The '63 Steelers
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Pro Bowls, 5, 28
Pro Football Hall of Fame, 250
“Pro Football’s 11 Meanest Men” (Layne’s list), 6, 44, 99
Promuto, Vince, 102
punt return, Keys’s, 36
punts, 23, 74, 187; by Brown, 24, 36, 47, 66, 104, 126, 181; fakes, 218
Pyle, Mike, 174, 188
quarterbacks, 133, 136; Brown’s growth as, 67; comparisons among, 213, 231; competition among, 33–34, 153, 168; lack of black, 181–82; Landry’s use of, 214; leadership by, 21, 232–33, 243; playing time of rookie, 93; ranking of, 62, 121, 232; as runners, 64–65
Quinlan, Bill, 149, 201
race, 9–10; discrimination against black players, 60, 115–16, 135, 149; Parker and black players, 16, 113–15; racism in football, 35, 135–36; Rooney integrating black players, 15–16; tension in Pittsburgh, 14–15, 136
radio, after Kennedy assassination, 170, 176
Ramsey, Garrard “Buster,” 70, 75, 146, 241; “defense system” of, 78, 230; on effects of wind, 218–19; Parker and, 113–14; style of, 78–79
Randle, Ulmo Shannon “Sonny,” 43–44, 47, 74–76, 79–80
receivers, 153, 159, 237; Ballman as, 145, 152, 160; Carpenter as, 215–16; comparisons among, 203; Dial as, 107, 125–27, 191–92, 194, 196; Giants’, 231–32; Johnson as, 134–35; Layne and, 55–56; Mack as, 97–99, 106, 125, 218
“red-dog.” See blitz defense
Regan, Mary, 126
Reger, John, 51, 143, 147; against Bears, 180, 184, 186–87; against Eagles, 204; injuries of, 26–27, 32, 43, 72, 102, 210; post-Steelers career, 248; in Steeler defense, 76–77, 244
Remington, Fred, 176
Remmel, Lee, 128
Renfro, Ray, 146, 178
reputation, Steelers’, 4–6, 30, 62–63; for bad luck, 183, 185, 244; choking under pressure, 138, 151, 157–58, 179, 213, 215; for fighting, 5, 14, 157; as losers, 34, 72; for partying, 6, 14, 70, 152–53, 195–96; for toughness, 71, 131–32, 134, 166–67, 230; for wasting draft picks, 47–48. See also losing tradition, Steelers’
respect, Steelers’ desire for, 5, 224
Reston, James, 158
Retzlaff, Pete, 21–22, 24, 158, 203
Richardson, Jess, 5
Richter, Les, 131–32
Richter, Pat, 92–93, 159, 161–63
Rickey, Branch, 16
Rieland, Joseph V., 232
Riger, Robert, xvii, 45, 71
Ringo, Jim, 124
Roach, John, 121, 124–25, 126
Robb, Joe, 49, 74
Roberts, C. R. “Cash Register,” 99
Robinett, Bob, 135
Robustelli, Andy, 36, 236, 238
rookies, 42, 50, 93, 150; Parker’s mistrust of, 120, 149, 209; treatment of, 16, 59, 195–96
Rooney, Art, Jr., xvi, 214; Parker and, 118, 149; personnel department under, 120, 130, 149; player personnel under, 250
Rooney, Art, Sr., 20, 103, 164, 213, 242; admiration and respect for, 18, 158, 234–35; on black players, 15–16, 115; defensiveness about Pittsburgh, 34; on football as big business, 116, 193; on games after Kennedy’s assassination, 174, 177; on Giants-Steelers game, 227, 245–46; on Kennedy’s assassination, 169, 214; on lack of football spirit, 18–19; on Layne, 2, 57, 244; on North Side hooligans, 95, 98; optimism about ’63 season, 19; on Parker, 113–15, 119, 179; Parker and, 252; Parker’s contracts and, 16–17, 61, 112; picking players, 42, 97–98; on players, 32, 86; players’ affection for, 12, 235
Rooney, Dan: on Kennedy’s assassination, 169, 171, 214; Parker and, 118, 252
Rose, Pete, 200
Rosensweet, Alvin, 141
Rosenthal, Harold, 243
Rote, Kyle, 222
Rozelle, Alvin “Pete,” 26, 134, 137, 158, 197, 200, 204; on computation of standings, 226; on games after Kennedy’s assassination, 169, 171, 173, 175–77, 201; Sports Illustrated honoring, 193; trying to reduce violence, 134, 161
Rudy, Uncle, xv
Runner-Up Bowl, 245
runners, 137, 139, 213; Johnson’s style, 137–38; speed of, 155, 159; as targets for violence, 134
running backs: Carpenter as, 216; Keys as, 139
rushing, 167, 231; against Browns, 146–47; against Giants, 38, 227, 243; Hoak’s records, 62–63, 102, 250; by Jim Brown, 129–30, 207; by Johnson, 38, 125, 243; Johnson’s records, 129, 135, 146–47, 250; rankings of, 129; by Sapp, 219; by Taylor, 125–26
Russell, Andy, 6, 119–20, 173, 223, 236; analyzing 1963 season, 253, 256; background of, 6; against Bears, 180, 183; against Browns, 65, 143, 146; against Cardinals, 46–47, 50–51, 74, 76; against Eagles, 203; football career of, 40–43, 250, 251; against Giants, 37, 237, 241; against Redskins, 163; tackling Brown, 140, 143–44; teammates and, 3, 61, 208–9
Rutgens, Joe, 87
Ryan, Frank, 7, 64–67, 70, 80, 93, 142, 146, 194; calling plays, 143, 145; as quarterback, 61–62, 213; on shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, 177
Rymkus, Lou, 4
safety blitz, 49, 79, 144
Salinger, Pierre, 165, 171
Sample, Johnny, 15, 92, 116, 155, 231; Ballman and, 150–51; Parker’s confrontation with, 113–14
Sanders, Lonnie, 92, 163
Sandusky, Mike, 123; against Cowboys, 220; against Giants, 237–38; against Redskins, 89, 162; in Steelers anonymous offensive line, 144
Sapp, Theron Coleman, 23, 27, 87; against Browns, 141, 145–46; against Cowboys, 104–6, 215, 218–20; against Eagles, 205; against Giants, 236, 238; injuries, 219; against Packers, 125, 127, 130; Parker and, 72, 102; post-Steelers career, 248; against Redskins, 89, 90; replacing Johnson, 136–37
Scales, Charlie, 100, 142
Schmidt, Joe, 18, 58
Schmitz, Bob, 35; against Browns, 143, 145; against Cowboys, 215; against Giants, 37; injuries of, 43, 72–73, 199; known for great play against Jim Brown, 143– 44, 147; post-Steelers career, 249
Schnelker, Bob, 85
Schramm, Tex, 197
Scott, Tom, 36, 108
Scotti, Ben, 25, 201–3, 205
scouting: by Haley, 85–86, 250; by Layne, 182; Parker and, 119, 149; Rooney’s personnel department and, 120, 130, 149; by Schmitz, 143, 249; Steelers’ strength in, 120
Scranton, William, 82, 199
scrimmages, 99, 150, 154, 210
Sell, Jack, 137, 166, 187, 200, 209, 226
Shaughnessy, Clark, 167
Sherman, Allie, xv–xvi, 121, 221, 223, 230, 233, 240; on loss to Steelers, 38–39; on quarterbacks, 35, 37
Shofner, Del, 35, 38, 70, 207, 237, 244, 254; injuries of, 238, 240; as receiver, 153, 192, 231–32
Shofner, Jim, 64
Shorter, Jim, 66
Shorty, Uncle, xiv
Shula, Don, 75
signing bonuses, 42
Skorich, Nick, 201–2, 203, 205
Skoronski, Bob, 124
Smith, Chester L., 99
Smith, J. D., 4–5, 75–77, 79
Smith, Jackie, 74
Smith, James “Jetstream,” 99
Smith, Ralph “Catfish,” 23
Smith, Red, 176, 185, 240
Smith, Robert, 238–39
Smith, Wendell, 115–16
Snead, Norm, 75, 83, 89–90, 92–93, 159–63
Snider, Steve, 130, 165
Spadia, Lou, 208
special teams, 100, 218
Spikes, Jack, 120
split end, Ballman as, 152
sportswriters, on Rooney, 235
Sprinkle, Ed “the Claw,” 55
St. Clair, Bob, 60, 170
St. Louis Cardinals, 76, 236, 245; complaining about officiating, 51, 71–72; injuries on, 44, 73; offense by, 43–44; place in Eastern Conference, 71, 164, 200, 243
St. Louis Cardinals-Steelers game (9/29), 45–52
St. Louis Cardinals-Steelers game (10/13), 73–80
Stacy, Bill, 44, 73
Starr, Bart, 27, 57, 108, 121, 127
Staubach, Roger, 214
Stautner, Ernie, 19, 161, 185, 198; backgr
ound of, 2–3, 229; against Bears, 187; as coach, 210, 249–50; death of, 250; on Ed Brown, 21, 243; against Giants, 37, 223, 240; injuries of, 102–3; Layne and, 54–56, 244; meanness of, 229; optimism about ’63 season, 51–52; against Packers, 207; as player-coach, 147, 209; in Pro Football Hall of Fame, 250; against Redskins, 89, 160, 163; in Steeler defense, 76–77
Steadman, John, 12
Steelerettes, 14
Steffen, Jim, 90
Stehouwer, Ron, 52, 224–25
Stephens, Larry, 217–18
Stiger, James, 104, 105
Stovall, Jerry, 49
Strader, Norman “Red,” 131
Strickler, George, 188
Stroud, Jack, 221
Studstill, Pat, 4
Stynchula, Andy, 87, 92, 159
Sugar, Leo, 4
Sutherland, John Bain “Jock,” 18
Sweeney, Doc, 113, 114
Symank, John, 133
tackling: of Brown, 139, 143–44, 160; Keys’s strategy, 139–40
Tarasovic, George, 17; against Cardinals, 46–47; in defense, 43, 76–77; against Eagles, 23; with Eagles, 201, 205; candidate for justice of the peace, 116–17, 126; in fights, 5, 152–53; injuries of, 5, 46, 62, 73; Parker and, 116–17, 138–39
Tarkenton, Fran, 2, 93, 121
Tate, James H. J., 176
“taxi squad,” 151–52
Taylor, Jim, 121, 124, 127, 131, 139, 144, 168, 236; as runner, 134, 137, 139; rushing by, 102, 125–26, 129; Steelers’ defense vs., 126, 129–30
Taylor, Roosevelt, 168, 182–84
team unity, 52, 234; Layne encouraging, 16, 56, 118; Parker and, 16, 118; Steelers’ personality, 62–63
Tehan, Dan, 21, 204
television, 156, 224; after Kennedy assassination, 172, 176–77; effects on football, 153–54, 166, 193
Thomas, Aaron, 37, 237, 242
Thomas, Ben, 33
Thomas, Clendon, xvi, 25, 28, 77, 198, 223, 235, 244; in 1964 season, 249; background of, 68–70; against Bears, 180–81, 186–87; against Browns, 146; against Cardinals, 46, 75, 80; against Cowboys, 108, 220–21; against Eagles, 24, 204, 206; against Giants, 37, 237; on importance of no mistakes, 78, 121; injuries of, 72, 75, 80, 102, 108, 157, 199; interceptions by, 24, 37; as linebacker, 118; on move to Pittsburgh, 6, 70–71; post-Steelers career, 249; with Rams, 12–13; against Redskins, 162–63; in tackling of Jim Brown, 144–46, 157
Three Bricks Shy of a Load (Blount), 95
Thurston, Fred “Fuzzy,” 124
ticket sales, 124, 156, 202, 214; for Browns-Steelers game, 137, 140; at capacity, 140, 236; for games after Kennedy assassination, 173, 175, 177–78, 180; increasing, 89, 165–66; low, 18–19; for Pitt Stadium vs. Forbes Field, 103
tie games: against Bears, 187–88; disregarded in standings, 7, 200, 225; against Eagles, 25–26, 206–7
tight end, Carpenter as, 215
Tittle, Yelberton Abraham “Y. A.,” 26, 43, 75, 148, 164, 223–24, 237, 244; compared to other quarterbacks, 62, 167, 212, 231–32; in competition among quarterbacks, 33–34; Cordileone traded for, 31, 68; effects of absence of, 38, 227, 231; on game after Kennedy’s assassination, 173; in game against Cowboys, 93, 207; in game against Giants, 207; Gifford’s great catch and, 241–42, 252; injuries of, 33; in NFL championship game, 254; retirement of, 247; Steeler defense against, 35, 240
Tobin, Bill, 40
Toler, Burl, 60
Toneff, Bob, 87, 162
Torgeson, Vern “Torgy,” 76, 80
touchdowns: Ballman’s, 145, 163, 206, 240; Brown’s, 75, 89; Brown’s bad passes losing, 243; Carpenter’s, 216; Curry’s, 182; Dial’s, 38, 64–65, 93, 104, 106, 204, 215, 243; Ferguson’s, 50; Hoak’s, 36, 37, 90, 184–85; Johnson’s, 24–25, 38, 159; Mack’s, 74, 107, 127; Sapp’s, 220
Tracy, Tom “the Bomb,” 23, 59, 62, 103, 236; against Browns, 65–66; against Cowboys, 106–7; Parker cutting, 117, 139–40
Traficant, Jim, 120
training camps, 150, 154, 210
trash talk, 139
Triplett, Bill, 46–47, 49, 51, 74, 76
Trippi, Charley, 131
Tubbs, Jerry, 104, 220
Tucker, Joe, 119
Tunnell, Emlen, 230, 242
Udall, Stewart, 115
Unitas, Johnny, 18, 30, 34, 75, 78, 133, 231
University of Pittsburgh football, 84, 103, 155, 251; excitement about football by, 17–18; postponed after Kennedy’s assassination, 171, 200
Valachi, Joe, 10
Vaughan, Sarah, 5
Van Brocklin, Norm, 30
Varrichione, Frank, 14, 20
Varrichione, Mitzi, 20
Villanueva, Danny, 14
Vinton, Bobby (Stanley Robert Vintula Jr.),
The Violent World of Sam Huff (documentary), 224
Wade, Bill, xvi, 167–68, 179–81, 183–87
Walker, Wayne, 4
Wallace, William, 230
Walls, Will, 42
Walsh, Jack, 159
Walston, Bobby, 21
Walton, Joe, 18, 37, 231
Ward, Gene, 39, 62
Warfield, Paul, 139, 212
Warner, Glenn Scobey “Pop,” 18
Washington Redskins, 115, 162; defensive line of, 87, 157, 162
Washington Redskins-Steelers game (10/20), 88–93
Washington Redskins-Steelers game (11/17), 157–64
Waterfield, Bob, 32, 222
weather, 105; drought, 82, 102; effects of field conditions, 233, 235; effects of iciness, 235–36, 237, 240; effects of winds, 214–15, 217, 233; frigid conditions, 202, 235–36, 239
Webster, Alex, 32, 137, 148, 224, 231, 244
Welch, Jim, 33
Western Conference, 3, 108; Bears’ standing in, 164, 166, 187–88, 200; tie for first place in, 120–21, 156
White, Byron “Whizzer,” 202
Whittenton, Jess, 127
wide receivers, Curry as, 182
Wiggin, Paul, 131, 143
Wilkinson, Bud, 68, 70
Williams, Jerry, 232
Williams, Joe, 226, 230, 233
Williams, Mary Lou, 5
Williamson, Fred “the Hammer,” 98
Wilson, George, 182
Wilson, Larry, 44, 47, 51, 61, 79, 198
Winters, Manzie, 97
Wise, Bill, 123–24
Wittenton, Jesse, 124
Wolfner, Walter, 131
Womack, Joe, 140
Wood, Willie, 124, 126, 127
World Series, effects on Pittsburgh’s self-esteem, 17
Wrigley Field, 156–57
Yankee Stadium, 223; condition of field in, 233, 235, 240; game after Kennedy assassination in, 177–79; winds in, 233
Young, Buddy, 29
Young, Dick, 175, 177
Youngstown, Ohio, xi–xii, xiv, 10