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by Robert Wright

  62.Pierre Trudeau, cited in “Trudeau Promises Sandal Sacrifice,” CP (March 9, 1968).

  63.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Frank Jones, “Timmins Gives Trudeau Biggest-Ever Turnout,” TS (March 25, 1968), 8.

  64.“Trudeau Would Cut NATO Role,” GM (March 14, 1968), 1.

  65.Pierre Trudeau, cited in “Resolve Often Lacking, Trudeau Says,” TS (March 26, 1968), 8.

  66.David Croll, “Trudeau Is a Winner and the Best Man for Canada,” TS (March 9, 1968), 6.

  67.Paul Fox, “Trudeau: The Eternal Way Is Not Enough,” TS (March 9, 1968), 27.

  68.See, for example, Tom Buston, “Unity Is THE Issue in the Leadership Race,” TS (March 29, 1968), 7.

  69.Seale, “One Nation or Two?” 7.

  70.Paul Hellyer, cited ibid.

  71.Paul Martin, cited in Tom Hazlitt, “Martin Takes Step toward Special Status for Quebec,” TS (April 1, 1968), 8.

  72.Mitchell Sharp, cited in Seale, “One Nation or Two?” 7; and “Sharp: Les droits linguistiques ne suffisent plus au Québec,” LD (March 26, 1968), 1. See also “Kierans: Les propos de Trudeau sur les langues officielles sont une ‘perversion’ de la réalité,” LD (March 27, 1968), 1; and Mitchell Sharp, “La crise canadienne, ses deux dimensions essentielles,” LD (March 27, 1968), 5.

  73.Editorial, “The Course That Takes Guts,” GM (March 28, 1968), 6. See also “Les libéraux restent divises sur la façon de mener à bien la reforme constitutionnelle,” LD (April 5, 1968), 1.

  74.John Turner, “Turner Tackles Trudeau’s Quebec Policies—By Innuendo,” TS (March 29, 1968), 8; and Pierre-C. O’Neill, “Turner: On pourrait prévoir une positon spéciale pour le Québec,” LD (March 16, 1968), 1.

  75.Cited in Robert McKenzie, “Quebec Students Tell Trudeau He’s ‘Isolated,’” TS (March 27, 1968), 8.

  76.See Dominique Clift, “To the French-Canadian Press Trudeau Is as Objectionable as Diefenbaker,” TS (March 21, 1968), 10.

  77.Gilles Lesage, “Johnson reproche à Trudeau d’empoisonner l’atmosphère en ressuscitant de vieux mythes,” LD (February 26, 1968), 1, 14.

  78.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Max Nemni and Monique Nemni, Trudeau Transformed: The Shaping of a Statesman, trans. George Tombs (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2011), 340. See also “Most Excitement Is in Federalism, Not in Separatism, Trudeau Says,” GM (April 3, 1968), 8; and “Le sénateur Lamontagne appuie Trudeau dont il dit partager ‘en gros’ les positions constitutionnelles,” LD (March 29, 1968), 1.

  79.Laurier LaPierre, “M. Trudeau reste un politicien traditionaliste, donc dangereux,” LD (April 5, 1968), 4.

  80.Elmer Sopha, cited in Frank Jones, “Timmins Gives Trudeau Biggest-Ever Turnout,” TS (March 25, 1968), 8.

  81.Elmer Sopha, cited in “Sopha Disenchanted by Trudeau Policy,” TS (March 29, 1968), 4.

  82.Peter Regenstreif, “The Delegates Say It’s Trudeau to Win,” TS (March 23, 1968), 1.

  83.Michael Best, “Winters’ Pal Joey Leaves Him Stunned,” TS (April 4, 1968), 4.

  84.Clyde Batten, cited in Earl McRae, “MacEachen Scoffs at ‘Trudeau Deal,’” TS (March 26, 1968), 9.

  85.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Jack Cahill, “Voters Who Elected Trudeau Jump on Leadership Wagon,” TS (March 29, 1968), 8.

  86.Pierre Trudeau, cited ibid.

  87.Huguette Marleau, cited in William Johnson, “Trudeau No Charmer to Woman Opponent,” GM (June 6, 1968), 11.

  88.Suzanne Morrison, “Businessmen, Teeny-Boppers—They All Love Pierre,” TS (March 30, 1968), 39.

  89.See Radwanski, Trudeau, 104.

  90.Editorial, “Mr. Trudeau’s Charm Is Elusive,” TS (March 5, 1968), 6.

  91.Peter C. Newman, “Everybody Wants to Know: What IS It about Trudeau?” TS (April 5, 1968), 11; and Newman, “The Trudeau Magic,” TS Evening Edition (April 5, 1968), 11.

  92.Cited in “Trudeau: They All Like Him,” TS (March 18, 1968), 3.

  93.Editorial, “Three Candidates of Special Merit,” GM (April 3, 1968), 6.

  94.Claude Ryan, “Les trois candidats les plus marquants,” LD (April 3, 1968), 4; and Claude Ryan, “Qui doit être l’élu?” LD (April 4, 1968), 4.

  95.Editorial, “Trudeau: The Best Choice for Canada,” TS (March 28, 1968), 6. See also editorial, “Trudeau Is a Risky Choice—But Who Isn’t?” TS (April 3, 1968), 6.

  96.Dalton Camp, cited in Geoffrey Stevens, Stanfield (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1973), 213.

  97.“CBC Poll Gives Trudeau a Big Lead,” CP (April 1, 1968), 8; and Pierre-C. O’Neill and Michel Roy, “Trudeau domine toujours, et de loin, le peloton des aspirants,” LD (April 6, 1968), 1.

  98.CIPO poll, “Most Canadians Want a Young English PM,” TS (March 20, 1968), 7.


  1.Mitchell Sharp, cited in “Sharp Withdraws and Supports Trudeau,” TS (April 3, 1968), 1.

  2.Pierre-C. O’Neill and Michel Roy, “Trudeau paraît maintenant invincible,” LD (April 4, 1968), 1.

  3.Lawrence Martin, Chrétien, vol. 1, The Will to Win (Toronto: Lester, 1995), 185.

  4.Cited in Lewis Seale, “First-Ballot Victory a Happy Thought for Trudeau,” GM (April 4, 1968), 37.

  5.Pierre Trudeau, cited in “Convention Win for Trudeau Expected,” GM (April 4, 1968), 8.

  6.Pierre Trudeau, cited in George Radwanski, Trudeau (Toronto: Macmillan, 1978), 113.

  7.Cited in Don Peacock, Journey to Power (Toronto: Ryerson, 1968), 278.

  8.Peter C. Newman, “Sharp Puts the Establishment behind Trudeau,” TS (April 4, 1968), 1. See also “Hellyer Camp Claims 60 Votes of Former Sharp Supporters,” CP (April 4, 1968).

  9.Editorial, “A Man Who Can Lead,” GM (April 4, 1968), 6.

  10.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Frank Jones, “Trudeau on Social Welfare: ‘Enough of This Free Stuff,’” TS (April 4, 1968), 1.

  11.Jack McArthur, “Into the Future with Trudeau and the Means Test,” TS (April 8, 1968), 30.

  12.John Turner, cited in Dominique Clift, “Trudeau Stands Apart from the Pack,” TS (April 5, 1968), 11; and John Turner, “Pour un fédéralisme adapté aux besoin et conditions actuelles,” LD (April 6, 1968), 4.

  13.Paul Hellyer, cited in Clift, “Trudeau Stands Apart,” 11.

  14.Pierre Trudeau, cited ibid.

  15.Lester Pearson, cited in Val Sears, “Separate Quebec Means End of Canada: Pearson,” TS (April 5, 1968), 1, 12.

  16.Vincent Prince, “M. Pearson aura été l’un des grands promoteurs de l’unité nationale,” LD (April 4, 1968), 4.

  17.On the 124 riots that erupted in the wake of King’s murder, see Alyssa Ribeiro, “‘A Period of Turmoil’: Pittsburgh’s April 1968 Riots and Their Aftermath,” Journal of Urban History 39, 2 (2012): 147.

  18.Editorial, “The Greatest Moral Leader of Our time,” TS (April 5, 1968), 6; and Paul Sauriol, “Devant la mort tragique du pasteur Luther King,” LD (April 6, 1968), 4.

  19.Joseph Boskin, “The Revolt of the Urban Ghettos, 1964–1967,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 382 (March 1969): 1–14. See also Marvin E. Wolfgang, “Violence U.S.A.: Riots and Crime,” Crime and Delinquency 14, 4 (October 1968): 289–305; and Terry Ann Knopf, “Race, Riots and Reporting,” Journal of Black Studies 4, 3 (March 1975): 303–327.

  20.See, for example, the front page of the Toronto Star (February 1, 1968).

  21.Geoffrey Stevens, “Vote on Vietnam Bombs to Be Considered by PM,” GM (March 9, 1968), 4.

  22.Editorial, “A Country Divided,” GM (March 12, 1968), 6. See also “La guerre de Sécession américaine pourrait ne pas être la dernière,” LS (April 8, 1968), 16.

  23.Editorial, “A Time of Danger: The Right Man to Lead Canada,” OC (April 6, 1968), 6. See also Austin C. Clarke, “Two Nations the End Result of Black Power,” TS (May 14, 1968), 7.

  24.Maxwell Cohen, “How Canada Can Export ‘Just Society,’” TS (May 17, 1968), 7.

  25.Paul Martin, cited in “Martin Says He’s the Man in Unity Crisis,” TS (April 6, 1968), 10. />
  26.Paul Hellyer, cited in “Hellyer Gets His Biggest Cheer When He Mentions Unification,” GM (April 6, 1968), 10.

  27.Eric Kierans, cited in Irwin Block, “Kierans Wants New Role for Canada,” TS (April 6, 1968), 10.

  28.Pierre Trudeau, cited in “Trudeau Meets Critics of His Swinger Image,” GM (April 6, 1968), 10.

  29.Editorial, “A Declaration of Faith,” GM (April 6, 1968), 6. See also “Trudeau Ignites Delegate Spark,” VS (April 6, 1968), 1–2; Allan Fotheringham, “Trudeau, Turner, Big Joe Put On a Really Big Show,” VS (April 6, 1968), 3; “Trudeau Took Ovation Title,” CH (April 6, 1968), 1; and “Strongest Applause Crests Trudeau’s Bid for Top Job,” CH (April 6, 1968), 6.

  30.Barney Danson, Not Bad for a Sergeant (Toronto: Dundurn, 2006), 83.

  31.John Turner, cited in Sally Barnes, “Turner Warns of Rashness,” TS (April 6, 1968), 10.

  32.Election Bulletin (May 27, 1968), LAC Trudeau Fonds (MG26-020, Volume 20, File 13), 1.

  33.Frank Jones, “From 8 to 8,” TS (April 8, 1968), 11.

  34.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Lewis Seale, “Humorous, Challenging in Victory, Trudeau Calls for Just Society,” GM (April 8, 1968), 8.

  35.Paul Martin, cited in Peacock, Journey to Power, 293. See also Mario Cardinal, “Dès le premier tour, Martin sut que c’était la fin . . .” LS (April 8, 1968), 16.

  36.Jean Marchand, cited in Jones, “From 8 to 8,” 11.

  37.Danson, Not Bad for a Sergeant, 84.

  38.Lester B. Pearson, Mike: The Memoirs of the Right Honourable Lester B. Pearson, vol. 3, 1957–1968, ed. John A. Munro and Alex I. Inglis (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1975), 329.

  39.Paul Martin, Hell or High Water: My Life in and out of Politics (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2008), 53–54.

  40.Ron MacDonald, “Nova Scotians Will Try to Stop Trudeau,” HCH (April 6, 1968), 1.

  41.Judy LaMarsh, cited in Jack Cahill, “Go Now Paul—Don’t Make a Trudeau,” TS (April 18, 1968), 12.

  42.Bob Cohen, “Turner Determined to the End That There Would Be No Deals,” WT (April 8, 1968), 3.

  43.Pearson, Mike, 329.

  44.Ramsay Cook, The Teeth of Time: Remembering Pierre Elliott Trudeau (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006), 66.

  45.“PET 1968,” (April 6, 1968),;Tim Creery, “Along the Way, Oranges, Grapes and an Unfailing Wit,” WT (April 8, 1968), 5.

  46.“Nichol Ignored Bomb Scare,” HCH (April 8, 1968), 4.

  47.Cited in Eric Dennis, “Trudeau to Remodel Image before Fighting Election,” HCH (April 8, 1968), 1; and John Brehl, “Trudeau’s Aim: A Just Society,” TS (April 8, 1968), 1.

  48.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Geoffrey Stevens, “PM Shows Trudeau the Ropes,” GM (April 9, 1968), 1.

  49.Pierre Trudeau, cited in “Domain Shown Trudeau,” TS (April 9, 1968), 4.

  50.Editorial, “Pierre Trudeau: A Promise of Excellence,” TS (April 8, 1968), 6. See also Frank Howard, “Trudeau’s Win Gives New Hope to Quebec’s Federalists,” TS (April 9, 1968), 7.

  51.Editorial, “The New Liberal Leader,” HCH (April 8, 1968), 3; “Who Is He?” WT (April 8, 1968), 1; editorial, “The Promise of Trudeau,” WT (April 8, 1968), 3; editorial, “A ‘Just’ Distribution,” HCH (April 18, 1968), 4; editorial, “On to Trudeau’s ‘Just Society,’” OC (April 8, 1968), 6; Charles Lynch, “New Foreign Policy Certain,” CH (April 8, 1968), 1; Ian MacDonald, “Trudeau, Pearson Discuss Handover of PM’s Post,” VS (April 8, 1968), 1; and Allan Fotheringham, “Liberal Right Wingers Pushed into Exile,” VS (April 8, 1968), 1.

  52.Editorial, “New Prime Minister,” CH (April 8, 1968), 6. See also John Walker, “Trudeau’s Triumph: How He Achieved It,” OC (April 8, 1968), 7; Ian MacDonald, “No Labels, No Radicalism: Trudeau’s a Pragmatist,” VS (April 8, 1968), 13; J.R. Walker, “Trudeau: Unsightly Problems, Glorious Chance,” CH (April 9, 1968), 8; George Radwanski, “Enter a Political Phenomenon,” MG (April 8, 1968), 7; and editorial, “Freedom of Choice Is Restored to Canadians,” SDR (April 8, 1968), 4.

  53.Lucien Bouchard, “Lesage et Johnson attendront que Trudeau pose des actes avant de porter un jugement,” AC (April 9, 1968), 18.

  54.René Lévesque, “Trudeau commence déjà à patiner,” LP (April 8, 1968), 17; and Gilles Lesage, “Selon René Lévesque: Trudeau offre aux Québécois une ‘joyeuse noyade’ minoritaire,” LD (April 11, 1968), 3.

  55.Editorial, “Héraut d’une nouvelle ère,” LP (April 8, 1968), 4. See also Marcel Desjardins, “Trudeau n’a pas balayé le congrès, il a bien mérité sa victoire,” LD (April 8, 1968), 3; and “Le Canada doit devenir une société de justice (Trudeau),” AC (April 8, 1968), 3.

  56.Claude Ryan, “Le nouveau chef libéral,” LD (April 8, 1968), 4. See also editorial, “La victoire de Trudeau,” LS (April 8, 1968), 4; Michel Roy, “Y a-t-il nouveau Pierre Elliott Trudeau?” LD (April 8, 1968), 8; Gilles Lesage, “Lesage croit Trudeau capable de ‘souplesse,’” LD (April 9, 1968), 1; “Ce que pense la presse de l’élection de M. Trudeau,” LA (April 9, 1968), 5.

  57.“Trudeau to Seek a ‘Just Society’; Next Leader of Canada Also Pledges Work for Unity,” NYT (April 8, 1968), 9. See also Jay Walz, “Trudeau Elected to Pearson Post; French-Canadian, Minister of Justice, Is Chosen by Liberals to Head Party,” NYT (April 7, 1968), 1; and “Canada’s Next Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau,” NYT (April 8, 1968), 8.

  58.Cited in Bruce MacDonald, “Pierre the Paradox Grabs the Headlines,” GM (April 20, 1968), 9.

  59.Cited ibid.

  60.Keith Spicer, “Strange He Is, but He Is Not a Stranger,” GM (April 23, 1968), 7.

  61.Editorial, “The Enigma That Survived a Campaign,” GM (April 8, 1968), 6. See also Marcel Pépin, “Pas d’élections hâtives,” LD (April 8, 1968), 1; “Trudeau Begins New Era, Won’t Call Early Election,” WT (April 8, 1968), 1; and “M. Trudeau est salué comme l’homme qui annonce des changements profonds,” LD (April 9, 1968), 2.


  1.Lester B. Pearson, Mike: The Memoirs of the Right Honourable Lester B. Pearson, vol. 3, 1957–1968, ed. John A. Munro and Alex I. Inglis (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1975), 331.

  2.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Ian MacDonald, “Trudeau Picks Caretaker Government,” VS (April 20, 1968), 1; Greg Connolley, “PM Trudeau Ponders Snap June 17 Vote,” OC (April 20, 1968), 1; and Arthur Blakely, “Trudeau Cabinet Leans Heavily towards Quebec,” MG (April 22, 1968), 1.

  3.Cited in Peter C. Newman, “Trudeau Plans Early Reshuffle of Cabinet,” TS (April 24, 1968), 7.

  4.Pearson, Mike, 331–32.

  5.Pierre Trudeau, Hansard (April 23, 1968), 8145.

  6.Pearson, Mike, 332.


  8.Pierre Trudeau, cited in “Trudeau’s Opening Gun,” TS (April 24, 1968), 7.

  9.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Peter C. Newman, “Trudeau Tells the Star: This Particular Parliament Has Worn Itself Out,” TS (April 27, 1968), 1; Peter C. Newman, “Trudeau: I Have a Feeling for Canada,” TS (April 29, 1968), 1, 4; and “Pourquoi des élections? M. Trudeau s’explique,” LD (April 24, 1968), 1.

  10.Linda Cooper, cited in Robert Miller, “Kissing Pierre,” TS (April 24, 1968), 8.

  11.Robert Stanfield, cited in “Statement by Stanfield,” CP (April 24, 1968), 8

  12.Robert Stanfield, cited in Alastair Dow, “Stanfield on PM: No Record, No Policy, No Proof of Ability,” TS (April 24, 1968), 1; and “Stanfield Would ‘Dearly Love’ to Fight PM,” HCH (April 23, 1968), 1.

  13.Robert Stanfield, cited in Roger Newman, “No Stand on Quebec by Stanfield,” GM (August 2, 1967), 25.

  14.Robert Stanfield, cited in Peter C. Newman, “Stanfield: I Want a Canada with a Sense of Purpose,” TS (May 6, 1968), 7; and “Stanfield Steers Cautious Course over Special Status for Quebec,” GM (May 9, 1968), 8.

  15.Jack McArthur, “Trudeau’s Still the Talented Amateur, Stanfield Still Fuzzy,” TS (May 8, 1968), 15.

Dominique Clift, “Fear of Lévesque Sidelines Premier,” TS (April 24, 1968), 1.

  17.“Le Canada accuse le Gabon d’avoir agi contre le droit international,” LD (March 5, 1968), 1.

  18.Pierre Trudeau, cited in John Saywell, ed., CAR 1968 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969), 45–47.

  19.Anthony Westell, “Book Details Ottawa Position on Quebec International Role,” GM (May 9, 1968), 9; and “Le Canada ne peut avoir qu’un seul porte-parole à l’étranger,” LD (May 9, 1968), 1.

  20.“PM Makes Quebec Aims an Issue,” GM (May 9, 1968), 1; and Alastair Dow, “Trudeau Challenges Quebec’s Aims in Foreign Affairs,” TS (May 9, 1968), 1.

  21.Editorial, “Where Do the Tories Stand?” GM (May 10, 1968), 6; and editorial, “Can’t Have It Both Ways,” GM (May 14, 1968), 6.

  22.See Anthony Westell, “Stanfield Says Prime Minister Escalating Quebec Conflict,” GM (May 10, 1968), 11.

  23.Tommy Douglas, cited in “Douglas Assails PM’s Tactics in Quebec,” GM (May 11, 1968), 12.

  24.Marcel Faribault, cited in Claude Ryan, “M. Marcel Faribault ou l’autre volet de la pensée fédérale canadienne-française,” LD (May 7, 1968), 4, published in English as “Two French-Canadian Views of Federalism,” GM (May 10, 1968), 7.

  25.“M. Faribault prédit 35 sièges aux conservateurs au Québec,” LD (May 21, 1968), 1; Pierre-C. O’Neill, “Le Canada menacé doit revenir à ses valeurs essentielles: Faribault,” LD (May 22, 1968), 1; and “Faribault est le symbole d’une réconciliation qui seule préservera l’unité,” LD (May 22, 1968), 1.

  26.See Tom Hazlitt, “Faribault Brings New Strength to Stanfield in Quebec,” TS (May 15, 1968), 25.

  27.Tommy Douglas, cited in Saywell, CAR 1968, 33. See also “Douglas: Trudeau a divisé le pays comme il ne l’a jamais été avant!” LD (June 21, 1968), 1.

  28.Charles Taylor, cited in “Trudeau ‘Aura’ Won’t Last, Says a Pal,” TS (April 24, 1968), 8. See also “Le NDP et le statut particulier pour le Québec,” LD (April 25, 1968), 1; and editorial, “Le NDP et le statut particulier,” LD (April 26, 1968), 4.


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