Secrets of Ancient America: Archaeoastronomy and the Legacy of the Phoenicians, Celts, and Other Forgotten Explorers
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journeys from India to America (Patala), 240–45
Mayan-East Asian connection, 93–94
Mayan-Egyptian connection, 87–88
Mayan-Indian connection, 94–97
McGlone as leading scholar of, 102
Native Americans and, 7
obstacles to acceptance of, 6–7
plant and animal evidence of, 308–9
proponents of, 5–6
transoceanic diffusion, 190, 192
See also New History
Discovery of Ancient America, 286
disease, conquest of America and,
DNA, Cherokee and Hebrew, 302
DNA studies, need for, 379
Dorn, Ron, 167
double-sun petroglyph, 195
dragon petroglyph, 176
Earth in Upheaval, 358
ecliptic, defined, 50–51
economics, conquest of America and,
Egyptian connections, 87–88, 329–32
Eight-Dog petroglyph, 108, 110, 374
El Castillo (the Castle), 87, 90
elephants, 238–40, 307
entheogens, 373–75, 376
defined, 27
Fell’s use of, 27
of Mojave North, 219–22
need for, 378
See also Ogham script
Epona (Celtic goddess), 154, 155, 156, 176
equinox alignment
at America’s Stonehenge, 72
at Anubis Caves, 148, 150, 151–54
Balance Alignment, 153–54
Cave Hollow sunrise, 171–73
at cave near Russell, KS, 176–78
of Celtic stone chambers, 62
Changing Woman alignment,
120–22, 371–72
at Crack Cave, 131–32, 150
direct vs. indirect, 105
at Mojave North, 185–86, 187–90,
201–6, 230
Pathfinder noon alignment, 371–72
Pathfinder sunrise shadow, 112
at Red Canyon site, 249–50
SEA Rock sunset animation, 201–6,
serpent associated with, 189, 364
Silent Opera animation, 151–53
at Sofa Rock, 106–7
sun dagger animation, Pathfinder,
types in southeastern Colorado, 104
equinoxes, defined, 50
Eric the Red, 334
ethnocentrism, 354–55, 376–77
fakes. See frauds and hoaxes
Farley, Gloria
on ancient travelers in America,
on coins found in Oklahoma, 323
controversies about her research, 183
on Epona image, 154
in History on the Rocks (film), 159
Tannith image found by, 186
Feder, Kenneth L., 288–89
Fell, Barry
author’s hopes after reading, 5–6
books written by, 27
on Celtic Bel dedications, 62, 64
on Celts in America, 38–39
Chilean rock script translated by, 330
on coins found in America, 40
the Davenport calendar tablet and,
42, 43–45
diffusionism concepts of, 28
on Greeks in the Americas, 319–20
in History on the Rocks (film), 159
Kelley’s stance toward, 126
Leonard’s translation confirmed by,
McGlone’s stance toward, 99, 124,
mistakes and discrediting of, 45–46,
New History telling begun with, 27
on Ogham script origins, 40
on Phoenicians in America, 30–31,
33–34, 35, 38, 318–19
West Virginia Ogham translated by,
Ferdinand, King, 10, 16–17, 19
First Mother (Changing Woman) alignment,
120–22, 371–72
Flatland, 3
Foreign Trade and Commerce in Ancient
India, 241
1421: The Year China..., 314
1491: New Revelations..., 272, 343, 352
Fowler, Frank H., 299–300
frauds and hoaxes, 278–79, 282–83. See
also archaeopriests
Frazier, Wade, 16–17
Freud, Sigmund, 358
galactic alignment of 2012, 80–82
galactic equator, 80
Galileo Galilei, 4
Gallagher, Ida Jane, 169, 170, 172, 179, 180
Gallez, Paul, 330
Gardner, Hugh, 205
Gauquelin, Michel, 47
geoglyphs, 175
geophagy (rock ingestion), 255–57
Gibson, Mitchell E., 48
Gill, Sam D., 120
Gillespie, Alan, 186
Gillespie, Rollin W.
at Crack Cave, 128
in History on the Rocks (film), 159
photo of, 170
at Sun Temple, 161, 167, 168, 169
Gillette, Donna, 257
Gordon, Cyrus H., 30, 281–82, 316
Grave Creek Stone, 274, 318–19
Great Basin, 235–63
area covered by, 235
Chalfant site, 250, 252
cupules and grinding holes in, 255–59
diffusion of Vedic cultures into,
Grimes Point, NV, 238–39
habitation dictated by weather in, 237
kivas in, 252–53
Kokopelli motif in, 253–54
Little Petroglyph Canyon, 235, 237
map of modern and historic climates,
Mojave North in relation to, 235
Red Canyon site, 249–50
sites near Bishop, CA, 249
greed of conquerors, 349–50, 353
Greek connections, 319–22
Grian (Celtic deity), 130, 131–32, 147, 171
Grimes Point, NV, 238–39
grinding holes. See cupules and grinding
guile of conquerors, 353
Guthrie, James L., 44–45
hand signs, Mayan, 83–86
Hannam, James, 12–13
Hanuman, 204–5
Harris, Hendon M., 312
Hatshepsut, Egyptian queen, 329–30
Haywood, John, 323
head beads and sculptures, Olmec, 92
Heavener Runestone characters, 137
American artifacts of, 281
Bat Creek Stone, 28–30, 281–82, 303
Calalus site, 294–301, 303
Cherokees and, 301, 302, 303
Danite migrations, 59
early sailing capabilities of, 280
evidence of contact with Americas
(table), 303
Hidden Mountain site, 285–94, 303
Native American customs and,
301–2, 303
Newark Holy Stones, 282–83
Semitic inscriptions, 284–85
Heizer, Robert Fleming, 184
heliolithic animations
defined, 116
Light Serpent, Mojave North,
185–86, 187–90, 368
SEA Rock, Mojave North, 201–6, 372
sun dagger, Pathfinder, 116–22
Hero Twins story, 76–79, 82, 85–86
Heyerdahl, Thor, 334–36
Hibben, Frank, 288
Hidden Maya, The, 83
Hidden Mountain site, 285–94
access permit for, 286
authenticity of inscriptions, 288–89
boulder at summit, 287–88
damage to, 286
guardian petroglyphs, 293–94
hike to, 286
Izapa-looking motif, 291–92
Los Lunas Decalogue Stone, 285, 286
288, 290, 293
rock art rendering constellations at,
zodiac map petroglyphs, 289–90
History of the American Indians, 301
History on the Rocks (film), 159
hoaxes and frauds, 278–79, 282–83. See
also archaeopriests
Holy Blood, Holy Grail, 336
Homans, James E., 278
hoofprint petroglyphs, 114–16, 223–24
Horse Creek petroglyph, 180
Horsford, Eben Norton, 335–36
howling dog petroglyph, 108, 110
Hsu Fu (Xufu), 314
Huishen (Hwei Shan), 314–16
Hunahpú and Xbalanqué (Hero Twins), 78–79
Hun Camé (One Death), 77
Hun Hunahpú (One Hunahpú), 76,
77–78, 82, 85, 86
hunter petroglyph, 113–14
independent inventions theory, 6
India and the Indus Valley
ancient journeys to America (Patala)
from, 240–45
ancient ships of, 241, 242
connections to the Americas, 306–10
elephants transported to America
from, 238–40
Kokopelli’s roots in, 254
Magi from, 208–9
Mayan connection with, 94–97, 307
Mojave North connection with,
216–19, 232–33
Southwest influenced by, 244–45, 254
time cycles, 259–60
V. Ganapati Sthapati, 94–97, 307
Indian Grinding Rock State Historic
Park, CA, 255
India Once Ruled the Americas! 244, 306
In Plain Sight, 137–38, 323
Inscription Panel at Mojave North, 191,
192, 219–22
intaglios, 175
Isabella, Queen
baptized subjects protected by, 23–24
Columbus’s deception of, 16–17, 19,
expectations of, 10
Izapa-looking motif at Hidden Mountain, 291–92
Izapa Stela 5, 291
Jade Tuxla statuette, 313
Japanese connections, 316–17
Jefferson, Thomas, 266, 325
Jeffries, Dean, 169, 174
Jeffries, Keith, 169, 170, 176
Jenkins, John Major, 80–83
Joseph, Chief, Mesopotamian tablet of, 329
Josephus, Flavius, 280
Jung, Carl, 358
Kansas Serpent Intaglio, 175, 273
Kelley, David H., 46, 125–26, 131, 326
Kensington Runestone, 274, 332–33
Khiva, Uzbekistan, 252–53
kiva in New England, 65–66
kivas, 252–53
Knights Templar connection, 336–39
Kokopelli motif, 253–54
Kubera, Kokopelli and, 254
Kukulcán, 90–91. See also Quetzalcoatl
Kwas, Mary L., 282
Leigh, Richard, 336
Leonard, Phillip M.
on Anubis Cave inscriptions, 136
at Anubis Caves, 138, 139, 140,
books written by, 99, 101, 124, 137
Fell’s falling out with, 124
in History on the Rocks (film), 159
on La Junta scripts, 284
McGlone met by, 137
Ogham translation confirmed by Fell,
on Ogham writing in America, 123
photos of, 138, 170
on Sun Temple dating, 169
Sun Temple named by, 160
team organized by, 113
Le Plongeon, Augustus and Alice, 87–88
light boxes, 56, 58
Light Serpent animation
equinox alignment, 185–86, 187–90, 368
lunar alignment, 224, 229, 368
Serpent Mound of Ohio and, 273
Lilliestrom, Per, 334, 335
Lincoln, Henry, 336
linguistic studies, need for, 379
Little Petroglyph Canyon, 235, 237
Londhe, Sushama, 240
Los Lunas Decalogue Stone, 285, 286, 288, 290, 293
Lost Outpost of Atlantis, 37
lotus scepter motif, 309–10
Lugh (Celtic deity), 161, 162, 195–96,
210–11, 212
Lughnasa festival, 161–62, 178, 211
lunar alignments
at American sites, 223
of British and Irish monuments, 223
Light Serpent animation, 224, 229, 368
lunar standstill, 223
Metonic cycle, 224
at Mojave North, 223–30, 368
MacCana, Proinsias, 210
Mackenzie, Donald Alexander, 94
Madoc, 324–26
Magi or Magu, 208–9
Mainfort, Robert C., 282
maize (corn), 308–9
Malville, J. McKim, 344
Mandan Indians, 325
Manier, Charles E., 296–97
Mankind in Amnesia, 358
Mann, Charles C., 272, 343, 352
Arab, 322, 326–28
Colorado, 98
drawn by Columbus, 12
Great Basin climates, 236
Roman era, 322
Marco Polo, 16, 17, 241
Matlock, Gene D.
on Indian influences in America,
244–45, 254, 306
on kivas and Khiva, Uzbekistan, 252
on Kokopelli, 254
May, Wayne
about, 265–66
author’s meeting with, 264–65
on the challenge facing researchers, 264
collection of, 269, 270
on Michigan copper mining, 269, 270
on mound origins, 268, 270
photo of, 265
on the Smithsonian cover-up, 266,
Mayan calendar
day-signs in, 80, 368
Indian calendar and, 94
represented in Chichén Itzá, 91
solstice-galaxy alignment of 2012 and,
timekeeping systems of, 79, 80
Mayan civilization
ancient Indian connection with,
94–97, 307
art, 84–86
astronomy interwoven in, 61–66
East Asian influences on, 93–94
Egyptian connection with, 87–88
origins of, 92–94
Vision Serpent in, 367–68
Mayan hand signs, 83–86
McAlister, Judy, 35
McColloh, James, 266
McGlone, William
Anubis Cave inscription dating by,
at Anubis Caves, 137, 139, 140,
archaeopriests debated by, 123–24
author’s connection with, 98, 99–100
author’s introduction to work of, 61, 99
Barker’s aid to, 126, 127
books written by, 99, 113, 124
on Celts’ route in America, 180–81
at Crack Cave, 128–30, 131
Fell’s falling out with, 124, 183
in History on the Rocks (film), 159
on intention and archaeoastronomical
validity, 103–4
on La Junta scripts, 284
meeting with Brennan wished by, 100
on Ogham writing in America, 123, 135
Pathfinder expedition with, 105–16
photos of, 102, 170
solar alignment types of, 104
on Sun Temple dating, 169
Sun Temple named by, 160
team organized by, 113
McKusick, Marshal, 43, 44
Megalithic Lunar Observatories, 223
menhirs. See standing stones
Menzies, Gavin, 314
Mertz, Henriette, 275–77, 282, 312
p; Mesopotamian connections, 329
metates, 230, 255
Metonic cycle, 224
metonic cycles, 259n, 260
Meyer, Robert, 180
Michener, James, 21
Michigan copper mining. See copper
mining in Michigan
Michigan Relics, 274–79
Milky Way alignment of 2012, 80–82
Minoan connections, 317–18
Mithra (deity)
astronomical alignment of, 142
bull sacrifice for, 141–42
Christ and, 143–44
esoteric aspects of worship, 143
images of, 141–42
other names for, 140–41
Perseus constellation and, 157–58
symbols associated with, 143
Mojave North
alphabets recognized at, 190
animal petroglyphs, 199–200
Anubis Caves compared to, 262–63
Anubis-like petroglyph, 199
Armenia connection with, 219
ceremonial basins at, 230–32
conjunction index markers, 224,
228–29, 260
cross-quarter days at, 210–16
damage to, 185
described, 184–85
discovery by researchers, 185–86
dismissed by archaeologists, 184
double-sun petroglyph, 195
epigraphy of, 219–22
Great Basin in relation to, 235
India connection with, 216–19,
Inscription Panel, 191, 192, 219–22
Kufic Inscription, 192
Light Serpent animation, 185–86,
187–90, 224, 229, 273, 368
Lugh petroglyph, 195–96, 210, 212
lunar alignments at, 223–30
major archaeoastronomical alignments
(table), 230
protection needed for, 233, 234
relatively unknown nature of, 182
resistance to research at, 233–34
rocks suited for archaeoastronomy,
Samaritan writing at, 220
SEA Rock, 201–6, 372
Shepherd’s Crook petroglyph, 186–87
Shiva linga at, 216–19, 227
starlike petroglyphs, 196, 197
summer solstice sunrise alignment,
Tanith image, 186
three-sheep panel, 196, 198
Vinca symbols at, 221, 222
winged arch petroglyphs, 196, 197
Monahan, Kean Scott, 122, 159–61, 178
Monks Mound, Cahokia, 272
Morehouse, Judy, 170
Morgan, Edmund S., 10–11, 26
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 21
Mound Builders
archaeological tragedy of, 266, 268
Brennan on Neolithic mounds, 53,
55, 58
debate over origins of mounds, 266–68
designs in earthworks, 270–71
enormous size of mounds, 266
Monks Mound, Cahokia, 272
Poverty Point mounds, 271
Serpent Mound of Ohio, 273
mudras, 84
mystery glyphs, 364–65
Mystic Symbol, The, 275, 276
Nagas (People of the Snake), 244–45
nakshatra cycles, 259n, 260