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Bending All the Rules (Billionaire Romance) (The A List Series)

Page 4

by Rylan, Savannah

  “Well, where did you think I’d disappear to?” His voice was low, like he was trying to be seductive. The closer he got, the more alcohol I could smell on his breath.

  “I guess I just assumed you would have flown back to the States.” I sidestepped away from him, and began walking toward the street corner again. “Hey, which way is it back toward the hotel?”

  Jude licked his lips. “Ah, you want to go back to the hotel, eh? I can arrange that.”

  Okay, this guy was officially giving me the creeps. “No, Jude. I don’t. Can you please just point me back in the direction of the hotel?”

  He didn’t stop his pursuit, inching his way closer. “What’s your hurry, darlin’? I just got here.” He slid his hands up the sides of my body, lingering at the underside of my breasts. “Why don’t you stay a while, and we’ll get to know each other better?” he slurred. “I knew you wanted me from the first time you saw me. I remember that look you gave me.”

  I shoved at his chest. “There was no look. None. Get off me, now.”

  He didn’t move, only sidling closer as he moved his mouth next to mine, his hot breath blowing in my ear, making my stomach churn. “Now, now, Cora. There’s no need to play hard to get.”

  I was backed against a brick wall, with nowhere else to go, as his body caged my own. My heart raced as fear ripped through me, but I swallowed it down, and racked my brain for a way out of the situation. I looked him firmly in the eye, hoping maybe he was just drunk, and didn’t realize I wasn’t on board. “I need you to let me go, and back up now, Jude. I am not interested. Your advances are unwelcome, so stop. Now.”

  “Not until I get what I came here for.” His voice was angry now, causing my heart to stop in my throat. His fingers slid down my side, reaching under the hem of my shirt. I clawed at his arms, scratching and drawing blood, but it didn’t faze him. His grip was iron around my forearm, his shoulder keeping me pressed against the wall. Tears fell as I struggled, trying to knee him in the balls or bite at him.

  “Just. Stay. Still,” he growled, squeezing my arm tighter as his fingers kneaded my breasts before sliding down and attempting to unbutton my jeans. He yanked at my pants with such force the button popped off, bouncing on the pavement below before his hand reached back up, pushing my bra up and out of the way.

  “Help!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, “Someone!”

  A large hand clamped around my mouth, banging my head back against the brick wall, pain shooting through my head. “What did I tell you?” Jude seethed.

  I kicked and squirmed and bit down on his hand, anything that would try to prevent what I now feared was inevitable. My last resort was to play nice in hopes he would ease up and I could escape. I stilled my body and stopped fighting.

  He looked up at me. “Now that’s a good girl,” he cooed, making me gag.

  His hand left the fabric of my now torn shirt as he began to unbuckle his belt. I swallowed hard at the lump in my throat as I fought back tears, praying he’d loosen his grip, even a little.

  As I heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper sliding down, I closed my eyes, willing my mind to go anywhere else.

  Out of nowhere, something huge came barreling toward Jude, knocking us both down at contact. My hip hit the ground hard and my head snapped back, momentarily stunning me.

  After a moment, it dawned on me that I was finally free of his grip, so I crawled away as fast as I could. When I was steady enough to get back on my feet and look back, I saw Jude lying on the street as two fists pummeled his face and body. It was Breccan.

  He landed punch after punch, spraying blood over the both of them, but never let up. Jude never got a blow in as Breccan dominated the man. I scanned the street, hoping to spot someone who could help, but it was the middle of the night on a desolate street, and we were alone. How in the world did Breccan find me? I idly wondered.

  Jude was no longer moving, completely knocked out cold, but Breccan kept going.

  “Breccan, stop! You’re going to kill him,” I pleaded. “Please, stop.”

  Hearing my voice, he paused, turning toward me and breathing heavy. He stood, taking a tentative step. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded, too choked up for words.

  His eyes searched mine. “Did he…?”

  I shook my head, no longer able to hold back the tears and the reality of what almost happened set in, and fell to my knees, sobbing.

  Breccan removed his shirt, wiping the blood from his hands and arms before kneeling next to me. He didn’t touch me, didn’t try to hold me, he just sat next to me and let me cry. After several minutes, I leaned into him, drained. Breccan pulled me closer, his fingers lightly running through my hair. My tears slowed, and I began to hiccup.

  Breccan pulled out his phone and spoke briefly in Cantonese before sliding the phone back in his pocket. “I’m going to pick you up now, Cora. Just hang on. I’ve got you.”

  The next thing I knew, he slid his hand under my knees and around my back, scooping me up in one swift motion and turning out of the alleyway. As we reached a street corner, a black car pulled up. The driver immediately got out and opened the back door. Breccan slid the both of us in simultaneously, never letting me go the entire way.

  Within minutes we were at the back entrance to the hotel. I walked on very shaky legs through a corridor and into the express elevator to the penthouse suite. Standing in the mirrored elevator, I caught a glimpse of my torn shirt, the fingertip bruises already forming around my arm, and the grey smears around my throat and mouth from Jude’s dirty hands.

  I immediately turned and vomited in the decorative plant in the corner of the elevator. The elevator dinged, indicating we’d reached the top. Breccan handed me a handkerchief and helped me into his suite, leading me into the bathroom. He began to draw a bath, pouring in some oils that filled the entire space with the relaxing aroma of lavender.

  Getting the putrid stench of stale beer and the cheap aftershave Jude wore out of my nose immediately relieved a block of stress. It was over. He was gone. I was safe.

  Breccan sat me on the vanity bench. “I’ll be back momentarily. Will you be okay for a few minutes by yourself?”

  I nodded, sniffing.

  I watched the tub slowly fill, trying hard to think of anything other than what just happened. Several minutes later, Breccan returned, carrying a tray full of items including a bottle of water, what appeared to be scotch, a bottle of aspirin, and my ear buds for my iPod.

  “The aspirin will help with your headache and bruising. Take two now.” He handed me the bottle. “I also thought you might want a good strong drink, so it will be here for you if you feel up to it.”

  Right now, I wanted to drink the entire damn bottle to forget this night ever happened.

  “And lastly, your iPod. It will help move your thoughts away from… earlier. Get in the tub. Wash the dirt off you. Wash…everything off you. It will help.” He stood, running his hand softly down my cheek. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there, Cora. I should have never sent you alone at that hour.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” I whispered, my voice hoarse from all the crying. “You were there when it counted.”

  “It wasn’t enough,” he murmured, standing and heading for the door. Just as it closed, I began to slip my ear buds on when I heard his voice, so low I could barely discern his words. “It will never be enough, Cora.”

  Chapter Six


  I soaked in the tub well past the point where I was pruney and the water was cold. I scrolled through my iPod, playing different songs for every emotion that I went through—from sad Sarah McLaughlin to angry Alanis Morrisette to fuck you Eminem. Anything that helped me work through what I was feeling. I thought about calling Simon, but I knew he’d go as ballistic as Breccan did, so I decided to wait.

  I stepped out of the bathtub and into the shower, setting the water to scalding hot as I used a loofah to scrub every inch of my body. Every inch that he tried to touch or us
e in any way. I scrubbed and cried until my skin was raw, and then took one final pass with the rough sponge. I needed him gone.

  I toweled off. Donning a very fluffy robe, so big it engulfed my curvy frame. I stepped out, finding a spare toothbrush sitting on the side of the sink. I gargled with Listerine twice before scrubbing out my mouth so hard my gums bled.

  Finally, I stepped out of the bathroom to find Breccan sitting in a club chair a few feet away, hands on his knees as they bounced nervously. Seeing me, he stood, his eyes scanning me from head to toe.

  “How are you? Can I get you anything?”

  I looked up at the helplessness in his eyes. I’d never seen him not one hundred percent in control. This, was nice. It made him feel more human to me. “Honestly, I’m exhausted. I just want to sleep.”

  Breccan nodded. “Please. Use my room. Unless you’d feel more comfortable in your own…”

  “I don’t want to be alone right now. Yours is fine, thank you.” If I couldn’t have my comfy bed from home with my grandmother’s quilt, then wrapping myself up in the sheets that smelled so uniquely like Breccan would be second best. I padded into the separate sleeping area and climbed into the ultra king sized bed. The sheets were beyond soft, probably costing more than I made in a month, but felt heavenly. Breccan drew the shades, immersing the room in darkness and turned to leave, causing my chest to tighten.


  He paused. “Do you need something?”

  I hesitated, not exactly sure how to voice what I was feeling. “I can’t… I don’t want to be alone again. I was alone when…” I squeezed my eyes shut. “Can you stay? Just for a little while? I know I shouldn’t ask you this, but…”

  “Of course I’ll stay.” He shut the door, coming back toward me.

  I knew he was concerned about crossing a line, about me being scared of men right now, but he didn’t scare me. He felt safe. He felt like…I was home. I turned the sheets down next to me. “Please?” I whispered.

  He didn’t say a word, joining me in the bed and wrapping his arms around me. I sighed contentedly, and could have sworn I’d heard him do the same.

  “Rest now, Cora,” he said, pulling me close and kissing the top of my head. “I’ve got you.”

  With his strong arms wrapped around me, I could feel his breath against my neck. He pulled me closer, pressing his body against mine until I drifted to sleep, no longer thinking of the man who tried to take something away from me, but instead about the man who was starting to give me everything I’d ever wanted.

  I stirred in my sleep, still feeling Breccan so close and accidentally let out a pleasurable sigh.

  “You enjoy me being pressed up against you, don’t you?” Breccan whispered against my ear. His voice teased and hinted at…something more.

  Wanting to discover the “more,” I shifted my body so I was facing his and smiled. “Maybe”.

  Breccan pulled my body even closer, his hard length pressed against my thigh, and I let out a slight gasp. He leaned his head against mine and I could feel his beautiful lips only millimeters away from my own. His arms wrapped a bit tighter around my body as I met his lips.

  He kissed me languidly, his warm tongue gliding against the crease of my lips. I opened my mouth in invitation as he slipped his inside, slowly teasing my own as his hands began to explore the rest of my body, pausing at my waist. Breccan slid his right hand down to the curve of my ass and squeezed as his kiss deepened, sending sparks of desire and lust coursing through me. With his left hand, Breccan caressed my upper back -- giving me a massage as he continued to kneed my plump bottom.

  “You have the most luscious ass I’ve ever seen, Cora. So soft and round. Perfect. I’ve been yearning to get my hands on it now for weeks.” He squeezed tighter, causing me to yelp. I pushed further into his hand, wiggling a little and making him groan. “It’s been taunting me, Cora, every time you bend down or lean over. It makes me want to come up behind you and show you all the things I want to do with that beautiful flesh.”

  Pushing a few loose strands of my long brown locks behind my ears, his lips traveled from my mouth down to my neck, kissing gently along my collarbone on the left side, back up my neck, and trailing down once again. He was thorough, not missing the opportunity to feel and taste every inch he could get his lips on, while I reached up, my fingers tangling in the silky strands of his hair.

  He gently pushed me on my back and leaned his body over mine. Our eyes met, the lust in his own echoing in mine. The desire, the heat between us was palpable, causing goosebumps to cascade down my body.

  His hands slid down, loosening the belt of the robe I wore until my breasts were bared, exposing my erect nipples. He licked his lips and growled before bending and sucking one aching bud into his hot mouth. A moan escaped my lips as my whole body arched, reacting to his tongue. Need flooded through me, pooling at my center as he nibbled and sucked. My hot mound ached, desperately wanting the same treatment.

  His left hand moved to caress my other breast, as he playfully sucked and bit my right, holding the bud between his teeth as he used his tongue to flick it rapidly. My hands fisted the soft sheets as waves of pleasure shot through me. I arched my back a bit, and he sat up. “I need to see all of you.”

  I nodded shyly and leaned forward, allowing him to pull the robe from my body, sliding down my shoulders until it puddled below, leaving me completely exposed. I closed my eyes, too nervous about what I’d see in his as he took in my round belly and wide hips. There was no thigh gap or protruding hip bones, but instead several stretch marks.

  “Open your eyes, Cora,” he demanded.

  I peeked one eye open.

  “Look at me.”

  Hesitantly, I did as he asked. He was smiling. Not an “I’m laughing at you,” smile, but a genuine “I’m pleased with what I see” smile.

  “You’re exquisite. Stunning.”

  I blinked, not sure what to say.

  “You are by far one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. Every inch of you is radiant. Every.” He bent and kissed just below my belly button. “Damn.” His mouth moved over, kissing my hips. “Inch.” He whispered the last word, hovering just above my mound. I was so needy, wanting him so bad. And his words just fueled that fire.

  I reached for his shirt and pulled it off of him in one smooth motion, running my hands down his rock hard abs. I leaned back and smiled as he removed his shorts and boxers, revealing his large length.

  Talk about loving every damn inch. Sweet Jesus, he was by far the largest man in that department I’d ever seen. My mouth watered, wanting to taste it.

  He leaned his body slightly over mine and kissed me deeply. He ran his hand down my neck to my breast, lightly pinching my nipple before he continued to run his hand down to my waist, passed my belly button, and through the nest of curls until reaching my core, already slick and ready for him. He growled with pleasure.

  “So wet for me, Cora.”

  I responded with a moan as his finger dipped inside me. He slowly removed one finger, and then inserted a second, curling them slightly upward until he hit my g-spot. Electricity shot through me as I thrust my hips toward his hand.

  “Oh my God, Breccan. That feels so good.” He drove his fingers in and out, always twisting at the end so he hit that sweet spot. He continued the motion over and over until I was panting. “Please, Breccan. I want you inside me.”

  He smirked as he curled his fingers again and slowly pulled out of me. He moved his body over mine and sat up on his knees, beginning to tease me by slowly rubbing the tip of his hard cock on my clit.

  “I like it when you beg for it,” he growled. “Tell me how bad you want it, Cora.”

  The pressure in my core continued to build. I arched up as he pushed his tip harder onto my clit. “I want you so bad. Please, give it to me. Give me all of it.”

  He rubbed my clit with his thumb, as he stroked his hard length. The sight of him pleasuring both of us only made me m
ore needy, wanting him inside me. Needing him inside me. He increased the pressure on my clit and I couldn’t stand him not being inside me any longer. I boldly grabbed him and pulled him into my entrance, thrusting and rocking my hips as he slid and filled me completely.

  He moaned in surprise and let his body fall on top of mine until he was fully seated deep inside me. We both sighed happily. I was so full, so blissfully full. I could feel my walls stretching and pulsing as he began to rotate his hips. He was barely even moving, and yet he felt so good. It made me ache for him to move.

  His hands cupped my face and his lips crushed into mine as he started to slowly pump, rocking his hips back and forth. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pushing him in even deeper as the pressure continued to build.

  He stopped kissing me and pushed up on his arms, a devilish smile on his face. I opened my mouth to ask what he was thinking, but the words morphed into a guttural groan as he thrust fast and hard into me.


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