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Spectrum: Breaking Light

Page 14

by Darren Sloan

  "What's all that?" I asked.

  "Old relics from a time best forgotten."

  "From the war, right?"

  "Sadly, yes."

  "Don't all of these kind of count as technology?"

  "It was an unfortunate time and I was forced to compromise slightly. I have since buried these reminders and have left them to rot and rust. This is not why I have brought you here."

  "Then why?" Arkane took me past his hall of war machines and into a small cove behind it. We walked in and I heard his fingers snap. The cave was filled with blue light and I saw the biggest crystal I had ever seen in my life sitting in the middle of the space.

  "This is why. This is the crystal from which the God's Blood was born. This is the last remnant of my empire. I was the one who first discovered the God's Blood. I was the one to uncover its powers," He then pointed to a branched out protrusion on the crystal that looked like it had been broken off. I then looked to the crystal jutting from Arkane's chest and I could see it was the crystal's missing piece . "The crystal and I are connected on the deepest level you can imagine. I hold it within my blood. And so do you."

  "My God."

  "I feel what you feel. I feel the soul of this world. It cries to me. It aches for me. I must release it from its torture, but I need my power back again. Power only you can grant." I was beginning to grow anxious. The crystal was beginning to throb. Something strange was beginning to happen. Just being close to the crystal was having an effect on me. My head grew heavy and I stumbled back, but Arkane grabbed me. He then pushed me forward and I fell upon the crystal. My body exploded in pain but my flesh was fused to the crystal. I tried to break free, but something was pulling at me as hard as I was pulling away. I felt a shock of energy rush through my body and Arkane grabbed a hold of the crystal and the jolting finally ended. I fell to the ground and I looked up at Arkane. He was crackling with energy and the crystal in his chest was glowing like a floodlight. He floated up off the ground. He opened his eyes and power poured out from his sockets. My ears were buzzing and I was growing weak. I heard Arkane begin to speak, but I was fading too quickly. Soon all was dark and I was sure that I was finally dead.

  Chapter 24

  Power Failure

  I felt the buzzing in my head fade to a tolerable level. I could hear again and my vision started to come back. I tried to move, but my limbs felt like they were made of lead. As best as I could tell, it looked like I was in the throne room again. I could hear voices and footsteps all around. I took a breath and tried to force myself onto my back, but I felt like I had no energy in my body. I was nothing more than a living corpse. I saw Arkane come into my line of vision and Red Janet and Arkana were close behind him.

  "Is everything ready?" He asked.

  "Yes, Lord Arkane." Arkana said.

  "It's been so long. I have waited for this day for so long. I can feel the power rushing through me. My forces have never been more powerful."

  "They are assembled as you ordered, sir." Red Janet reported.

  "Good. We will sweep over Xenos and exterminate the vermin once and for all. Once they are gone, my kingdom will rise again and Xenos will once more be a paradise," His eyes found me and his lips twisted into a sick, smug smile as he approached me. "And it is all thanks to you, my friend. Your sacrifice has ensured the future of this world," I tried to speak, but I could barely move my mouth. "Don't strain. When you touched the crystal, I was able to leech the power of the God's Blood from your body and into my own," He said. It seemed he knew exactly what I was going to ask and was answering preemptively. "I'm afraid the shock will prove fatal, but you may face your final reward knowing you are responsible for the systematic genocide of a city of heathens," My mind was crackling but I could do nothing. The more I pushed myself to move, the weaker I became. Arkane then took my head and turned it away. I could see a large window before us. He then picked up my entire body and brought me over to look out. "Behold! This would not be possible without you! Your strength now fuels my army. You have brought about a new age for Xenos," I saw his people outside lined up like rows and rows of armed soldiers. Behind them were some of the rusted out tanks I had seen in his armory pushing along. I then saw large beasts rising up out of the ground. They looked enormous crossbreeds of elephants and buffalo. They were enormous with long, tangled ropes of hair covering their bodies and a set of tusks that extended out from their heads and curled several times over. "Oh. The Ragnaphants are magnificent, aren't they?" Arkane then stepped away and I fell back to the floor. My eyes were growing heavy but I could still hear everything going on outside. The last thing I heard before everything went dark was Arkane calling out for everyone to move out.

  I was limp in the darkness for what seemed like an eternity. I fell deeper into whatever state I had found myself in. I then saw a glimmer of white. Soon, another fleck of light shot past my eyes. Many sparks of light began to form before me and as the light faded, I realized I was standing up. I looked around but there was nothing but darkness around me. It was a dream, or something like one. It had to be. Nothing felt real. I was moving in slow motion. I turned and then I saw the old man from the desert standing before me. I leapt back with a slight squeal.

  "You again." He said.

  "Where am I?"

  "You are where you must be. That is where you are."

  "What's going on?"

  "You have been tricked and now you are about to die."

  "I can't die."

  "Oh, but you can. Absolutely!"

  "No! I can't die! Not here! Not like this!"

  "It is your choice."

  "Fine! I choose not to die!"

  "You must choose with your actions. You must face that which holds you here."

  "What's that?" He then dropped down onto the ground and crossed his legs over each other.

  "Where is your power?"

  "Arkane took it."

  "Where is your power?" He asked again. His voice was becoming more demanding.

  "I just told you! Arkane took my power away! He sucked it out of me through that crystal of his."

  "He has taken power, yes, but it was not yours. Your power never leaves you. It has been yours since the beginning. You have only to see it. To use it."

  "I'm not really in the mood for these riddles. Arkane has taken the power of the God's Blood and now he's using it to get his army up. He's going to wipe out all of Xenos. Do you see that?"

  "I cannot see the future."

  "Is there anything you can do?"

  "It is not I who has to do anything. This is your test."

  "Forget the test! Arkane is going to destroy Xenos!"

  "With your power."


  "But he does not have your power. Where is your power?" He asked again.

  "I don't have any power! Right now, I'm dying on the floor. If you can do anything, you have to do it now."

  "What could I do?"

  "Warn the city! Tell someone!"

  "No. It is not my place. The only thing that can change anything is your power."

  "What about 'no power' are you not getting?"

  "All of it. You spend too much time here with these silly ideas. The answer is before you." His riddles were growing tiresome. I turned away from him, but as I did, I saw Spectrum standing before me. I spun around to the old man, but he was gone. I turned back to Spectrum. He took a step toward me and I felt a chill run up my spine. He lurched forward. I could see something was not right. I took a step back and then his eyes expanded and his body started to transform. He grew large and monstrous before my eyes. With every step he took, he bloated and morphed into some hideous beast. As soon as he began to grow in height, I bolted from him, but he came running after me.

  "You doubt yourself!" The old man's voice echoed. "Is it the suit that makes you a hero, or is it in you? Where is your power?" He asked. I pushed his questions aside as the creature kept trying to stomp me flat. I felt its cold tendrils wrap around me. I rose
up and looked down. Whatever Spectrum had been, he had turned into a monster. Its mouth opened wide and my heart began to race. I thrashed around and broke free from the beast's grip and fell back to the ground. I started to run, but I began to feel something happening in my body. I felt a strange sensation fill my chest. I turned back at the monster approaching but I had no fear. Something deep inside was taking over. It was coming from somewhere deeper than my blood or soul. Everything I had done as Spectrum flashed before my eyes. I saw all the criminals I had stopped and all the lives I had saved. I felt the cold night air and the hot sting of bullets. Everything was swirling around in my mind and body all at once. A strange heat started to grow inside of me. It felt good at first, but it grew stronger and soon I wasn't sure if it wasn't going to kill me. The monster reached for me once more but before it could take me, a light burst through my chest. I felt something take hold of me. It was like a rush of power holding me in place. I felt like all the force and power in the universe was funneling through me all at once. I felt every planet exploding and every sun imploding tearing through my body. I looked up at the monster and with barely a thought, I felt the power flood out of me in a single, unstopping torrent.

  When the light faded away and the power had died, I looked around and found myself alone. The old man was gone, and so was the monster. The only thing left was something I could only feel inside of myself. I felt a pull of energy inside. Something in me was making me strong. I wasn't sure if it was new or if it had been there all along, but it was urging at me. I looked down at my hand and my flesh began to glow and light was filling my vision.

  Interlude 4

  All This and Civil War

  The attack was swift and unheralded. Arkane had planned well. With his powers, he was able to drape the city in a thick cloud of fog. This enabled his army of Ragnaphants to trample through a large section of wall that had been protecting Xenos. Once the walls were down, his ground forces marched in and with their weapons and natural abilities, they were able to make short work of the city’s first defenses. They focused their attack on the Hunter Academy. Any of the hunters they didn't kill were ported away using their own Comm-Spheres. Arkane was able to manipulate the small devices and set them to randomly send their counterparts through an endless cycle of Wurmholes, sending most of them to corners of the universe that had yet to be seen by mortal eyes.

  With the majority of Xenos' population blind and incapacitated and their defenses compromised, Arkane was able to cut a swath of destruction clear across the city all the way to the Metro Tower, where The Council had been convened. The few citizens of Xenos who were still alive and conscious did all they could to remain hidden from Arkane's forces as they marched through the streets, followed by Arkane himself; but once they were found, they were dealt with.

  The power from the God's Blood was pulsating through Arkane's entire body. The very air around him was charged with his force. Those who were brave enough to try and get a look at him did not see a man, but rather a living God. Until then he was just a cruel whisper from the darkest chapter of their history, but the horror of his existence had become real as they saw him floating in the sky, carried by the force of his own powers. He looked toward the horizon and he could see the Metro Tower stand before him. He knew once he took The Council, Xenos would once more fall to his mighty rule.

  Deep within the inner sanctum of The Council's chambers in the Metro Tower, Prime Nero and the rest of The Council were gathered and fearing for what was to come. They had come together in an emergency meeting hoping to stem the tide of Arkane's attack, but it all happened too quickly. They were helpless.

  "I've sent for any surviving hunters, but there's been no response." Prime Nero reported.

  "Arkane has decimated our military forces. There's no one left."

  "Activate the automatic defenses!"

  "His forces have destroyed those as well! I don't understand this! Where did Arkane gain such power?"

  "I don't know, but he's laid waste to almost half of the city center in less than an hour. We're trapped here."

  "How long before he comes?" One of the council members approached a nearby window and he could see the dreadful parade of Arkane's forces marching toward them.

  "Not long. He's almost here and I doubt he'll waste much time before he slaughters us!"

  "Calm yourselves," Prime Nero urged. "My Comm-Sphere is still online. I have one option," He then reached for the Comm-Sphere and fiddled with it for a few seconds. It floated up and disappeared in a flash of light. Nero then turned to the others and indicated to the back of the room. "Into the safety room."

  "Are you serious? Arkane will find us just the same!"

  "I know, but we'll have a little more time. That may be all we'll need."

  "What are you talking about?" Before Nero could answer, the room was rocked by a violent explosion. They all fell to the floor and looked up to see Arkane appear in the window.

  "Greetings," He said as he set his feet upon the floor. "I have come at last to reclaim my throne."

  "Your rule is over, Arkane! You have no place in our world!" One of the council members barked. Arkane threw out his arm and as he did, the council member stiffened and moments later blood began to seep out of his mouth and he fell to the floor, dead.

  "Your world? Is that what you believe? That this world belongs to you? Were you here when the first signs of life lurched from the primordial ooze? Did you witness the formation of the mountains that surround this land? Were you present when the first drops of blood that birthed the age of magic fell upon the dirt and changed the course of all life forever?"

  "Your time is over, Arkane," Nero barked. "The force of magic is dead. We have found a more solid foundation to build upon."

  "Science. This perversion of nature you invest your faith in is destroying this planet. You have shifted the balance."

  "Our way has served the people, and the planet, well for thousands of years already. You were nothing more than a power mad dictator. Your eons of rule were marked only with blood, violence, and cruelty of the highest order. You enslaved the innocent and squandered the resources of this planet to serve your own selfish needs, as your ego dictated."

  "I was this world's king! I still am! Nothing you can do or say will ever change that!"

  "Then go back to your kingdom under the ground. Rule your people there."

  "No. No more. I have found the power I need to once more ascend and retake my kingdom!"

  "Where did you find such power?" Arkane looked right at Prime Nero and smiled.

  "I have you and The Council to thank for that, Nero. You were kind enough to send that nice Earthling to me."

  "What did you do?"

  "I don't think you should worry about that anymore. It would be a pity to waste what little is left of your life on something you can't do anything about." Arkane's hands began to glow with charging energy and the air became electric. There was then a sudden flash of light and when everyone's eyes adjusted, Panther stood before them. Nero grabbed her hand and he dragged her and the rest of The Council to the safety room in the back. He sealed off the door, but as he did, Panther seemed to be disoriented.

  "Where am I? What's going on?" She asked. Nero came upon her and grabbed her arms.

  "Focus! I called you back because the rest of the academy has been neutralized. Arkane has invaded the city and right now, you are our only hope."

  "But I was searching for Jason!"


  "We were separated. Gunther attacked us and he sent Jason through a Wurmhole. I've been searching for him ever since."

  "Arkane found him. That is where his power is coming from. That is how he was able to overpower us."

  "That's impossible. He couldn't have!"

  "We don't have time to mourn or regret, Panther! This safety room has bought us just a few seconds. You must defeat Arkane." Before Panther could utter another word, the door behind her melted away and Arkane walked in.
br />   "Panther. What a lovely surprise. I was hoping you hadn't been killed. I was looking forward to crushing the life from you myself. I had promised your sister a chance to kill you, but with you here now, I can hardly resist." Panther pulled out her sword and assumed her fighting stance. Her mind was raw and confused, but her training was as sharp as ever and in such situations, she would often allow her training to take over. It freed her from thought or consequence. She saw only the enemy and the tip of her sword. All there was left to do was to make the two meet.

  Panther lunged forward but Arkane sidestepped her attempt and with one blow, he cast her across the room as if she were nothing. She tried to get back up, but Arkana was on her and was able to restrain her. Arkane's men then barged in and took The Council just as easily. Arkane looked upon his hostages with amusement. He looked over to Prime Nero, as he seemed the most angered.

  "What are you going to do? Do you expect the people of this city to allow you to rule them? Do you expect them to just let you turn them into slaves?"

  "Not at all. In fact, once I'm done I don't anticipate this 'city', as you called it, will remain standing, blighting the natural beauty of the planet."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "I know your secret. I stumbled upon the source of this city's power some time ago. Two giant sub-ionic generators under the foundation of the city center."

  "What do you know about any of that?"

  "I had time, Nero. I had more than enough time to learn the ways of my enemies. The most important thing I learned is if the generators are overloaded and shorted out, they will explode and their explosions, due to the size of the generators, will have enough force to vaporize this entire city. From one end of Xenos to the next, there will be nothing left but a smoking crater and fertile ground where I may plant the seeds of my new empire. I will wash away the unclean and leave only the believers. I could kill you all now, but I would prefer you to remain alive to enjoy the last moments of your precious world."


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