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Spectrum: Breaking Light

Page 15

by Darren Sloan

  Arkana saw to it that the remaining members of The Council and Panther were restrained and locked away in the safety room in back, out of Arkane's sight.

  They were lined up against the walls, their arms pinned behind their backs. Prime Nero looked over to Panther, who looked very deep in thought. He had no idea what was going through her mind, but he knew her thoughts had to have been troubled. She was brought back through the Wurmhole in an agitated state and fell into the middle of an extremely chaotic situation without a moment to mentally catch up. He wasn't even sure what had happened.

  "Panther?" He asked. She looked to him and her Onyx eyes stared back at him. He could see the troubled expression on her face.

  "He can't be dead." She said.

  "I'm sorry, but if what Arkane says is true, there's little chance he is alive."

  "No. He cannot be dead. If he's gone, we're all lost."

  "Panther. We will stop Arkane."

  "He will stop him. It was always supposed to be him. This is the test."


  "This! This is his test!"

  "No, Panther. We didn't devise this. This is really happening."

  "I know, but it doesn't matter. You aren't in control. You never where. This is the real test. He's the only who can save us now."

  "No, Panther. Jason Randwulf of Earth is dead."

  Chapter 25

  Man Up/Man Down

  My eyes opened and my vision was clear again. I looked around and I was alone. The throne room was quiet and there was nothing but the echoed drops of water from outside. I could feel my strength returning and I was able to move my legs again. I forced myself up thinking I had recovered fully, but once I stood upright I felt the world tilt sideways. While I had found the strength to rally my body, I was still extremely weak. I figured my strength would come back in time, but I didn't have the luxury of waiting around. Arkane had set his forces to destroy Xenos and I couldn't just sit back and let that happen. Especially since it was my power Arkane was using to destroy it.

  I was starting to question if the superhero thing was really worth it since there were so many freaks out there who were willing to kill me just to take my power. Of course, if they had my power, they would have killed countless innocents. Was it my duty to carry the burden, if only to keep evil maniacs from carrying out their evil plans? Was I nothing more than a cosmic goalie? My thoughts were drifting. I tried to focus.

  I began to make my way out of the throne room and as I did, I tried to think of some way to make up the distance between me and Arkane. He had to have already gotten to the city and there was no way to know how much damage he was causing. How many lives had been taken with my power? It felt as though I had killed them myself.

  As I reached the threshold of the throne room, a large axe came down in front of me and was buried in the floor. I looked up and saw Red Janet staring at me.

  "I thought you were with Arkane pillaging the city."

  "He requested that I remain here and keep things secure." She said. I started to pace back.

  "To make sure I was dead, you mean."

  "I'm surprised to see you standing. As I understand it, to be separated from the God's Blood is nearly the same as having your lungs removed. You should be dead already."

  "Sorry to disappoint."

  "Don't be. I was getting bored and I'm always anxious to try new and creative ways to kill prisoners."

  "And you think you're just going to kill me?"

  "I don't see how you could stop me. You were near death not too long ago and it's safe to say by your posture that your full strength has yet to return. It may never come back. You may still die. I could be doing you a favor. Why don't you just lie back down and let me do what I do best. I can make it quick." I took a deep breath and summoned all the strength I could manage.

  "I don't really understand how you could be Panther's sister. She may not be the warmest person, but at least she's not homicidal."

  "She's weak! She was seduced by the false promises of The Council's ways. She failed in her faith to Arkane and because of that, she is among those who will be purified."


  "She will be bathed in the divine power of Arkane. If she is worthy, she will be converted back to his doctrine."

  "If not?"

  "She dies."

  "You'd do that to your own sister?"

  "She ceased being my sister when she allied herself with The Council. If she cannot embrace the force of nature that has created and sustained this world since the day of creation, she's nothing more to me than dirt upon my boots."

  "Lovely. You should get a card for that." I kept backing away. I could see how Red Janet was gripping her axe. She was anxious to whack at me. I could feel the bloodthirst radiating off of her like heat. I glanced around hoping to find something to defend myself, but there was nothing in sight. The closest thing to me was an open window. I tried to think of the pros and cons, but there was little time for thought. I lunged for the window and I flew through it easily. I grabbed hold of a large tapestry that was hanging from a nearby precipice. It slowed me down a bit, but I was still falling. The tapestry tore from my hand and I landed on the ground hard. I lost the air in my lungs, but I was able to get to my feet again. I stumbled around but I had no idea where to go. I knew Red Janet would be on me again, but I needed a way to get out of there and back to the city. I saw there was a large hole in the center of the courtyard I hadn't seen before. It seemed like it had been dug with great purpose as it led down deeper into the ground. I didn't know where it would end up, but I was sure it would be better than to wait there for Red Janet to come and kill me.

  I hurried down the tunnel as fast as I could. It grew darker the deeper I went. I was lost in the darkness and any ambient noise that I had heard was gone. I tried to feel my way along, but the only thing to go by was the tunnel wall. It was cold and slimy and seemed to go on forever. After what felt like hours, I finally saw a light up ahead. I wanted to bolt toward it, but my legs were still too heavy. I forced my way forward and the light was getting brighter. I came upon a chamber and I recognized it. It was Arkane's armory. Most of everything that had been there was gone, but it was the very chamber he had showed me. One of the walls was missing and opened out into the tunnel I had just traversed. When he showed me his treasures, I had no idea they were still functional. I noticed a vehicle in the back that looked like a jeep from Earth. I trudged over to it and while cars were never my thing, even I could tell it was in fairly good condition. As I checked out the interior, I could hear footsteps. I looked up and I saw Red Janet enter the armory. My heart began to race. There were no weapons at hand and I had no way of defending myself against her. I tried to duck down out of sight, but I noticed there was a set of keys in the ignition of the jeep. Without another thought, I got in and switched the jeep on and slammed my foot on the accelerator. It lurched forward, pushing Red Janet out of my path as I went. I piloted the jeep up the tunnel and when I came back up, I noticed the trail Arkane's forces left in the dirt. I followed it and I soon found an opening that led to the surface. There was a slight bump and I flew up and landed back down onto a dirt road. The sun was out and as its light hit me, I hadn't realized how long I had been underground.

  I steered the jeep around a sharp turn and that's when I saw a huge swath of destruction before me and the whole thing led right to the city.

  I could see from there that something had torn apart the wall that laid before the city. Beyond that I saw columns of smoke rising up into the sky. Many of the buildings that were visible over the wall had been broken and were burning before my very eyes. I could occasionally hear screams coming from the distance.

  I continued along the road that Arkane had inadvertently left for me. As I got closer to the city, I began to hear more screaming and the sounds of fighting. I got as close as I could, but soon the road became too broken to ride upon. I got out and walked the rest of the way. As I climbed through what w
as left of the wall, I saw the corpses of several Xenosians sprawled out in pools of their own blood. The futuristic gleam that dazzled me was gone and was replaced with barbaric violence and the buildings and streets were stained with blood and flames.

  As I went on I could see the large beasts Arkane referred to as Ragnaphants stomping around. They were like three story buildings on four legs trampling everything in sight. Their huge tusks were swinging around like wrecking balls, tearing down anything in their path. Chaos had completely consumed the city and it looked like it all led right to the tallest tower in the center of the city. I figured that was as good a place to begin, so I started on my way.

  Chapter 26

  More Than a Pretty Face

  It looked as though Arkane's forces had already hit hard and they were further ahead so I figured my one advantage was that I was behind the enemy.

  I could see the path of destruction led toward the city center and the only building that hadn't been damaged was a huge tower in the middle of everything. I didn't know much about the lay of the city, but my instincts were telling me that was where I had to go.

  As I got closer to the tower, I noticed there were some people circling the perimeter. They were dressed in tattered looking clothes, so I guessed that they were part of Arkane's army. My instincts had been right. If he was guarding the building, there had to have been something important inside. I was still feeling weak though. I tried to concentrate and sense if the God's Blood was still with me, but I felt nothing.

  There were only a handful of guards out front, but in my weakened state, there might as well have been an entire battalion armed to the teeth. I didn't have the strength to fight them all off. I tried to think of some way to distract them, but with the area in such disarray, I doubted very much there was anything that could divert their attention from their jobs.

  I finally made it within a block of the building. It was just beyond the street. I found a mountain of debris and hid away. It looked like a twisted mound of cars and rock and whatever was left of the bridge that hung over the plaza. Fires were burning all around me and I could hear the guards outside the tower talking. I couldn't hear everything, but I did hear something about hostages and I could only assume it was The Council.

  I looked up toward the top of the tower and I could see a huge hole had been torn into the side of the building. The dots were beginning to connect. Arkane busted in and took The Council hostage. There was no way I could face Arkane. I had regained some strength but I was a long way from normal and I had no weapons at my disposal. My only option was to free The Council. Hopefully they'd have some insight in a way to stop Arkane. I looked over from behind my hiding place and the guards were still there. A loud explosion filled the air and a huge flash of light lit up the sky. The guards all gathered and pointed excitedly and after some frantic talk, they ran off, leaving their posts. It was lucky, but I was in no position to complain. I sprang from my position and scrambled toward the building and pushed through the doors.

  It was a very sterile looking place. The walls and floors were white and looked clean. White lights ran along the floor and seemed to lead me along a path. I found some elevators and I pushed a button. When it lit up, I felt a bit of relief and then the door opened up. I hobbled in and I then realized I had no idea where to go. It looked like there were hundreds of floors to be chosen, but I had no idea where The Council might have been. The hole in the building looked as though it was close to the top, so I took a chance and clicked on one of the higher buttons. The door shut and the lift rose up with shocking speed. The force of motion pushed me back a bit and at last it stopped and the doors opened up. I stepped out into an empty hallway. It was a safe bet the whole building was deserted.

  I went along but I kept feeling a burning frustration. I just didn't know what I was looking for. I didn't know where to go. It was amazing to me how the feeling of being totally lost could be the same whether it was on Earth or on Xenos. I let out an angry grunt and stormed back to the elevators but I stopped when I heard something above my head. It sounded like a footstep. It was followed by another noise. There were people above me. I ran the rest of the way to the elevators and punched the button for the next floor.

  When the doors opened up again I found myself in the middle of a large room. It looked like a waiting room you'd find in heaven. There was white light everywhere. I took a few steps and I stopped when I heard voices. I turned a corner and I could see a door that led into another room. I reached the threshold of the door and peered inside. It looked like The Council's chamber. I saw Arkana seated in one of their chairs. She seemed to be intently thinking while the guards that were left with her were chatting and killing time. I saw a doorway past Arkana that had been blocked by a wall of debris. The Council had to be in there. Whether or not they were alive remained to be seen, but I was going to find out; one way or another.

  I didn't have my powers. I didn't have any weapon. I was losing my strength at an alarming rate, but the longer I sat there doing nothing, the longer Arkane was free to murder innocent people. My brain was running at light speed, but the only idea I had felt like nothing more than suicide, but I had no other choice. I got up from my spot and stepped into the room. Arkana and her guards took notice of me right off.

  "You're alive?" Arkana asked with genuine surprise.

  "For now, yes. Where's your master?"

  "He's seeing to the systematic destruction of the wicked before all of Xenos is cleansed."

  "What does that mean?" I asked. Arkana's eyes began to glow and I could feel a stream of air blow through the room. Her guards were starting to advance toward me. I was beginning to question the logic behind my decision. The guards made their move, but as they got in close, I snapped forward and grabbed the one on the right by his arm and flipped him over my shoulder and threw him into the other. I looked down at them as they were sprawled before me and I couldn't figure out where the strength to have done that came from.

  "The unclean will be washed from the world! Only the faithful will remain!" Arkana shouted as she threw her arms forward and some kind of dark substance shot out from her finger tips and soon was wrapping and rolling over my body. It felt like a thousand ropes winding around me all at once. I rose up off the floor and I was being drawn closer to Arkana. "I will destroy you in the name of Lord Arkane! Let his rule never end!" There was an explosion that sent a thick cloud of smoke across the room and as I tried to regain my vision, I saw a figure emerge from the mist and soon I saw it was Panther. She rushed up to Arkana and slammed her fist into her face. The dark tendrils released me and I fell back to the floor. As the smoke cleared, I saw the other members of The Council emerge from the back room. I saw Prime Nero appear and once his eyes met mine, his face turned pale.

  "You're alive!" He called. Panther looked up and she raced toward me.

  "You survived!" She cried out as she took me in her arms.

  "Yes. Barely. Arkana there found me in the desert and took me to Arkane's kingdom. Once I was there, he wound up stealing my powers."

  "My God. It's our fault," Nero said as he found a seat. "We sent out the most tempting bait and allowed it to fall right into Arkane's hands. All the people he's killed. The blood is ours."

  "Look, I don't know what's been going on, but now isn't the time to assign blame. Arkane's got this power from me. If we can cut it off, maybe we can stop him."

  "It's too late. The wall has been breached. He's wiped out most of our people and has completely neutralized our hunters."

  "Except for me." Panther said.

  "Yes, but even still, when he overloads the generators beneath the city, we'll all be destroyed!" Nero said. He was starting to lose it big time. His face was glistening with sweat and I could see he was trembling like a newborn.

  "What? What's that about generators?" I asked.

  "Arkane is planning on overloading the sub-ionic generators beneath the city. That will result in them exploding and that explosio
n will wipe out the entire city." Panther explained.

  "A couple generators can do that?"

  "For your frame of reference, the generators are each the size of your Earth continent Australia. One of them exploding would have the collected force of a billion nuclear explosions. Enough to destroy Earth one hundred thousand times over."

  "Yeah. I guess that would do it. Where are these generators?"

  "Deep under Xenos, but the controls are in a subterranean station beneath this tower."

  "Then he's not far! We can stop him!" I turned to Nero, but he was too far gone. I felt Panther come up behind me and pull me away.

  "Don't bother. I respect The Council, but the truth is they aren't very good in any crisis. They lead sheltered lives and when they're confronted by these threats, they tend to fall apart."

  "Fine. We don't need them. We just need to get to Arkane and stop him."

  "He left for the station a long time ago. He's probably already there."

  "So do we have time?"

  "Not much. But there is one way we can make up the distance."

  "How?" Panther then snapped her fingers and her Comm-Sphere appeared above her and floated around.

  "It's the last one not under Arkane's control. It can take us to him."

  "So let's go!"

  "You can't go. You're in no state."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Arkane has taken your power. How will you face him like this?"

  "I don't know but I will! He murdered thousands of innocent people. He almost killed me! I'm not going to just sit here and let this happen. Take us to him now!" I barked.

  "If only because there's no time to argue." She said. The Comm-Sphere began to glow and it opened a Wurmhole before us. Panther grabbed me and we dove into the light.

  Chapter 27

  Jason V. Arkane

  When my vision returned, we were somewhere new. The walls and floors were concrete. It was the most low tech place I had ever seen since I had arrived on Xenos. I turned to see Panther getting her bearings after coming through the Wurmhole.


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