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Endgame (Book 1)

Page 66

by W. A. R.

  “I guess my keys fell out of my pocket in the house. Think I should go get them?” she asked Shelly in a light whisper and Shelly turned to look at the pink tinted sky on the horizon, daylight slowly breaking through the night.

  Shelly shook her head. “Naw, we are all supposed to meet back at the pond after about three hours anyways. It’ll be alright.” She replied, turning her attention back to Brian who was handing out weapons from the shed. They had all known about the weapons shed, although, there were a few that didn’t know the extent of the weapons that were in it until then. There were guns, knives, bows, and ammunition; enough to last them in the case of an emergency, but not quite enough to fight against people with more advanced methods and weapons. George, Buddy, Jackson, and Damien all graciously took their guns, as did Miles with a bow.

  “We have to be quiet, quick, and decisive. Make every shot count. If you run into trouble, find some way to let us know and we will be there.” He paused, glancing at the rising sun and thinking before turning back to the people before him. “Meet back at the pond in about three hours. Watch the sun’s movements and estimate as best you can. We won’t be coming back unless we are all there.” He said before turning and locking the door back. Shelly heard the audible click and winced, turning to watch Amber ready her bow. Discussions about directions to go, who was going where, and even signals for an emergency were being decided, and Shelly tried to listen to them all but their voices all blurred together.

  “Here.” She heard him say from beside her and she jumped startled. Brian held a rifle for her, standing a few feet away with his arm extended as far as it would reach. She attempted to look at his face, and she saw pain, anger, and regret before he shook the gun at her for her to take. She swallowed thickly, biting back the emotion that was welling up inside of her, and took the gun from his grasp, avoiding contact with his fingers. She sighed. How could she survive like that? She was wasting away, living in a world so damn horrid and cold; she hardly recognized herself anymore. Brian led the way towards the back gate, and Shelly watched as the tension rose between everyone around her as they followed. George sighed, and Jackson turned to look at Shelly, giving her an apologetic smile. So he had heard their argument. She didn’t care, not really. There was nothing she could do to change any of it, so why even try.

  “Move.” Brian said suddenly, and Shelly watched as Buddy stepped to the side.

  “Man, I don’t understand why I have to go with dipshit over there.” He muttered under his breath, but Brian and Miles had heard it. Amber placed a hand on Miles’s chest, effectively stopping him from saying anything. Brian leaned down, attempting to unlock the gate, never looking up.

  “Because we said so. I said so.” He told him, and Shelly shivered. He was calm…too calm. Her eyes shifted to Buddy, and she knew he was going to smart off. He always did.

  “So, what? You’re the boss now?” he asked bitterly, albeit jokingly, and before anyone had a chance to react Brian dropped his keys, his hands coming to grip the collar of Buddy’s shirt. The fence rattled with the force against it as Brian slung Buddy into the cold metal, causing him to wince. Brian held him tightly, pressing Buddy’s body into the fence. The look in his eyes was murder, hatred and it actually frightened Shelly for a moment. “Considering my family is what has kept all of you alive, I’d certainly say so. I’ve had about enough of your shit, so I’d suggest you keep your damn mouth shut.” Brian growled at the man, his eyes like fire before releasing him to stumble to the ground. Amber and George steadied Buddy on his feet. Shelly had to admit, that for just a second the man appeared humbled under the twilight of the morning.

  “Brian, I think you need to calm down.” George said gently, though sternly. “We already have enough going on without you hurting someone.” Brian turned to look at him, frustration dancing in his eyes like fire, and his jaw clenched. George didn’t back down; instead he crossed his arms across his chest, the gun on his back swinging lightly from the movement, and stared at Brian. He was firm in his resolve and it was a glimpse into the hardened man he was becoming.

  “I am calm.” Brian said, his voice composed, however, the lightening flashing in his eyes said otherwise. George clenched his jaw, glancing over his shoulder at Buddy and Amber who watched the scene before them with heated interest.

  “I certainly hope so, for your sake.” George replied, his voice tight and certain. Brian shook his head angrily and began turning to search for his keys. George didn’t press for any further talk, and no one else uttered a sound. Everyone understood clearly that they needed to back off and that was exactly what they did.

  “Hey guys, can I go too? I’ve been good.” Shelly heard someone laugh behind her and Brian knelt down to unlock the gate. Turning, she saw Rick limp his way to them on his crutches and she swallowed the lump that was in her throat. He smiled at them all; officially back to his old self, and Shelly knew he shouldn’t be there; not then. Brian was a time bomb and Rick was going to make him explode. She just knew it. Their argument rehashed in her mind, and Rick was a major player in it. Though he had done nothing, Shelly had blamed him for changing Brian, or well, for Brian changing himself and for that…for every single bit of it, she felt guilty. She had spurred this whole scenario into motion. She watched as Brian paused for a brief second before turning back to the lock before him. He was fuming; he was overwhelmed. His hands shook as he searched for the right key to put in the lock.

  “Hey Rick, what are you doing out here?” Shelly forced herself to ask. She hoped that she could usher him away from there…far, far away. He smiled at her and held up two black flashlights that were in his hands.

  “Figured y’all could use these. It’s still a little dark out, so I thought I would catch you before you left.” He told her, and then his eyes skimmed the faces of everyone else, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Buddy rubbed at his jaw, and Amber glanced helplessly at Rick, her eyes telling him he needed to go. She knew what happening with Brian, and she didn’t want Rick to bear the consequence of it. They simply needed to all go, to split up and maybe then, just maybe, Shelly could calm him down. She at least had to apologize for everything that had happened between them. Still, she had decided to wait and tell him about the baby until he was no longer angry. She wasn’t too sure she could handle that; she wasn’t sure she could handle his anger and disappointment. Her eyes skimmed Rick’s and she knew he was going to ask. He had missed something, and he felt the need to ask what it was. “What’s going on?”

  Jackson quickly stepped forward, reaching a hand out to Rick. “I’ll take those flashlights. Thank you Rick.” He said, taking the flashlights from Rick’s hand and attempting to detour Rick back inside the house, but Rick didn’t move. Instead, he watched as Brian pulled the lock from the chain and hung it on the side of the fence. Don’t do it, Shelly thought to herself, just turn around and go back inside. It was a useless hope to have, because as soon as that thought crossed her mind, Rick looked around Jackson to see Brian unwinding the chain through the gate, leaving it dangling on the fence. The metal clanging reached Shelly’s ears and she shuddered involuntarily. Dammit all. Rick knew that whatever he had missed had absolutely involved Brian. It was painfully obvious, and yet still, did Rick really want to poke that bear? She watched as his eyes skimmed over everyone who stood before him and his face etched over with concern.

  “What’s going on?” he asked again, and Shelly felt guilt eat away at her. Here was Rick, his concerned eyes never leaving his once best friend. The palpable anger was every bit her fault, as she had spurred it on in the tormented mind of her lover. Had Brian and Rick yet talked about everything that had happened between them? No, but it had seemed as if they were going to at some point. Very slowly, it was as if they were getting closer. But all of that work was going to be shoved aside because she had angered him.

  “Nothing that concerns you. You should get back in the house; we’re leaving.” Brian said hotly, and Rick’s eyes widened in sur
prise. He turned to look at Shelly, who shook her head at him. Don’t push it, she mentally begged of him, he’s angry…at everyone. She knew what he was doing this morning…he was trying to justify all of the chaos around them: the Biters, the intruders, and worst of all his feelings. She even thought he might be trying to justify the reasoning for their argument, and she knew if he thought hard about it, they had no one to blame but themselves. He had never been good at expressing himself.

  Rick’s eyebrows scrunched together in concern. “Brian, there’s a little time before y’all have to leave if you need to talk.” His voice was soft, comforting, and Shelly noted the pain that washed across Brian’s face. Finally, Rick was reaching out after everything. Even the little tiff they had the morning before seemed to have vanished. Rick wanted to talk and he was offering this to Brian, to his friend, his brother. Her heart ached for them both, and then she briefly despised herself and her own actions. If she hadn’t fought with him, hadn’t said the things she did, Brian wouldn’t have been so emotionally unstable this morning. If she hadn’t have said the things she said and cut him deeply, maybe then Rick and Brian could have healed the broken relationships they had and the guilt they each carried with them.

  Just as quickly as it had come, the pain on Brian’s face went away, and the anger stationed itself there. He turned his bloodshot eyes to Rick, who shifted the crutches under his arms. “I damn sure wouldn’t talk to you. Get. Out. Of. Here.” Brian declared, stepping towards Rick. Rick, instead of becoming angry simply sighed, his eyes saddened by the man that was no more than a foot away from him. He lowered his gaze for a moment and shook his head, disappointed.

  “Alright, well, in that case, I’ll head on in.” he picked up on his crutches and began turning away from them, from Brian. His voice showed no trace of hurt or pain from how Brian had treated him, and Shelly was shocked to say the least. “Y’all be careful.” Rick told them all over his shoulder as he began limping toward the house.

  “Well, this morning has been interesting, and it’s hasn’t even been thirty minutes into it.” Buddy said, sarcasm dripping from every word as he led the way out of the gate. He was followed by Jackson, George, Miles, and Amber. Shelly was behind Amber, and was fighting the urge to roll her eyes at Buddy’s remark as she began walking out. Then she turned to see Brian, still standing in the morning light, watching Rick hop up the hill towards the house. Damien stopped behind her and turned to see what she was looking at, shaking his head.

  “You were supposed to be dead!” Brian suddenly called out to Rick, his throat clogged with emotion. Shelly felt her heart pick up its pace, and she couldn’t tear her eyes from the two men before her. How could Brian have said something like that? Everyone stilled, surprised at the words that stemmed from Brian’s mouth. Rick immediately stopped moving and lowered his head in defeat.

  “Brian…” Amber softly admonished a bit painfully, but her brother never turned to her. He continued to stare at the man that had completely broken him.

  “I know.” Was all Rick said in response, turning to face Brian on slow legs. His face was solemn and so…guilty.

  “Brian, we should go. Come on…” Shelly began, stepping forwards, but a hand on her shoulder stopped her. She turned to see Jackson shaking his head solemnly at her. It’s no use he seemed to tell her, and though she understood, she couldn’t hide the anger or disappointment that racked her body at her helplessness concerning Brian’s pain and anger.

  “You haunted me, dammit! I had to live with thinking I let you die and now…now every damn time I look at you I see my failure.” Brian told him. Shelly knew he was crying, and that he was trembling. It was hard…much too painful. Rick stared at him, sighing.

  “You didn’t leave me there. I left you. I’m sorry, Bri.” He said, and even Shelly could feel the sincerity and heartfelt traces underlying his words. She felt as if there was a double meaning to his words. She felt as if he were trying to tell them something; a small part about what happened so that maybe Brian would understand and not blame himself. Brian didn’t care, however, as he turned back around towards the gate, towards Shelly. His eyes were red-rimmed and tired.

  “You should have stayed dead.” He called back over his shoulder, passing by Shelly and waiting for both she and Damien to pass through in order to lock the gate. After the sound of the lock clicking in place reached her ears, Brian turned, grabbed his bow from his shoulder, and began walking west into the woods. Without another word, everyone dispersed, and before Shelly realized it, there was nothing but silence around her; silence and the sound of crunching leaves. Birds were beginning to trill their early morning songs and the dew covering the ground sparkled in the growing sunlight. Still, she never breathed a word. She couldn’t; she wasn’t even sure of what to say, or how to say it without upsetting him. All she wanted was to make things better, make him, as well as herself, forget about everything that was happening; but that was an impossibility. Brian never spoke either; instead he went deeper and deeper into the thicket of the woods, searching for anything that led to signs of food or other life. He glanced over his shoulder occasionally, she guessed to ensure that she was still there. After about thirty minutes, he knelt down beside a tree, motioning for her to sit down beside him.

  This went on for about two hours, Shelly remaining quiet, Brian listening to the sounds around them. There were a few gunshots hitting the air around them, but they were distant. She wasn’t too worried about them, considering their task that morning. Brian didn’t seem too interested in them either. The entire time, she knew that he was replaying all of the events of the night before and that morning in his mind. He was even thinking of the horrors they were sure to face in the near future. She hoped that he would come to his senses. She was thinking of all of these things as well when a young buck sauntered out in front of them, about thirty yards away. Shelly’s breath caught in her lungs at the near vicinity of it. Brian never moved, however, watching it and everything around it: the winds, the rustling of tree limbs. The deer casually grazed at the acorns that had fallen on the ground, occasionally glancing around at its surroundings. Brian suddenly lifted his readied bow, slowly and surely, pulling back on the string. The deer saw this movement and watched them, its jaw moving as it chewed on an acorn noisily. It didn’t spook easily, and Shelly attributed this to the Biters that roamed the world then. Surely the animals had to be used to their rustling and moving about, so they only ran when they had to, or had gotten too close to the flesh eating monsters. Brian aimed, judging the distance; and they all sat there, staring at one another for a long moment before the swift sound of the string whipping back to its previous position caught her ears. The hollow sound of the arrow hitting flesh sounded and the deer jumped and ran. Brian lowered his bow and stood, sighing.

  “It shouldn’t have gone far.” He told Shelly gently, slinging his bow onto his shoulder and making his way to where the deer had stood. She stood, her legs and back aching from sitting still for the better part of two hours. Shelly stared at his back as he moved, noticing how the well-defined muscles of his back moved beneath his shirt and she longed for him to hold her again. Very slowly, she picked up her pace to walk beside him. He tossed her a curious glance and she ignored it, reaching over and taking his hand in hers. It felt so warm and familiar; he felt so warm and familiar. It was what she had to do, and she wondered why it had taken her so long to realize that. He squeezed her hand, his fingers curling around her knuckles and he stared at her as if…almost as if he couldn’t believe she was real. She couldn’t help but blush under his scrutiny and the feelings that had been gone between the two of them were slowing coming back. “Have I told you how beautiful you are lately?” he asked her and she quickly lowered her gaze to the ground, spotting blood. Her eyes began scanning for more in the direction that it had run.

  “Not really.” She gave him some variation of the truth. She expected him to retreat back into his shell, to be become angry, but he didn’t. Did she
want him upset and angry again? Certainly not but she wasn’t going to lie to him. Instead, he sighed, appearing hurt and a small part of her despised herself.

  “Oh.” He said simply, pausing before speaking again. “I didn’t want to believe everything you said last night.” He admitted, kicking a leaf over easily with his boot, and she noticed the volume of blood growing larger. She looked up at him sadly, and he refused to look at her. Instead, he rubbed the back of his neck, his mind in thought. She understood that he was trying to find the right thing to say, or trying to find anything to say at all. The latter worried her. “I didn’t sleep. I was worried about you, about us, about everyone. Everything is just so…chaotic. I guess I never thought that things would get this way. I thought the world was bad enough already; that the horrors of killing people we’ve loved were enough. I guess I was overwhelmed with the fact that…it wasn’t.”

  Shelly watched their feet move in tandem. “I’m sorry for everything I said last night. I shouldn’t have…”

  Brian immediately cut her off. “Shelly, everything you said about me was right. I was trying to prove a point with Rick and I let that get in the way of us, of my family, of everything. And I was still so angry this morning because I knew…I knew you were right. That is what upset me more than anything else.” He told her as the blood grew thicker with every passing step they took. She hesitated before speaking and he glanced over at her with obvious speculation. “What?” he asked her and she glanced up at him.

  She attempted to shrug nonchalantly. “Why did you say what you did to Rick earlier?” she asked him. She was genuinely curious. She glanced ahead and saw the deer come into view, lying on the ground and panting. The arrow stuck out of its ribs, and it shifted uneasily, attempting to move but to no avail.


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