To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5)
Page 47
“Buck, what do you say?” Daniel asked, eyeing the recently graduated Accomplished.
The former mountaineer pulled back the hood of his blue cloak and scratched his head. “Where I put us depends on when you want to go. Right now the man is on a huge paved area in the back of his rather large house and sipping some red liquid through a reed straw. Leavy is fond of the berries that grow in the bushes by the lake and that little swan has very good eyes, especially for anything of that color. If you want to go after the meeting your Chief Aid spoke of takes place, I don’t know where the thirsty fellow will be and so I may have to take you to a different spot, either way, I can get you there. If you’re wanting my thoughts on going in the first place, I reckon reuniting kinfolk is worth doing.”
Daniel was not surprised Buck would feel that way, given the recent reunion with his long lost daughter Linni. “We will go just as soon as David returns with Lyal. Oh, here they come now.”
Years of physical training had given Lyal the body of an athlete, and the restoration had improved upon his physique, and yet did nothing to enhance his plain clean-shaven face or pointed nose. He had been given the topaz blue uniform with the silver striping, but not a helmet, amulets, or weapons. “Sir Daniel, how may I serve? I hope as a Sentinel,” he said while David took up his former position in the entourage.
Daniel looked the man in the eyes, not missing the stated desire, and decided the young son of a lord deserved an answer. “Commander Herling is more than willing to accept you and I have no doubt you would do well and advance quickly. But you are who you are and before joining the Sentinels can happen, your father must be informed you are alive and well. In fact, the greatest service you can do me right now is to come with us to your family estate and explain to Lord Van Kestrel about the abduction and how you came to be with us.”
Lyal focused on the ground as if suddenly finding the hardened surface of Center Court quite interesting. He looked up after a few moments of pondering who knows what. “Certainly I want to see my father and mother and am more than willing to tell them my recent experiences. The thing is I am not certain my father will be pleased by my desire to join the Chosen’s Sentinels and he is strong willed.”
Daniel had no doubt a man who could be a leader in a rebellion against his king possessed a strong will. The reunion would serve two purposes, one to enlighten the wayward lord as to whose side he was fighting on, and to see if Lyal could fully commit to being a Sentinel. The young man was heir to a dynasty and he could be disinherited if his father did not approve of the decision. “I am hoping your father will be even more displeased with his partner, Van Joppa, when the truth comes out. Your disappearance is the chief reason your father has taken up arms against Van Efery. Meeting him today, right this mark, might be a first step in ending the civil war. Will you help us?”
“You do realize, even if all goes as we hope, Van Joppa is backed by the Serpent Guild, and he will keep fighting with or without Van Kestrel’s support. The civil war will not be over,” Simon pointed out a fact Daniel already new full well.
Perhaps it needed to be stated out loud for anyone whose expectations were set higher than they ought to be. “The realization occurred to me and I am glad you made it plain. I probably would not have mentioned it,” Daniel told him.
Simon nodded his head. “I figured you did and would probably assume everyone had the same understanding. It is the mountaineer part of your character that refrains from speaking of things you think should be obvious and can go without saying.”
“If you mean like seeing a man lowering an empty bucket into a well and my not needing to tell everyone he intends to draw water, then yes, I would not bother mentioning the obvious. Thank you Simon for pointing out that part of my nature.”
“That is what Chief Aids are for,” he replied with a straight face.
The clarification evidently gave Lyal time to make up his mind. “Sir Daniel, I will help solve at least the Van Kestrel part of the problem in Taracopa. I shall not only be serving you, but will also be fulfilling my own responsibility to the realm of my birth.”
Daniel turned to his fellow former mountaineer. “Accomplished Duadams, this is a good time to convey all of us and Simon, if he wants to come, to the Van Kestrel Estate.”
Buck actually waited for Simon to say, “Of course I want to come,” before summoning the potential and focusing the life force energy through the level four baton originally created by Leah.
The darkness came and went. They arrived on the terrace of a sprawling twelve-storied mansion and not more than ten paces from the rebellious lord, who only had the time to yell, “Wha..,” before Carlos rendered him and everyone else at the estate unconscious.
To the right a yacht with three masts was tied off to a long dock. Men were sleeping on the decks and no doubt within the vessel. Carlos was very thorough. Lake Kestral, the southern most of the three great lakes of Taracopa, had a shape similar to a dog’s head in profile with its ears pointing north. In between those ears stood the mansion, directly across from the city of LyVak, which would be the lower jaw, and about forty spans in the distance. Boats of all types sailed on the relatively smooth surface and the dominate activity seemed to be fishing.
Lyal went to the table and sat down across from his father, a gray-bearded man dressed in purple and violet. Daniel gave Carlos an affirmative nod and Lord Van Kestrel opened his eyes, which widened as they beheld his son. He pushed up from a sprawled position and leaned back as if unsure of what he was seeing.
“Yes, I am here. Sir Daniel rescued me from the Serpent Guild, members of which were my abductors, and the Ducaunan Knight has brought me home.”
Dark brown eyes with flecks of gold fixed on Daniel. “Have you come to annex my lands as you did Shantear from Lobenia?” The lord demanded and quickly noted the bodies slumped all over the lawn and everywhere he looked. It was impossible to miss seeing a pair of Teki, six Accomplisheds in the blue silks of the Atlantan Guild, and his own son wearing the same shade in wool. “At least you have granted me one last sight of my son before you kill us as you did my staff.” He apparently had disregarded Lyal’s statement, perhaps unsure of his son’s mental state.
Daniel glanced at a maid on the ground sleeping with her back against the wall. “Much to the chagrin of my Chief Aid, I chose to take time out of my busy schedule and personally bring Lyal home. I asked Accomplished Tyron to put your staff to sleep for a little while so you and your son could have a quiet talk. They can be awakened now if you can keep them from panicking, which is why I gave orders for them to be put to sleep in the first place. You see, people tend to strike out violently when startled, and our mode of transportation can be quite startling, so we acted preemptively.”
“It also establishes which one of the two of us currently wields the power in this meeting,” Lord Van Kestrel correctly stated, eyes narrowing. “Clearly, I cannot stop you from taking anything from me even if you awaken my staff and men-at-arms.”
Daniel took in the view, the mansion, well-manicured grounds, dock, yacht, and the sunlight sparkling off the waves on the surface of Lake Kestrel. “I already have an estate near a lake with a town on the other side, admittedly on a smaller scale than what you have here, and even so I am content with what I own and have no desire to take what is yours. However, I am the Chosen Vessel of the Creator and you are currently on the wrong side of the war I am waging against Tarin Conn and his Serpent Guild. Listen very carefully to your son and choose wisely because I would very much like to see us on the same side the next time we meet.”
Van Kestrel sat up straighter in his chair. “Is that a threat?” The man certainly did not lack courage.
“You can join him, step aside, or be smashed,” Silvia declared in a strong authoritative voice. One would think she was announcing the next act of a Teki performance. “All the Seers of the Teki have acknowledged him to be the Creator’s Champion and only a fool ignores the revelations of a Teki Seer.”
This only caused the elder Van Kestral to puff up even more, this time with indignation. What she had said was true but her timing could have been better, Daniel felt.
“Father, as I started to tell you,” Lyal spoke up, drawing attention back to him. “I was abducted by members of the Serpent Guild, who snatched me at the direct request of Lord Van Joppa,” he began his tale, introduced Daniel’s entourage, and ended with, “Sir Daniel restored my body and gave me back my freewill, that is why I want to join his muster as one of the Chosen’s Sentinels. I want to help rid the world of the Serpent Guild and that cannot be done without him.”
Van Kestrel listened blank-faced and then his eyes went from his son to Daniel. “How do I know you are not exercising mind control over my son? It is possible you instructed him to tell me these things in order to weaken my alliance with Van Joppa.”
The man was suspicious of the story and Daniel figured the rebellious lord had good reason to be, given the circumstances. “While I am not inclined to refuse the application of someone as gifted and talented as your son, his staying here for a reasonable amount of time for you to become reacquainted would not be objectionable. I and my staff will depart and you and Lyal can discuss whatever enters your hearts without any interference from me. You can determine for yourself the independence of his mind and actions. Lyal, when you are ready to return, come out to the lake and announce you want to join the Sentinels. Accomplished Duadams will come and get you,” he replied, along with hinting about how closely monitored the estate is and how someone from the Atlantan Guild can arrive anytime, at will, and unobstructed.
“You would really leave me here?” Lyal asked, apparently stunned by the offer.
“You would really leave him here?” Lord Van Kestrel asked, and both raised their eyebrows in exactly the same expression of surprise.
Daniel almost shrugged his shoulders but suppressed the urge and answered, “Yes, if doing so will prove I am not exerting control over Lyal’s mind. Frankly, I do not have the inclination or time to stand around trying to convince you, Lord Van Kestrel, of my intentions. What the world has been feeling for the better part of a year are the tremors of the larger war that is about to erupt. Speaking of tremors, the harmonic waves we all sensed this morning are the result of the thirty first consecutive occurrence of the spell from Mount Filia, which means Tarin Conn only needs to remove five more gems from his body in order to be free to teleport. At that instant the only thing restraining him will be my spell. We are now at the point where what Silvia stated is true, join, get out of the way, or face the destructive consequences. This is not just your choice alone, it is the decision everyone must make. I will add this; those who choose to step aside will deserve the fate that befalls them should Tarin Conn prevail. I am giving you information, not a recruitment speech. Conductor Cresh has seen Van Joppa in the company of Serpents. The southern lord has not been deceived, but is a knowing and willing ally of Tarin Conn and together they are behind the snatchings, lost ships at sea, and the civil war that has already cost Taracopa the region east of the Aczen River.”
“Are you saying King Bolton is also an ally of the Serpents?” Van Kestrel asked in a skeptical tone.
Daniel shook his head sadly. “No, he is a dupe of Efferin Tames and is using me and the Grand Maestro as an excuse to further his own ambitions. I have no standing on which to stop him, not as a Royal Knight of Ducaun, the Maestro of the Atlantan Guild, or as the Chosen Vessel. Where the security of Ducaun is involved, I have a responsibility to step in; the same is true with regard to the security of my association. In the War of the Champions, my duty is to oppose Tarin Conn and his allies wherever they are. Aczencopa and Cenkataar both enjoy good relations with Aakadon, a thing I do not, and they all will eventually have to make the same choice you do. I will not move against them unless they choose poorly.”
Van Kestrel’s eyes focused on his sleeping people and then settled back on Daniel. “You are about as subtle as a blacksmith’s hammer. Whether or not I believe Van Joppa is my true enemy and is in league with the Serpents, you do, and consider me fully informed.” He paused, taking a few moments to look at his son and then focused back on Daniel. “You will not launch your considerable resources at the Aczencopans because the invasion is a matter between them and Taracopa and the Serpent Guild is not involved. You have brought me much to consider, such as your being able to appear at will deep within my defensive line and kill every one of us as quickly as Accomplished Tyron put my staff asleep, and at the same time have restored my son to me. Lyal has clearly made his choice and it is now my turn to decide. I can be your enemy or friend, but I cannot be both.”
“Now you have an idea of why he established the Department of Emissaries. The art of diplomacy is not one of his talents,” Samuel stated, apparently feeling the need to share that information. It was something Simon would have said if the former Teki had not beaten him to it. “However, you now know our position and we have only been here a quarter of a mark. His way saves so much time.” It was a back handed compliment but a compliment none the less.
“Lyal is my heir. I cannot condone him being in subjection to anyone for life and especially not a foreign Lord of the Land who might then try to lay claim on his inheritance.” Van Kestrel’s concern was completely valid.
Daniel fixed his eyes on the applicant. “If you become one of the Sentinels the service time required will be to the end of the War of the Champions, after that you and any other man or woman in my muster can retire with honors. You, as is the case with the people now serving me, will also be given multiple opportunities to visit your family.”
When Lyal nodded his understanding, his father seemed to accept the decision, but was unlikely to be rushed into changing sides. “I have an army along the Tollus River and one hundred ten spans to the north, all currently engaged in battle with Van Efery’s army. If I change sides now, I will be attacked by the King’s army and Van Joppa’s. If I could be absolutely sure Cyrus is truly responsible for Lyal’s abduction I would turn my army against his and make him pay dearly for his audacity,” Van Kestrel said, taking a position that was not surprising.
Daniel knew it would come to this and was ready for it. “Conductor Cresh can take you to Joppa where proof of the alliance can be seen with your own eyes. After that, we can make a quick trip to Tara. As Samuel pointed out, I do have a Department of Emissaries and a few of its members are in your nation’s capital working with Queen Cleona’s ambassador with the goal of mending the current rift between you and Van Efery. You know far better than I how difficult and delicate the endeavor is, but the ground work has been laid, and the possibility of you and the King joining forces against Van Joppa exists.”
Van Kestrel stroked his beard while taking the time to think over his options and after about a tenth of a mark brought his hand to rest on the table. “It is agreed, Lyal can serve for the duration, provided he visits here on a semi-regular basis, and I will go to Tara with you after Conductor Cresh has proven your allegations to my satisfaction. I want my personal bodyguards, those four men on the floor over there, to come with me on both trips.”
Daniel glanced at the sleeping men, each having a long knife on one hip and a sword on the other. Three of the personal security team members were bulky and one was thin and wiry. “Done, Sam, get him to Joppa, Simon, get ready to transport us to my meeting, Lyal, visit your mother while we are gone, and Carlos don’t forget to wake the staff. Lord Van Kestrel, I will be back in a mark and a half from now, and then we can go to Tara.”
“You are assuming the proof will be convincing,” the lord said with a twisted smile.
Daniel knew the risks involved when assumptions are taken as facts, yet felt confident nonetheless. “You will be traveling with Samuel and so I know only a person who is deaf, dumb, blind, and stupid could fail to believe the truth when presented; words that definitely do not describe you. You were misled by someone thought to be trustworthy, it has happened to me, and
yet when we learn the truth, the necessary adjustments, however painful, are made.”
Van Kestrel nodded, the body guards were awakened, brought up to date on what their lord expected of them, and then Samuel vanished with them in a bright flash and bang.
“Buck, you are welcome to come with us to the meeting,” Daniel invited.
The former mountaineer had been staring at a white swan out on the lake but refocused his attention after hearing his name. “I haven’t seen a manta yet and would be mighty obliged if you allow me to now.”
Daniel looked to his Chief Aid. “If you begin summing potential now, we might just make the meeting on time.”
Three heart beats later he and his entourage, plus Buck, minus Sam and Lyal, all arrived within a cavernous room with a huge dome extending out from an underwater cliff.
Chapter Eighteen: Attack!
The first thing Daniel noticed were schools of fish, sharks, and other assorted aquatic creatures swimming in the waters outside the diamond dome. Among the inhabitants of the underwater realm were twenty-two Atlantan manta rays and the relatively smaller natural creatures after which the submersibles were named. Several of the vessels disappeared beneath the dome, under which was the broad underwater entrance into the facility, going by the model he examined before approving the project.
“This is the observation room,” Simon began the tour by stating the obvious. “If you look out and up toward the surface, the bottoms of eight vessels are in slips at the dock. Those are Wager-class patrol boats provided by Design and Development for this facility. Each boat has a crew consisting of twenty Sentinels and an Accomplished. It was not difficult to get one hundred sixty volunteers.”
“Why is that?” Buck inquired while turning toward the Chief Aid.
“I bet they wanted boats of their own. The crews of the other Wager-class vessels consist of an Accomplished and members of the Benhannon Naval Guard and only Aakacarns serve on the mantas.” Carlos threw his thought out for consideration.