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Page 36

by Robert Wright

  7.Federalism for the Future/Le fédéralisme et l’avenir (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1968), 36.

  8.Lester Pearson, cited in “Pearson Affirms Charter of Rights Start of Overhaul of Constitution,” GM (February 2, 1968), 8.

  9.See “Premiers to Study ‘Package’ on Human Rights,” TS (February 2, 1968), 3. See also Peter C. Newman, “Canada at the Crossroads,” TS (February 2, 1968), 1.

  10.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Newman, “Canada at the Crossroads,” 1, 4.

  11.“Draft Bill/Charter of Rights for Canadians” (December 1967), LAC Trudeau Fonds (MG26-020, Volume 22, File 18), 1. See also, from the same collection, “DRAFT Bill of Rights” (December 4, 1967), 1–4.

  12.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Newman, “Canada at the Crossroads,” 1, 4.

  13.Ivan Head, cited in “The Rights of a Canadian,” TS (February 3, 1968), 7.

  14.Cited in “Two-Nation Constitution Is Demanded by Johnson,” TS (February 5, 1968), 9. See also Michel Roy, “Une constitution entièrement nouvelle associant dans l’égalité les deux peuples fondateurs,” LD (February 5, 1968), 1; and Frank Howard, “Call for Decentralized Canada,” GM (January 20, 1968), 1.

  15.Daniel Johnson, cited in Dominique Clift, “Johnson Says ‘No’ to Trudeau Charter of Human Rights,” TS (February 2, 1968), 1; Michel Roy, “La plus grande discrétion entoure les derniers préparatifs du Québec,” LD (February 3, 1968), 1; and Claude Ryan, “Les défis de la conférence Ottawa” LD (February 3, 1968), 4.

  16.Jean-Claude Leclerc, “Abandonner le ‘chimère’ d’un Canada entièrement bilingue,” LD (February 2, 1968), 1.

  17.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Peter C. Newman, “Trudeau Tells the Star: This Particular Parliament Has Worn Itself Out,” TS (April 27, 1968), 1.

  18.Pearson, Mike, 245.

  19.Peter C. Newman, “In TV’s Goldfish Bowl They’re All Good Guys,” TS (February 7, 1968), 10.

  20.Editorial, “Ideal and Realization and the Battle Between,” GM (February 3, 1968), 6. See also Paul Sauriol, “Comment insérer une charte des droits dans la constitution?” LD (February 5, 1968), 4.

  21.Lester Pearson, cited in “Reform or Die,” TS (February 5, 1968), 4.

  22.John Robarts, cited in “Robarts: A Hope That Canada Will Be Home for All,” GM (February 6, 1968), 7.

  23.Joey Smallwood, cited in Robert Miller, “Put ‘Special Status’ to Voters, Joey Dares Johnson,” TS (February 6, 1968), 11.

  24.Daniel Johnson, cited in Jack Cahill, “Monarchy’s No Problem, Says Daniel Johnson,” TS (February 6, 1968), 2.

  25.Daniel Johnson, cited in John Saywell, ed., CAR 1968 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969), 74. See also “10 propositions du Québec,” LD (February 6, 1968), 2; and “Le Québec et l’avenir constitutionnel du Canada,” LD (February 6, 1968), 5.

  26.Ross Thatcher, cited in Jack Cahill, “Johnson, Trudeau Clash,” TS (February 6, 1968), 1, 4. See also Claude Ryan, “Ottawa et Québec: deux mondes,” LD (February 6, 1968), 4.

  27.Ernest Manning, cited in Anthony Westell, “Eight Provinces Back Changes,” GM (February 6, 1968), 1.

  28.Ernest Manning, cited in “Manning: Quebec Should Tell All Now,” GM (February 6, 1968), 7.

  29.Lester Pearson, cited in Cahill, “Johnson, Trudeau Clash,” 1, 4. See also “Les autres provinces sympathie, prudence, voire même hostilité,” LD (February 6, 1968), 1.

  30.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Robert Miller, “Trudeau—His Future Tied to Nation’s,” TS (February 6, 1968), 11.

  31.Daniel Johnson, cited in Cahill, “Johnson, Trudeau Clash,” 1, 4.

  32.Daniel Johnson, cited in Westell, “Eight Provinces Back Changes,” 1, 4.

  33.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Cahill, “Johnson, Trudeau Clash,” 1, 4.

  34.Daniel Johnson, cited ibid.

  35.Pierre Trudeau, cited ibid.; and “Johnson, Trudeau Duel over Powers,” GM (February 7, 1968), 1, 8.

  36.Daniel Johnson, cited in Frank Jones, “Trudeau, Johnson Clash over Special Status for Quebec,” TS (February 7, 1968), 1.

  37.Pierre Trudeau, cited ibid.

  38.Daniel Johnson, cited in Cahill,“Johnson, Trudeau Clash,” 1, 4. See also Pierre-C. O’Neill, “Journée décisive pour la cause du bilinguisme,” LD (February 6, 1968), 1; and Michel Roy, “Inévitable, le débat Trudeau-Johnson a éclate hier sur le fond de la crise,” LD (February 7, 1968), 1.

  39.Daniel Johnson, cited in Cahill, “Johnson, Trudeau Clash,” 1, 4.

  40.Pierre Trudeau, cited ibid.

  41.G.I. Smith, cited in “Ringside Says Row ‘Good Thing,’” TS (February 6, 1968), 10.

  42.Ross Thatcher, cited ibid.

  43.Pierre Trudeau, cited in “Johnson, Trudeau Duel over Powers,” 1, 8.

  44.“Statement by the Honourable Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, on a Constitutional Charter of Human Rights” (February 6, 1968), LAC Trudeau Fonds (MG26-020, Volume 29, File 14), 1–14. Emphasis in the original, as underscoring. See also “The Constitution,” GM (February 7, 1968), 7.

  45.Saywell, CAR 1968, 80. See also Pierre-C. O’Neil, “La déclaration des droits de l’homme se heurte à de vigoureuses oppositions,” LD (February 7, 1968), 1.

  46.Editorial, “Mr. Trudeau’s Case Stood,” GM (February 7, 1968), 6.

  47.Anthony Westell, “A Breakthrough to a New Canada?” GM (February 8, 1968), 7.

  48.Editorial, “Why Did Mr. Trudeau Lose His Nerve?” TS (February 7, 1968), 6.

  49.Claude Ryan, “Le duel Johnson-Trudeau,” LD (February 7, 1968), 4.

  50.Frank Jones, “Confederation Show Ends,” TS (February 8, 1968), 12. Political cartoons for the day showed Trudeau and Johnson arm-wrestling and duelling with pistols.

  51.Daniel Johnson, cited in “Johnson, Trudeau Duel over Powers,” 1, 8.

  52.Vincent Prince, “Les provinces sont unanimes sur les droits des minorités,” LD (February 8, 1968), 1.

  53.Cited in Saywell, CAR 1968, 78–82. For earlier “secret” drafts from the federal government delegation, see “Communiqué of the Constitutional Conference 1968, February 7, 1968,” LAC Trudeau Fonds (MG26-020, Volume 22, File 17), 1–8.

  54.Anthony Westell and Lewis Seale, “11 Leaders Agree on Means to Reshape Confederation,” GM (February 8, 1968), 1, 8. See also Michel Roy, “Pearson et Johnson sont d’accord: Très bon départ et grand déblocage,” LD (February 8, 1968), 1.

  55.Editorial, “A Constitutional Design Lies in Pieces,” TS (February 8, 1968), 6.

  56.Editorial, “A Long Second Step,” GM (February 8, 1968), 6.

  57.Daniel Johnson, cited in Michael Best, “How Lester Pearson Met His Greatest Challenge,” TS (February 8, 1968), 7.

  58.Lester Pearson, cited in Westell and Seale, “11 Leaders Agree,” 1, 8. “I remember the February 1968 conference with a good deal of satisfaction,” Pearson later recalled. “I think that this was a good meeting and that the main paper on the federal approach to constitutional change was a fine presentation. The process has, of course, continued, although in the years since I retired it has lost much of its impetus. I regret that very much. Constitutional change can be the means to a stronger unity.” See Pearson, Mike, 258.

  59.Daniel Johnson, cited in Westell and Seale, “11 Leaders Agree,” 1, 8; and Dominique Clift, “Johnson Hails Victory for ‘French Homeland Quebec,’” TS (February 8, 1968), 12.

  60.Daniel Johnson, cited in Clift, “Johnson Hails Victory,” 12. See also Claude Ryan, “Bilan de la conférence d’Ottawa,” LD (February 8, 1968), 4; and Vincent Prince, “Le rôle de M. Johnson à la conférence d’Ottawa,” LD (February 12, 1968), 4.

  61.“René Lévesque: La conférence constitutionnel, l’amorce d’une vaste supercherie où les vrais intérêts du Québec n’étaient pas représentés,” LD (February 12, 1968), 6.

  62.Roy Shields, “Networks Covered in Glory,” TS (February 6, 1968), 20. The Trudeau–Lévesque epic would be immortalized in Donald Brittain’s 1978 NFB series The Champions.

nbsp; 63.Daniel Johnson, cited in “Johnson Opposes Forcing Provinces to Turn Bilingual,” TS (February 8, 1968), 12.

  64.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Frank Jones, “Trudeau Still Wavering on Seeking Leadership,” TS (February 8, 1968), 13.

  65.Bruce West, “A Winner?” GM (February 8, 1968), 5.

  66.Paul Fox, “Quebec: From Colony to Nation,” TS (February 10, 1968), 35.

  67.Abraham Rotstein, cited in Saywell, CAR 1968, 78–82. Tory president Dalton Camp made the same point, making the front pages of the Quebec press. See, for example, “Camp: Trudeau ne veut pas admettre l’existence d’une crise québécoise,” LD (February 15, 1968), 2.

  68.J.L. Granatstein and Peter Oliver, “Will History Repeat Itself?” GM (February 14, 1968), 7. See also Ramsay Cook, “Case for Trudeau,” GM (February 16, 1968), 6; and Michel Roy, “À Ottawa, on n’est pas mécontent de l’attitude prise par M. Trudeau,” LD (February 9, 1968), 1.

  69.Pierre Trudeau, cited in “Debate Defines Gap,” GM (February 7, 1968), 8.

  70.Pierre Trudeau, “1968: Trudeau Says He’s Ready to Write a ‘New’ Contituition,” interview, CBC (February 8, 1968),


  1.Lester Pearson, cited in “Marchand Not in Running for Leadership: Pearson,” TS (February 8, 1968), 12.

  2.Donald S. Macdonald, cited in “Trudeau Comes Here for 3-Hour Blitz,” TS (February 9, 1968), 1. See also Donald Newman, “Metro Liberals Start Draft-Trudeau Drive,” GM (February 1, 1968), 1.

  3.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Geoffrey Stevens, “Still Hedging, But Trudeau Steals Show,” GM (February 10, 1968), 1.

  4.Claude Ryan, “Une pétition canadienne-français en faveur de M. Trudeau,” LD (February 15, 1968), 4. See also “Une pétition du Québec invite Trudeau à poser sa candidature,” LD (February 15, 1968), 7.

  5.Andrew Szende, “The Political Science Experts Agree Almost to a Man ‘Trudeau Is for Us,’” TS (February 12, 1968), 7.

  6.See Judith McKenzie, Pauline Jewett: A Passion for Canada (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1999), 75–76.

  7.Pauline Jewett, cited in Lotta Dempsey, “What Dr. Pauline Jewett Thinks of Pierre Elliott Trudeau,” TS (April 5, 1968), 57.

  8.Ramsay Cook, The Teeth of Time: Remembering Pierre Elliott Trudeau (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006), 45–51. See also “Les Libéraux de l’Ontario font une réception enthousiaste à Trudeau,” LD (February 10, 1968), 1.

  9.Cited in Peter Regenstreif, “Trudeau Candidacy Would Further Split Ontario Delegates,” TS (February 12, 1968), 1, 13.

  10.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Val Sears, “Trudeau Wows ’Em,” TS (February 10, 1968), 11; and “M. Trudeau fera connaître sa décision cette semaine,” LD (February 14, 1968), 1.

  11.Cook, The Teeth of Time, 54–55.

  12.Jack Cahill, “Liberals Make It a ‘Love-in’ for Pierre Trudeau,” TS (February 10, 1968), 1, 11. See also Stevens, “Still Hedging,” 1.

  13.Editorial, “Not Sudden, Not a Messiah,” GM (February 9, 1968), 6.

  14.Claude Ryan, “M. Trudeau suivra-t-il le courant?” LD (February 10, 1968), 4.

  15.Cited in Irwin Block, “Wine, Punch, Coffee—All Upstaged by Suite That Didn’t Exist,” TS (February 10, 1968), 3; and Stevens, “Still Hedging,” 1.

  16.Cited in Val Sears, “The Exasperating Non-Runner Trudeau,” TS (February 12, 1968), 7.

  17.Anthony Westell, “Is Charisma the Key to Solving the Trudeau Mystery?” GM (February 12, 1968), 7. See also G. J. Szablowski, “Les raisons d’une certaine opposition à la candidature de M. Trudeau,” LD (February 15, 1968), 5.

  18.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Lewis Seale, “Trudeau Wavers over Bidding for Leadership,” GM (February 16, 1968), 1.

  19.Cited in George Radwanski, Trudeau (Toronto: Macmillan, 1978), 101.

  20.Marc Lalonde, cited ibid.

  21.Pierre Trudeau, cited in “Trudeau to Quebec: Quit Worrying about Rights, Improve Lousy French,” TS (February 14, 1968), 68.

  22.Pierre Trudeau, cited ibid.; Robert McKenzie, “Trudeau in Hot Water,” TS (February 17, 1968), 11; “Trudeau: À Québec d’améliorer d’abord son ‘mauvais français,’” LD (February 15, 1968), 2; and “Le français pouilleux: Trudeau s’explique,” LD (February 16, 1968), 1.

  23.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Radwanski, Trudeau, 40.

  24.René Lévesque, cited in McKenzie, “Trudeau in Hot Water,” 11; and “Lévesque: Trudeau continue à mépriser un peuple qu’il n’a jamais représenté,” LD (February 16, 1968), 9.

  25.Daniel Johnson, cited in McKenzie, “Trudeau in Hot Water,” 11.

  26.Jean-Noël Tremblay, cited in “Tremblay Fires Verbal Salvo at Trudeau,” CP (February 16, 1968).

  27.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Seale, “Trudeau Wavers over Bidding,” 1; Robert Miller, “Now Trudeau Makes It Official,” TS (February 16, 1968), 1; and Pierre-C. O’Neill, “Trudeau connaîtra aujourd’hui ses appuis réels au sien du caucus de députés du Québec,” LD (February 15, 1968), 1.

  28.Lewis Seale, “23 Quebec Liberals Sign Trudeau Pact,” GM (March 20, 1968), 8.

  29.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Anthony Westell and Geoffrey Stevens, “What Made Trudeau Decide to Run,” GM (February 17, 1968), 7; and Pierre-C. O’Neill, “Trudeau se présente comme antinationaliste et homme de gauche,” LD (February 17, 1968), 1.

  30.Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Memoirs (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1993), 87–88.

  31.Claude Ryan, “Les ambiguïtés de la candidature de M. Trudeau,” LD (February 17, 1968), 4. See also Albert Lévesque, “Les sophismes de M. Trudeau,” LD (February 20, 1968), 5.

  32.Editorial, “Is Canada Ready for Pierre Trudeau?” TS (February 17, 1968), 6.

  33.Editorial, “And Now, the Real Trudeau?” GM (February 17, 1968), 6.

  34.Patricia Jolivet, cited in Jack Cahill, “Time for Gamble on Trudeau,” TS (February 23, 1968), 3.

  35.Szablowski, “Les raisons d’une certaine opposition,” 5.

  36.Cited in Michael Best, “Hellyer Is Prairies’ Favourite,” TS (February 26, 1968), 7.

  37.For a taste of this voluminous literature, see George Grant, Lament for a Nation: The Defeat of Canadian Nationalism (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1965); Phillip Resnick, The Land of Cain: Class and Nationalism in English Canada, 1945–1975 (Vancouver: New Star Books, 1977); James Laxer and Robert Laxer, The Liberal Idea of Canada: Pierre Trudeau and the Question of Canada’s Survival (Toronto: Lorimer, 1977); Sylvia Bashevkin, True Patriot Love: The Politics of Canadian Nationalism (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1991); and Stephen Clarkson, Uncle Sam and Us: Globalization, Neoconservatism and the Canadian State (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002).

  38.Pierre Trudeau, cited in “Trudeau Says Gordon Nationalism Is Not the Answer,” TS (February 16, 1968), 1.

  39.Walter Gordon, cited in Geoffrey Stevens, “Liberals Kick Fringe Candidates,” TS (March 26, 1968), 8.

  40.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Jack Cahill, “Trudeau No Gordon Disciple,” TS (March 28, 1968), 8.

  41.Pierre Trudeau, cited in “Opposed 1939 War, Trudeau Admits,” GM (March 30, 1968), 4.

  42.See Lewis Seale, “Five Key Men,” GM (February 17, 1968), 1; and editorial “Liberals Pick Their Man,” VS (April 8, 1968), 4.

  43.Lester B. Pearson. Mike: The Memoirs of the Right Honourable Lester B. Pearson, vol. 3, 1957–1968, ed. John A. Munro and Alex I. Inglis (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1975), 316.

  44.Ibid., 317.

  45.Peter C. Newman, A Nation Divided: Canada and the Coming of Pierre Trudeau (New York: Knopf, 1969), 451–53.

  46.Editorial, “All Present and Incorrect,” GM (February 29, 1968), 6.

  47.Peter C. Newman, “Leadership and the Crisis,” TS (February 24, 1968), 1.

  48.Mitchell Sharp was the biggest loser in the non-confidence episode, since the defeat of the tax bill had occurred on his watch. See editorial, “Now, Alas, a New Blunder,” GM (March 30, 196
8), 7.

  49.“Most Canadians Still Want Martin—But Trudeau Is Gaining,” TS (February 28, 1968), 1.

  50.“Trudeau, Winters Top Star’s Poll,” TS (March 2, 1968), 1.

  51.Pierre Trudeau, cited in “Trudeau Continues Feud with Johnson,” GM (March 7, 1968), 9.

  52.See John Saywell, ed., CAR 1968 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969), 24; and Stephen Clarkson, The Big Red Machine: How the Liberal Party Dominates Canadian Politics (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005), 21.

  53.Eric Kierans, cited in Lewis Seale, “One Nation or Two?” GM (March 30, 1968), 7.

  54.John Turner, cited in Donald Newman, “Quebec Different, Turner Says,” GM (February 20, 1968), 5.

  55.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Don Peacock, Journey to Power (Toronto: Ryerson, 1968), 254–56.

  56.Robert McKenzie, “Trudeau Hits Gimmicks in Quebec Power Pitch,” TS (March 2, 1968), 1.

  57.Pierre Trudeau, cited ibid.

  58.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Robert McKenzie, “Coolest Figure in the Blinding TV Lights,” TS (March 2, 1968), 37; “Trudeau: En m’attaquant Johnson m’aide à gagner,” LD (March 4, 1968), 1; and Vincent Prince, “Lutte à la direction du parti libéral ou guérilla entre MM. Johnson et Trudeau,” LD (March 7, 1968), 4.

  59.Pierre Trudeau, cited in McKenzie, “Trudeau Hits Gimmicks,” 1.

  60.Pierre Trudeau, cited in McKenzie, “Coolest Figure,” 37.

  61.Pierre Trudeau, cited in Donald Newman, “Trudeau Wants Government Powers Divided on Basis of Efficiency,” GM (March 4, 1968), 11.


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