The '63 Steelers
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Jackson, Leroy, 93
James, Dan, 4, 93; against Cowboys, 220; in offensive line, 89, 123, 144; against Redskins, 89, 92
James, Dick, 157, 162
Jencks, Bob, 180
Johnson, Charley, 39, 43–44, 46–47, 49–51, 61, 78, 174; compared to other quarterbacks, 71, 93, 213; records set by, 74–75; using Ramsey’s defense tactics, 79–80
Johnson, John Henry, 4, 16, 247; background of, 134–36; against Bears, 180– 83, 185; against Browns, 141–42, 145–47; against Cardinals, 46, 48; against Cowboys, 102, 105, 215, 218–19; death of, 250; against Eagles, 23–25, 203, 205; effects of injuries of, 64, 66–67, 129, 140, 244; against Giants, 37–38, 236–38, 240, 243; Halas and, 168, 185; honors for, 63, 250; injuries of, 47, 62, 72–73, 87–88, 102–3, 105; love of blocking, 135, 220; meanness of, 6, 131–34; offensive line and, 62–63, 136–37, 144–45; against Packers, 124, 127, 130; partying by, 56, 114; personality of, 130; racial discrimination and, 114, 136; against Redskins, 159, 161, 162; runners as targets for violence, 134; running game of, 36, 182–83; running style of, 137–39; rushing by, 38, 125, 243; rushing records of, 129, 146– 47, 250; touchdowns by, 25, 38, 159
Johnson, Vince, 156
Jones, Cleveland “Pussyfoot,” 99
Jordan, Henry, 126
Jordan, Lee Roy, 104–5
Jurgensen, Sonny, 3, 21–25, 200–201
Kanicki, Jim, 64, 65–66
Karras, Alex, 9, 57–59, 121, 196
Katcavage, Jim, 36, 145, 232, 237
Kelleher, Tom, 185
Kelly, Jim, 212
Kemp, Jack, 34
Kemp, Ray, 15–16
Kennedy, John F., 158, 165; assassination of, xiv–xv, 169; effects of assassination of, 177–78, 200, 214; funeral of, xvii; investigations into assassination, 202; love of football, 189–90; players’ responses to games after assassination of, 178–79, 201; responses to assassination of, 169–72, 188, 190, 199, 202; responses to football games after assassination of, 172–77, 188–89; sportsmen campaigning for, 29–30; visits to western Pennsylvania, 169–70
Keys, Brady, 5, 22, 24–25, 66, 80, 98; on Brown, 57, 239; against Browns, 65, 144–46; against Cardinals, 46–47, 49, 74–75; against Cowboys, 105; against Giants, 36, 38; injuries of, 157, 160, 168, 231, 244; against Packers, 124; personality of, 63; post-Steelers career, 248; against Redskins, 89; tackling strategy of, 139–40, 157
Keys, Howard, 5
Khashoggi, Adnan, 211
Khayat, Ed, 89, 92–93, 159, 161
kicking, 11–12, 14, 233. See also field goals
kickoffs, 25, 185
Kiely, Ed, 89–90
Kilcullen, Bob, 185
Killett, Charlie, 33
Kilroy, Bucko, 2
King, Phil, 37, 231, 237–38, 240
Koman, Bill, 71
Kraemer, Eldred, 18
Kramer, Jerry, 124–25
Kreitling, Rich, 66, 142–43
Krupa, Joe, 4–5, 65–66, 174, 185; against Bears, 183, 186, 187; against Cardinals, 46; against Eagles, 205, 206; against Giants, 37; against Redskins, 159; in Steeler defense, 76–77, 183, 205, 209
Kuharich, Joe, 97, 151, 200, 217
Landry, Tom, xiii, 104, 107–8; defense under, 212, 230; quarterback system of, 101, 105, 214; Stautner coaching under, 249–50
Lane, Dick “Night Train,” 44, 99, 132, 192
Larson, Greg, 237
Lary, Yale, 56
Lawrence, David L., xiii
Layne, Bobby, xiii, 4, 179–80, 202, 236; advisory role for, 35, 60–61, 81, 182, 196, 203, 224; Ballman and, 152; Brown compared to, 20–21, 53, 55, 232–33; building team unity, 16, 118; compared to other quarterbacks, 212–13; death of, 250; Dial and, 195–96; fans’ aversion to, 19–20; in fights, 132, 152–53; honors for, 55, 250; injuries of, 2, 19–20, 54, 132; on Johnson’s meanness, 131, 133; leadership by, 55–56, 243; on Mack, 98–99; Parker and, 113–14, 243; partying by, 16, 112; personality of, 55–60; “Pro Football’s 11 Meanest Men” list by, 6, 44, 99; records set by, 53, 59; reputation for late-game heroics, 61, 78, 243–44; reputation for partying, 55–56, 58–59, 195–96; reputation of, 1, 14, 195–96; retirement of, 2, 30, 54, 147, 243
Layne, Carol, 59
Leahy, Frank, 229
LeBaron, Eddie, 5, 101, 105, 214, 216
Leclerc, Roger, 167, 180, 187
Lemek, Ray, 180, 205, 220; in bar fight, 152–53; in offensive line, 89, 123, 144
Lemm, Wally, 44, 51, 71, 73, 78, 179, 245; strategy of, 46, 75
Levy, Marv, 175
Lewis, Art “Pappy,” 154
Lewis, Wallace “Boots,” 116
linebackers, 130, 167; Parker juggling, 73, 118; Russell as, 43; Thomas as, 118
linemen, size of, 229
Lipscomb, Eugene “Big Daddy,” xiv, 5, 15, 114, 170, 222; background of, 29–30; death of, 2, 28–29, 209; effects of loss of, 30, 245; Layne and, 16, 60
Liston, Sonny, 170
Livingston, Pat, 19, 51, 78, 80, 87, 144; 213, 215; on complaints about officiating, 71–72, 184, 188; on individual players, 62–63, 70–71, 78, 147, 157, 200–201, 238; on standings computed by percentages, 226; on Steelers’ defense, 130, 139, 144, 183
Livingston, Warren, 216
Lloyd, Dave, 203–4
Lombardi, Vince, 3–4, 32, 126; on games after Kennedy assassination, 178, 189– 90; on Packers, 121, 168; Packers under, xiii, 123–24; Parker compared to, 113, 119–20; power sweeps of, 144; on Steelers, 121, 125, 127
Los Angeles Rams, 12–13, 69–70, 222, 226
losing tradition, Steelers’, 12; after 1964, 248, 255; bad luck in, 244; bad seasons in, xiii, 1, 5–6, 72; breaking, 93–94; effects on fans, 19–20; fatalism about, 76, 80, 87, 92, 218, 253; giving up good quarterbacks, 34. See also reputation, Steelers’
LoVetere, John, 36, 238
Lucas, Dick, 23
Lucci, Mike, 65
Lyles, Lenny, 33
Lynch, Dick, 224, 237, 240
Mack, William Richard “Red,” 6, 57, 97, 173, 185, 244; background of, 95–99; against Browns, 63–64, 65–66, 142–43; against Cardinals, 74, 77; competitiveness of, 101; against Cowboys, 103–7, 104–6, 218; against Eagles, 54; fighting by, 99–100; injuries of, 99; against Packers, 124, 127; Parker and, 119–20, 248; receptions by, 63–64, 127; against Redskins, 89, 159; skill as receiver, 125; touchdowns by, 74, 107, 127
Majka, Walter, 13
The Making of a Pro (documentary), 224
Mansfield, Jayne, 156
Mantle, Mickey, 214
Mara, John, 33, 35
Mara, Wellington, 231
Marchetti, Gino, 60
Marconi, Joe, 180, 187
Marsh, Amos, 104–6, 212, 215–16
Marshall, George Preston, 115, 184
Martha, Paul, 212, 248
Masters, Norm, 124
Matson, Ollie, 60
Matuszak, Marv, 89
Maule, Tex, 68–69, 133–34, 167, 244
Mazeroski, Bill, 17
McBride, Arthur B. “Mickey,” 151
McClairen, Jack “Goose,” 89, 150
McClellan, Mike, 205–6
McDonald, Tommy, 21–25, 69, 153, 178, 203, 206, 231
McElhenny, Hugh “the King,” 32, 137
McGee, Max, 126
McGill, Roger, 27, 62, 73, 102, 210
McHugh, Roy, 186
McMillan, Ernie, 47, 50
McNally, Johnny “Blood,” 202
McNamee, Frank, 176
McPeak, Bill, 24, 83, 92, 157, 163–64, 170
McRae, Bennie, 187
Meador, Ed, 131
Meadows, Ed, 132–33
Mellekas, John, 201–3
Meredith, Don, xiii, 101, 103–8, 213–17
Meredith, James, 35
Messenger, Robert, 235
Metropolitan Stadium (Bloomington, Minnesota), 177
Mets, winning World Series, 255
Michaels, Lou, 24, 70, 173; on 1963 season, 253; in analyzing
and second-guessing about 1963 season, 244; against Bears, 180, 183, 185, 187; against Browns, 64, 66, 141–43, 145–46; against Cardinals, 46, 49–50, 74, 76–77; Cardinals complaining about, 71–72; conversions by, 130, 145, 180; against Cowboys, 104, 107–8, 215–17; in defense, 209, 236; against Eagles, 23, 205–6; erratic performance of, 233; failed field goals by, 49, 66, 74, 76–77, 125, 141–43, 146, 159, 183, 205, 216–17, 237–38, 243; field goal record of, 16; field goals by, 23, 37, 46, 50, 64, 66, 74, 76, 90, 185, 206, 215–16, 239; in fights, 50–51, 152–53; against Giants, 37, 233–34, 236–39, 243; importance of, 21, 233–34; injuries of, 73, 103, 107; kickoffs by, 141–42, 180; Mack and, 100, 248; optimism about 1963 season, 12; on other players, xvi, 37; against Packers, 125; personality of, 12–13, 219; placekicking failures of, 12, 32; on possible results of placekicks, 11–12, 21, 24; against Redskins, 90, 93, 159, 161–62; slump of, 145, 161–62
Michelosen, John, 18
Michigan State, 149, 155
Miller, Jimmy, 89
Milwaukee County Stadium, 178
mining, 12–13
Mira, George, 212
Mitchell, Bobby, 90–92, 153, 157, 161–16, 178; Dial compared to, 191–92, 232; with Redskins, 88, 159; speed of, 160, 231
Modell, Art, 61, 175
Modzelewski, Dick, 36
Moore, Lenny, 48, 124, 125, 126, 127, 137, 216
Morrall, Earl, 89–90, 149
Morris, Johnny, 180–81, 183, 185–86, 188
Morris, Larry, 167, 187
Morrison, Joe, 37, 231, 237–38, 242
Murray, Jim, 20
Musial, Stan “the Man,” 17, 30
My Losing Season (Conroy), 256
Nagler, Gern, xiii
Namath, Joe, 248
Neely, Jess, 194
Nelsen, Bill, 120, 153, 238
New York, effects of playing in, 222–24
New York Giants, 135, 137, 228; 1964 season of, 248; on all-NFL selections, 245; Dial with, 191, 193–95; experience playing in frigid conditions, 235–36; importance of confident image of, 224–25; injuries of, 33; as lucky team, 244; in NFL championship games, 26, 254; standing in Eastern Conference, 147–48, 157, 200, 247; strength of, 32, 223, 244; winning record of, 164, 224–25
New York Giants-Steelers game (9/22), 35–39, 227, 231
New York Giants-Steelers game (12/15), 236–45; analyzing and second-guessing about, 244–45, 252; disappointment about, 245; effects of mistakes on, 237–41, 243, 246; effects of weather on, 236–37, 239; Giants favored in, 228, 233
New York Giants-Steelers game (11/22/1964), 247
newspapers, 8–9, 137, 140; decline of, 88; on Kennedy’s assassination, 170, 190; in New York, 222; sports pages, 9, 35, 189; still relied on, 122–23
NFL, 222, 244; AFL competing with, 158; black players in, 15–16, 115–16, 181–82; careers simultaneous with, 70; disability plan of, 198; gambling in, 9; games after Kennedy’s assassination, 171–78; growing popularity of, 165–66; heavy drinking as normal in, 113; low salaries in, 4–5; Parker complaints about Halas and Marshall’s influence in, 184; players’ careers after, 6, 15–16, 31, 174, 210–11, 248–49; players’ motives for, 208, 228, 250; players’ responses to games after Kennedy’s assassination, 173–75, 178–79; players waiting to hear effects of Kennedy’s assassination, 170, 173; profits for, 166; regulating “taxi squads,” 151; satisfaction with careers in, 250; standings computed by percentages vs. win-loss, 225–26; Steelers as laughingstock of, 5; televised games of, 172; unlikely careers in, 40–41, 208–11, 219, 251. See also football
NFL championships, 26, 254–56
Ngo Dinh Diem, 165
1962 season, 2, 4, 55
1963 season, 7, 12, 26, 51; analyzing and second-guessing about, 244–45, 252– 53; exhibition games in, 210, 245; fans’ optimism about, 14, 51, 88–89; inglorious finish to, 243; optimism about, 19, 51–52; Parker’s concern about effects of injuries on, 72; Parker’s optimism about, 16–17, 83; players’ optimism about, 12, 17, 51–52; preseason games, 14, 54, 70–71; team makeup, 6–7, 21, 62–63; team makeup for, 6–7, 21, 55, 62–63, 229–30, 245
1964 season, 247, 249
Ninowski, Jim, 61–62, 149
Nisby, John, 29
Nitschke, Ray, 126, 198, 224
Nixon, James, 27
Nixon, Mike, 157
Nofsinger, Terry, 4, 54, 63, 153
Noll, Chuck, 5, 210–11, 248, 252
Nomellini, Leo, 131
Norman, Pettis, 108, 214–15, 217
North Side stadium, 61, 103
Nunn, Bill, Jr., 120
Nutter, Madison Monroe “Buzz,” 63, 182; background of, 225; Cowboys and, 213, 220; in offensive line, 89, 123, 144
Nutting, Ed, 108
O’Bradovich, Ed, 167
offense: against Bears, 182; of Bears, 167, 187; against Browns, 64, 67; against Cardinals, 48; against Eagles, 205; against Giants, 35–36, 239; of Giants, 237; mixed, 106; against Packers, 125; Parker focusing on, 78–79, 123, 228; against Redskins, 89, 162; running game, 62, 64, 162, 182; Steelers’ vs. Packers’, 124; weakness in, 130, 205
offensive tackles, size of, 229
officiating/officials: abuse of officials, 184– 85, 204; call against Hoak, compared to Ditka’s, 186, 199; Cardinals complaining about, 51, 71–72, 76; complaints about, 188, 199–200, 206; Parker not angry at, 188; Steelers’ complaints about, 80, 207
Olderman, Murray, 55–56
organized crime, xi, 10
O’Rourke, Charles “Chuckin’ Charlie,” 33
Orr, Jimmy, 56, 100
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 177
Overton, Jerry, 107
Owen, Steve, 229
Owens, Don, 47, 71
pain, 102; playing with, 2–3, 54, 197–98; Steelers causing, 3, 6
Palahniuk, Vladimir (Jack Palance), 13
Paluck, “Mean John,” 87, 89
Paremore, Bob, 47, 49–50, 76
Parker, Frank, 64, 145
Parker, Jane, 110–11
Parker, Jim, 229
Parker, Raymond Klein “Buddy,” 169; 1964 season of, 247; in analyzing and second-guessing about 1963 season, 245; background of, 111–12; bad deals by, 196–97, 248; on Ballman, 151–52; on Bears game, 167–68, 188; Brown and, 168; on Browns game, 66; on Cardinals beating Vikings, 71; on Cardinals game, 45, 72, 79–80, 83; coaching style of, 119, 230; complaints about officiating, 80, 184–85; on Cowboys game, 108, 218; on crooked goalpost, 21; Daniel and, 155; death of, 252; Dial and, 193, 195–97; on Dick James, 157; draft system and, 41–42, 87, 211–12; on Eagles game, 200, 205–7; in early scouting combine, 119; on effects of field conditions, 233; on effects of Gifford’s great catch, 242–43; on effects of wind, 218–19; encouraging team unity, 16, 234; fans and, 18, 20–22; on Ferguson, 48; on fighting, 132; focusing on offense, 78–79; on Giants game, 227, 252; giving Steelers days off, 157, 227–28, 234; Henry and, 70; on Hoak, 62; Johnson and, 64, 132, 135–37; on Johnson’s injury, 62, 66–67, 88; lack of rules by, 119, 153; Layne and, 20–21, 54, 98, 147, 243; Mack and, 98–99; marriage of, 111; Michaels and, 26; mistrust of rookies, 120, 149, 209; optimism about 1962 season, 1–2; optimism about 1963 season, 16–17; other coaches and, 118–19, 245; on Packers game, 123, 128; personality, 62, 109–10; philosophy of football, 109, 244; as player, 111–12; player assignments by, 30–32, 105, 136–37, 140; player selection by, 32, 119, 140, 149, 157, 229, 245; on Redskins game, 162, 164; resignation of, 252; response to losses, 80, 83, 110– 11, 117–18, 128, 155; Rooney’s contracts with, 16–17, 61, 112–13; Russell and, 43; on Ryan, 64–65; on Sapp, 102, 137, 220; satisfaction with tie games, 188, 206–7; on Snead, 90; on Stautner, 147; on Steelers’ response to pressure, 138, 151, 157–58, 179, 213; strategies of, 35, 89, 92, 105, 130, 140–42, 238; superstitions of, 51, 111, 116, 234; on team’s bad play, 54–55, 162, 203; threats to quit, 16, 83; trading away draft picks, 48, 53, 120, 208; treatment of players, 113–17; worrying about games, 108, 123, 200
Parrish, Berni
e, 64–65
partying, 14, 31; heavy drinking as normal in NFL, 16, 113; Layne’s, 16, 55–56, 58–59; Steelers’ reputation for, 6, 14, 70, 152–53, 195–96
passing, quarterbacks compared on, 54, 67, 167
Patton, Jim, 37, 236, 238, 240
pay, 197; bonuses in, 42, 153, 235; contract disputes over, 201; for NFL championship game, 254; Parker’s, 112–13; for Playoff Bowls, 4; for Pro Bowls, 5; racial discrimination and, 116, 136; salaries, 4–5, 86, 113, 135, 153
Pellegrini, Bob, 5, 90
penalties: in Bears game, 180; in Browns game, 66; in Cardinals game, 49–50; in Cowboys game, 216; in Eagles game, 204–6; in Redskins game, 161
Penn State, 155, 171
Perkins, Don, 103, 175, 212–13
Perry, Joe, 135
Perry, Lowell, 15–16
Petitbon, Richie, 168
Philadelphia Eagles, 19, 200; decline of, 21, 206; defense, 201, 203, 205; turmoil on, 201–2
Philadelphia Eagles-Steelers game (9/15), 21–27
Philadelphia Eagles-Steelers game (12/1), 203–7; as last game in Forbes Field, 202–3; mistakes in, 203, 205, 207; Steelers favored in, 200, 202
Philadelphia Eagles-Steelers game (12/3/61), 5
physicians, team, 27, 88
The Physics of Football (Gay), 11, 25, 76
Pietrosante, Nick, 85
Pihos, Pete, 195
Pitt Stadium, 103, 137, 140, 141, 236
Pitts, Elijah, 126
Pittsburgh, 20, 34; compared to New York, 222–23; crime in, 86, 155–56; drought in, 82, 102; economy of, 14, 102, 122; fighting tradition in, 95–96; football spirit in, 18–19, 155; racial tension in, 14–15, 136; response to Kennedy’s assassination in, 170–71; Rooney and, 18–19, 34; sports teams of, 17, 45, 102, 122, 171; Steelers’ personality reflecting, 62–63; unrest in, 123, 169
Pittsburgh Pirates, 17, 45
Pittsburgh Renaissance, 34
placekicking: Michaels’s, 32, 103; possible results of, 11–12, 21, 24
player-coaches, Stautner as, 147
Playoff Bowls, 2–3, 26
playoffs, opportunities for, 200
Pottios, Myron, 12, 150, 174, 185, 199, 239; against Browns, 146; against Cardinals, 46, 74; against Eagles, 205; against Giants, 38, 242; injuries of, 32, 97, 199, 248; post-Steelers career, 248; against Redskins, 93; in Steeler defense, 76–77, 205
Powers, John, 49, 162
“prevent defense,” Ramsey choosing, 78
pride, Pittsburghers’, 4–5, 20, 34