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A Mate for Lazarus

Page 2

by Charlene Hartnady

A few of the human females had gathered in a group. They were talking and giggling amongst themselves. Lazarus wasn’t interested in listening in. He couldn’t give two shits about what they were saying but he couldn’t help but hear them since they were talking so damned loud.

  One of the human females, named Vanessa, had tried hard on the first night to win over York, but when she failed she sank her claws into Lance instead. For the most part, the male seemed to be amusing her. Lazarus didn’t think he was genuinely interested though. Vanessa was some piece of work. Tall for a human female with long blond hair and stunning blue eyes. With curves enough to make a grown male forget how to speak coherently. Unfortunately, she seemed to have a nasty streak to go with all that. It was like she was willing to do whatever it took to get ahead, to get what she wanted, despite the consequences or how it affected others.

  She leaned into the female next to her, using her hand to cover her mouth. “Looks like the big oaf has a bit of rhythm.”

  Lazarus had to work not to roll his eyes. Why did they insist on talking so loudly?

  The female next to Vanessa giggled. “I dare you to go over and cut in. I’ve heard that guys that can dance well are good in bed. It’s all in the rhythm.” They laughed again.

  Damn straight. He was a fucking demon between the sheets, though he knew that none of these females would give him the time of day or the opportunity to prove himself.

  He could hear how Vanessa licked her lips. “A vampire that size must be hung like an ox. No ways. He would split me in half.”

  “Yeah.” A third female joined in. “That is if you could get him to take his weapons off prior to the actual event. He might end up accidentally killing you with one of those way before he got his colossal dick anywhere near you.”

  All three of them laughed. “The first thing he said to me was that he thought I had beautiful mammary glands… I kid you not… He actually used the words mammary glands to describe my twins. How freaking caveman.”

  They all laughed.

  “What’s wrong?” Jenna asked. Her voice bringing him back to her instead of the distant conversation.

  “It’s nothing. I worked out for quite a few hours in the gym today and may have overdone it.” His body was tense as all hell but it had nothing to do with the workout. It would embarrass him though to tell Jenna about what the other humans were saying about him.

  The female in his arms smiled. She squeezed his trapezius muscle. “I’m sure you have to work pretty hard to maintain a build like this.”

  Lazarus snorted. “Twice a day, six times a week. That excludes all the training sessions on the field.” Lazarus frowned. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Am I too big?” He sucked in a deep breath. “I’m damned tall and seriously stacked, but is it too much? I’ve always worked hard at being the best, the strongest. Vampire females love my physique yet human females seem to be afraid of me.” He shrugged. “Maybe I’m not cut out for this program after all.”

  Jenna’s eyes softened and she chewed her bottom lip for a second. “Don’t say that. Don’t listen to any of them. The truth is, is that you are a damn sight bigger than most human men…” She smiled. “Come to think of it, I actually think that you’re bigger than all the human men I have seen. That doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you though, or that you can’t make a human woman happy. You have amazing eyes, full kissable lips and really great hair. That whole 6 o’clock shadow thing you have going on there, well, it really works.”

  “My eyes, huh?” A growling noise escaped him. “You called them amazing, yet they are the color of mud.”

  “They’re brown.” She laughed. “They happen to be really dark and expressive. You have really great eyelashes. Thick and black. Most women would kill for those.”

  “What?” He made a snorting noise. “I have eyelashes that belong on a female?” He shook his head. “That’s terrible.”

  “No it’s not. I happen to think that a big, muscular guy with really beautiful eyes is sexy.”

  Lazarus pretended to look around the room. “You’d better be careful, you’re going to get me hurt talking like that. Gideon will break my nose… Again.”

  “Shhhh.” She put a hand to her lips. “No one can know.” She looked anxious as she spoke.

  “Don’t worry. It’ll all work out tonight, you will see.” He gave her waist another squeeze, feeling another shot of jealousy.

  Jenna nodded. Gideon was definitely in way over his head with this female. Lazarus did not think that there was any going back for the male. The way he looked at her and spoke of her made it clear to Lazarus. It wouldn’t be long before Gideon took Jenna as his mate. He could only hope that he would find a female of his own as well. Right now, it didn’t look very promising. Not at all. He had to suppress a groan of frustration.

  Chapter 3

  The next day…

  There was no way in hell that she was accepting this treatment. No way whatsoever. The letter in her hand clearly stated that she had been accepted into the first heat of The Program. It stated that she would be notified of the mandatory training session and final start dates.

  No one had contacted her and The Program had started without her. Her phone calls to the vampires’ head office had resulted in her hair thinning from pulling the strands out, since no one would help her.

  Out of pure desperation, she stood at the main gate. The guard had finally allowed her onto vampire territory so that they could talk without being surrounded by protesters. Not that being inside the gates was helping her any.

  “There is no way that you are one of the chosen human females.” The guard said, his eyes weary.

  “There must be a way because I am one.” She put her hands on her hips and sucked in a deep breath. “Call whoever it is that is in charge. This is completely unacceptable. Read this letter.” She waved a piece of paper under the stupid head’s nose.

  The idiot guard looked confused. His eyes were wide and a gigantic frown appeared on his forehead. She was in for a treat if all the vampires were like this.

  “It doesn’t matter what that paper says,” he said. “All the females are here and accounted for. My king will have my—”

  Alex sucked in a breath, intent on arguing.

  “What’s going on here?” A huge ass motherfucker stepped up.

  Hallelujah. “Finally,” she said, as she turned her eyes on him. Maybe this guy could help. Maybe he had some sort of authority and could do something. Despite his bulging muscles, his eyes glinted with what looked like intelligence. A girl could hope. “I’m hoping you have a brain.” She looked up at the sky. “I pray to god that you will be able to help me.” So help her she wouldn’t be responsible for her actions if he couldn’t.

  The big brute frowned. His eyes hazed over. The guy looked less and less intelligent by the second. Argh! Alex took a step towards him, having to crane her neck to maintain eye contact. Damn but he was big. There was no way she would allow him to intimidate her. One kick to the balls and he would fall just as hard as the next guy. She kept her eyes on his. “Read this.” She thrust the paper into his hand. “Do it now.” She had wasted far too much time already.

  His eyes glazed over even more and his nostrils flared nosily as he seemed to…to…be sniffing her. “Hello…big guy…I’m talking to you.” Enough was enough. She gave his arm a slap to draw his attention back to the letter in her hand and off of her.

  He looked startled that she would dare put her hand on him, well tough, he would have to deal. “Take it. Read it, dammit.” She tapped the document in his hand, hoping he would catch a clue and read the damn thing already.

  The big guy held her gaze for way too long before finally looking down at the piece of paper in his hand. His brows pulled closer together and then the glint from earlier returned. This was the part where he would apologize and make a few calls…maybe invite her in.

  “Nice try.” The big guy grunt
ed, his voice was deeper than any human’s she had ever heard. He gave the letter back to her and like an idiot, she took it.

  “Not you too.” She snorted and even rolled her eyes. She couldn’t help herself. “Another brainless idiot.”

  “Excuse me?” He narrowed his eyes, his jaw tightened.

  Oh oh! Maybe she should try and be nice. Not! “Deaf too I see. What does a girl have to do to get some help around here? I want to speak to someone of authority, ideally one of the kings. You two are complete morons.”

  “Well that’s not going to happen.” He growled. An honest to god animal noise left his throat. Interesting. Kind of sexy too if she was honest with herself but this was no time for enjoying such things. He needed to know that she meant business.

  Using her index finger, she poked him in the chest, loving how his mouth fell open in shock. “Yes”—Poke—“It”—Poke—“Is”—Poke—“I’m done”—Poke—“Waiting”—A really hard poke just to be sure—“I’m about to seriously lose my patience.” She smiled while shooting daggers with her eyes. “You don’t want to see bitch Alex. Bitch Alex will tear you apart and laugh while doing it.”

  True story.

  “Do you seriously expect us to believe that you are Alexandra Stone?” The vampire brute narrowed his eyes at her for a second before his gaze dropped to her lips and then down to her boobs. It looked like all men were the same, vampire or otherwise. Their dicks overruled common sense…every time. Pathetic really.

  “Eyes up here, buster. Trust a man to think of sex at a time like this…”

  “I wasn’t thinking about sex…yet, I was checking out your—”

  “Well stop, dammit. I will be forced to burn your eyes out with a hot poker if you put them on my boobs again. Do you hear me?” There was no way she was giving him a chance to respond, instead, she dug in her purse and pulled out her identity document. “Look at this instead.” She waved it in front of him. “It clearly states that I am Alexandra.” She tapped her chest. A mistake since his eyes tracked the movement and his pupils dilated as they landed on her tatas.

  The guard let out an exasperated sigh. “It looks like she is who she says she is. Maybe she’s telling the truth.” The moron actually looked upset at the prospect.

  “Yeah.” Lazarus gave her the once over, keeping his eyes narrowed. He was clearly trying to intimidate her. Pretending to give her the evil eye while checking her out. She had to hold back an eye roll.

  At long last, his intense dark stare locked back with hers. Her neck almost hurt from having to strain it to maintain eye contact. Even his jaw was strong looking. His nose was quite broad and his lips were…she licked her own…they were soft looking. They were the only thing about him that looked soft. Everything else looked like it had been forged from steel. Including his eyes which narrowed even more. “And maybe she’s just really good at talking bullshit. I don’t buy it. You thought you could come here dressed like that and get away with it? That we would just let you right in?”

  Alex looked down. “Shorts and a t-shirt. What’s wrong with the way I’m dressed?” She looked back up and raised her brows at him.

  “Shorts that barely cover your plump ass and a tight shirt that showcases those.” He pointed at her boobs, his eyes actually seemed to glow for a second. Then she remembered that he’d just accused her of using her body to gain entrance.

  She clenched her fists at her sides. The nerve! “What did you just say?” She put everything she had into those few words and was impressed with the growl in her voice.

  The big guy took a step towards her and gave a half smile. “Who’s deaf now? You can take your sexy ass back to the gate, human.”

  How dare he tell her that her ass was sexy? How. Dare. He. “Human?” She shrieked. “Who’s your damned human? My ass and I aren’t going anywhere, thank you. I am Alexandra Stone. It says so right here. You are the one that’s deaf and an idiot.” She waved her ID document at him.

  He gave her a smile. “That could be fake.” He gestured to the document in question.

  She felt her temperature go up about a hundred degrees…if not more. The urge to hit him rode her hard, especially when his mouth twitched. The big jerk was enjoying himself.

  “Do you really think it’s fake?” The guard asked, a huge frown appearing on his forehead.

  “It’s not damn well fake.” She shouted at the idiot guard before looking back at the gigantic asshole. “Just because you have big muscles and can growl like a bear doesn’t mean that you can intimidate me.” To prove her point, she stepped towards him, as close as she could get without actually touching him.

  His mouth twitched again. What the hell was wrong with this guy? “It’s fake,” he growled.

  Alexandra couldn’t help but to snort. What a total asshole. What an idiot. She had to work hard not to kick him in the shin, or better yet to kick him right between the legs. There was no way she would miss with such a huge target.

  “Fine,” the guard growled. “I will escort her out.” He gripped her by the elbow and pulled her along with him for a few strides. Alex tried to yank her arm free but failed so she feigned cooperation.

  A deep rumble erupted from the big vampire. It was a definite warning. The guy holding her eased his hold and she took advantage by breaking her arm free. When the guard attempted to grab her again, she dodged his hand and smashed her elbow into his side. Bull’s-eye! He made a grunting noise which was like music to her ears. Alex’s victory was short lived because he lunged for her again, bracketing both his arms around her and yanking her against him.

  “Leave me”—she tried to kick him—“alone!” She shouted, managing to nail the bastard on the shin. His chest vibrated against her as he growled.

  Alex couldn’t help the whimper that escaped her. She clamped her mouth shut.

  “Let her go.” The big guy snarled, sounding seriously pissed. Next thing she knew, he was at their side and actually yanking the guard’s arm off of her. “Let her fucking go,” this time it came out in an even more terrifying snarl.

  “Would somebody be so kind as to tell me what the fuck is going on?”

  Alex turned to the newcomers. It was two guys. She instantly recognized one of them from the television and newspapers since the vampires had received a ton of attention lately. His dark eyes bore into her for a second before moving to the big brute. It was King Brant. She didn’t recognize the other guy with him.

  She felt the idiot guard release her and she flexed her hand a few times to restore her circulation. She might even have some bruises. Dickhead.

  She was just in the process of turning to give the moron a dirty look when the big guy pulled her behind him, putting himself between her and the vampire king. Her heart beat a little faster. He was acting like she was in actual danger or something. Which was utter bullshit. Though the gesture was both irritating and sweet.

  “I asked what the fuck was going on? What is this human female doing on vampire territory?” King Brant said. “Escort her out.” His eyes flicked to her for a second before returning to the guard.

  Alex craned her neck around the big guy, who kept his hand on her waist.

  “Wait.” The brute growled at the guard who turned pale and looked down at his feet. Interesting. It looked like the big guy might have some authority after all.

  “Explain and make it quick.” The king kept his eyes on the big guy.

  This was ridiculous. Alex tried to move out from behind the wall of muscle in front of her but he held her in place, even giving her side a light squeeze. “This female, Alexandra Stone”—he said in a deep, rich baritone that seemed to vibrate right through her—“has an acceptance letter stating that she is one of the females permitted to take part in the first phase of The Program.”

  The king frowned. “That can’t be.” Then he looked confused. “Her name is familiar though. Let me see the letter.” He held out his hand.

  “I thought you didn’t believe me,” she whispered to
the brute’s back, which was ridiculously broad.

  “I was teasing you,” a rough growl, but it sounded like he was smiling.

  The freaking cheek. A snorting noise escaped. She should crack open his nuts for pulling a stunt like that but settled on a sharp smack on the arm since he did seem to be trying to help her. She shook her head, rolled her eyes and smiled despite herself. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you manners?”

  He chuckled. It was a warm sound.

  The paper crinkled in King Brant’s hand, drawing her attention back to what was actually important. Focus Alex. She was moments away from either getting into the vampire program or of losing any hope of a story. The king’s frown deepened. His dark stare moved to her and then back down to the document, and then back up again. “This looks authentic.” He sounded shocked. Finally!

  “She has an identity document that proves that she is Alexandra Stone. It looks legit.” The big guy said and she tried to move out from behind him again.

  What the hell was wrong with him? King Brant wasn’t about to hurt her. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you morons all along.”

  She shot daggers at the guard who had the good grace to look sheepish. The big brute turned his gaze on her so she threw him the filthiest look she could muster. His sexy mouth twitched. The bastard. She should smack it and bust up his lips, then they wouldn’t be so damned sexy anymore.

  “Apologies…” The king said. “For whatever reason you were not informed that The Program has started. We have twenty five females present, so someone must’ve been called accidentally in your place.” Brant shrugged. “I will have someone escort you out. We could even give you a lift back home.” He raised his brows.

  Like hell! “Excuse me?” She worked hard at keeping her voice even. Alexander lifted her finger and pointed it at the king. “If you think I’m just going to turn around and walk away, you’re delusional.”

  He frowned. “I understand that you’re upset, but there is nothing I can do. The males are about to choose who they wish to keep on seeing in the next round. There is no way that any of them would pick you at this late stage of the game. Go back home, we will call you in the next heat.”


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