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Instinctual 2

Page 4

by Amanda Mackey

  “How…is… she?” It was barely a whisper.

  “She’s hanging in there. The surgeon is working on her now. I’ll call when I hear anything. Meanwhile, start packing. I’ll get Gary to call you with the flight details. Please try not to stress, darling. She’s in the best hands and she’s a tough nut like her old man.”

  “I’m not done talking with you about lying to me, but for now I’m going to let it go so I can pack. Call me the minute you find out her condition. I’ll wait to hear from Gary.”

  With that she hung up without a goodbye. He deserved it. He sat with his phone in his hand, staring out at the surrounding exterior walls of the hospital, replaying the conversation in his head. He’d cop whatever Jenny gave him. She would eventually forgive him. She always did. They would need each other more than ever now. A united team for their daughter. Lord only knew how long Kate would have to stay in hospital. Robert moved his troubled gaze into his coffee that had started to form a skin on top, searching for answers to life’s problems. He came up empty. He felt like he’d aged overnight, his shoulders sagging under the weight of his life. Placing the mug down on the table, he dialed Gary’s number to ask another favor. He knew he should do it himself but he just couldn’t be bothered dealing with anything else at that point.

  Chapter Seven

  Jake caught up with Kate in Emergency as a medical team fussed over her and figured out the best course of action, which they quickly decided was surgery. He’d been touching her ever since, not wanting to leave for a second. He was grateful for his invisibility as he watched Robert get vetoed from proceeding into the elevator, anger clearly visible on the man’s face as he nodded in resignation after being told of the hospital protocol. Now that they were in the operating theater he was able to stand in between doctors and hold her hand. Before opening her up they’d scanned her body to find out where the internal bleeding was.

  Her abdominal cavity was distended and filled with blood and there was swelling in the brain. She had a punctured lung, broken femur, and three broken ribs. Lucky, considering.

  The surgeon made an incision into Kate’s abdominal cavity and was siphoning the excess blood out, having determined that her spleen was also ruptured, which was where the blood had come from.

  Hearing the extent of her injuries made Jake realize just how close Kate was to death. It would take a miracle to bring her back from the brink. She’d been outside in the elements, bleeding internally for way too long. If only he’d never gone to Vernazza. Kate had said it was an accident but it was an accident that would never have happened if only Jake had been strong enough to ignore the pull. He would always be responsible in his own mind. It didn’t matter what anyone said. He would spend forever making it up to her if given the chance.

  Come on, baby. Pull through. Stay with me. I can’t go on if you don’t make it. I want to make everything right again. I want us to be together. I love you. Always have. Always will.

  As he was squeezing her hand, he felt a gentle waft of air on his neck. He spun around, nearly bowling over Kate’s ethereal form. She was standing closely behind Jake, watching the surgery with a grim look on her face.

  “Kate! What are you doing? Where have you been?” He held her face in his hands, happy to at least have some part of her tangible that he could feel and see. He kissed her forehead and then stood back, soaking up her features. “I…” She looked confused. “I was at the jail. Carlos…”

  Jake put his arm around Kate’s shoulders and led her out of the operating theatre. “Come on. Let’s go somewhere quiet where we can talk. You don’t need to see this.”

  He didn’t know where they would go. Technically they could travel to any destination they wanted but he wasn’t sure Kate would want to be that far from her body. He led her out to a small garden on the hospital grounds where a bench sat under a tree.

  “I’m so sorry you had to find out about Carlos.” Jake hated seeing the pain in her eyes.

  “I guess after seeing him, I must have returned to my body. I could hear voices and feel such pain but I couldn’t move. How did I get here?”

  Jake explained as best he could, intentionally leaving out the part about her heart having to be restarted. She didn’t need to know that at this point.

  Kate looked bewildered. “You did this? You saved me?”

  “Yes. I told you I would stop at nothing to help you. I’m just glad your dad finally accepted the note as real.”

  Kate slumped with relief. She turned, grabbing Jake’s hand, looking him in the eyes. “Thank you. I really mean that. You’ve put your own situation aside to help me. I can’t tell you how much that means to me. I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here.”

  Jake laced their fingers and squeezed. “You’re very welcome. It’s always been you, Kate. As much of an ass as I was in the past, it was always you, whether it was your safety or well-being. I just hope you make it. You need to fight with everything you have.”

  The light breeze blew Kate’s hair over her face, so Jake reached out and pushed it away and tucked it behind her ear before grazing his knuckles down her cheek. Kate leaned in to his touch.

  “Where’s my dad?”

  “He’s in there somewhere, waiting anxiously.” Jake nodded towards the sterile building. “He’s taken it pretty bad. I’ve never seen him look so upset.”

  “I’m sorry I’ve put everyone through this. I swear, somehow I’m going to return the favor and help you, Jake. I don’t know how, but I will do it.”

  “I know. It’s not your fault, Kate. If anyone is to blame, it’s me. I never should have returned to Vernazza.”

  “No! Don’t say that! If you hadn’t returned, I never would have found out the truth. I never would have known about Carlos.”

  “Still. You wouldn’t be in critical condition in hospital, either.”

  Kate moved in to Jake, placing her hand around his shoulders and pulling him into a hug. She put her mouth close to his ear and spoke the words that appeased him only mildly. “I’m glad you’re here, Jake. I appreciate all that you’ve done since finding me again. It wasn’t your fault that I fell. You didn’t push me. You weren’t anywhere near me. It was an accident. Nothing more. A stupid accident. I shouldn’t have been standing so close to the edge.”

  He would still continue to blame himself. Jake’s choices in the past had ultimately led them here. That was a fact. He couldn’t help but take it upon himself to bear the weight of his actions. To man up and own it.

  Allowing his eyes to wander over Kate’s captivating features, knowing he didn’t deserve an ounce of her compassion, his ego cheered in victory that her forgiveness had been swift and that by some small miracle they may be able to move past the hurt, regret, and accusations into a new place of hope, understanding, and trust. It was no small task, but one he was up for if it meant spending time with this amazingly strong, courageous woman whose essence was a part of him.

  He ran his hands through her hair, reveling in the feel of her again, not knowing what the future held but happy to live in the moment. He pulled her head back so he could look into her hazel eyes. His love. His mate. His other half. He brushed both thumbs over her cheekbones before moving his gaze to her mouth. He needed to feel those lips more than anything. It wasn’t under his control anymore.

  His mouth claimed hers violently, opening to allow their tongues to join. The coolness of her lips surprised him, but after a minute of intense kissing they warmed somewhat and moved perfectly with his own.

  Kate moaned into Jake’s mouth after the initial surprise attack, showing no signs of pulling back as she gripped him hard on the shoulders. Their bodies thrummed in time to each other, sparks flying.

  They were all hands and mouths, discovering again the parts of each other that they had so missed. Kate held nothing back, as if giving herself back to Jake, and he accepted willingly, taking what she had to offer.

  “Mmm, baby. I want you so much. I’ve missed you,” Ja
ke murmured heatedly as his lips found hers again.

  Without seeing her move, he found her straddled across his lap, pushing herself into him. He was trying to tell himself all the reasons why they shouldn’t be doing this but she was just too hard to resist. It was a struggle he would never win.

  “I want you too, Jake.” Kate’s hands were frantically ravaging his ripped chest beneath the layer of cotton. She pouted when Jake stopped.

  “Wait!” he urged, aware that they were out in the open on a park bench. “Not here!”

  “We’re invisible, Jake. No one can see us.” She moved in to kiss the sensitive spot below his ear, eliciting a heady groan from Jake.

  “I know, but I want to do this right. Go somewhere special. I’ve waited way too long for this. I don’t want it to be on a lumpy bench in some hospital garden.” Her lips felt so good on his neck. It was hard to focus as his eyes rolled back into his head.

  Kate mumbled into Jake’s ear. “What do you suggest?”

  “Keep your eyes closed and hang on.” Wherever they were going, they needed to get there fast.

  Kate’s eyes were already closed as she moved her head to Jake’s shoulder.

  Immediately they teleported. Jake watched Kate’s eyes remain closed. He let her stay like that for a moment and then whispered, “Open your eyes.”

  “Ohhh, Jake!” Kate squealed.

  They were sitting on a cane lounge on the very large balcony of a luxurious beach house. It was a mixture of stone and timber with a shingle roof. There was glass everywhere to make the most of the beautiful inlet the sprawling house sat on. Palm trees swayed in the breeze as she suddenly worked out they weren’t in Italy any more.

  “We’re not in Kansas anymore, are we?” She laughed.

  Jake laughed along with her. It felt good. To be on his turf with his true love, even if just for a short time. He needed to make every second count.

  “No, we’re definitely not in Kansas, sweetheart.”

  For a moment they both forgot the dire situation they were in and escaped into a false reality.

  “What is this place and where are we, Jake?”

  “Well, we’re in the Caribbean and this is my house.”

  Kate gaped. “Your house? But how? This isn’t a normal run-of-the-mill home, Jake. It’s a mansion.”

  Jake grinned wider, glad that he’d impressed her, although how was he to tell her that he’d paid for it with his money from The Organization and had been keeping it as a family home in the hope that he would one day be able to win her back?

  “I was making okay money. It was kind of my retirement home. I’ve only stayed here once, myself. Come. Let’s go inside.”


  Kate stood, letting Jake take her into the home. Well, they walked through the walls since he didn’t have any keys with him. A perk she’d never get tired of.

  It was decked out like something you’d expect to find in Thailand. Exotic statues and fake but very lifelike plants filled the living area with another oversized cane lounge with large, red cushions that looked soft and comfortable. A bamboo ceiling fan hanging from exposed beams on the A-frame roofline.

  The house seemed to consist of separate pavilions with glassed passageways linking everything together. The kitchen was the size of Kate’s whole apartment with stone wraparound counters on both sides and every modern convenience in place. They didn’t pause there but merely passed by as they walked through a hallway towards another wing of the house.

  Upon stepping through, Kate realized that this wing consisted of one large room with a door to an adjoining bathroom. It was Jake’s bedroom. The focal point was a king-sized bed, situated in the center of the room, draped in black satin sheets and pillows that screamed sex. Kate had to look away as she imagined what could go on amongst those sheets. What was it with Jake and black? It certainly looked good on him. She couldn’t argue with that as her mind wondered what he would look like draped in black satin.

  Staring at the carpet, she noticed how soft it felt underfoot. Her feet sank into the plush white. Even though it was a color Kate never would have chosen due to its ability to show the dirt so easily, it was very in keeping with the whole black and white themed room that was in stark contrast to the rest of the house.

  Turning her head to peek at Jake, who had gone quiet, she noticed he was looking at her in question, one eyebrow raised.

  “It’s…um…awesome!” Awesome? What was she? Ten years old? Hadn’t he been expecting some romantic, sexy reply that would help break the ice that had suddenly started to freeze over her which probably had more to do with nerves than anything else? All she had been able to come up with was awesome?

  It needn’t have mattered. Jake closed the gap in one graceful move and took her in his arms.

  The intensity in his eyes drew Kate in like a magnet. She was spellbound, filled with anticipation. She was also slightly anxious, as if on a first date. It was crazy. She knew Jake’s body better than anyone and yet now, as his hands reached for the dress she had manifested after deciding it was more appropriate than the black leather outfit, shyness gripped her. Would he still like her body? Did she have any extra dimples that hadn’t been there before? Instinctively her arms crossed in front of her breasts to hide her nakedness as she became exposed

  “Kate. You don’t need to cover yourself. I’ve seen every ounce of skin covering your body, not only in real life but in my dreams. You’re beautiful.” He gave her a full wattage smile that nearly dropped her to the floor. His perfect white teeth made him even more beautiful if that were possible, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

  Still, so much time had passed. They were different people. She had aged. It wasn’t as if she was into going to the gym and doing exercise on a regular basis. Work had her sitting on a chair most days, which wasn’t doing her thighs any favors. She’d never been a sporty type even though she loved the outdoors. Fitness was something that came to her via climbing the massive amount of stairs in Vernazza in order to get anywhere. It was lucky that her family gene pool was better than average and she took after her mother’s slender, yet curvy figure.

  Both Jake’s hands were resting on Kate’s bare shoulders before they moved down her arms, gently placing them at Kate’s side so he had full access to her. His eyes wasted no time drinking in her curves and she could see the hooded expression of lust as they traveled up and down twice.

  “I think we need to get rid of these.” Jake ripped Kate’s white lace panties from her that weren’t even real and threw them aside. She could have just willed them away if he’d asked.

  “There, that’s better. Turn around.” His hand twirled around in circles, motioning to her to do the same.

  “Jake…” She stalled, feeling exposed, not knowing what her rear end looked like.

  “Please? I’ve been dreaming of your naked body for so long, I’d forgotten how gorgeous it is. Let me have this moment to enjoy.”

  Not wanting to let him down but silently cringing, Kate slowly turned, not stopping until she was back facing Jake.

  His dimples deepened from the smile that had only grown in appreciation. “You’re so sexy, baby, and for now you’re all mine. Come here. It’s your turn.”

  Kate didn’t hesitate. Two could play at that game. Jake’s muscles had been screaming at her to release them from the confines of his tight, black clothing since she’d first seen him in the dark, lonely alley back in Vernazza. Her curiosity was at an all-time high, plus the attention would now be off her. He still wanted her, bumps and all.

  Jake’s head was tilted to the side as he watched Kate approach. His lips turned up further at the corners and his eyes had a cheeky edge to them.

  As Kate moved in for the kill, she went for his tee first, gently lifting it out of the band of his jeans, making sure to graze his skin with her hands as she peeled it off. Jake’s throat produced a primal noise from the contact on his bare torso. The color of his eyes seemed to change to black as his pupi
ls dilated fully, mouth parting. He didn’t touch Kate but held his hands at his sides, letting her enjoy undressing him. She noticed his fingers twitching.

  When her hands touched his happy trail, undoing the zip and button on his jeans, she felt him clench his buttocks in response. Kate’s eyes found Jake’s as she watched how she affected him, gaining some power in his reaction. Her nipples peaked and she squeezed her thighs at the god-like body she had full access to. The hard planes of muscle that begged for her touch.

  With some effort, the black jeans fell to the carpet, leaving Jake standing in all his glory. Kate tore her gaze away from his face to bask in his beauty from the neck down. A carved Adonis that could proudly stand tall in any Greek museum. As her eyes lowered further, she discovered just how much of a man Jake was. Had he gotten bigger over the years or had she just forgotten?

  Her shocked look didn’t go unnoticed. “It’s okay! It won’t bite!” Jake laughed softly as he moved his hands to her head.

  Kate looked up and smirked. “You’ve grown since I last saw you.”

  “Maybe I’m just that much more excited to see you.” In one fluid motion he bent slightly, grabbed her under both arms, lifting her as he backed himself onto the massive bed, falling onto the slippery black sheets with Kate on top of him. Instantly his mouth found hers again, silencing any protest or dialogue.

  This was so necessary. Whether it was right didn’t factor into the equation. It was therapy at its best. An escape. And yet, it meant so much more.

  Kate’s arms and legs wound around Jake. There was a certain desperation in the way she clung to him, knowing it could be the last time either of them yet feeling as if it was the first.

  Kate let Jake drag her to a forbidden place where time ceased to exist. Her senses seemed to be on overdrive as Jake’s scent became a part of her. His touch burned as his mouth trailed sweet kisses down to her ripe breasts. He rolled and pulled her under him so he could make a meal of them.


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