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A Mate for Lazarus

Page 3

by Charlene Hartnady

  Unacceptable. By then The Program would be old news. She needed in on this heat or not at all. “When the hell is the next heat?” She pretended to be none the wiser. Her purse was beginning to make her shoulder ache. It was the biggest one she owned and had everything you could possibly need in it. A girl just never knew.

  Brant rolled his eyes, which looked weird on such a big, badass vampire. “Any unmated males will go into the next heat.” He sighed, sounding bored. “New human females will then be introduced. I will personally make sure that you are included in that batch. My apologies for any inconvenience. I would be happy to write you out a check if it would make you feel better. Heat two will start in a few weeks’ time so you will not need to wait very long.” He even took a step back. He was about to leave. If that happened then her chances were over.

  “You can’t buy me and I’m not interested in joining the next heat.” She shook her head while holding his gaze. “I want to stay.” She spoke quickly but emphasized each word. He needed to know how important this was to her. They had accepted her dammit. They couldn’t back out now.

  She moved out from behind the big guy who had his eyes firmly fixed on her boobs again. They had that vacant yet heated look that guys got when they were undressing a woman.

  The king sighed. “Like I said, none of the males will choose you. It’s a fact, so you’re wasting your time…” Then his eyes narrowed on the huge vampire who was now ogling her ass with his mouth hanging open and his nostrils flared. “Then again…if you could get one of the males to agree upfront, then maybe I would be inclined to agree.”

  She turned to face the big brute of a vampire. It seemed like maybe he wanted to help her. By the way his eyes heated as they landed on her breasts she would say that he was certainly attracted to her. “Eyes up here…big guy…stay with me. Tell, King Brant, to please let me stay.”

  He seemed to snap out of it, shutting his mouth and even giving his head a little shake. “What?” He growled. It was clear that he hadn’t been listening at all. His little…maybe not so little…make that lower…head had been doing all of the thinking over the last few minutes.

  Brant cleared his throat. “The only way I’m going to let this female into the first heat, at this ridiculously late stage of the game, is if someone were to guarantee that they would choose her to go into the next round.” Brant smiled. She had to hold back a gasp as his long, white fangs popped out from behind his lips. Sheesh! Did she really want this? Was it worth it? Hell yes!

  “Do you know of anyone, Lazarus?” He asked.

  The big guy…Lazarus…swallowed hard. He didn’t look convinced. Maybe he hadn’t been as into her as what she had thought.


  Lazarus moved his gaze to her, this time giving nothing away. Oh hell! To think that her future rested in the hands of this big hunk of muscle. Alex crossed her arms across her chest. Her mouth suddenly felt dry so she licked her lips, before chewing on her bottom lip. It looked like she was going to have to spell it out to him. “You’re one of them aren’t you? One of the vampires from The Program?”

  The brute nodded once, face still a mask.

  The other guy that had arrived with the king stepped forward. He was frowning and he looked really stressed as he spoke. “Surely we should have her meet with all the males. You never know, maybe one of them would choose her.”

  Lazarus and the other guy had a staring competition for what felt like a long time. Then the other guy gave an almost unnoticeable shake of his head. It was as if he was trying to tell Lazarus not to do it. What did it have to do with him? Why wouldn’t he want Lazarus to pick her?

  The king stepped forward. “I don’t think she should be allowed in on this round. Period,” Brant growled. Nice, he was talking about her like she wasn’t there. Dickhead! “I have a feeling it would cause shit.” He turned his gaze to Lazarus. “According to the feedback I’ve received, you don’t plan on choosing anyone in this heat. Is this true?”

  “He spent the night with a female last night,” The other guy growled. “Maybe Lazarus will choose her. You plan to, don’t you?” So that was why he was acting like this. Maybe Lazarus had made a commitment to this other woman.


  There was only one way to find out. “Shit!” Alexandra took a step towards Lazarus. She huffed out a breath. It looked like the big brute was all that stood between her and the pavement. Between her dead end job and a headline story. A story that would put her name on the map. “Sorry I called you an idiot and a moron.” She swallowed hard. “I know you’re not deaf or brainless. I’m really hoping you’re not spineless.”

  He frowned. “I have a spine.” Lazarus put his hand to his back as if she had meant it literally. These vampires were hilarious.

  Moving on. “Good. Look…” She licked her lips. A bottle of water would have come in handy right about now.

  His eyes tracked the movement of her tongue. One thing was clear, he might have spent the night with another woman but this big guy was definitely into her which meant that last night couldn’t have been serious. Since she didn’t plan on getting cozy with him, she didn’t particularly care where he had just put his dick. “Urm…this is awkward.”

  Though, he had in fact still had sex with someone else just hours ago. Maybe it meant something in his mind. She rubbed the toe of her sneaker into the dirt, trying not to think about it. This was a bit of a bitchy move. Normally she would never lead a guy on or play in someone else’s sandpit but desperate times called for asshole moves. “I don’t mind that you spent the night with another woman. I really don’t. I need you to please guarantee that you’ll choose me though. We get along”—Not at all—“mostly. We could get along.” It didn’t matter either way. She wasn’t here for a relationship of any kind.

  His nostrils flared. His eyes moved down her every curve and back up again only to move back down again.

  Alex had to work hard not to growl or smack him. “What?” She cocked her head. This was total bullshit. Last time she checked she was more than just a piece of meat. A tight…okay not that tight…piece of ass. “You look like you’re sizing me up and finding me lacking.” Alex hated that her cheeks heated under his scrutiny. Hated it!

  His eyes finally lifted to hers. “I have a condition.” Lazarus quirked an eyebrow.

  What the...?

  This sounded like a challenge. Alex never backed down from a challenge. “Name it.” She couldn’t help but to smile.

  The other guy with the king snarled, drawing her attention. His eyes blazed and his muscles bunched. In short, he looked really pissed.

  “What the fuck crawled up your ass?” Brant asked the other vampire.

  “Nothing,” he said. “I’m fine.” Bullshit. Smoke was practically coming out of his ears.

  It wasn’t her business. Vampires were definitely strange creatures. “What’s your condition?” She asked, locking eyes with Lazarus. It had better be something above board.

  “Let’s just agree upfront that if you can meet my condition, I’ll choose you to go through to the next round.” He raised his brows.

  Like hell.

  “That’s bullshit.” She snorted. “Complete and utter bullshit. What if I don’t meet this condition of yours? Surely I need to have some sort of an idea of what I’m up against? What if it’s impossible?” It probably was. He was just toying with her.

  “I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” He looked sincere. “You’re a strong, feisty female in her prime.”

  What the…? Alex had a feeling she was going to hate this condition of his.

  “What does that have to do with anything? This is complete bullshit.” She muttered while shaking her head.

  “Fine.” Brant smiled. He actually looked pleased. Sadist. “You”—he turned to her—“get to stay for two days but should Lazarus decide not to take you through to the next round, then you are out and forfeit any involvement in The Program going forward. Do you agree?”

p; At least she was in with a chance. It might not be exactly what she had envisioned, but hell. Alexandra smiled. “Yes, I do.” She would make this work.

  One minute, Lazarus was smiling like an idiot and the next he was staggering backwards. His face covered in blood. It was a miracle he didn’t lose his footing as one times enraged vampire punched him.

  “Fuck you!” The pissed vampire snarled. Then the guy turned and stormed away. The king had been right on the money when he had asked what had crawled up that guy’s butt. There was definitely something bugging him and in a big way. Maybe he didn’t like that Lazarus was interested in pursuing her. Why though?

  Despite the blood that poured from his broken nose, Lazarus still smiled. Go figure!

  “You.” King Brant gestured to Lazarus. “Go and get cleaned up. And you…” His dark eyes moved to Alex. “I’ll call my personal assistant to escort you to the female accommodations.”

  “Thank you.” She nodded in Brant’s direction before turning to Lazarus. “Before you go.” She held up a hand. “When are you going to tell me about this condition of yours?”

  Lazarus raised his brows. “All in good time.”

  “The clock is ticking.” The vampire king looked at the watch on his arm. “Don’t take too damned long, there are only three days left of the first-round.” Then he pulled his cell phone from out of the inside pocket of his suit jacket and requested that someone by the name of Allison drop everything that she was doing and immediately come to the front gate.

  With extravagant flare, King Brant clicked twice drawing the attention of the guard. “Stay with the female until Allison arrives.” He ordered before turning his indifferent gaze on her. “Good luck.” He sort of smiled before turning on his heel and walking in the direction that the pissed off guy had gone in.

  Lazarus kept his gaze on her. “I will see you later, female.” It came out in a deep, spine tingling growl. This guy had one helluva deep voice.

  “Um… My name is Alexandra…best we get that straight before this goes any further.” She put her hands on her hips.

  “Alexandra.” Another ridiculously deep rumble. She doubted it was her imagination when his eyes seemed to heat as he said her name. “I will see you later, Alexandra.”

  She had to smile at how formal he sounded. “My friends call me Alex…since we are going to be…seeing each other…” Best she play the role. “…you can too.”

  He chuckled, a deep rich sound. Then shook his head. “We are not going to be friends, Alexandra.” He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and for just a moment she was mesmerized all over again by how soft his mouth looked. Not that she wanted to go anywhere near it or anything. It was just such a contrast to the rest of him.

  Then what he had just said registered and she felt herself frown. “Of course we’re going to be friends.”

  “This is a breeding program, Alexandra. I plan on doing things to you that pass the realm of friendship by a long damned shot.”

  For just a few seconds she was at a loss for words. “A…um…breeding…no…” The last word came out in a huff. “It’s a dating program…dating.” She pronounced the word carefully.

  Lazarus shook his head. His eyes crinkled as he smiled. “We changed the name to The Dating Program and then to simplify things to just The Program. It was done because humans are timid. Yet you don’t strike me as timid, Alexandra.” He paused. “It concerns me that you have been misinformed. Did you not attend the training?”

  Oh shit!

  Alex kept her gaze firmly on him. She nodded. “Yes, of course I did.”

  “Well then?”

  Well then what?

  She shrugged. “I might be on vampire territory and a part of this program but I’m still a woman.” The less she said the better, so she left it at that.

  Realization seemed to dawn. “I see… We also attended training. You wish to get to know me better?” He paused and she nodded.

  Getting to know him better would buy her time. There was no way in hell she was sleeping with him. Or doing anything physical with him for that matter. No way. No how. It wasn’t happening and that was final.

  “Let me guess.” He cocked his head. “You want me to be romantic and to say charming things?”

  “You don’t strike me as being the romantic type.” She gave him the once over. Honed muscles, weapons strapped to every part of his body, prominent jaw, predatory glare. Even the blood on his face didn’t look out of place. She would go so far as to say that it suited him. “You’re definitely not charming. How about you just be yourself?”

  A look of pure rapture crossed his face. Lazarus even rolled his eyes and rocked on his heels. He made a groaning noise. “A female after my own heart. Thank you.” He took ahold of her hand and squeezed.

  The gesture was so sincere. So sweet. It left her momentarily stunned. “Um…sure.” She finally managed to mumble.

  “I need to go and sort this out.” He pointed at his bloodied face. “Allison should be here soon. Oh and, Alexandra.” He gave her a lopsided smile. “I look forward to seeing you later.” Then he turned and strode away.

  Shit! She felt terrible. He seemed like a decent guy…for a vampire. It was bit of a Catch-22. She needed to be nice enough to him to ensure that he chose her for the next round. Yet, not so nice that he ended up falling for her. One thing was for sure, she needed to buy some time and to do that she needed to get on his good side. No sex though. Even if he was quite a hottie, she definitely would not go there. It would just confuse things. So absolutely no sex.

  Chapter 4

  It took Brant’s PA, Allison, another half hour to arrive.

  Tall, slim, elegant. She wore a pencil skirt to just above the knees, stockings and a blouse that concealed her from her neck to her wrists. All of which should have made her look ordinary, but somehow managed to make her look sexy. Her eyes were the most vivid green that Alex had ever seen. So it was all true, vampire men were tall and seriously stacked and vampire women were tall and athletic. As a species, they were pretty spectacular to look at.

  Alex had always been comfortable in her own skin. Her body might not be perfectly toned and sculpted and her fair skin burned easily, but she certainly wasn’t bad looking. She’d never had a problem picking up guys.

  These thoughts led her to thinking about the reason that she and the other human women were there. It made her feel sorry for Allison and the other vampire women. To be so incredibly beautiful and yet in most cases to be infertile. It had to suck for them that the vampire men had resorted to bringing human women in. Then again, it also sucked for the vampire guys. Were they even attracted to human women? She was reminded of the way Lazarus had looked at her. He definitely wasn’t complaining.

  It must be really horrible to know that you couldn’t have children though. Alex really wanted kids. Plural. She was a single child and hated it. She had always longed for a brother or a sister, siblings…plural…to share her life with. It was lonely growing up as a single child with no one else to play with or to talk to. Alex had made friends over the years but it wasn’t the same. Blood was thicker than water. She would never be somebody’s auntie. Never have that bond.

  Her relationship with her father had always been strong. She was very much a daddy’s girl. Alex had never seen eye to eye with her mother though and their relationship had grown estranged over the years since her father’s death.

  “Sorry. Please repeat that?” Alex said when she realized that the beautiful vampire woman had spoken to her.

  “I just need to confirm that you attended the training. Did you?” Allison put the tip of the pencil she was holding into her mouth.

  This was it. Crunch time. She’d managed to get herself onto vampire territory. Had found a vampire that would hopefully choose her to go to the next round. One last obstacle. She had to find a way to get out of signing the contract. The nondisclosure clause would put an end to her dreams of a front-page spread.

a cleared her throat. “Sorry,” she said. “I’ve been stuck here for so many hours. My throat is killing me. I’m dying of thirst.”

  Allison gasped. “Oh no. How awful.” She grabbed ahold of Alex’s arm as if she was afraid that Alex might fall at any second. “I will have the guard call a healer.” Her eyes flashed with panic. “Maybe we should call one of your human ambulances.”

  Alex shrugged her off. “When I said I was dying, I didn’t mean it literally. You do realize that don’t you?”

  Allison sucked in a deep breath. Her shoulders sagged with relief. “I’m sorry. We haven’t had many interactions with humans, or the outside world for that matter. We are not familiar with your slang. Please forgive me. I’m glad that you aren’t really dying.”

  Alex choked out a laugh. “Seriously? If nothing else, at least I’ll be entertained.” She cleared her throat. “Yes. I went through the training.” A complete lie. She felt awful but what else could she do?

  Allison’s back stiffened. She nodded as she opened the book in her hand and ticked a mark on the paper. “Great. This is just a formality. Did you sign the contract as well?”

  “Yes.” Alex answered immediately.

  “Great. It should be on file then.” She said almost to herself. “Where is your bag?” Allison looked around the ground at her feet.

  Alex gestured towards the guardhouse. “It’s in there. What’s his name was worried it might contain explosives or something.” Alex rolled her eyes.

  Allison looked horrified. “Shhhh.” She put a finger to her lips. “Don’t say such things. Did you see the hate groups picketing outside?”

  Alex nodded. If she tried hard enough she could hear them chanting something about inbreeding and the stealing of human women. She gave a quick shake of the head. “Bunch of nutters.”

  “We take safety very seriously as well as threats against our guests and our people. Please do not refer to bombs and such. Your bags will be checked. Do you have a cell phone or any other electronic devices? Contact with the outside world will be forbidden during the duration of your stay, as you are already aware.”


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