The '63 Steelers
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Bivins, Charlie, 185
Blair, Sam, 105
Bleier, Rocky, 238
blitz defense, 79, 143
blocking: by Carpenter, 215–16; Johnson’s fondness for, 135, 220; by Keys, 124; of placekicks, 24, 26, 74
Blount, Roy, Jr., 19–20, 95
Bosseler, Don, 93, 161, 163
Bradshaw, Charlie, 4–5, 20, 56; background of, 70, 144–45, 179–80; against Cowboys, 220; in offensive line, 89, 123, 144–45; against Redskins, 89, 92
Bradshaw, Jim, 74, 120, 139, 248; on bar fight, 152–53; against Cardinals, 79; against Cowboys, 108; fans booing accidentally, 153–54, 159; against Redskins, 93
Bratkowski, Zeke, 121, 168
Breslin, Jimmy, 228
Brewer, Johnny, 146
broadcasting, NFL, 15
Brown, Ed, 2, 36, 137; background of, 60; against Bears, 168, 181–84, 187; against Browns, 63–65, 66, 142–43, 144–45, 146; against Cardinals, 46–47, 49, 74–78; compared to Layne, 20–21, 55, 57, 60, 243; compared to other quarterbacks, 62, 232; against Cowboys, 103–8, 215, 217; death of, 251; against Eagles, 24–25, 54, 203–4; against Giants, 38, 237–39, 243; growth as quarterback, 67; injuries of, 55, 232; interceptions of, 203–4, 237; Layne critiquing, 60–61; against Lions, 55; nervousness of, 238–39; off-games of, 54, 103–8, 182, 184, 203, 243; offense protecting, 147, 152–53, 239–40; against Packers, 54, 124–25; Parker and, 53, 72; pass completions/incompletes by, 63–65, 125, 232, 237–39, 243; personality of, 60, 62, 232, 238–39, 244; post-Steeler career of, 250–51; power of throws, 20, 22, 106, 239; prediction for game against Giants, 234, 237; punts by, 24, 66, 126, 181; against Redskins, 89, 92, 159, 162; strategies of, 22–23, 25–26, 125; team get-togethers and, 234, 239; team’s lack of confidence in, 57, 232–33
Brown, Hugh, 205
Brown, Jim, xiii, 6, 27, 39, 61, 64–67, 73, 88, 93, 108, 118; injuries from tackling, 157, 160; Johnson and, 137–38; Keys tackling, 139–40, 160; on racism, 136; running by, 134, 139; rushing by, 102, 125, 127, 207; Schmitz’s great play against, 143–44; on Steelers, 137–38, 143, 191; Steelers stopping, 141–42, 145–46; talents of, 87, 129–30; toughness of, 80–81
Brown, John, 64
Brown, Paul, 16, 61, 72, 109, 113, 165–66; on fickle fate in games, 160–61; innovations of, 101, 151
Brown, Roosevelt, 37
Brown, Tim, 22–23, 204
Broyles, Frank, 33
Bucs, 45
Budd, Frank, 89–90, 160, 163
Bukich, Rudy, 85
Bullocks, Amos, 105–6, 181, 185, 187, 215–17
Burk, Adrian, 33
Burrell, John, 179–80, 185, 218
Burroughs, Don, 21, 204
Butler, Billy, 98–99
Butler, Jack, 154–55, 244
Byrnes, Kenny, 175–76
Caffey, Lee Roy, 23–24, 204
Campbell, Stan, 5
Cannon, Billy, 197, 219
Carpenter, Lew, 126, 133
Carpenter, Preston, 22–23, 155; against Bears, 180, 182–83; against Browns, 64, 142–43; against Cardinals, 46; against Cowboys, 106, 215–17; on Dial, 197–98; against Eagles, 25–26, 203, 206; against Giants, 238; on Layne, 56, 58; on Lipscomb, 28–29; against Packers, 126; on Parker, 114, 117, 119; post-Steelers career, 248; satisfaction with NFL career, 250
Carr, Jimmy, 205
Carr, Joe, 169
Cartwright, Gary, 107, 218
Carver, Frank, 200
Casares, Rick, 168, 185
Chandler, Don “Babe,” 37, 38, 170, 233, 236, 240, 243
Chandnois, Lynn, 117, 149
Chicago, interest in Bears’ game, 172–73
Chicago Bears, 27, 80, 167, 226; 1964 season of, 248; in NFL championship game, 26, 254; Steelers’ desire to beat, 168, 179; in Western Conference, 156–57, 164, 200
Chicago Bears-Steelers game (11/24), xiii– xv, 180–88; discussion of postponement after Kennedy assassination, 169, 171–73
Chicago Cardinals, 112
Childress, Joe, 45–47, 49, 62, 71, 74, 77, 79–80
civil rights movement: effects on NFL, 115–16; responses to, 8–10
Clark, Mike, 25, 204–5, 248
Clarke, Frank, 103–4, 106, 108, 213, 221
Clemente, Roberto, 17, 45
Cleveland Browns, 213; 1964 season of, 247–48; Carpenter with, 215–16; collapse of ’63 season for, 108, 221; offense by, 61–62, 64, 136, 144; in Runner-Up Bowl, 245; standings in Eastern Conference, 127, 146–48, 157, 164, 200, 207, 243; Steelers rivalry with, xii, xiii, 14, 140–41, 247; winning NFL championship, 255; wins by, 52, 80, 93
Cleveland Browns-Steelers game (10/5), 63–67
Cleveland Browns-Steelers game (11/10), 141–48
Cleveland Browns-Steelers game (11/22/59), xiii
coaches: Butler as defensive backs, 154–55; Cordileone’s problems with, 31–32; offense vs. defense, 78–79; Parker as, 109, 111–19, 230; players becoming, 6, 250; racial discrimination in, 15–16, 136; ranking of, 245; rules set for players by, 113, 119; by Stautner, 210, 249–50
Cobbledick, Gordon, 134, 172
Cohen, Harold V., 199
Cohen, Sam “The Umbrella Man,” 82
college football, 119, 165, 214. See also University of Pittsburgh football
Collier, Blanton, 12, 61, 143, 144
Collins, Gary, 64, 65–66, 142, 144–46
Collins, Jack, 150
Conerly, Charlie, 33, 224
Conrad, Bobby Joe, 43–44, 47, 49, 71, 75–76, 79–80, 153, 192
Conroy, Pat, 256
conversions: Michaels’s, 25, 130, 145, 180; Tracy’s, 106–7
Cook, Eugene, 156
Cope, Myron, 2, 55, 131–32, 188, 234, 238–39
Cordileone, Lou, 61, 92, 103, 147; 151, 170, 207, 209, 221; on 1962 Playoff Bowl, 4; analyzing and second-guessing 1963 season, 252; background of, 30–31; on Brown, 152, 234, 239; against Browns, 146; against Cardinals, 49, 77–78; careers after football, 248–49; against Eagles, 23, 206; on game against Giants, 226–27; against Giants, 38–39, 240; on Johnson, 137–38; on Layne, 55–56, 58; replacing Lipscomb, 30, 36; on Stautner, 3, 147; traded, 6, 68, 70, 117
cornerback, Keys as, 139–40
Costello, Vince, 64, 66, 107, 143–44
Crabb, Claude, 159
Creekmur, Lee, 132–33
crime, in Pittsburgh, 155–56
Cronkite, Walter, 224
Cross, Irv, 5, 21, 24, 26, 205–6
Crow, John David, 44, 73–76, 137
culture, American, 123, 156, 169, 192, 202; in 1963, 7–9, 34–35; changes in, 34–35, 88, 122–23, 251; diversions besides football, 45, 255
Curbstone Coaches luncheon, 141, 166
Curry, Roy, 120, 181–82, 187
Curtis, Overton, 99
Czarnecki, Leo “Horse,” 137, 236
Daley, Arthur, 7, 110, 154–55, 166, 189, 222, 231, 235
Dallas Cowboys, 104, 175; ill-fated season of, 212, 217–18; quarterbacks of, xiii, 101; Steelers vs., 102, 213–14; strong offense of, 212–13
Dallas Cowboys-Steelers game (10/27), 102–8
Dallas Cowboys-Steelers game (12/8), 215– 21; effects of wind gusts on, 214–15, 217
Daniel, Ruth, 153–55, 177
Daniel, Willie, xvi, 4, 102, 153, 186, 198, 237, 250; background, 6, 154; against Bears, 183; against Cardinals, 79; against Redskins, 90–92, 163
Danvers, Charles P., 20
Daugherty, Duffy, 149–50, 155
Davis, Al, 31
Davis, Art, 215–16
Davis, Ernie, xiv–xv, 115
Davis, Jeff, 184
Davis, Tommy, 45
Davis, Willie, 125
Dawson, Len, 34, 48
Dean, Ted, 4
defense, 163, 230; in 1964 season, 247; against Bears, 183, 185; of Bears, 167, 182; against Browns, 144, 146; against Cardinals, 46, 49–51, 73, 75–77; Cordileone in, 32, 36; against Eagles, 205; effectiveness of, 99, 125, 159, 205; against Giants, 38, 228
, 239–40; holes in, 78, 126, 209, 231; league standing of Steelers’, 167; against Packers, 125–26; against Redskins, 159; strategies in, 118, 239–41
defensive backfield, Bears’, 167–68
defensive backs, 63, 153–55
defensive end, Michaels as, 11–12, 13
defensive tackle, Cordileone as, 32
DeMarco, Bob, 44
“Destiny’s Derelicts,” 1962 Steelers called, 2
Detroit Lions, 55, 112, 213, 221, 226; Johnson with, 135–36; Parker as coach of, 109, 111, 119, 252; Parker as player for, 111–12; William Clay Ford buying, 171
Detroit Lions-Steelers, in 1962 Playoff Bowl, 4
Devine, Dan, 40
Dial, Darren, 193
Dial, David, 194
Dial, Gilbert Leroy “Buddy,” 22–23, 134, 207, 248; background of, 85, 179–80, 191–99; against Bears, 181–84, 187; Brown and, 61, 232–33; against Browns, 64–65, 142–46; Brown’s passes to, 182–84, 239; against Cardinals, 46, 49–50, 74, 77; against Cowboys, 104–7, 215; disappointment about Giants game, 235, 245; against Eagles, 25, 26, 203–6; family of, 193–94, 198; against Giants, 38, 237–38, 243; injuries of, 194, 198; against Packers, 126–27; personality of, 192–94; as receiver, 64, 107, 125–27, 232; against Redskins, 89, 92–93, 159; touchdowns by, 64–65, 93, 104, 106, 204, 215, 243
Dial, Janice, 193–94, 198–99
Dial, Kevin, 193–94, 199
Ditka, Mike, xvi, 18, 80, 151, 167, 180–81, 183, 189; complaints of unfair officiating and, 188, 199; great run by, 185–86, 188
Donovan, Art, 225
Doran, Jim, 56–57, 78
Dorow, Al, 149
Dove, Eddie, 238
Dowler, Boyd, 124–25
Downes, Bill, 21, 204
draft system, 41–42, 119, 150; Carpenter in, 215–16; Parker and, 87, 120, 211–12; Parker trading first-round picks, 53, 120, 208; Steelers wasting picks, 47–48
drugs: Lipscomb supposedly dying of, 28– 29; overuse of painkillers, 197–98
Drulis, Chuck, 49–50, 79
Dugan, Fred, 159, 161
Eastern Conference, 101, 245–46; in 1964, 247; calculations of rankings in, 225, 245–46; effects of tie games in, 188, 206, 225; first place in, 66, 146–48, 164, 188; as free-for-all, 7, 108; Playoff Bowl for second-place teams in, 3; standings in, 94, 127–28, 200, 214, 243; Steelers’ chances of winning, 7, 192; Steelers’ place in, xv, 75, 81, 127, 166, 187, 221, 243; Steelers’ role in, 103, 121, 157
Ebert, Dianne, 175
education, players working on degrees, 61, 123, 210
Edwards, Dave, 220
Elliott, Stretch, 132–33
endorsements, 136, 223–24
equipment, 136; Layne’s disdain for, 1–2; shoes for icy conditions, 235–36, 240
extra points, Michaels missing, 104
Face, Elroy, 19
Fargardo, Jim, 175–76
Falls, Joe, 7
fans: appreciation and dislike for specific players, 20, 54, 63, 145, 153–54, 205; appreciation for underdogs, 29; attendance by, 38; of Browns, 140–41; of Cowboys, 218; crowding field, 165–66; desperation for winning season, 17, 19– 20, 73; fights by, 18, 132–33; fondness for Rooney, 18; games after Kennedy assassination and, 173, 175–79, 188–89; importance of, 21–22, 166; optimism about 1963 season, 14, 51, 88–89; of Rams, 222; of Redskins, 159; toughness of, 19–20. See also ticket sales
Farrington, John, 180, 183–84, 187, 255
Fay, Ed, 96, 98–100
Fears, Tom, 222
Ferguson, Bob, 42, 150; against Browns, 62, 64, 66; against Cardinals, 47, 49–51, 75–77; Parker and, 87, 120, 149, 212; post-Steelers career, 249; slow start of, 47–48
Fichtner, Ross, 86–87, 145
field goals, 21, 25, 233, 238; by Baker, 106, 215; against Bears, 185; against Browns, 64, 66; against Cardinals, 46, 49, 50, 74, 76, 77; against Cowboys, 215–16; against Eagles, 23, 206; against Giants, 37, 233–34, 239; by Michaels, 16; against Redskins, 90
field goals, Michaels missing: against Bears, 183; against Browns, 66, 141–43, 146; against Cardinals, 76; against Cowboys, 216–17; against Eagles, 25–26, 205; against Giants, 237–38, 243; Michaels’s erratic performance on, 11, 14, 161–62, 233; against Packers, 125; against Redskins, 159
fighting, 4; concerns about football’s increasing violence, 131–34, 133; fans and, 18–20, 132–33; Johnson’s meanness in, 131–35; Keys starting, 139; Mack’s, 96, 98–100; Michaels and McMillan, 50–51; as Pittsburgh tradition, 95–96; Scotti and Mellekas, 201–3; Steelers’ reputation for, 5, 14, 157; targets for violence, 133–34
Fischer, Pat, 74, 101
Fiss, Galen, 64, 66, 145
Fleming, Marv, 124, 126
Fogarty, Fran, 153, 214, 236
Folkins, Lee, 104–6
Football: compared to life, 193; fickle fate in games, 160–61, 183, 193; games after Kennedy assassination, 169, 171–72, 188–89; growing popularity of, 68–69, 123, 165–66; need for aggression in, 155, 228–29; NFL becoming big business, 193; Parker’s philosophy of, 109; players’ motives for, 208. See also college football
Forbes Field, xiii, 169, 223; as antiquated, xv–xvi, 103; demolished, 255; game after Kennedy assassination in, 179–80; last home game in, 202
Ford, William Clay, 171
Forester, Bill, 125, 170
Fortunato, Joe, 167, 185
fullbacks, Sapp as, 87
fumbles: in Cardinals game, 76; in Eagles game, 23, 203–4; in Giants game, 236–38, 243, 246; on kickoff returns, 185; in Packers game, 124–28, 126; recovery of, 76, 93; in Redskins game, 90, 92–93, 162
Furlong, Bill, 184
Gabor, Zsa Zsa, 63
Gaechter, Mike, 105, 215–16, 220
Gain, Bob, 64, 65
Galimore, Willie, 137, 180, 255
gambling, 9, 86, 121
Ganzel, Dewey, xiv
Garner, Erroll, 5
“Gashouse Gang,” Steelers called, 6
Gautt, Prentice, 44
Gay, Timothy, 11, 24–25, 76
George, Bill, 167, 182, 185
Gibbs, Sonny, 101
Gifford, Frank, 32, 38, 222, 231, 240–41; effects of great catch, 242–43, 252
Gillespie, Dizzy, 5
Glass, Bill, 65, 75–76
Glass, Glenn, 22, 25; against Bears, 180–81, 186; against Browns, 142, 146; against Cowboys, 216; against Giants, 37, 240–42; against Packers, 125; post-Steelers career, 248; against Redskins, 160, 162–63
Glick, Gary, 48, 215–16
goalpost, crooked, 21, 25–26
Goldwater, Barry, 158, 255
Good, Herb, 26–27
Grady, Sandy, 4, 176, 179, 188
Graf, Fritz, 185
Graham, Otto, 133, 134
Gray, Ken, 44, 46
Green, Bobby Joe, 180–81, 183
Green, Cornell, 104, 146, 215
Green, Ernie, 142
Green Bay Packers: Bears beating, 164, 166–68; under Lombardi, xiii, 119–20, 123–24; place in Western Conference, 156–57, 200
Green Bay Packers-Steelers game (11/3), 120–21, 123, 138
Gregg, Forrest, 4–5, 124
Gremminger, Hank, 126
Grier, Rosey, 222
Griffing, Glynn, 33, 38, 39, 224
Grill, Crawford, 5
Groat, Dick, 17
Gros, Earl, 124
Gross, Milton, 178, 201
Grosscup, Lee, 85, 194–95
Groza, Lou, 142, 145
Guglielmi, Ralph, 33, 36–39, 227
Guzik, John, 18
Hackbart, Dale, 160
Hackett, Dave, 189
Halas, George, 156, 165, 187, 253; as coach, 113, 245; complaints about officiating and, 186, 188; concern about playing Steelers, 166–68; on game against Steelers, 167, 188; Parker and, 118–19, 184–85
Haley, Dick, 6, 22, 70, 171, 236; background of, 83–85; against Bears, 180, 183; against Cardinals, 46, 79; against Cowboys, 104, 217; against Eagles, 20
4; on Gifford’s great catch, 241–42; injuries of, 73; interceptions by, 93, 162, 180; on opponents, xvi, 92, 130, 203; against Packers, 124; on Parker, 110, 113–14; personality of, 85–86; in player personnel, 85–86, 120, 130, 250; against Redskins, 89–90, 93, 162–63
Haley, Todd, 85
halfbacks, 140, 150
Hargitay, Mickey, 156
Hatcher, Ron, 115
Heck, Ralph, 23–24
Hecker, Norb, 79–80
Henry, Mike, 70
Hernon, Jack, 45
Hickey, Howard Wayne “Red,” 31–32, 113
Hill, Jimmy, 44, 74, 121, 192–93, 203, 231
Hill, King, 23, 25, 201, 205–6
Hirsch, Elroy “Crazy Legs,” 222
Hoak, Dick, 6, 51, 97, 127–28; against Bears, 180–85, 187; against Browns, 63– 66, 141–42, 145–46; call against, compared to Ditka’s, 186, 199; against Cardinals, 46, 49–50, 74–75, 77; coaching by, 250; against Cowboys, 105; against Eagles, 203; against Giants, 36–37; in ground game, 36, 182; honored at Browns-Steelers game, 137; importance to team, 62, 140; injuries of, 73, 219; Johnson and, 62, 141–42; against Packers, 124–27; against Redskins, 89–90, 92, 161–62; rushing record of, 102, 129; touchdowns by, 36–37, 90, 184–85
Holmes, Tommy, 146
Hornung, Paul, 9, 58, 121, 126, 144, 236
Howell, Jim Lee, 166
Howton, Billy, 103, 105, 108, 153, 194, 213, 231
Huff, Sam, 87, 130, 221–23, 227, 244; background of, 228; documentary about, 224; on fighting, 131, 133; on Kennedy’s assassination, 170, 174–75, 179; meanness of, 134, 228
Hutson, Don, 103, 105, 153, 194
injuries, 2, 57, 90, 157, 199, 219, 232, 238; in 1964 season, 249; Atkinson’s, 209–10; Dial’s, 194, 198; effects of Johnson’s, 66–67, 129, 140; effects of Steelers’, 32, 72–73, 75, 80, 168, 244; from fights, 5, 201–3; Johnson’s, 47, 62, 73, 87, 88, 102; Keys’, 231, 244; linebackers’, 43, 118; Mack’s, 97, 99; Michaels’s, 103, 107; NFL disability plan for, 198; in Playoff Bowls, 3–4; Pottios’s, 97, 248; Reger’s, 27, 102, 184, 210; Stautner’s, 102–3; Thomas’s, 102, 108
interceptions, 182; in Bears game, 180, 183–84, 187; by Bradshaw, 108; of Brown’s passes, 61, 104, 203; in Cardinals game, 46–47, 51; in Cowboys game, 104, 108; in Eagles games, 24, 203; in Giants game, 37; by Glass, 37; by Haley, 93, 180; of Johnson’s passes, 51; in Packers game, 125, 127–28; by Pottios, 93, 125; in Redskins game, 92–93, 162; by Thomas, 24, 37
Irma the Body, 141–42, 156
Ivy, Frank “Pop,” 236
Izo, George, 157