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To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5)

Page 46

by John Buttrick

“This is no such thing,” Angelina protested, red-faced, and clearly outraged. “How dare you speak in that manner?”

  Cleona leaned forward regally and focused the royal stare upon her niece. “How did you come by that gem?”

  Angelina stiffened her upper lip and almost dared royal wrath by hesitating to answer the question. If the question had come from anyone but the Queen, Daniel was sure she would have never answered it. “On my last visit to the palace I glanced upon the amulet Fenton Chen used and admired it. I had one made to resemble his.” Her voice sounded sincere and honest as the taste of pure cool water on a hot day.

  Daniel did not believe a word of it, and yet saying so was not the place of a Knight of the Realm. She answered the question and to contradict her would be as good as calling her a liar in front of the highest judge in the land.

  Cleona held out her hand. “As we just witnessed my Knight being chastised by his wife for not verifying an assumption, let us not make the same mistake. You will hand me the necklace.”

  Again the hesitation, yet the royal niece could not refuse. “Are you saying my word is in question?” Her brown eyes watered with unshed tears.

  Cleona’s hand remained extended toward the object required, unaffected by the show of emotion. The legal heir to the throne took off the necklace and placed it in the Queen’s hand.

  Without hesitation Her Majesty placed the gem against her forehead and spoke out loud. “Oh, good evening Fenton. No, this is not an emergence. Yes, yes, I am feeling well. This amulet? No, I borrowed it from my niece. Well, I actually believe it might be a good idea to have a back channel to Aakadon. I did not mean to intrude on your evening. Certainly, and I have missed receiving advice from you. Perhaps in the near future circumstances will change and we will meet again. Yes, and may you also have a pleasant evening.”

  The conversation ended, Angelina was fidgeting, seemingly unsure of what to do with her hands, and the tears now seemed to be genuine. “What!” the Queen snapped, causing the young women to flinch, “were you thinking? Just knowing you would be Queen right now if Daniel had not cured me of the Lethal Growths sets my teeth on edge. Why would you spy for the Serpents?”

  Angelina opened her mouth to reply and a hiccup escaped. It took a little while before she found her voice. “I am not a spy. Fenton Chen is my confidant and more than that, he is my link to Aakadon. Ducaun’s history with the city of the Aakacarns has been historically rocky at best. I wanted to improve relations and establishing a strong relationship with one of its most respected Accomplished seemed in my judgment to be the best way to go about it. We only have his word,” she said, eyes glaring, while pointing at Daniel, “that Fenton is a Serpent in disguise.”

  “Niece, it is not the word of my Royal Knight that is in question, but your own. Speak on for I am not yet satisfied with your answer.” Cleona made her perspective clear and allowed no deviation of subject or the questioning of anyone else’s integrity.

  Angelina stood sniffling and wiping her tears and then must have concluded she had no choice but to come up with an explanation. “The discovery of a Potential on Mount Tannakonna came after I received the gift from Fenton, and I believed both things would help me greatly when my time to rule came. In fact, all went well until the trumpet of Tarin Conn was snatched and I finally met Sir Daniel. I found him to be strong willed and arrogant, yet did not know it stemmed from the fact that he could still cast spells, however limited at the time. Never-the-less he served House Ducalin well in bringing those to justice who dared attack my home and were responsible for the death of my brother. But since then he has been a detriment to Ducaun, breaking the rightful Silencing imposed upon him by the Grand Maestro when he could have stuck to the casting of minor spells and avoided bringing the wrath of Aakadon down upon us, declaring a Realm Alert, making us a pariah among the nations, and bringing warfare to our borders, and along the ports and docks on the Taltin Sea. If you had passed away, I would be Queen, and the only way I can see to solve the current rift in relations is to order Sir Daniel to surrender himself to the Eagle Guild. The attacks would stop, the embargo would go away, and Ducaun would once again be at peace. So, yes, I told Fenton what you told to me in the hopes of bringing an end to the many troubles that can be laid at Sir Daniel’s feet.”

  Daniel longed to correct the record. For a person given so much information, she was woefully ignorant of the true state of things. Before he could get the words out, Cleona spoke. “I would be dead if Daniel had not broken the Silencing and Tarin Conn would be free right now. If you were Queen, the Chosen Vessel would be locked away in the bowels of the Eagle Guild, and the world would have no hope of winning the War of the Champions.”

  Prince Collin stared at Angelina as a man might look upon a pile of rubbish. “Mount Tirana would still be a major base of the Serpent Guild and so would Mount Gosian if not for his valiant efforts. We would have been the first kingdom to fall in the War of the Champions and instead we are the most prepared and a Ducaunan Royal Knight of the Realm is the Creator’s choice in leading the fight. You were briefed on the decisions made in the secret meeting this morning. How much have you told Fenton Chen? Does he know two hundred Benhannon Guardsmen will be embedded in each of our legions, that every Lord in the realm, Royal Knight, and General will have a squad for protection? Have you informed him that a squad of Sir Daniel’s guardsmen will be on every ship in our navy in order to increase their destructive capabilities? Did you tell him our shipwrights are making vessels modeled after the eleven captured by Daniel? Please, tell us you have not told Fenton about the two hundred-fifty mantas.”

  Angelina was staring at the floor during the harsh questioning and then looked up. “Aunt, I did not want you to die, it just seemed in evitable at the time. Of course I am pleased Sir Daniel was able to heal you, even to the point where you are now carrying the next heir to the throne as a result of that healing. As for our champion, I have more trust in the leaders of Aakadon where the fate of the world is concerned. And no, Highness,” she said while turning to Collin. “I did not mention those things you listed, but I still do not see any reason to keep secret the fact that Sir Daniel has entangled the Dark Maestro in an inescapable trap. Those invisible waves the old fool keeps blasting at the world are so much easier to accept when we know it is the worst he can do. Why should we few be the only people with such comfort? Why make the common people cringe in ignorance?”

  Daniel could restrain himself no longer. “Because my fellow Aakasear is much older and has many more years of experience in the art of spell crafting than I do. Less than a year ago I was building a cabin on Mount Tannakonna, expecting to invite a young woman to be my wife, and then everything changed. Before I cast my first spell, I was just as afraid of the spell-casters as any Ducaunan, and wanted nothing to do with them. Tarin Conn knew what I was before I did. That is why he tried so hard to recruit me in the early months of my career as a spell-caster. By contrast, he had been composing spells for twelve hundred years and has spent a thousand years with not much to do except create new Melodies. I have told this to members of my own guild who think as you do, and so I will tell you the same thing, just because I cannot think of a way for him to escape the trap I sprung on him, does not mean he cannot think of a way. Maybe it takes another Aakasear to understand it is unwise to underestimate the creative mind of another Aakasear.”

  The Queen chose that moment to step in. “While the trap seems inescapable, I agree, as you mentioned the same reasoning to me this morning, it is prudent for us not to become so sure of Tarin Conn’s fate that we do not prepare for the possibility of him finding a way out,” Cleona stated, a clear attempt to mollify him. She held up the necklace. “I will return this to you after the communication device has been removed and trust you will no longer seek to confide state secrets to Fenton Chen, even if you are not satisfied he is secretly a Serpent.”

  “I will cease communicating with Fenton and will not reveal any more secrets, no mat
ter how unnecessary I feel the restriction to be,” Angelina replied. She sniffed and proceeded to rub the tears away from her red eyes.

  This did nothing to sooth Daniel’s temper. “Just so you know; another reason why I wanted the Da Capo to remain a secret is because I doubt anyone would have suspected the truth and therefore would spend perhaps centuries searching the world for a crescendo that does not exist. We all know the Serpents are famous for such endeavors and it would have tied up resources that would otherwise be used against us. My decision was never based on modesty or a selfish desire to keep knowledge from the masses. Congratulations, you have saved the Serpents so much time and effort,” he knew that last sentence was sarcastic, but their nonchalant dismissal of the revelation irritated him.

  Cleona, Collin, and Sherree looked at him with widened eyes as if shocked by his tone. Angelina’s face flushed with anger and she found an outlet. “You should be thanking the Creator right now that I am not the Queen or you would be held in contempt!”

  She was right about that, he was feeling contempt for her. “I give thanks to the Creator every day for many things. Forgive me for being displeased that the false trail I laid for our enemies has been so blithely eliminated by those who I erringly thought could be trusted with the information,” he replied, and because she started to puff up as if to launch into a tirade, added, “It is kind of like when you blithely gave Fenton Chen information about the trumpet of Tarin Conn.”

  No words came out, shaky hands flew up to her mouth, and fresh tears gushed from the already blood-shot eyes. Right on target, his educated guess was a deliberate hit to the heart, just as he intended. Her brother Kryten had been killed by sasquatches under the command of Serena, who had stolen the trumpet. The young Ducalin had been attempting to bring news of the attack to the Queen and only part of him was found in the swamp. These events had been set in motion by the young lady whose only punishment for revealing state secrets was to have the toy taken away from her with a promise never to do such a thing again. She probably never connected her actions with the theft and death.

  Whatever feelings Cleona may have had concerning his tone of voice were clearly swallowed up the gravity of what had been said and her niece’s reaction. “Angelina, is Sir Daniel correct, did you reveal the hiding place of the trumpet?”

  Angelina could hardly speak through the full throated cries that shook her entire body and had the young heir to the throne on the verge of collapsing to the floor. She finally nodded her head in the affirmative and managed a weak, “yes,” before breaking down again. The realization of her carelessness contributing to the death of her brother and the weight of that knowledge was understandably difficult to bear.

  “If it is any consolation,” Sherree began in a soothing voice. “I too trusted Fenton. I told him of the casket marked D.L. and he told me it meant, Determine Lethal, and soon after that Serin Gell showed up and I was numbered among the Condemneds. I trusted that man right up until recently, even when Daniel questioned the trustworthiness of my former associate.”

  The sobbing slowed into quiet weeping, so her words must have helped a little, but the tears would probably go on for a while. Daniel stood up and so did Cleona. “I am sorry about the manner in which we arrived at the truth. My words could have been gentler.”

  Cleona studied her niece for a few moments. “Angelina is not nearly as sorry as she will be. Be that as it is, while your tone could have been more respectful, the truth of your words would not have softened the blow no matter the phrasing. This has been a sad but clearly necessary meeting and I am glad you chose this private setting to make the disclosure. Lady Sherree, I trust that you will not reveal to anyone what has been said in this room, about the trumpet or my niece’s poor judgment.”

  Sherree gave the traditional nod of respect. “I will not even speak of it to Daniel. The matter is in your hands and nothing more needs to be discussed on our part.”

  Cleona nodded acceptance and turned to Collin. “Please escort Angelina to her chamber. My feelings on the matter are so intense I do not wish to pass judgment on her right now, lest the sentence be too harsh. I will retire for the evening and deal with this matter in the morning.”

  “It will be as you say, my Queen,” the Prince Consort replied, and then led the still sobbing niece out of the room, followed closely by Her Royal Majesty.

  Daniel and Sherree went into the hall, the guards had gone, and so she must have felt this was a good time to talk. “I have never heard you take that sarcastic tone with anyone.”

  He sighed while trying to sort through his feelings for an answer. “Tarin Conn is the only other person who managed to elicit that kind of a response from me. Perhaps I am beginning to see people who stand against us as agents of his and the perspective is coloring how I respond to their actions,” he replied. “If you have no preference, I would like to sleep at our mansion tonight. I need to meet with Jared and Marcus in the morning.”

  Sherree smiled coyly. “I will take us to the mansion but cannot guarantee you will be asleep anytime soon.”

  “That’s my wife,” Daniel replied, and was pleased by the swirling of events that made it so.

  Chapter Seventeen: When The Truth Comes Out

  Weeks later, after celebrating the nineteenth anniversary of Sherree’s birth, sparring with Sentinel Commander Chas Herling, and then spending a mark with Jeremiah and Leah discussing the army of Senior Soarers and Coronas who were still camped fifteen spans from Shantear, Daniel, wearing his blue silks and the array, was ready to leave the Benhannon Northland Holding. Sherree had gone to the Benhannon Estate, having scheduled a meeting with the four Conductors of her division along with Captain Bower.

  “Aakadon’s forces have not backed off, but neither have they moved a pace closer. That means Terroll Barnes has succeeded in delivering the message and Simon’s idea must have worked to some degree,” Samuel stated, clearly unaware of the fact that his Maestro had recently discussed the very topic with the First Accomplished and Defense Conductor.

  Daniel inhaled the fresh morning air while walking across Center Court. The spells currently at work kept the icy cold of late winter at the walls, outside snow covered the hills and trees while inside the grounds were green like a spring day. The days of keeping a low profile were gone and it seemed best to remind anyone who thought to attack this holding that Accomplisheds are at the facility and ready to defend it. Carlos walked in front of him protectively, Sero to the rear, David and Silvia to the far right and left while Simon and the Conductor of ISIG strode along at the inner right and left positions.

  “Since they have not joined you or attacked, it seems they have chosen to stand aside and watch,” Silvia offered her opinion while brushing long strands of dark hair away from her eyes.

  Daniel did not have that much faith in Efferin Tames. “Terroll’s message might have given the Grand Maestro reason enough to pause and consider the consequences of attacking us, but that does not mean no actions will be taken. Jeremiah and Chas have already worked out a plan with that contingency in mind.”

  The whip-crack sound of displaced air announced the arrival of Two-bolt Accomplished Buck Duadams. At the age of fifty, he had the stamina of a man half his age and his neatly trimmed beard and mustache held only the barest traces of gray in them. He had a silver medallion on his chest with the profile of a hound formed into the oval, exactly like the one Samuel now wore, as did every member of the ISIG. Each of the eight divisions had chosen a symbol to be displayed on medallions. “Maestro, Conductor,” he greeted both with a nod of respect. “Van Kestrel has returned to his estate on the lake. I am linked to several different flocks of water fowl living on Lake Kestrel and can provide the necessary visual for conveyance to his location.”

  Daniel was surprised by the announcement and looked to Samuel for clarification. “Maestro, I sent Buck to watch the estate shortly after learning you found and restored Lyal, thus giving you the means to reunite him with his father

  The reunification of father and son was always Daniel’s intention, even though the younger Van Kestrel wanted to become one of the Chosen’s Sentinels. “You did well in doing so. David, would you go fetch Lyal?”

  “Certainly,” replied the former juggler, and then went swiftly in the direction of building four.

  “You have a meeting with Joel scheduled to begin in half a mark in the new facility at Starling Cove,” Simon reminded him as if he did not know his Maestro possessed total recall.

  “Are you referring to the property I purchased at the suggestion of Leah and Sherree a few days ago on the southwest coast of Lobenia, the one I authorized as the home of the manta rays, and told you I wanted to visit after several hundred Accomplisheds of the D & D finished building both the underwater and surface facilities?” Daniel inquired, patiently.

  Simon smiled. “That would be the one. I know you cannot forget much of anything unless you remove the memory spell, but you can lock information away in one of those many compartments in your mind and might not get back to it for a while,” he said and glanced at Buck. “I have the impression we are about to take a side trip to Taracopa and felt the need to reopen the little door where the fact is stored.”

  Daniel accepted the response, seeing as it was accurate enough, and he also felt the reunion to be an opportunity worth taking time for, even if it meant postponing a meeting he was looking forward to taking part in. “We can save time by having Buck convey us directly onto the estate grounds, rather than arrive out of ear shot, and with Carlos holding potential to render everyone in the mansion unconscious. With the position secure, he can awaken Lord Van Kestrel, and allow father and son to have a discussion about abduction, the Serpent Guild, Condemnation, and Van Joppa.”

  “That would work,” Samuel gave his approval of the notion.

  Carlos turned around. “Maestro, it would be my pleasure to serve you so.”


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