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To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5)

Page 48

by John Buttrick

  Simon focused on the Three-bolt Accomplished. “If we were actually wagering and had I accepted, you would be the winner. Commander Herling wants ten more, but it will be days yet before that happens. The Sentinels here are still in training and ten more will take that much longer for us to have eighteen combat ready crews. Chas is working with Gina Dukane and Captain Van Etter, who is instructing them in the art of naval warfare. The battles in the Taltin Sea are going to become more intense and will occupy our current fleet of boats for quite some time. The new fleet will be our surface assault force in the Channel and on the oceans while the mantas will primarily be on search and destroy missions.”

  The only chairs in the observation room were along the walls and near the three entrances, which appeared to be rectangular frames. The entire ceiling glowed with a soft white light rather than being illuminated with spheres as was the case at the other Atlantan Guild facilities. The walls and floors were deep blue like the sea.

  No one else was in the observation area, likely because they had better things to do than stand around chatting. Daniel knew the third frame to the right should lead to the lift, up three levels to the surface or all the way down to level ten. The center and left should lead to the sleeping quarters. He went to the right with Silvia and David matching him step for step and Sero right behind them. Simon, Buck, and Carlos continued their conversation and did not seem to notice the departures until Daniel was half way to the door. He glanced back. “The meeting is this way.”

  The three Accomplisheds jogged over and caught up to him just as he reached the entrance. Simon touched the amethyst to the right and a seam appeared and split open the door, which retracted into the walls. Daniel allowed his Chief Aid to guide them down the corridor. The turquoise floor had not a single smudge and the pearl-like walls seemed as pure and genuine as if they had been grown inside an oyster. They walked beyond eight frames, “Those open to hallways,” the Battencayan-born Accomplished mentioned in passing.

  The frame through which they had entered suddenly closed and fifty paces ahead was another frame, which appeared to be a dead end. The sandy-haired Accomplished went and touched the amethyst on the right and the door split open and retracted into the walls, revealing a lift similar to those found in Aakadon. He guided everyone into the small chamber and touched a pad on the left wall. Ten gems contained the spells to move the platform up or down to a specific level. They were on the fourth so he touched the fifth, the doors closed and they descended to the desired location. “Jerremy DeSuan is responsible for the liberal use of CPAs. Having the door-open and levitation spells set in crescendo-powered amulets saves time,” the Chief Aid explained, perhaps for Buck’s sake, otherwise it would be silly explaining the benefit of the Aakacarn devices to the Accomplished who originally conceptualized the innovations.

  Joel met them as the doors opened. The medallion on his chest depicted a manta with an E just left of the fin on one side and an R just to the right of the other fin. Every member of the Department of Education and Research was proud of the submersible vehicle and chose that to represent them. “Welcome, Maestro, to Starling Cove. Please come this way to see the lagoon.”

  Daniel and his entourage stepped out of the lift and into an area larger than the observation room had been. A pool, two hundred paces across and one thousand five hundred paces wide took up most of the area and divided into four sections. Teams of Accomplisheds walked to and from their manta rays which were floating on the surface against the pool’s edge. A ray came to the surface on the far left side of the lagoon, the hatch opened and the crew disembarked.

  “We access the ocean from here. Twenty mantas make up a squad and as you can see each has been assigned a section and is lined up against this side of the lagoon. There are four squads on this level and on the two below us. All three levels have a lagoon like this,” Joel said while walking toward the first section where Manta Two floated at the surface.

  Daniel had been briefed on the numbers, but a question arose in his mind. “How quickly can you launch all two hundred forty rays?”

  “Do you see those circles on the walls?” Joel asked while waving his hand in the direction indicated.

  Daniel had noticed the circular pattern, sixty on the wall facing four specific sections of the lagoon. “Yes,” he replied.

  Joel placed an amulet against his forehead and before he put it back into his pocket, two holes opened up and out popped a ramp and moments later two men slid down. They sprang to their feet and ran to Manta Two.

  “These are the other members of Manta Two and as you can see, we can get from our rooms to the vessel in less than one sixtieth of a mark,” the Researcher proudly announced.

  Sorel Benrider had a long chin and close set eyes, yet possessed an open and honest manner that encouraged people to trust him. He joined the guild at the same time as Buck, and Daniel was pleased to see a carrier pigeon on his medallion and a Communication Department array on his head. The other crew member of Manta Two was Hosea Shiloh, dark of eye and hair, a Three-bolt Accomplished of the Defense Department, who had been helpful in the expelling of the Cenkataaran legions from Ducaun. The oval of his medallion depicted a sword with a lightning bolt blade.

  “Glad I am to see you again, Maestro, and you too Buck,” Sorel said, and gave the traditional nod of respect, which Daniel returned.

  “As am I,” Hosea added his welcome.

  “Good to see you too, Sorel. I see some empty sections,” Buck noted, and so had Daniel.

  Joel glanced where the ISIG member was pointing. “Two squads are patrolling under the Serinian Channel, two more are off the coast of Joppa, and one off the coast of Pentrosa. Ten of the one hundred fifty mantas in existence are currently stationed at the lowest level of the Benhannon Naval Facility where a much smaller subterranean lagoon has been created with access below the docks.”

  Buck nodded his head, quietly acknowledging the explanation. Being a member of the ISIG he undoubtedly knew about the ten mantas and where they were currently based, especially since one of the ten is Daniel’s Manta One. Sam’s people made it a point to know everything about their Maestro.

  Sorel pointed up at the ceiling. “Maestro, you really should go up and see the surface facility. It looks like an elongated brain coral only much larger, being twenty cubits high and five hundred paces in in diameter.”

  Even though the noon mark was approaching, Daniel still had time to see the facility before traveling back to Taracopa. “I have seen the model and imagine the actual structure is even more impressive.”

  Joel motioned towards the lift. “We can go now if you wish.”

  Daniel nodded and followed the Two-bolt in the direction indicated. Half way to the rectangular frame, harmonic waves rippled through the land from the north. These were not as powerful as the regular morning event, yet still strong enough to be felt by every living creature in the world. “Tarin Conn is still shielded,” Daniel announced automatically.

  “The waves are emanating from Filia,” Joel confirmed, no doubt receiving confirmation from one of his aquatic creatures.

  Tarin Conn could be the source or Accomplisheds within the mountain could be conducting a spell in concert, either way the occurrence represented a shift in the pattern and therefore needed to be investigated. The creatures in Daniel’s mind were all trying to show him their view points and he had no choice but to shut the entreaties into those compartments Simon had spoken of. It was the only way to concentrate and focus amid the chaos. The reason for the spell would be searched out, Daniel felt confident.

  Sorel’s eyes widened. “Maestro, I just received word from Accomplished Allison, the enemy fleet in the Channel is moving into attack position. Wait, Accomplished Wallen is telling me, the armada off Joppa is heading north towards the Lobenian southern coast.”

  “Maestro, General Kall and his men are mobilizing. I think the harmonics might be the signal the enemy forces have been waiting for,” Simon informed him griml

  “Maestro,” Daria’s voice came through the array on Daniel’s head. “The Pentrosans are fully engaging the Ducaunan Royal Cavalry all along the border and the fight is heating up again in the Taltin Sea.”

  Just about everything Daniel had dreaded could happen seemed to be happening all at once, bringing with them a high tide of anxiety that threatened to drown him. He took a deep, calming, breath. “Acknowledged, inform the Queen, and all Accomplisheds serving Lords, Generals, and Knights throughout the realm. Dispatch the nine mantas at the Benhannon Naval facility to the sea.”

  “It will be as you say,” Daria replied along with a strong sense of determination.

  “Daniel,” Sherree’s voice came into his head. “Accomplisheds of the Serpent Guild are teleporting into the region around the Benhannon Northland Holding. Lieutenant Keenan and the Benhannon Guard have taken up defensive positions. I will soon convey there. Chas and I are going on the offensive along with five thousand Sentinels.”

  The load just gets heavier and heavier. Daniel did not want to think of what more could go wrong, better to concentrate on what needed to go right. “Attack the Serpents, I will be there shortly.”

  Joel shook his head as if clearing his thoughts. “According to the orcas I have in the waters off eastern Taracopa, half the fleet of the enemy is breaking off and heading east toward Aczencopa. That part of the flotilla has Ecoppian troop carriers, Demfilian modified freighters, Pentrosan light cruisers, and Battencayan destroyers.”

  Troop carriers meant Ecoppian marines would be swarming the coastal cities of Aczencopa and the Battencayan destroyers were likely to have Serpents aboard. A gong sounded, the circles in the walls opened, and Accomplisheds slid from the shafts and ran to their mantas. Daniel made a hard decision. “Joel, attack plan Alpha, and hit them hard.”

  Joel stood blinking as if he did not understand the order. “But that does not include the ships about to assail the Aczencopan coast.”

  Daniel knew full well what attack plan Alpha did and did not include. “We will have our hands full guarding the Lobenian coast and the Channel. King Bolton chose to throw the full weight of his military might into annexing Taracopian territory and has left his southern coast undefended. If he survives his poor choice, we may be able to help him in the future, but for now we fight for Ducaun and Lobenia.”

  The crew of Manta Two boarded their vessel without further delay and Daniel watched as each ray dived under the water until the lagoon was empty. Some of them will be dispersing to the west coast and others to defend the southern, but all of them would soon be engaging in battle. The eight patrol boats remained in their slips. The crews were not ready for combat.

  “Just under a sixtieth of a mark,” Simon confirmed how long it took for all of the mantas to be launched.

  Daniel concentrated on the gem in the array containing Sam’s energy. “Turn over Lord Van Kestrel to Conductor Kleopis; his emissaries can work on the reunification of Van Kestrel to Van Efery and make sure they pick up Lyal. You concentrate on internal security.” It was a necessary change of plans.

  “It will be as you say. Battencayan solders backed by Accomplisheds of the Serpent Guild are advancing across Ducaun’s western border. I and my teams will be assisting the Royal Cavalry and regional lords,” Samuel sent back along with a sense of tight focus and urgency.

  Buck vanished in a flash bang, evidently conveying to his assigned team within the ISIG.

  “Maestro, we are engaging in battle with the Serpents allied to General Kall,” Jeremiah Lassiter sent. “Circles of one hundred are teleporting in, reinforcing their numbers.” The words were transmitted in an even tone, but the emotion behind them revealed a strong sense of highly disciplined urgency.

  In addition to everything else that was happening, this news was not surprising, added a great deal to the load, but certainly not surprising. “Acknowledged,” Daniel sent, and then heard from the First Accomplished,

  “Maestro, I and the Accomplisheds with me, along with three thousand Sentinels are going to assist Jeremiah and those with him.” Her sending came with a sense of a bolt ready to be launched.

  “Acknowledged,” Daniel replied, feeling better knowing she was on the move, and yet also understood the absence of those forces meant Shantear would have no one from Defense to ward off an attack from Aakadon. That left Emissaries, Seekers, Communicators, Designers, Educators, and Researchers, to fight for the mountain complex and Healers to fix everybody up during and after any assault. Fortunately, all Accomplisheds of the Atlantan Guild had some combat spells in their repertoires and could help with the defense.

  Daniel buried his anxieties under a mound of determination and drew his diamond-bladed knife. “Carlos, convey us to the Northland Holding. All of you prepare to use lethal force.”

  When the darkness between here and there ended, he immediately cast the spell, Find All, in a twenty span radius to assess the situation. At this level every Aakacarn would sense a spell was being cast but that no longer mattered. Potential was being summoned and focused from every direction and giving off ripple effects and those did not matter either. The closer proximity to the continuing spell at Filia, with its harmonic resonance, made identifying the source of lesser spells difficult to pin point, even for a Seven-bolt Accomplished.

  Sherree and fifty Accomplisheds were battling a group of Serpents half a span north of where Daniel stood. A circle of one hundred appeared to the south and then vanished from his senses. They must be using their invisibility spells. He smiled while focusing Die Now through his crescendo at where they appeared, and within moments more than eighty bodies slumped onto the ground. The rest were smart enough to scatter and would be difficult to track until they summon potential for a spell. This attack was too fluid for him to stop what he was doing and track individuals. He needed to hit where he could do the most damage.

  David took aim and pressed the gem repeatedly, sending lances of light streaking at his designated target, and punching multiple holes in the Accomplished who was in the middle of focusing a beam of energy toward Sero. Silvia sent pebbles of flame from her crossbow at an Aakacarn who glanced up and jumped out of the way. Her stream struck the spell-caster next to him. That fellow’s silks burst into flames and he dropped thrashing to the ground. Carlos launched a lightning bolt at a Serpent, apparently in the process of going from defense to offense, and burnt a hole through his chest. Sero sent beams of light from his hands and seven out of the ten Serpents fell dead. The Four-bolt ducked behind a tree just as three lightning bolts came at him in response from the survivors.

  Daniel sensed another circle of one hundred appear right behind Sherree’s position. He immediately conveyed to the rear of the group and sent Die Now at them, killing about a third. Lightning bolts, flaming spheres, and energy beams came hurling back at him. He jumped to the left as trunks of trees exploded and the brightness and cacophony of sounds momentarily overwhelmed his physical senses. He hit the ground, sliding, clearing a large swath of snow, and came to a stop, half buried in the chilly white powder. At this rate of destruction, there might not be a forest between the border and the holding by the time the fighting was over, he pondered, and took a moment to sip from his canteen as deadly spells flew back and forth over his head.

  Through the spell he sensed Sherree and her team of Accomplisheds, along with Chas and the Sentinels, vanish from their original positions and reappear closer to him, forming a broad ring. Lances of light began striking what was left of the enemy circle from all directions as the Chosen’s Sentinels rained fury on those who dared strike at their leader and Sherree focused spell after spell at those who struck at her husband.

  Sero and Carlos appeared beside him just as he stood up and one of them thought to bring along David and Silvia. Daniel pointed his crescendo at the offenders and rainbow light shot forth, forming a sphere that quickly contained the thirty-one remaining Serpents in that group. While he maintained the potential for Shatter Sphere,
he could also sense the Ducaunan Royal Cavalry fighting the Pentrosans spans away at the border, and so far stopping them from crossing. The flock of Soarers finally chose a side and began sending Beak Strikes at the Serpents. The outcome of the battle was far from decisive and could go badly, yet there remained a chance for victory.

  Carlos, Silvia, and David defended Daniel while Sero continued to go on the offensive. Another circle of one hundred appeared and vanished. Daniel placed a Da Capo on Shatter Sphere and then sent Die Now at the newcomers. This time more than ninety bodies reappeared and fell dead to the ground, unfortunately a number of trees also died in the process.

  He brought his attention back to the other circle and watched the Aakacarns within fall boneless to the ground, then removed the Da Capo and the sphere vanished. Sherree appeared beside him. “This could take a while,” she shouted over the noise of battle, drank thirstily from her canteen, and then stepped away and resumed casting lethal spells at the enemy.

  Balls of corrosive light flew from the Serpents, destroying vegetation along with several Sentinels. A pair of Accomplisheds removed their invisibility spells fifty paces away and sent beams of light forth with the power of concentrated sound, one of which happened to be aimed at Daniel. Bright light struck him in the forehead and glowed brighter as his shield absorbed most of the energy and even so the sound caused a sharp pain and warm blood to leak from his ears and the tiny vessels in his nose to burst, causing a warm flow to gush from his nostrils. Being deaf and bloody did not stop him from seeing lightning bolts and solidified blades of air flying at him from all directions, striking and being absorbed by his shield. The blades fell harmlessly away but the electrified bolts numbed his nose and the sides of his head, making it difficult to react swiftly. He staggered, needing a few moments of calm in order to concentrate on tending his wounds, but the assault continued with no sign of abatement. Sherree suddenly appeared back at his side, immediately launched spells at the two Aakacarns, and killed them with nine bolts of energy, while he summoned the potential to heal his ears and nose. This he had to do for himself seeing as it would be suicide to remove his protective spells to allow anyone, even his beloved, to touch him. With his hearing restored and his nose no longer bleeding, he rejoined the fight and sent a lightning bolt, backed by fourteen bolts of potential, at a circle of twenty, blasting through their defensive spells, and creating a crater full of sizzling bodies. The wind carried to him the smell of chard flesh and he was not the only one who had to stifle a gag or two.


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