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Bending All the Rules (Billionaire Romance) (The A List Series)

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by Rylan, Savannah

  I shook my head. “No, thanks. If you don’t need anything from me on the trip, I’m going to take an Ambien, and try to sleep. I’m not the greatest flier, and I think mixing alcohol with the meds would probably be a bad idea.”

  “Yes, I agree that perhaps alcohol would not be suitable for your current predicament. I’ll only need to go over tomorrow’s schedule with you after we take off. After that, you’re free to enjoy the flight how you see fit.”

  “Okay. The studio sent me the details earlier this afternoon.”

  I was about to pull it out when the woman from the back of the cabin came back onto the plane, this time dressed in a blue uniform. “Hello. My name is Charlotte. I’ll be your flight attendant.”

  Oh. My. God. I was going to have to spend the next fourteen hours looking this woman in the eye, each of us knowing exactly what had happened. So help me, I’ll never show up so early again. I smiled, but avoided eye contact, instead focusing on the beautiful broach pinned to her chest. “Hi. I’m Cora.”

  “Is there anything I can get you, Cora?”

  I hesitated. On one hand this woman was here to do a job (and not of the hand variety), and on the other hand she and I were both uncomfortable with the position Breccan put us in. I could wallop him for this! Then again, he’d probably enjoy it…

  “Just a water, please,” I replied.

  Charlotte nodded, and went to get the water, as I joined Breccan at the small table. Before we could get started, the pilot, Jude, came on the overhead system as the engines roared to life. “Welcome, ladies and gentleman. Your pilot, Jude, here. We’ll be taking off momentarily, so please buckle your seatbelt and stow any loose objects.” I shoved my iPad back in my bag, and took a deep breath.

  “It’s going to be okay, Ms. Monroe,” Breccan assured me. His smooth, languid voice washed over me like a warm bath, soothing my frazzled nerves slightly. My eyes slid shut. “I’ve been flying with Jude for several years. I promise, the flight will be as smooth as possible.”

  The longer he talked, the calmer I became, almost as if his voice had a hypnotizing effect on me. “You’ll never need to be afraid under my care, Cora,” he whispered. “I promise you that.”

  I inhaled through my nose, savoring the spicy aftershave that drifted over to me. It was pronouncedly musky and… him. It smelled exactly the way I’d expect him to smell. That alone was comforting.

  As we began to pick up speed as the plane took of, I rested my head on the back of the seat, gripping the hand rest. A large, warm hand wrapped around and enveloped my own. The fingers lightly grazed over my knuckles before sinking between my fingers and perfectly melding our hands together.

  The gesture made my heart race, but calmed my body. I never opened my eyes, too afraid of what I’d see in Breccan’s. Instead, I let the tiny act be exactly what I needed, and I drifted right to sleep.

  Chapter Five


  “Welcome to Hong Kong,” Charlotte announced, unlocking the hatch of the plane’s door. “Customs will be here momentarily, and the limo to take you to the hotel is already waiting outside.”

  Breccan smiled. “Thank you, Charlotte. That’ll be all.”

  Fifteen minutes later, we were cleared, and in the back of a limo driving down the busy highway heading to the center of Hong Kong. I couldn’t believe it. This was so different than any way I’ve ever travelled before, but I certainly wasn’t complaining about not having to stand in a long line while dragging my luggage behind me as I waited to be cleared.

  I turned to Breccan. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to travel commercial again after this,” I joked, looking out the window at the city around me.

  He shifted in his seat and yawned. “Yes, it certainly has its perks.”

  “Our schedule looks pretty packed for the next several days. You have final wardrobe fittings this morning followed by two production meetings with the director and the DP, so I hope you got enough rest on the plane.”

  “Not nearly,” he replied, popping open a can of Red Bull that the limo provided. “But I’ll manage. Do you wish to eat before we head to set?” My stomach grumbled at the mention of food. Breccan chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “We don’t need to stop just for me.” I knew we were already on a tight schedule, and I didn’t want to do anything to make him late.

  “We’ll eat, Cora.” There was no arguing with him, not that I wanted to. The last thing I’d had was a small sandwich back in LA on the way to the airport, and I was famished.

  The limo pulled to a stop in front of the hotel, and my eyes widened. Massive crowds of mostly women stood near the entrance to the hotel in a screaming frenzy.

  “Holy crap, Breccan,” I marveled. “I’ve never seen anything this crazy before. Shouldn’t there be security or something?”

  Living in LA, I guess people were used to seeing stars flitting around town. Sure, they might stop and take a picture, or ask for an autograph, but I’d never seen a swarm of screaming women like this in real life.

  Breccan sighed, closing his eyes momentarily. “Someone apparently leaked my arrival.” He shifted in his seat, taking one of my hands in his own. “Listen to me, now, Cora. When the door opens and we step out, you need to keep your head down, and head directly into the hotel. Don’t stop for anything. Push through people if you have to, but just keep going, do you understand?”

  I nodded, staring at the overwhelming crowd. “Okay.”

  Two very large men—obviously security guards—made their way through the crowd, and stood next to the limo, opening the doors to the screams of the crowds.

  “Just keep going, Cora,” Breccan reminded me. I took a deep breath and stepped out, walking quickly toward the hotel lobby. A half a second later, the screams reached a new decibel, and I knew Breccan had stepped out, too. I paused and glanced over my shoulder. He smiled brightly as he waved to the eager crowd, but only for a second before the two beefy men surrounded him, leading him quickly toward me.

  As soon as he took a step, the crowd moved with him, shoving me from every direction. One girl barreled into me, causing me to drop my purse. I bent to retrieve it, and quickly became swallowed in the crowd.

  Before I could even stand up straight, I was being jostled around, elbows digging into my sides, and my toes stepped on. I fell to the ground, crying out as someone kneed me in the back. I tried to scramble to regain my footing, but I couldn’t move and panic began to set it. Holy crap, I’m going to be trampled.

  I opened my mouth to call for help when two thick arms scooped me up, helping me back to my feet.

  “I’ve got you,” Breccan whispered in my ear. “Stay close.”

  He tucked me snugly into his side, swiftly leading us out of the crowd. Screams of “Breccan I love you,” and “Marry me, Breccan” filled the streets. Breccan had ditched his two security guards to come back for me, leaving both of us vulnerable as the woman clawed at him, desperate for the slightest touch. Breccan wrapped his arm around me, shielding me from the majority of the blows, but I still caught a few.

  When we finally reached the doors to the lobby, we burst inside. Breccan loosened his grip, and I let out a relieved breath, thankful to still have all my limbs intact. Finding a quiet corner, I paused to catch my breath.

  “Thank you so much. I’m pretty sure I would have been trampled if you wouldn’t have come back.” I gazed inside of my purse, frowning at the cracked screen of my iPad. “I don’t think my tablet faired as well.”

  “Are you hurt?” Breccan asked, scanning me with his eyes.

  “No, I’ll be okay. Just a bruise or two, most likely.” I looked up at him, horrified to see bloody scratches on both of his arms, his shirt torn. “Holy shit! They did this to you?”

  Breccan glanced down at his arms, flexing his fingers as he examined the wounds. “Mob mentality can be quite painful.”

  Guilt stabbed at my gut. If I’d just done as he’d asked, and pushed forward, not stopping t
o look back, none of this would have happened. He had come back to help me, risking himself for me. He had to start filming tomorrow too.

  I cringed, covering my face with my hands. “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”

  Breccan reached one hand forward, tucking my hair behind my ear. “I’m simply glad you’re okay, Cora.”

  An hour later, we were checked in. Breccan occupied the entire penthouse floor with my room one floor below. When I met him in the elevator, Breccan looked completely different in an old pair of jeans and a long sleeve Henley, hiding the scratches to his arms. He wore a LA Dodgers hat slung low on his head, and a pair of aviator sunglasses to hide his eyes.

  “Are you ready to head to set?” I asked him.

  He cocked his head. “No, Cora. I promised you lunch, remember?”

  I blinked. “Really? You want to go back out there?” The crowd had not dispersed, still chanting Breccan’s name.

  “We’ll slip out the back. Once we hit the marketplace, we’ll blend into the crowd, and look like any other tourist.” I eyed him skeptically, causing him to smile. “Trust me, Cora. I’ve done this plenty of times.”

  Grabbing my hand, Breccan led me to a row of street vendors a few blocks away before stopping at a food cart. He spoke in perfect Cantonese, and ordered two bowls of jouk.

  “What is it?” I asked. It kinda reminded me of rice pudding, but the aroma was savory.

  “Jouk is a creamy rice soup with pork, egg, and scallions. It’s a local delicacy, and one of my favorite dishes to get when I come to Hong Kong.”

  He led me to a small picnic style table, handing me a pair of chopsticks. “Try it, Cora. I promise it won’t disappoint.”

  I took a small, apprehensive bite. Oh. My. It was heavenly. The bold, rich flavors of the broth and vegetables blended perfectly with the heavily seasoned meat. “Oh my God. This is amazing.”

  A smile spread across Breccan’s face. “I’m glad you approve.”

  “I may insist we eat this everyday,” I teased, digging in for a second bite.

  Breccan chuckled. “Don’t worry, Cora. This is only the first day. There’s so much more to still see.”

  “I hope I can fit some sightseeing in. There’s so much I want to see.”

  “What are you looking forward to?” he asked between bites.

  I slurped up some of the broth, wiping my mouth before answering. “Honestly? Everything. I don’t know when I’ll ever get an opportunity like this again, and I don’t want to waste it, you know? I just hope I have time to get in a few of the things on my list.”

  “You made a list?”

  “Don’t laugh. It’s just a thing I do. I make a list every time I visit a new place, and then cross off as many of the things as I can.”

  “Do you have this list with you?” His tone was amused, a glint of… something more in his eyes.

  I hesitated, but took the list out of my bag, and slid it across the table to him. He took it from me, reading it over before folding it back up, and handing it back.

  “Have you ever gotten through a whole list, Cora?”

  I shook my head. “No, usually I only get to a few of the things.”

  “I see,” he smiled, winking at me. “Well we’ll just see if we can’t break some records while we’re here.”

  I took another bite of the portage and glanced over at Breccan. He seemed so at ease, so different than how I’d ever seen him. He was… happy. Carefree. It was a pleasant new side of him. And I wanted to see more. I wanted to see everything.


  Hong Kong was amazing. Like New York City on steroids. Everything was noisy, crowded, and fast. I swear the people here didn’t know what downtime looked like. We’d been here for almost two weeks now, and while the hotel and city were beyond my wildest expectations, Breccan’s call schedule was not. He was filming on some of Hong Kong’s busiest streets, forcing him to start work at two o’clock in the morning so the local police could shut down traffic without impeding day-to-day activities too much. This also meant that I needed to be up and on set at two o’clock in the morning, in case he needed something. I’d barely gotten any sleep, not wanting to waste the opportunity, and spent my free time as a tourist. Running on three to four hours of sleep a day was catching up to me and I was exhausted.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Laughry?” one of the extra’s called to Breccan. “Could I get an autograph please? I’m such a huge fan.”

  I intercepted the girl, as I had the several dozen who came before her. “Mr. Laughry is holding all requests for pictures and autographs until the end of filming today. I’m sorry.” I shooed her away.

  Breccan cocked his head, and nodded with a little smile. We’d really gotten to know each other well over the last few weeks because we’d been forced to spend so much time together, and, surprisingly, he wasn’t as big of a dick as I first thought. He was actually one of the most interesting, thoughtful, intelligent people I’d ever met. His co-star was newly married, and spent all her free time shacked up in her trailer with her new hubby, so Breccan and I ate all of our meals together, went back and forth to and from the hotel, and when we did have some free time, he made sure I could cross one of the items off my wish list. He’d arranged everything, like when we took a helicopter tour overlooking Victoria Peak or the private ferry ride around the harbor to see the city at sunrise. He pulled out all the stops, and I was down to only one thing left on my list.

  Tonight was all work, though. Poor Breccan was drenched from head to toe, goose bumps running down his entire body. The scene he was filming was set in the rain, and multiple hoses had been pummeling him with water for the last hour. I handed him a robe from the warming rack, and he sighed as he wrapped it around his freezing body.

  “You read my mind. This is exactly what I needed. Thank you, Cora.” He shook the drops of water from his hair, running a hand through the messy locks. It reminded me of the first time we met, and he was fresh out of the shower, driving my thoughts to very unprofessional places. It seemed no matter how much I forced myself to remember that he was my boss and practically a male slut, my body still reacted to him, craving his own.

  But damn, I’d have to be dead to not want someone who looked like a Greek god come to life.

  “Is the water they’re using at least warmer tonight?” His bottom lip was practically blue, making me want to suck it into my mouth until the deep red hue came back.

  “Not even a little. It’s frigid. Thank God we’re almost done here. Only another hour or two. Three at the most.”

  He looked miserable, and I felt so bad. “Is there anything I can get you? Something warm? Coffee? Soup?”

  His eyes lit up. “Some hot soup would be amazing. Is Craft Services still running at this hour?”

  I shook my head. “No, but I’m pretty sure at least one of those late night street vendors is still open. I can run and grab you something. Any preferences?”

  “Hmm…” he thought for a moment. “I wonder if that little stand that serves jouk is still open.”

  My mouth started salivating at the thought of that delicious jouk we’d eaten our first morning here. “Mmm. Yea, let me go see if I can find some. I’ll be back soon with it.”

  I turned to leave, but Breccan grabbed my hand before I slipped away. “Cora? Thank you for everything.”

  I shrugged. “It was nothing.”

  He pulled me closer, looking into my face. “I’m serious, Cora. You…please me. Very much.”

  His thumb brushed my knuckles softly before he let go, leaving me in a dreamy stupor as I began walking down the street in search of the vendor.

  I must not have been paying close enough attention to where I was going, and took a wrong turn, disorienting me. With so few people out at this hour, and no signs in English, it wasn’t long before I was downright lost. I began to retrace my steps, but everything looked so similar, and I wasn’t sure which way I should turn.

  I sighed, staring down the dark, deserted s
treet and began to pull out my phone, hoping Siri still worked half way across the world.

  “Hey,” a voice called in English. “Is that you, Ms. Monroe?”

  I turned around, squinting to see who was talking to me. The man stepped closer, and I finally realized it was Jude, the pilot. I’d almost not recognized him out of his clean pressed uniform. Now, he wore a wrinkled tee shirt with several stains. He hadn’t shaved in a few days, and his hair was completely disheveled. I wrinkled my nose as he stepped closer. Guess he hadn’t showered recently later. Was he on some type of bender?

  “Oh. Hey there. I didn’t realize you were still here.”


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