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The Distance Between Us (Mac Security Series Book 3)

Page 8

by Abigail Davies

  She’s started to tell the baby stories too, saying that she wants to start early on. I thought it was silly at first but now I listen in with her, even sharing the stories sometimes and talking to the bump.

  “Mrs. Mackenzie?” someone calls and I hop up out of the cream pleather seat, helping Emmy up. It’s getting more difficult for her to maneuver now and I know she’s going to need to stop working soon. If I had my way, she’d have stopped working the moment she told me that she was pregnant, but I didn’t push because she loves working at the vet’s with Ma.

  We follow the nurse into the room and Emmy lifts up onto the bed as we wait for the ultrasound technician to come in. Holding onto her hand, we wait for what feels like forever.

  “Hey, there!” the bright, perky woman says as she bounces into the room. “Ready to see your baby?”

  “Yes, please.” Emmy smiles, looking over at me.

  She pulls her top up and her maternity jeans down below her bump and takes hold of my hand again, squeezing softly.

  My eyes stay on the screen, waiting to see the picture come up, or I should say blurry shapes.

  “That’s the head.” The woman points at the screen. “That’s the little, tiny tootsies!”

  I smirk at how excited this woman is, you’d think it was her baby the way she’s talking.

  “Are we finding out the sex today?”

  “No,” I say at the same time that Emmy says, “Yes.”

  We both look to each other and start talking at the same time, I chuckle and wave my hand to her. “You go first.”

  “If you want it to be a surprise then I’m okay with that.”

  I smile and nod my head, moving my eyes back to the screen. “Nah, let’s find out.”

  The woman squeals, clapping her hands together and announcing, “It’s a girl!”

  Tears come to my eyes and I try my best not to let them fall. I’m a man, dammit, but when it comes to your child, nothing stops those tears.

  A little girl, I’m going to have a daughter. I can’t quite believe it.

  “Son?” I startle at Ma’s voice, jumping out of my skin and spinning around to face her. “You okay?”

  “Huh? Me? Yeah, I’m good.”

  The smile on her face tells me that she doesn’t believe a word I’m saying but she doesn’t say anything, just tilts her head and asks, “Coffee?”

  “That’d be great.” I follow her into the kitchen and sit on one of the bar stools, fiddling with my fingers and looking out of the window at the land that wraps around the entire house.

  “So…” Ma says, lifting her brow. “Talk.”

  “Talk?” I chuckle.

  “You have that face, the one that says you want to get something off your chest.” She smiles and looks over my head at nothing in particular. “I remember when you were just a little boy, you’d have this face.” She points at me. “And it’d mean you needed to get something off your chest. So… talk.”

  I huff and look down, fighting with the right words to say, I don’t even know where to begin.

  “Sorry I left the other day.” I look up at her, expecting her to say something but when she doesn’t I continue. “Kitty is undercover and I needed to check on her, Ty was worried.”

  “Okaaay,” she says, pouring us both a cup of coffee and passing mine over to me. “And why couldn’t Ty check on her?”

  I fidget in my seat again, feeling like I’ve just been caught out. “She’s a friend… a close friend.”

  “Right.” Ma shuffles closer. “And Kitty, is she okay?”

  “Well...” I run my hands down my face. “I’m not quite sure, something’s… I dunno, off about her.”

  She stays silent for a few minutes and then takes hold of my hand, squeezing gently. “It isn’t your job to make sure everyone is okay, honey.”

  “I know... I jus—”

  “You need to look after yourself first. Emmy would want that.”

  Hearing her name come out of Ma’s mouth has me wanting to flee, the pain still so fresh. I can’t stand to hear it, I’m standing up and pushing the chair back before I even realize it.

  “Don’t,” I warn her. “Don’t do that. Emmy’s not here, she left me.” My voice cracks at the end and when Ma open’s her mouth to say something, I hold my hand up, cutting her off. “Just forget it.”

  I practically run out of the house and to my car, ignoring my name being called by Ma and speeding the hell out of there.

  I need a drink. Or ten.

  I shouldn’t be here, I know I shouldn’t but I can’t help myself. I need a place to drink and I need to see her face and killing two birds with one stone had me coming here. I need to make sure she’s okay, so in my head it makes perfect sense.

  I could see the look in the doorman’s eyes as I stepped through the door. I know they recognize me and I know that everyone will be on high alert but I don’t give a fuck. For all they know, I’m here to watch some girls dance and have a drink, they won’t suspect that I know Kitty, as long as I keep my cool that is.

  I just want to down a shit ton of drinks and forget about it all, they won’t refuse my money.

  I head to the far side of the room, sitting in a darkened booth and waiting for someone to come and take my order.

  The flash of light purple hair soon appears at my table and her eyes widen when she sees who I am.

  “What the—”

  “Pretend you don’t know me,” I grind out. “They know I’m a cop, just pretend I’m a normal customer.”

  She looks around, making it appear like she’s fixing something on her jeans and then turns back to me. “Are you trying to blow it?”

  “I needed to see you.” I sound pathetic, but right now, I don’t care. I need her, just like I needed her all those other times.

  “One drink and then you go, you hear me?”

  I shake my head, a smirk lifting up the side of my face. “That depends.”

  “On what?” she huffs, her hands landing on her hips.

  “If you promise to come to mine tonight.”

  I keep my eyes on hers, trying to make her see how much I need her. She tries to refuse but I see her face soften and then her hand goes limp by her side as she blows some hair out of her eyes. “I don’t know why I’m saying this.” She rolls her eyes then huffs, “Fine.”

  She walks away, returning a few minutes later with a Jameson and then flits back to the bar.

  I can feel eyes on me the whole time and when I turn, I come face to face with Jonny. He sits a few booths over, surrounded by men but is watching me intently.

  I don’t move my eyes from his, he knows who I am and I know who he is, and there’s no way I’m backing down. But then something catches his attention and he spins around, making me turn as well so that I can see what he’s looking at.

  My jaw clenches as I watch Kitty place drinks in front of them all. I hate that she’s doing this. There’s a thousand different ways they could have gotten closer to Jonny and none of them included putting her in danger like this, or this close to him. My muscles lock as I watch them talk and it’s all I can do to stay in the booth that I’m in as his arm comes around her waist.

  That fucker is touching her again.

  I look up, catching Kitty’s eyes and the slight shake of her head telling me not to do anything.

  He pulls her down into the booth, his face going into her neck and all I want to do is rip his face clean off.

  Kitty has been mine since she walked into that bar all those years ago. I knew it then and I know it now. The difference being that I’m finally admitting it to myself. It’s time that I grew a pair and finally told her. Especially now because I can feel her slipping through my fingers and I don’t want that.

  I need her, more than I’ve needed anyone in my life.

  I can feel Charlie’s eyes on me the whole time I’m sitting in Jonny’s booth and I just pray that he doesn’t come over. He could blow my whole cover within seconds and all the wo
rk I’ve put in will be for nothing.

  I’m close to getting something on him, I can feel it.

  “I’ve got to go out again tonight,” Jonny whispers into my ear. “Giovanni will take you home.”

  “No, that’s okay,” I say, my eyes moving to Charlie’s as he stands up. “My friend’s picking me up.”

  Jonny pulls back, a frown on his face. “You sure?”

  “Yep.” I stand out of the booth, flashing him a smile. “Better get back.”

  He doesn’t say anything but I can feel his eyes on me the whole way back to the bar where Charlie stands, settling up his tab.

  “My place,” he whispers, setting a twenty on the bar and walking off. I don’t acknowledge him, instead I just grab the next lot of drinks and carry on serving.

  Time seems to go by at a snail’s pace, the seconds feel like minutes as they go by and the slow burn in my stomach tells me that it’s getting closer to closing time. However much I like to tell myself that I’m done with him, I know I’ll always go back, no matter how much he rips my heart out and stomps on it.

  I collect my things from the locker room when we’ve finished closing out and wander outside, waiting for the cab to pull up.

  Once I rattle off the address to the cabby, I sit back and try to calm myself down. I know better than to send the cabby to Charlie’s place, so instead, I tell him the address of a place a couple of blocks over. I’m not stupid enough to think that Jonny doesn’t have these guys monitored, and finding out where I’m going wouldn’t help anyone, all it would cause is a whole lot of questions.

  I throw some cash at the cabby when he pulls up and push out of the cab, pulling my cell out and waiting for him to drive off. I know he’s waiting to see which place I go into, but again, I’m not that stupid, instead, I hold the cell to my ear, talking into it like someone is on the other end. I hope to hell that no-one tries to call me, because that would be embarrassing.

  He finally pulls back out onto the road and I start the five-minute walk to Charlie’s place. My stomach burns with anticipation, my fingers tingling at the thought of touching him.

  I know I shouldn’t be doing this, I promised myself that I wouldn’t, but I can’t help it.

  Butterflies take flight in my stomach as I walk up the path to his place, knocking gently on the door. When it flies open, I’m gripped by strong arms around my biceps and pulled into the house.

  “Kitty.” My name sounds like a plea coming from his lips and when I look up, I almost can’t believe what I see staring back at me.

  This is Charlie, the real Charlie, the one who doesn’t hide behind the walls that he puts up. He’s only been like this a couple of times with me and I’m not stupid enough to think it’ll last, because it won’t.

  He’ll get his fill and then he’ll bask in the guilt he feels; then I’ll leave and we won’t talk for a few weeks. It’s the same routine, always has been and I’m okay with that for now because if it means that’s the only way I can have him, then I’ll take it, a thousand times over.

  I stare into her eyes, the green speckles mixed in with the light brown glinting off the light that shines overhead. She has such beautiful eyes. Eyes that I could stare into for hours and lose myself.

  “Charlie?” she asks, but I ignore her.

  I don’t want to talk right now, I don’t even want to rip her clothes off and touch her all over like I normally would. Okay, so that’s a lie, I want to do that too. But she’s expecting that, she thinks that’s what I want, but right now, it isn’t, I just want to hold her. Something that I’ve never done before.

  We always do the same thing, we fuck, then she leaves or I leave depending on where we are. We never hang around and never take it that step further. But seeing his hands all over her tonight has brought out the jealous side of me and made me realize how much I want her.

  Grabbing her hand, I pull her with me through the hallway and lead her to my bedroom, clicking the door shut behind us. I grab my t-shirt from behind my neck and pull it off, leaving me in just my jeans and bare feet.

  “Shoes,” I say, tilting my head to her. She furrows her brow and hesitates, when she doesn’t move fast enough for my liking, I kneel down in front of her and grab her ankle, slipping her shoes off and standing back up.

  “Jacket,” I whisper, my hands already moving to her shoulders and sliding it down her arms.

  I can feel her eyes watching me, burning through my skin and I know she’s wondering what I’m doing, why things have changed, but I can’t answer her. I don’t know when things changed. Maybe it was seeing that photo at Ma’s, maybe it was when Jonny put his grubby hands on her. Or maybe, maybe it’s always been there and I’ve been too stubborn to see it, to admit it to myself. Whatever it is, I’m not thinking about it too much. That’s where all my problems lie, I overthink and all it does is get me into trouble.

  “Charlie? What are you doing?”

  I ignore her a second time and walk over to the bed, pulling her down with me. Her body stiffens at first, but I just scoot closer, wrapping my arms around her and taking a deep breath.

  After a few minutes, she relaxes and her hand covers mine on her stomach, stroking my fingers.

  “I just want to hold you,” I say, my voice hoarse.

  She nods her head, her hair bouncing in my face as she pushes back against me, settling down and resting her head in the crook of my elbow.

  I block out all the thoughts coming to me and all the memories of the last time I was like this with a woman. I don’t want to think of that now. I only want to be in the here and now, with Kitty.

  I let my eyes droop closed, knowing that when I wake up, she’ll be in my arms, right where she belongs.

  I shift in bed, trying to stretch my arms up above my head but I get caught inside arms. My body stiffens as I forget where I am and my breaths start to get faster.

  “Hmmm,” a deep voice groans behind me and my eyes spring open, flying around the room as the memories of last night come flying back to me.

  Charlie. His place. Holding me all night.

  I can’t believe he just held me and didn’t try to do anything else. It’s so unlike Charlie, he never does this, ever. Although, the feeling of his dick in my back tells me that he’s certainly ready for it now.

  I shuffle against him, eliciting another groan out of him and I can’t help my hand wandering around to him, stroking him through his jeans.

  “That’s not what I brought you here for, Kitty Kat,” he says.

  “I know,” I whisper, turning over to face him. “But I want to.”

  Smirking, I let my other hand wander over his chest, feeling all the dips of his abs and pushing my fingers through the smattering of chest hair that he has.

  His hand grips onto my hip, yanking me closer as his face goes into my neck, kissing and sucking his way down to my chest.

  He lifts up slightly, pulling my t-shirt over my head and yanking the cups of my bra down.

  I moan as he kisses the tip of my nipple, pulling back and keeping his eyes trained on mine as he takes it into his mouth fully and sucks on the hardened nub.

  My hips buck up from the bed and Charlie moves, sliding between my legs and moving over to the other nipple, paying it just as much attention as he did with the first one.

  A burn starts low in my stomach and I can’t take much more of his torture so I put all of my strength into it and flip him over, taking control of the situation.

  I don’t waste any time, I slide straight down his body, pulling the zip down on his jeans and popping open the button. He helps me by lifting his hips up off the bed and shimmying out of them as I do the same.

  My hand curls around the base of his dick, my tongue instinctively coming out to wet my lips as a drop of pre-cum gathers on the head. Leaning down, I lick it up, basking in the salty taste and then wrap my lips around the head, sucking the same way he did with my nipples.

  He groans, long and low, and I can’t help the smile t
hat spreads over my face as I see his reaction. He’s losing himself and there’s nothing he can do about it but lie back and take it.

  I go all the way to the hilt, at least, as far as I can go and then flatten my tongue on the underneath, coming all the way back to the top and repeating, over and over again.

  When I look up, he’s watching me with an intensity in his eyes that I’ve never seen before. My stomach flutters with butterflies as he grabs for me, pulling me off his dick and lifting me, rolling us over then spinning me around like a ragdoll. My back hits the bed and his thighs come either side of my head and before I know it, he’s burying his face into my pussy.

  My eyes flutter closed as he sucks on my clit, the sensations so intense that I start to lean forward. Opening my eyes, I see his dick standing proud and bouncing as he moves, ready for the taking. I can’t resist it and my lips close around it again, sucking just as hard as he sucks on me.

  We’re a frenzy of lips, juices, and sucking, and before I know it, the feeling in my stomach grows stronger and stronger before I’m gasping, pulling away from him and grinding my pussy into his face.

  “Oh, God!”

  I grip his abs with my hands, needing something to hold onto as the orgasm rips through me. My head bangs off the wall as I throw it back, but I don’t care. It feels too fucking good.

  I scream his name so loud that my voice cracks and when the orgasm subsides, my body collapses. He licks some more, dragging the last of my orgasm from me and then he’s back to maneuvering me around like I weigh nothing and slamming inside me before my back has even hit the bed.

  He slams into me, over and over again, grabbing onto my tits with a bruising force. His eyes meet mine and neither of us look away as he gets closer, his movements becoming erratic the closer to his orgasm he gets.

  “This… this right here,” he grinds out, his dick sliding in and out. “It’s mine, Kitty. All mine.”


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