, Charlene Hartnady

  Cover Art by Melody Simmons

  Copy Edited by Kimberly Reichmann

  Produced in South Africa

  Published by Charlene Hartnady

  PO BOX 456, Melrose Arch,

  Johannesburg, South Africa, 2176

  A Mate for Lazarus is a work of fiction and characters, events and dialogue found within are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, either living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

  With the exception of quotes used in reviews no part of this book may be reproduced or shared in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to digital copying, file sharing, audio recording, email and printing without prior consent in writing from the author

  Table of Contents

  Copyright and Disclaimer

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Author’s Note

  Books by this author:

  Chapter 1

  The reception area was decorated in crisp modern finishes. Stainless steel banisters, gleaming marble floors and white leather sofas. The artwork was contemporary and bright. Each piece cost more than what she could earn in a year. Much more.

  This was it. The next level. She had five minutes to make her pitch and she best not blow it. Alexandra tried not to fidget as the magnitude of this opportunity sank in. Her palms felt sweaty. Damn, her armpits didn’t feel too much better. She suddenly felt like she was suffocating in her gray pinstriped pantsuit. The urge to take off her jacket increased despite the perfect temperature control in the building.

  There was a soft ringing tone and the personal assistant answered, her manicured nails clicked against the telephone as she picked it up. Her gaze flew to Alex and she nodded. “Yes, sir.” She put down the receiver.

  “Mr. Armstrong will see you now.” She licked her bright red lips. “Are you sure I can’t bring you anything during your meeting? A coffee or a juice maybe?”

  Alex stood, she swiped a hand down her pants and adjusted her jacket. “No, thank you.” Her stomach lurched at the thought of anything going into it. This included beverages.

  The PA nodded once before turning back to the computer screen in front of her. “Go on in,” she muttered, almost to herself.

  Alex made her way down the hall. It was long and just as beautifully decorated as the rest of the building. The door was closed. Alex swallowed hard, she lifted her chin and sucked in a deep breath. She had worked hard over the last few years in order to get where she was today. Senior journalist before the age of thirty was no mean feat. So what if Sweetwater Press was a small local paper. She’d fought hard, she’d gotten ahead and was ready for the big leagues now. She could do this.

  She opened the door and walked in. James Armstrong was standing with his back to her, admiring the view. It was a sight to behold. New York City in all her glory. One of these days she was going to have her own office like this one, maybe the view wouldn’t be quite as sweet but it would be pretty darn close if she had anything to say about it.

  James turned and smiled. He was still a handsome man despite the fact that he was pushing sixty. His hair was gray at the temples, the only wrinkles were around his eyes. “Little Alexandra Stone. Look at you. All grown up I see.” He moved towards her while holding his arms open.


  “Hi, Uncle James.” Even though they weren’t related, she had always called him that growing up so the words just seemed to fall from her tongue. She inwardly cringed. This wasn’t supposed to be a reunion, this was supposed to be a business meeting.

  His arms closed around her and he even rubbed her back. “You look the spitting image of your mother.” He said as he pulled away. “Thankfully, since your father had an ugly mug of note.” Despite his smile, his eyes clouded. She felt a jolt of pain as she remembered her father, taken too soon. He never got to see her go to college or get her first job. He wouldn’t get to see her name up in lights either.

  James’ eyes hardened up. “You’ve come to see me about a piece…”

  She sucked in a breath, ready to confirm when he put his hand up to stop her.

  “I agreed to see you because I’m a firm believer that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. We go way back, Alex. I loved your father like a brother.”


  That’s not how she wanted this to go down. She needed to be awarded this on her own merit.

  “Don’t look so upset.” James smiled. “You have a few minutes of my time to pitch but that’s where the favor ends. Your father was a brilliant journalist. I want you to prove my apple theory right.”

  “I appreciate your time.” She forced herself to keep her hands by her sides and to stay composed.

  James gestured for her to take a seat. “So…” He paused. “What is this big story idea that you so desperately needed to see me about?”

  “I’ve been accepted into The Program. I’ll get all the inside details. This will be the scoop of the century. In return, you allow me to write the piece myself and I want a front-page slot.”

  His eyes widened. “Not asking for much are you? What the hell is The Program anyway?”

  It was her turn to widen her own eyes. She quickly schooled her emotions though. There was no way in hell that James Armstrong was unaware of The Program. She played along though for the time being and even made a little gasping noise. “Please don’t tell me that you don’t know?” She didn’t wait for him to reply. “You are aware that we have non-humans living in Sweetwater, right?”

  He nodded, his eyes and attention on her. She noticed a glint in their depths.

  “Well, they started a dating program for the sole purpose of pairing human women with vampires so that they may reproduce over time. The vampires stated that most of their own women are unable to birth live young and therefore are technically infertile.” She licked her lips. “Their numbers are in decline and they have taken drastic measures to counter that fact.”

  “I’m sure any one of the women within the program would be willing to give their story for a whack-load of cash. I could have any one of my headlining, proven journalists tackle the story. What makes you so special?” He cocked his head.

  Arrogant bastard.

  That wasn’t entirely true, as executive editor it was his job to ask such questions.

  “This program has various stages and although you’ll certainly be able to interview the women as they fall out of each stage. You must realize that you would be fighting against hordes of paparazzi from every rag in town, in order to get the inside scoop. You and every other publication worth its salt will broadcast similar information and all at the same time. What you need is an exclusive. Information from behind the walls as the first heat of The Program enters its final stages.”

  He sucked in a deep breath. “You do realize that every woman that sets foot on vampire territory is expected to sign a nondisclosure agre
ement? All we have is speculation as to what is going on inside their territory and this is going to remain the case since women exiting the program are not permitted to speak with the media. You will be no different.”

  Double damn.

  This wasn’t something she hadn’t considered. “To hell with the clause. I don’t care. They can sue me. It’s not like they’ll get much out of me anyways. Do you want the story or not?”

  James shook his head. “Legal would never allow it and you know it. Your career would be over before it ever really began. Aside from hefty fines, you could end up going to jail.” His eyes softened and he touched her arm. “I strongly advise you against doing something crazy like this. As much as I would love the story.” He sighed heavily. “An insider’s account of The Program…” He mumbled to himself, shaking his head. He looked pained. “It would be front page news for sure. Forget about it though, kid.”

  Not a chance.

  Alexandra Stone did not know the meaning of the word defeat. It wasn’t going to happen. Not on her watch anyway.

  “Besides, I thought you said you got yourself into that program.” He narrowed his eyes. “My sources have confirmed that the program is already underway, it started a good couple of days ago.”

  So he was testing her when he pretended not to know anything about The Program. She pondered that when his words finally registered and she felt the bottom fall out from under her. “What?”

  “I would double-check whether that acceptance letter of yours is legit.” He folded his arms. “You missed the bus on this one.”

  “The letter is definitely legit,” she shot back, while quickly opening the folder in her hand. “Here it is. Black-and-white. They say that I will be contacted shortly for further information. No one contacted me.”

  “Maybe you should give them a call…that is if you still seriously plan on entering.” He smiled.

  “Of course I do.” There had to be some sort of misunderstanding. “Your source is wrong.”

  He shook his head. “I seriously doubt it. Although, why you still plan on pursuing this is beyond me. You’re going to land yourself in a ton of hot water, and don’t say I didn’t warn you when it happens.”

  “Maybe I want to snag myself one of those hot vampires.” As in, not so much.

  He laughed. “This I have to see. Makes me want to be a fly on the wall. Now that would be some story.”

  She lifted her chin and looked him straight in the eyes. “I’m going to get that story…wait and see.”

  “Just make sure, whatever you do, that it’s aboveboard. Better yet, forget about The Program. A contract working for us just became available. I’ll pull some strings and get you in. The pay will be less than what you make now but it’s an opportunity.”

  This was exactly what Alex didn’t want. To be handed a position simply because she knew the executive editor. “Thanks for the heads up. I’ll apply but only on the condition that you don’t put a good word in for me.”

  He shook his head. “You do realize that in life it’s very often who you know, not what you know? Your father was a fantastic journalist, one of the best. There is no doubt in my mind that given the opportunity and the right leadership, you could be just as good.”

  Hell no!

  This was even worse than being given a leg up because she knew James Armstrong. This was riding on the coattails of her deceased father and she wouldn’t stand for it. Alex shook her head. “Thanks, Uncle James. I really appreciate the offer but it’s important to me that I do this on my own. Otherwise my success would be meaningless and shallow.”

  He clasped her shoulder. “Good luck, kid!”

  Chapter 2

  Jenna was a sight to behold. The red dress she was wearing clung to her every curve. Gideon was one lucky fuck. He on the other hand was screwed and not in the way he’d like to be either.

  It seemed that during the rest of the first heat, he was going to have to pretend to be interested in Jenna. At least until Gideon grew himself a pair of balls and faced the kings. It was easy to see that the male was completely head over heels in love with the female. The only problem though was that he wasn’t one of the elite ten that had fought their way in. Therefore, he wasn’t technically allowed to date any of the human females, Jenna included.

  The male had been a complete idiot and had decided not to take part in the program, citing that he had no interest in taking a human female or in starting a family of his own.

  Utter bullshit.

  At least he wasn’t saying stupid things like it’s not like that or it’s not what you think anymore. He had finally admitted that he had feelings for the female. Lazarus must have a screw loose for agreeing to this whole farce. He would need to pretend to really be into Jenna and even take her back to his place later so that Gideon could have his way with her. Lazarus’ balls were blue and throbbing, his dick seemed to harden up at even the most inappropriate times. It was to be expected since he was no longer rutting with the vampire females. The next female he took to his bed would be a human. And, not just any human either. He wanted it to be someone he was serious about. Someone who was serious about him right back. End of fucking story.

  “Would you like to dance?” He asked. He could scent how nervous Jenna was. How her eyes kept moving around the room.

  “Focus on me. We need to act like we’re getting along. Right now, you have the deer in the headlights look down pat.”

  Jenna chewed on her bottom lip for a few beats. “I’m sorry. It’s just that, you know...” She made a pained expression. It was hard to believe, but the stunning female in front of him was actually worried that Gideon might not show up. Ridiculous! Up until now, she’d worn baggy clothes. The treasures she had been hiding beneath the layers of fabric were obscene. Every vampire in the room had his eyes on her and she was worried that Gideon wouldn’t show up?

  “Everything will work out. You will see.” He snagged a glass of champagne from the tray of a passing waiter. “Down this,” he commanded. She already had one down the hatch. Hopefully a second drink would help relax her more.

  Jenna shook her head. “I’m a cheap date and I’m not very pretty when I’m drunk. I’ve been known to vomit on people.”

  “Cheap date?” He felt his brow furrow. “We don’t have to pay for the drinks, they are on the house.”

  Jenna giggled and he couldn’t help but to smile right along with her. “No, silly, it’s a human saying that means it doesn’t take much to get me drunk. Champagne is the worst, goes straight to my head.”

  He nodded. “I understand. We are trying hard to learn the ways of the humans, but up until recently, contact with you guys has been forbidden. We obviously still have a lot to learn.” Lazarus downed the glass in one swig. The vampire metabolism was far too quick for alcohol to affect them in any way. He grimaced. “Not too bad, but it could’ve done with a shot or two of blood. About that dance…” He raised his brows at her.

  Jenna nodded. “Alright.” She sighed. “I need to warn you, I have two left feet.”

  What? Come again. Before he could voice his thoughts, she carried on talking. “It means I can’t dance to save my life.”

  “Well, in that case, don’t worry. I will dance well enough for the both of us.” He put his hand to her lower back and ushered her towards the dance floor. They had attended one social function after another during the last few days in an attempt to try and enable the males to get to know the human females better. Everything had been set up to mimic a dating environment. The idea behind it was to allow the human females to be as relaxed as possible. For them to feel at home.

  With this in mind, the large auditorium had been beautifully decorated. The humans called it a cocktail party. Cocktail. The name made a lot of sense to him since the program had been designed to ensure the continuation of the vampire species. Their cocks would most certainly be required. Although not his he reminded himself. Not yet anyway. Hopefully the next heat of the program would be ki
nder to him. Or at the very least, his kings would select females with a bit of fire in their veins to choose from.

  The dance floor was crowded. He put one arm around Jenna’s waist and his other hand in hers. “Follow me and you’ll be just fine.” He winked at her.

  Jenna kept her eyes on him, oblivious to the eyes that tracked her. Those of the females simply narrowed on her while many of the males took the opportunity to check out her ass. Lazarus liked the female. He liked her a lot. For a moment, he even felt a pang of jealousy when he thought about how he was going to have to hand her over to Gideon later. Though he immediately felt guilty for even thinking that. Although he liked Jenna and found her infinitely attractive, it wasn’t like that between them. They were just friends.

  Yet, the feeling of jealousy over their connection lingered. How the hell was he supposed to secure himself a female when they were so petrified of him? One thing was for sure, there was no fucking way he was going to pretend he was anything else other than himself. A vampire. Second-in-command to York. He was the biggest and strongest of the elite. He may not be completely familiar with human ways and sayings but he was no fool. Human females seemed to automatically assume it though anyways. It pissed him the hell off.

  He pulled Jenna closer without actually touching her with his body. “Just relax and follow my lead.” Lazarus kept it simple, using the hand on her waist to move her where he wanted her to go. He smiled at her. “You most definitely don’t have two left feet.”

  Jenna smiled back. “You’re being polite.”

  “Who me? Never.”

  “Well in that case, thank you. Please don’t try any fancy moves because this is about as good as it gets with me as your partner.”

  He smiled at her as they continued to dance. His attention drifted to the far side of the room. Vampires had superhuman capabilities. This included strength, sense of smell, eyesight and hearing. Right now, Lazarus wished that superhuman hearing wasn’t one of them.


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