The Assistant's Christmas Wish (The Christmas Wish Series Book 1)

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The Assistant's Christmas Wish (The Christmas Wish Series Book 1) Page 9

by Lexi Ostrow

  When he was done he stood up carefully and stepped to the side of the snow angel. “I thought we could spend the day playing in the snow. Just us, no work, no family.”

  She beamed at him and ran over and kissed him. He sucked in a breath when she pulled back quickly. One day he may get over the urge to have her every time they touched, but hopefully not for a while.

  “I take it that’s a yes.”

  “Very much a yes, Jake.”

  He paused for a second. “Nick.”

  She flushed and pulled away. “I’m sorry, Nick. I am just really overwhelmed by this idea and all the tension with your brother and me.”

  His anger faded and he hugged her. “Don’t worry about Jake. I talked to him and he won’t be bothering you anymore.” He felt her nod and he jumped back from her and bent down, picking up an attempt at a quick snowball. The snow fell around his body instead of hitting her and she laughed.

  “It looks like someone works too hard and doesn’t know how to properly play in the snow. Let me help you.” She bent down and compacted the snow into the smallest ball she could. The smaller it was the better it sailed, the harder it hurt. She let it fly and pegged him dead center on the forehead.

  “Hey!” he shouted and put his hand on his head. “That’s lethal and calls for payback.”

  She watched him as he made the snowball, he’d surprised her. She’d woken up that morning terrified. All night long she’d had dream after dream of Jake taking her. On the floor, in a bed, in the woods against a tree, the scenarios were endless. When she’d woken up she had been ready to pull the rug on her and Nick. If she’d been as in love with him as she’d always thought, Jake wouldn’t have been able to sneak in like he had.

  But the truth was, Jake was a fantastic guy and so was Nick. This whole day had surprised her. Seeing how laid back he was with his parents, not at a business function was a whole new side of him. She’d never in a million years thought he’d do anything in the snow but ski either. He’d only played in the snow with her once, all those years ago. And playing with him in the snow again made all the warm and fuzzy feelings come back.

  Effectively, she was right back to where she started. Only this time, Nick was seeming to be the better choice. He was able to be sweet and caring on top of everything else she loved about him. All the things that were missing for three days.

  A badly made snowball fell apart just before it reached her and she laughed. A moment later one actually hit her and she abandoned all of her thoughts. Maybe she had already chosen with her actions this morning anyway and there was nothing to think about. Jake had seemed so angry it was possible there was no more shot for the two of them. She didn’t know.

  All she knew was that no one should have to make such a big decision in such a short time. As far as Nick knew she had chosen him and as far as Jake knew she’d chosen Nick as well. Maybe it was better to just choose Nick after all. Jake would go back to Paris as if he had never been here and it was possible he’d take all the feelings with him. A small part of her rose up against the thought, but she shook them off. Nick was everything she’d wanted for so long. She was probably just a little afraid.

  “Leena. Come on I can’t play by myself you know? Who knows when the next time I’ll let you shove ice down my pants will be.”

  A wicked grin curved over her lips and she ran and tackled him in the snow. Nick was her Christmas wish and it was time she acted like she’d had her wish granted.

  Chapter 9

  He heard the door close. His mother, Nick and Peter had stepped out for some skiing since the snow had finally stopped. Jake didn’t ski which joy of all joys, left him alone with Leena.

  They hadn’t spoken in two days, barely nodding at one another. But it hadn’t stopped her from being all over his brother. He got the picture loud and clear. He wasn’t her dream man and while she certainly liked shoving her tongue in his mouth he wasn’t commitment material for her.

  Jake was laying on his bed tossing his cell phone up in the air and catching it. He could go outside of the room. But that could result in an encounter with Leena. He’d been civil last night and this morning at breakfast. They hadn’t been alone though. Now it was just the two of them all alone for what would probably be hours.

  The knock on his door stole his focus and his phone slammed down onto his chest. Shit. “What do you want, Leena?” His voice was barely above an uncivilized growl, but he didn’t think she deserved much better from him at this point in time.

  She was quiet on the other side of the door and he pushed off the bed, going to see if she’d left. His hand was on the knob when she finally spoke up.

  “Can we talk a second, Jake?”

  He didn’t say a word but didn’t take his hand of the knob.

  “We really need to talk.”

  With a sigh he twisted the knob and barely tugged the door inward so she could come in. She looked beautiful in her sweats and her hair tugged into a messy bun. It smacked him in the stomach full force and he took a step back.

  “I don’t really think there’s anything to say.”

  She took a step closer, looked up into his eyes and challenged him. “Then why did you open the door?”

  “Because you deal with my brother daily and he’s a stubborn asshole. So I figure you’re persistent and would keep knocking when all I want to do is be left alone.”

  The look on her face looked like he had physically struck her. “I am sorry, Jake.”

  “Sorry is fine, Leena. Now get out.” He pulled the door open and indicated for her to leave, but she didn’t. Anger was slowly building. It was fine that she’d chosen Nick. It’s not like he had ever really thought she’d choose someone she barely knew over the golden boy she’d been drooling over. But it was just insulting the way she kept placing herself alone with him.

  “Jake. I need to explain.”

  “Well, go on then, Leena. This ought to be brilliant.” He dropped his weight onto the bed and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “When Nick asked me here, my entire plan was to seduce him.” She blushed. “Well to try too. I’ve essentially been in love with your brother since I was a kid. I never expected you.”

  “So you had no feelings for me when you got here?”

  “Jake, I barely even remembered meeting you. I’d seen you a handful of times and only hung out with you that one night.” It was his turn to look like he’d been slapped.


  “You were here. You kissed me, Jake. You kissed me like I’ve never been kissed in my life. It was slow and sensual and I could feel how much you enjoyed it. Not in your crotch either.”

  “Well I did something wrong then.” The grumble was out before he could stop it.

  She laughed hard and pursed her lips to stop. “I meant I could tell in how you were holding me, touching me, that the kiss meant something to you. It took over me, the gentleness. Then I got to know you. We both love the same things about Christmas. We’re both more indoors than outdoors. I would have to been blind and stupid to not feel something for you.”

  He stood up, his head swimming with what she was saying. Not once had she blatantly said she chose Nick. His body crowded hers against the wall, but he didn’t make a move to touch her. “So you’re saying all this started because I kissed you like I loved you?”

  She nodded her head, her blue eyes on his darker blue ones. “Don’t say it like that, Jake. Please.” Her voice was soft, her hand was on his chest. He felt the heat of it race through him.

  “I’m not saying I love you, Leena. I’m pretty fucking close though so I need you to take a step back.”

  Her eyes blinked rapidly. Again, she didn’t move. She was going to be the death of him.

  “Leena, I’m serious. We keep getting into this position and if you don’t move, I’m not going to this time.”

  He watched her throat as she sucked in a breath. “I’m supposed to be picking Nick.” She leaned up and pressed her lips to

  Sparks shot through his body. He growled against her lips and forced himself to go slow. If that’s what made her feel for him he was going to blow her mind with it. His lips gently brushed over hers, closed and tender. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his stomach.

  Her hands found their way into his hair and she sighed. His tongue slipped into her mouth and slowly stroked around her tongue. Pleasure coiled in his stomach as he felt her tongue begin to dance with his and her body slowly slid lower onto his body.

  He pulled away from her mouth and carefully tugged her hair free. She smelled like cinnamon and pine trees. His lips pressed a burning path down her neck and his tongue laved her collarbone. She shivered and her hands left his hair and he felt them on his sweats.

  “Leena.” His growl was barely above a whisper. He wanted her to realize what she was doing, but didn’t want it to stop her.

  “Jake.” Her hand pushed the elastic of the grey sweats down and they fell around his ankles. She slipped her hand in the opening in his boxers and the chill of her hand on his dick made him shiver this time.

  He walked over to the bed, nearly tripping as her hand stroked him, and set her gently down. He leaned over and pulled her sweater off and tugged her pants to her ankles. She tugged them off as he fully removed his. He’d been shirtless already and now they were both naked.

  She hadn’t come in wearing panties.

  The thought made his whole body jerk in anticipation. His eyes raked over her. She was tall and thin, but he could see the muscle, probably from all her workouts with his brother. Her breasts were small and perky, the perfect size to suck into his mouth. Her stomach and legs were tan and toned right down the red polish on her toes.

  “You’re beautiful, Leena.”

  She sucked in a breath and stared back at him. He felt her eyes as it was her turn to look and his dick twitched, fully erect now and jutting up against his stomach. “You’re not too bad yourself, DeMarco. Make love to me, Jake. Show me what that’s like.”

  His body roared with a need to bury himself in her. But what drew her here was his compassion. He wouldn’t fuck this up. He lowered himself to the bed and dragged his body against hers. They both groaned as the tip of his cock brushed her core. She was wet.

  He paused and just looked into her eyes. They didn’t look hesitant. They looked like someone in love waiting to be brought to their knees in pleasure. His mouth captured hers then, even as his hips slowly moved against her pelvic area, never entering but slowly teasing them both.

  She was ready to explode. Jake hadn’t been touching her for more than five minutes, but it felt like his hands had been all over her body. Their mouths meshed together perfectly as they kissed, a slow and languid pace as if they had all the time in the world to do this.

  She felt each and every gentle brush of his shaft over her core. Her hips wanted to arch and rub against him more, but she wanted this feeling, this blissful slow loving, to keep going. All she could think about was Jake as he took her breast into his mouth.

  “Oh. God.” Her moan of pleasure seemed loud in the quietness of the room.

  Jake continued his path down her body, kissing and licking little snippets of her skin. His knee pushed her legs further apart just as he kissed right above her pussy. Her hips did arch this time and his next kiss landed right on her core.

  She cried his name and he placed another kiss in her most private part before his tongue slipped inside her body. She groaned again and he licked her tenderly. The slow brush of his tongue was maddening and when he slipped a finger in to stroke her as he licked her, she saw stars.

  No one had ever touched her like this. No other lover had ever made her feel like the process didn’t need to be a hurried rush of bodies slapping together. The stubble on his chin tickled the inside of her thighs. She bent her knees and planted her feet on the bed, opening her body to him more.

  But he didn’t change his pace. His tongue and finger still moved slowly and her vision began to blur as pleasure built and built. When she felt her body begin to tremble with the beginnings of a release, he pulled back.

  Her body was quaking as she watched him slide on a condom before covering her body again. He kissed her, a soft and gentle closed mouth kiss as he sunk his cock deep inside her body. They both moaned at the connection and then he began to slowly roll his hips, taking his cock out of her and sinking back in with each stroke.

  She couldn’t focus on anything. The pace was going to drive her off a cliff, but the tenderness – in his thrusts, in the way he placed random kisses to her face and neck – it was something she never wanted to lose.

  As her release neared, she hooked her legs around his butt and it was his turn to moan as his angle changed. Her hips sped up, seeking the release she could feel so close by. That was when Jake’s control snapped and his hips began to move faster and faster.

  “Jake!” Her orgasm broke out over her entire body. Wave and wave of pleasure poured through her as Jake continued to thrust until he found his own. They stayed that way, connected, as their panting filled the room. He pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to her. She laid her head on his chest and she felt him kiss her forehead.

  “Wow.” He was breathless.

  “Mmm.” She had nothing to disagree with there. She’d never been with someone who’d made certain to kiss every inch of body or love her so slowly she went mad waiting for her release to come. “Jake that was amazing. I had no idea what it could be like when-”

  “When what?”

  “When you have such strong tenderness and feelings for the person.”

  His hand played in her hair while the other wrapped around her and tugged her into him more. Her hand drew small circles on his chest, around his nipple and brushed over the small dusting over hair over his well muscled body. There was no mistaking what had just happened couldn’t be played off as an accident. She’d wanted every second of it and there was nowhere near as much guilt as there should be for being unfaithful to Nick.

  “Now we need to have that talk. Leena, we can’t act as if this didn’t happen.”

  She sat up and bit her lower lip. A few strands of her fine blonde hair were in her mouth and he pulled them out. “I don’t want to pretend like it didn’t.” The words were out of her mouth and she was shocked.

  Shocked that she meant them. Shocked that Jake was the one she wanted.

  “Don’t play with me, Leena.”

  “I’m not, Jake. I think, I think this was going to happen either way. Ever since you got here, every time you were near me I could feel the tension around us. I’ve had plenty of failed relationships. I don’t believe in love at first sight or sex so great you develop feelings. But I won’t deny the intense attraction or all the things I’m feeling about you right now.” She slowly let out a breath.

  The truth was going to damn them and hurt Nick. But Jake had been right; they couldn’t act like it didn’t happen. Even knowing with his hand barely touching hers, she just wanted him to scoop her up and hold onto her.

  “What about me?” His dark blue eyes still radiated lust and she took a deep breath.

  “I don’t love you, Jake. It’s far too soon for that. But I certainly think I could. And that’s honestly not ok, I’m with Nick. I’ve wanted to be with Nick since forever.” She let her eyes drop to the bed as a strange understanding washed over her. “I don’t know if you can have such strong feelings for two men at once, but I definitely do.”

  He smirked and she caught it out of the corner of her eye.

  “I wish you wouldn’t take so much joy in this.” She wanted her heart to feel less conflicted, she wanted to know just who she was supposed to let down, or if it had to be both of them.

  “Sorry. I can’t say I’m pissed this happened, Leena. In fact, I’m pretty fucking thrilled about the whole thing. My brother and I, we’re close. But we’re not so close that we can’t live with your choice. Whoever you chose. Not to mention he’s
rich and powerful. He’ll bounce back.”

  She laughed despite herself. “Oh and will you bounce back?”

  He sat up finally and put his hands up in surrender. “I’m going to have to watch what I say, huh? No, Leena, I wouldn’t quickly, but at some point in time everyone bounces back. I just don’t want to think about having too.”

  She groaned. “This is the stupidest thing in the world for me to be doing. I make fun of women who claim to have feelings for two men. Shit, I watched an entire season of The Bachelorette this summer simply to poke fun at the concept and watch the men cry.” She put her head in her hands and shook it back and forth.

  “Leena, this is going to kill me to say this. It will be ok. No matter what happens. I think I’ve been in love with you since that night we hung out. Just an instant connection; like that tension you could feel between us. I’m not going to push you. All I’m going to ask is you don’t play us. This is too dangerous of waters. Make your choice when you need to, but don’t mess with us, Leena. Just don’t.” His eyes flashed a little darker with the warning and she felt like she was on some turbulent ocean waves somewhere, not cuddled warm in bed next a man who may or may not have just thrown her magical Christmas upside down and down the rabbit hole.

  She just nodded and kissed him. “I don’t want it to be weird for Nick or you. He doesn’t know what happened and I’ll talk to him tomorrow. We’re going to dinner at the lodge and I feel like something private is needed for a conversation like this. No matter how it turns out, I really did want what just happened, Jake. Even if it makes me a horrible person.”

  Leena sucked in a deep breath to push the tears back. She was a horrible person. Nick deserved so much better, but she wasn’t in the position to let go of her young adult fantasy. She still had to believe it was really more than just a fantasy and all that had happened was she’d been faced with two sexy, brilliant men and wanted to taste them both.


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