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Good for Me

Page 10

by Aeryn Jaden

  Of all the shitiest shit ideas, that performance with Julie had to have been the worst.

  He had his doubts from the beginning but before all else he was a professional, not that he had acted like one in this case. He should have never got involved with Tyler. Once it got to serious and he had made a mess by panicking over Tyler when he was attached, the shit had literally hit the fan. Too much attention and things almost went to hell. Great fucking solution to that…

  The moron next to him followed his gaze.

  “Dude, the teach looks like a bum.”

  Can’t smack him when he’s right. And he had done too much already to blow things up now. He just hoped he’ll catch a break before he’ll break.

  “Sure do.”

  Timothy turned sly eyes on him.

  “Heard a rumor about you and some hot chick.”


  The kid sighed, put upon by his lack of response.

  “Oh, come one. Share a little. Word is, teach caught you two doing it.”

  Well fuck. Did all the university know about this? Sure, great job at keeping it quiet. Not. Fuck it. He had to talk to Tyler. Two weeks was two weeks too much.

  “Man, you’re no fun!”

  Another kid whined some more and Bain tried hard to tune him out. A bit of growling shut him up good and fast. Some muscle flexing made them get out of his personal space so he could breathe a little. Fat chance on doing that for the last week. And he was just watching the reason for that walking away.

  “Hey man, chill. Jezz, you’re in a sore mood!”

  Timothy was quietly observing him.

  “Trouble with keeping up? You look real tense lately.”

  He got his shit together quickly and played upon that impression.

  “Maybe. Can’t relax for shit. And…”

  He made a dramatic pause, hesitated in his speech then leaned closer to the guy to whisper in his ear.

  “I have some pills that help, you know. Of course, they’re completely legal. Lately they don’t do squat.”

  “Really now. That’s interesting.”

  “You wont say anything , yes man? I mean, they’re legal and all , but… “

  “Its not my business dude.. And hey, you’re not hurting anyone. Sometimes you need something extra to help you relax some.”

  The kid turned big eyes on him and Bain made a show out of frowning left and right all worried before letting a relieved breath.

  “I know off a great party tonight. Maybe you’ll find something relaxing there.”

  Huh. He’ll bet he would. And not a moment too soon. Finally!

  ‘Usually when somebody calls it means they want to talk with you.”

  Well, shit. Looks like the time has come. I constructed carefully a neutral expression and turned to face Bain. And my heart had not speeded up at the sound of his voice.

  “Usually when somebody doesn’t answer after five calls in a row and then they don’t return the mentioned calls, means they don’t want to talk to you.

  My mamma would have been proud of that haughty tone of voice. Very high class snobbism and superiority. Polite and straight to the you’re not worthy of me stepping-on-you point. Take that! Satisfaction coursed through my veins at his cautious look and overrode any twinge or pang I absolutely didn’t feel. I could do this. I had practice and the best teachers.

  “I can see that. Still you’re gonna listen. Last week…”

  “I absolutely don’t have to.”

  I turned my back to him and continued to my next class.


  Just a little bit further…


  His hand stopped me and I flinched. Bain released me immediately. I knew what he thought, that I was afraid of him or something. I didn’t found it in me to care. I was too busy… holding myself together.

  “I need to talk to you. I need to explain. What you saw…”

  Need?!That’s rich.

  He stopped as soon as he meet my eyes and I wondered if the cold anger I felt showed there. Then I smiled coldly at him and delivered another blow. I wanted him to fell, to hurt. My disdain could be heard in every word I threw at him.

  “You need ? I don’t give a fuck what you need. You think your explanations are worth my time? Let me tell you then, they aren’t, because they don’t matter, you don’t matter. And if you dare touch me again you’ll find yourself without a limb. Regardless of your gigantic moronic size, I can assure you I know more that three ways to make you eat dust. Now if you’ll excuse me Mister Conner, my students are waiting for me. Have a nice day.”

  It felt good to stand for myself and walk away. Felt good to see that neutral expression trying to hide the hurt I caused and his shoulders shag in a dejected posture. He didn’t follow and I knew he got the picture now. It felt good for about two minutes. Then it didn’t.

  Bain lingered in the same spot unaware of people passing or the strange looks he got. Tyler had long slipped out of view. He had expected to encounter anger but still… That… that Tyler he didn’t know. From an exterior point of view it wasn’t such a big deal. So he’d blown his chances with the guy, he hadn’t knew him so well anyway, right? Not long enough to matter.

  It was a big deal, damn it! It matter because Tyler mattered. He had felt… Bain had known from the beginning that this guy was different. That he will matter.

  Sleep seemed to elude me lately. And it wasn’t a work related reason, either. Memories of heat, whispers and burning caresses kept me awake even when my body was ready to collapse.

  The meeting with Bain had unsettled me. I expected it to be difficult but… I don’t know. I felt restless, as if my skin itched and pulled at me in seven different directions. Maybe it was my mind. I never linger once I took a decision. And I decided Bain Conner was bad for me. I didn’t need all the complications he brought. These feelings and this restlessness were not me. Well, the sex was a plus but it didn’t weight as much as the rest of the stuff did. I was maybe a little scared, I knew, but I refused to admit that was the main reason I was shunning Bain. There were other reasons to blame my being awake and nursing a bottle of wine on a late Thursday night.

  My stubborn dick being the main culprit.

  How lame was I? All flaming and shit that the guy who had given me my first hand job had lied to me. For god’s sake, grow up! Sex is sex, flowers and shit don’t mix with it often.

  I had an inexhaustible number of platitudes to help convince me my dick wasn’t right and I didn’t regret not listening to Bain so after I could tie him down to the nearest bed and exorcise all my frustration. The wine wasn’t helping much.

  The knock on my door made me spill it on my pants. That helped a little.

  Opening my door and seeing Bain, negated the effect and managed to bring my dick right back up in a happy jump. I have to give it to the guy, great timing and nice stamina…

  “I have to put in a peep hole.”

  He frowned at me displeased and I bristled.

  “I’m glad you’re aware. It’s not safe to open like that.”

  No, shit.

  “So I see. Thanks for the safety lesson, I have sure learned it.”

  Before I finished my move to close the door in his face he had forced his way through the door and closed it behind him.

  “We need to talk. And I’m not leaving until we do.”

  Me shrugging a shoulder didn’t go too well. He gritted his teeth and stalked me to the living room.


  “Jesus, you’re unbelievable.”

  “So I’ve been told.”

  I heard some mumbles and low curses, something about reddening my ass and I parked that targeted ass on the couch away from any tempted hands. I didn’t doubt that Bain had a lot of self control, but I seemed to be good at pushing all his buttons. Which I perversely enjoyed doing.

  The wine mellowed my attitude and I was felling a bit vulnerable. Without my anger shielding me, my resolved
started to slowly crumble. Him being six foot six of sexual appeal and rough sexy manhood didn’t help one bit. My dick was providing me alternative scenarios for banishing my frustrations.

  “Tyler, what you saw that day was only an act. I’m very much gay.”

  “Uh-uh. And I should be interested because?”

  That stopped him.

  “You don’t care if I was cheating on you?”

  Ok, this should be interesting. My inner bitch readily agreed to come out to play.

  “Firstly there has to exist such a thing called us to call that cheating. I may be a virgin but I believe a hand job doesn’t make us a couple. Ergo, it’s your business what you do with your time, hands and lips or any other part of your anatomy.

  Poor guy, he looked a bit crushed. Did I have more wine?

  Bain studied my fidgeting with an impassible expression and I barely controlled my urge to jump up and jump him. When his perusing reached my lap, I rolled my eyes in disgust. Game over.

  “Tyler…There is something here. Maybe you don’t realize it because you don’t know what to look for. I had countless one night stands…”

  Really? Why the hell was he telling me that? I don’t fucking want to know about all his fucks!

  His eyes continued to observe my reactions and I got the idea some of what I felt showed thought.

  “…and I never felt the way I feel around you. What we started is…”

  “Special, huh?”

  I rolled my eyes to be sure he gets it.

  “Oprah, here I come. Why don’t you get to the point?“

  I was on the verge of saying something stupid, I could feel it. I could feel the wine also.

  “So, wanna fuck? I’m in the mood and night clubs are not my scene.”

  Uh-oh. Kidding , really…Please get mad and walk away…

  He was just standing there, still observing me. I think I dropped my glass when he nodded slowly.

  “Okay. Let’s…fuck.”

  Me and my big mouth!

  Chapter Seven

  I ended up in my bedroom and half-naked before I could blink twice. I was screwed. Ha-ha, funny. Well, I was. On one hand, my dick was doing the hula dance, vastly approving the developments. On another hand if I pulled back now, he’ll expose me as a liar and come with more notions of “special”. Those were disturbing for my inner peace. And lastly but not forgotten, I was a twenty-six year old virgin. Maybe it was time to fix that. At least Bain had my body’s approval to proceed on fixing that small glitch.

  If my mind was trying to scream danger and warn me about something, the wine had taken care of it. I could hear only the blood pumping through my veins and a hitched breathing sound that could have been mine.

  He half-muscled me, half-dragged me by the arm in front of my unmade bed. The sheets were all tangled, testimony of my restlessness. A sudden thought made me stop retreating. It was almost 1 AM. What the hell was he doing here?

  “Clothes. Off.”

  He started doing it himself without waiting for a response and pulled up on the ragged T-shirt I preferred sleeping in. Seems like the time for talking was over. I shivered when the back of his hand touched my chest but if he noticed my reaction, he didn’t acknowledge it. His focus was strictly on getting me out of my clothes and I quickly found myself butt naked in the dark bedroom. He was still fully clothed, standing silent in front of me and with the same impenetrable expression that made my nerves churn in my stomach and a shiver of blasted excitement run down my back. Who would have guessed arrogant macho men did it for me?

  My reprieve of having darkness as a somewhat cover ended abruptly when he turned on the lamp beside my bed and his eyes seared my skin with a flash of heated desire.

  They were saying it was to late now for me to bullshit my way out of this. I doubted my little fella would have forgiven me if I backed down at this stage. Not that I intended. What the heck did I have to lose?

  With that thought in mind, I tried my second forward invitation and slowly laid myself back on the bed. If looks could burn, I should be ash.

  But he didn’t move a muscle, just stood there watching me until I started to feel more than embarrassed, almost mortified and some of my wits returned making me wonder what I was doing here exactly.

  “We need lube.”

  A flush traveled up my body and I mutely pointed to my nightstand where I had hidden some unidentifiable objects that just made their way in my bedroom and that I had barely abstained to crack Sean’s head with.

  Bain let out a small laugh and opened the drawer to examine what I had, looking alarmingly similar to a big cat cleaning his whiskers in front of a squeaky mouse. I trembled expectantly. I guess there’s more than one way to be eaten…

  “Kinky. Who would have guessed. Got any particular preference before I start choosing?”

  “They’re not mine!”

  He raised that famous eyebrow at me in mock surprise and I got the felling he was still pissed, never stopped being and that I was in deeper trouble that I thought.

  “You share your toys?”

  “I don’t have the slightest idea what those are for!”

  “Well then, I guess I should teach you. We’ll start with something for beginners. I may have some cuffs for that gag…Mmm, maybe next time.”

  My eyes boggled at that and I didn’t know if the tremors were of excitement or apprehension. That velvet voice was making it a bit hard to think.

  He pulled out an object similar to a dildo but with a flared ending. I was afraid to guess.

  “This is a butt plug. And I’m gonna use is to plug your butt.”

  He turned to me and crawled on the bed until he was poised over me with his knees framing my hips. My dick rubbed on the harsh material of his jeans and I heard myself letting out a strangled whimper. I was caught under his stare and his posture was making it clear I wasn’t going anywhere. He had the damn butt plug in one hand and in the other he held a bottle of clear gel. Lube. Oh, fuck.

  “Turn around.”

  I wanted to point out I couldn’t with his weight nailing me to the mattress when he took the matters in his hands and manhandled me on my belly. I may have squeaked at the brusque move. His finger trailing down my crease started my tremors again and I muffled another whimper in the bed sheets. God, I was terrified.

  Bain wasn’t letting me voice any protest. He bit hard on the pulp of my upper leg before touching me again with wet fingers. He folded my balls for a moment making them pull up against my shaft then proceeded to reach toward his goal, circling my clenching opening.

  “I’m gonna enjoy putting that plug in you. I’ll start with one finger and go up from there until you’re putty in my hands and your tinny winking hole is so relaxed the plug will slide deep right in. It’s smooth, it’ll press against your prostate and drive you crazy. I’ll drive you crazy. And then when I’m bored of teasing you, I’ll pull it out and replace it with something better, bigger and give you exactly what you want. What you seem to need. A good old hard fuck.”

  Fuck! I almost shoot my load at his growled words in my ear. He sensed me tensing and did something very frustrating, pressed beneath my dick on a spot of sensitive skin and my impending orgasm retreated.

  “What the fuck?!”

  “Did I forget to mention you’ll come only when I allow you to? If so, I’m telling you now.”

  That stung. My pride tried to surface but my body was melted under his touch. Before I could retort, he pressed that teasing finger sharply inside me and I buckled underneath him.

  We both moaned when I convulsed around him. It burned. I wanted more.

  “Sweet… I’m gonna enjoy pushing in that tight sheath of yours. Just imagine…You’re gonna squeeze me so tight…Clamp right on me.”

  He moved the finger right and left, deeper to shallow thrusts and before I started to relax, added another one.


  His hips pinned me down fast and one of those big hands pulle
d on my cheek and opened me to his view.

  “That’s it, baby, take it… Jesus, you are so beautiful.”

  Now, in normal conditions this would be when I would point out that men aren’t beautiful. Those busy fingers of his banished any smart remark I could think off and proceeded to do what he said he would. Namely, drive me out of my mind. I felt tight, full and burning. I was surprised I wasn’t blistering his fingers were he was probing me. My back was arching in the hand that was now tormenting with firm caresses my backside before returning periodically to knead my butt. The man seemed to have an obsession. I heartily approved.

  “Ready for one more?”

  I nodded frantically, ready for anything just so he’ll give me something and the sadistic bastard laughed.

  “I should make you beg for it out loud. Don’t worry, I have to keep something for next time. Anyway, I’m still gonna make you beg soo good…Ready, huh..? Then you’re gonna love this…”

  I had one second to panic before I felt a smooth broader object replace slowly the fingers in my ass. He pushed steadily, keeping me still when I started to fidget, thorn between the need to fill the empty space left by his teasing digits and the need to escape that burning slide.

  “That’s it…easy now. Take it slow…breathe. That’s it…Jesus, I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you.“

  His words added to the pressure inside me and I felt myself open under his ministrations. The plug jutted inside me and pushed a spot his fingers had purposely avoided.


  “That’s your magic button, baby. Remember it because soon I’ll pound it ‘till you scream.”

  He was rhythmically rubbing on my legs and I realized with a start that while I was trashing beneath him, he was still clothed. Perhaps I should have been ashamed but the thought just got me hotter. I was so aroused that I was sure I won’t last long, delaying tactics or not.

  He pulled on the plug and I keened when it slapped back inside. Jesus fucking Christ!


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