Secrets of Ancient America: Archaeoastronomy and the Legacy of the Phoenicians, Celts, and Other Forgotten Explorers
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Yates, Donald N. “Mitochondrial DNA of the Cherokee.” Ancient American 14, no. 86 (2011).
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Yoseif, Maggid ben. “Cherokee Council House Is a Walk into the Jewish Kabbala.” Ancient American 14, no. 86 (2011): 6.
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About the Author
CARL LEHRBURGER has studied archaeological and sacred sites in the Americas, with a focus on ancient Old World peoples in America before Columbus, for more than 25 years. He has published articles in Ancient American magazine. An avid traveler and explorer, he lives in Talent, Oregon.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Lehrburger, Carl.
Secrets of ancient America : archaeoastronomy and the legacy of the Phoenicians, Celts, and other forgotten explorers / Carl Lehrburger.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
print ISBN: 978-1-59143-193-0
ebook ISBN: 978-1-59143-775-8
1. America—Discovery and exploration—Pre-Columbian. 2. Archaeoastronomy—America. 3. Sacred space—America. 4. Excavations (Archaeology)—America. 5. Inscriptions, Ancient—America. 6. America—Antiquities. I. Title.
E103.L46 2015
All photos and drawings are by the author unless otherwise indicated.
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Abbott, Edwin A., 3
Across before Columbus? 60
Aku-Aku, 334
alchemist, painting of, 375
Alexander VI, Pope, 346–47
Al-Idrisi’s voyage, 326–27
Al-Masudi’s voyage, 326
alphabet family tree, 30
al Tennyn, Jezirate, 327
Amazon Basin inhabitation, 343
America B.C., 5–6, 27–46. See also Fell, Barry
American Discovery, 8–9, 307, 379
American Holocaust, 349–50
America’s Stonehenge, 71–74
amnesia about history, 358–60
Anasazi-era sites, 344, 369–70, 376
Ancient American Inscriptions, 44, 99,
124–25, 130, 279
Ancient Celtic America, 99, 123. See also
Leonard; McGlone
Anubis Caves
Bel in, 144, 150–51
Cave 1 constellations, 145, 146
Cave 2 animal figures, 147
Cave 2 Celtic goddesses, 154–56
Cave 2 constellations, 147
Cave 2 engravings, 140, 142, 143,
Cave 2 Silent Opera animation, 151–53
Cave 3 and 4 inscriptions, 147–51
Cave 3 Balance Alignment, 153–54
dating of inscriptions, 144–45
described, 139–40
equinox sunset at, 137
inscriptions in, 124
Mithra image in, 142–43
Mojave North compared to, 262–63
multidimensional images in, 157–58
Nose Pointer rock, 148, 149, 150
Ogham and Ogham-like inscriptions
in, 144–51, 158
Six Months Inscription, 147–49
Anubis figures, 145, 330
Arab connections, 326–29
astronomical terms used in, 49–51
development of, 48
intention and validity of, 103–4
solar alignment types in southeastern
Colorado, 104
See also equinox alignment; solstice
Archaeoastronomy of Southeast Colorado
and the Oklahoma Panhandle, 99, 113
artifacts demanded by, 232
Calalus relics seen as hoax by, 299–300
consensus on Olmecs, 92
defined, 5
depth of deception by, 357
diffusionism resisted by, 5, 6–7, 259
discoveries challenged by, 243, 280
ending the age of, 376–77
Fell discredited by, 45–46, 124
Hidden Mountain site seen as hoax
by, 285, 288, 294
McGlone’s debates with, 123–24
Michigan copper mining and, 269–70
Mound Builder cover-up by, 266, 268
New History suppressed by, 8–9
astrology, 47–48
astronomy, astrology vs., 47. See also
Atwater, Caleb, 266
Ayoob, Joseph Corey, 282
azimuth, defined, 50
Aztecs, 346
Baigent, Michael, 336
Baldwin, Clifford P., 184, 191
Barker, Alma, 127, 138
Barker, Ted, 101, 126–28, 132, 159
basins, ceremonial, 230–32. See also
cupules and grinding holes
Bat Creek Stone, 28–30, 281–82, 303
Baumhoff, Martin A., 184
Bay of Cambay, underwater city in, 241,
Before Columbus, 281, 316
Behind the Rocks site, 345
Bel (Celtic deity)
in Anubis Caves, 144, 150–51
in Crack Cave inscriptions, 131, 132
in stone chamber inscriptions, 62,
Benedict, Pope, 353–54
Beverly Mystery Stone, 174–75
Bianco, Andrea, map by, 322
Bjork, Carl
on Kokopelli, 254
on the peoples of the Great Basin, 235
on petroglyph hunting, 247
photo of, 246
reverence brought by, 245, 246
on rock art symbols as universal language,
on similarities between Chalfant and
Tamil images, 250
theories of, 246–47
website if, 235n
boat petroglyph from Painted Cave, 243
book burning, 350–51
Book of Privileges, 25
Book of Prophecies, 24–25
Borobudur Temple friezes, 238, 239, 242
Bostwick, Todd, 300–301
Bourne Stone, 33–35, 318
Boyne Valley Complex, 56
Brannan, Tom, 61
Brennan, Martin
author’s meeting with, 66–67
on cross-quarter days, 211
on the Mayan calendar, 79
on Mayan hand signs, 83–86, 246
McGlone’s desire to meet, 100
in Mexico, 75
on Neolithic mounds, 53, 55, 58
New England expeditions with, 67, 68
Newgrange investigated by, 55, 58
photo of, 57
as a SEA Rock skeptic, 205
storytelling talents of, 58–59
unique approach of, 52
Brown, Frederick N., 334
Brú na Bóinne Complex, 53, 56, 57, 58
Bruno, Giordano, 4–5
Burrows, Russell E., 279
Burrows Cave hoax, 279
Cabot, John, 327
Calalus relics, 294–301
arguments about authenticity of, 299–301
dinosaur sword, 298–99
geometrical designs, 299
Latin inscriptions, 295–98
nehushtans, 298, 299
serpent images in, 369
Calendar One and Two sites, 67–68
Caracol observatory, 91
Caribbean, 21
Carshenna, Switzerland, conjunction
index marker, 228
Casa Malpais kiva, 252
cataclysms in history, 358–59
Cave Hollow, KS, 171–73
cave near Russell, KS, 176–78
Celebration Park petroglyphs, 248
celestial equator, 50, 142
Celtic Mythology, 210
Anubis Cave 2 goddesses, 154–56
astronomical information in architecture
of, 48, 61
celestial events celebrated by, 52
at Crack Cave, 129–31
crossings to America by, 38–39
dedications to Bel, 62, 64–65
end of sea power of, 324
European stoneworks of, 61, 63
Irish and Welsh connections, 324–26
Lughnasa festival, 161–62, 178, 211
Madoc, 324–26
migrations in America, 179–81
New England stoneworks of, 61–66
Welsh influence in America, 324–26
See also Anubis Caves; Ogham script
ceremonial basins, Mojave North, 230–32
chac mools, 88
Chaco Canyon Kokopelli, 253
Chalfant site, 250, 252
Changing Woman alignment, 120–22, 371–72
Chapman, Glen W., 38
Cherokees, Hebrews and, 301, 302, 303
Chichén Itzá, 86–88, 90, 91, 96–97
chickens, 309
Chile, Egyptian influence in, 330
Chinese connections, 311–16
baptism no protection for natives,
23–24, 353
Calalus site, 294–301
Catholic whitewash of history,
church collaboration with Spain and
Portugal, 346–48
Columbus’s offering of, 11, 19,
24–25, 26
Michigan Relics and, 275, 276–77
Mithraism and, 143–44
warrior religion and, 357
Chumash Indians boats, 243
climatic upheavals, conquest of America
and, 344–45, 352
coins, Old World in America, 40–41,
138, 323, 329
Colorado map, 98
Columbia, 9–10
Columbia River relics, 248, 258
Columbus, Bartolomeo, 11–12
Columbus, Christopher
books written by, 24–25
Christianity and civilization offered
by, 11, 19, 24–25, 26
dates of four voyages of, 9
debts owed by, 18
deception of Isabella and Ferdinand
by, 16–17, 19
ending the lies about, 378
falsification of distances by, 15
first landing of (painting), 10
imposition and maintenance of the
myth of, 354–55
map drawn by, 12
Marco Polo’s book owned by, 16
Morison’s biography lionizing, 21
natives’ hands cut off by, 22–23
New World known about by, 13
in Old History vs. New History, 2
provision needs known by, 15
real story of, 11–19
route to Americas known by, 13–14
slave dealings of, 19–24
supposed meeting with khan by, 15–16
tribes discovered by, 17, 18, 20
usual story of, 9–11
world known to be round by, 12–13
conjunction index markers, 224, 228–
29, 260, 261
Conquest of the Maya, The, 307
Anubis Caves and, 145, 146, 147
Mithra and Perseus, 157–58
in rock art at Hidden Mountain,
bsp; Sun Temple associations with, 167,
168, 169
Contact with Ancient America, 169–70
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 3–4
copper mining in Michigan
European and Egyptian miners, 270
Michigan Relics and, 274–79
Neolithic miners of, 268–69
Poverty Point center for, 271
Cortés, Hernán, 89
Covey, Cyclone, 295–96, 297, 298, 299
Crack Cave, 128–34
equinox festival at, 128–29
equinox sunrise at, 131–32
Ogham inscriptions in, 129–31
photo in front of, 170
preservation efforts at, 133–34
Crates of Mallos, 319
Cremo, Michael, 362
Crespi, Carlo, 35, 37
Crespi Collection, 35–38
cross-quarter days
defined, 51
importance of, 211
Lughnasa festival, 161–62, 211
lunar alignments and, 224
at Mojave North, 210–16, 230
Mojave North lunar alignments on,
224–27, 229
pre-Christian names for, 211
Sun Temple alignment, 164–66
two sun positions for four days, 211
variance in dates of, 53
Cuneo, Michele de, 23
cupules and grinding holes, 255–59
as aftereffects of rock ingestion,
cupules vs. PCNs, 257
described, 255
in India, 257
metates vs., 255
Danite migrations, 59
Davenport calendar tablet, 42–45
Davis, Nancy Yaw, 316–17
day-signs, Mayan, 80, 368
Deal, David Allen
on Hidden Mountain site, 285–86,
287–88, 289, 290
on Michigan Relics, 277
declination, defined, 50–51
de Mello, Anthony, 205–6
de Soto, Hernando, 266
de Virga, Albertin, map by, 322, 327, 328
Dexter, Warren W., 170
Diamond, Jared, 349, 352
Dictionary of Native American Mythology, 120
Ancient American Inscriptions on,
Ancient Celtic America on, 123
Anubis Caves compared to Mojave
North and, 262–63
Celts in America, 38–39, 61–66,
129–31, 154–56, 161–62,
178–81, 211
East Indian influences in America,
238–45, 254, 259–63
Fell’s concepts of, 28
history without biases against, 377
isolationism opposed by, 5