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Rozalyn 5

Page 7

by Shan

  "Up the stairs and all the way down to the left."

  I slowly headed up the stairs to get myself together and prepare to chill out with my family before I got back to work.

  Chapter 10


  Stranger in my Bed

  There's a stranger in my house

  It took a while to figure out

  There's no way you could be who you say you are

  You gotta be someone else


  The night had come quickly, and I'd gotten the kids fed and down for bed and that wasn't easy considering they wanted to stay up and play with Tae all night long. He had us so surprised when he snuck up on us in the kitchen earlier today.

  Black hadn't even told me that he was coming. No one called me to say anything—they just showed up, and I couldn't believe that I didn't hear them come in. Black had never used the key he had before and promised that he never would unless it had been an emergency. In this case, I guess it had been an emergency since he was bringing my husband home.

  ​ I had mixed feelings about seeing Tamar. I was happy that he was home, but I just didn't feel right about the way things were handled. I was Tamar's wife and the mother of his children.

  I felt that if anyone knew what was going on then it should've been me. Why was it right for me to be left in the dark without any answers to give to my children as to what was going on with their father?

  Black should've at the least, considered my state of mind and my kids' state of mind while Tamar was gone. We had no clue about what was going on with him. For months, he led us on to believe that Tamar didn't want to be bothered by us and preferred that we stayed away.

  He had kept with that lie for so long that when he finally told the truth, I didn't know whether or not I could believe him.

  ​ After showering and putting on something small to sleep in, I stepped into the bedroom to find Tamar going through his cell phone. He'd been out of pocket for so long and had tons and tons of messages and voicemails from people trying to get in contact with him.

  I climbed into bed and wiggled my way up under his arms and rested my head onto his chest. Damn it felt like home. I missed him so much and prayed to God that we never split ever again for any reason.

  ​ I moved my head and looked up in his direction and began to pull at his lengthy beard. The roughness of it caused me to giggle a bit as I tried to maneuver my fingers through it.

  ​ "What you laughing at?" Tamar asked as he placed the phone beside him and wrapped one of his arms around me.

  ​ "You need to get to the barber as soon as they open tomorrow," I laughed some more.

  ​ Tamar rubbed his hands through his thick mane and then blew out a sharp breath. He shook his head and then pulled me on top of him. I looked down at him as I placed my hands on his chest.

  He'd lost so much weight. His cheeks had sort of sunken in, his eyes were dark and sickly looking, his entire frame was so frail, and he just didn't look like himself. I don't think in the six and a half years that I've been with him that I've ever seen him like this.

  "So, what's up? Talk to me ma'. I've been gone for what…five months. Fill me in. You've been hella quiet since I got here."

  "Because I'm in shock, Tamar. Black had me believing that you didn't want to be bothered with us…and I actually believed it until it went on for too long and then I just assumed that you were dead, and he wasn't ready to tell me yet.

  Or I don't know…shit just didn't sound right, and I've been going a little crazy. Well more than crazy. This is the first time after everything that has ever happened to you that I actually felt like I would never see you again.

  After all the tragic times you've had, I always knew that God would bring you back to me and the kids—this time I wasn't so sure. So this is just surreal."

  He pulled me down on me and wrapped his arms around me even tighter. I rested my comfortably against his chest. I could literally feel his heart beating through his rib cage as it thumped heavily in my ear. He didn't say anything.

  His breathing was at an easy pace. I could tell that he was deeply thinking about everything that I'd just said, and I hoped that his thoughts were gearing towards giving up the game.

  The kids and I didn't deserve to live without him. The thought of him no longer gracing the face of this Earth and returning the love that we had for him was just all too sickening. I just couldn't take losing Tamar again. This had to stop.

  Without warning, I felt Tamar's finger slip into my pussy. Instantly I gushed and let out a soft and sweet moan. I hadn't thought about sex one time since the day J.B. almost took Tamar from me.

  I hadn't wanted it. I hadn't cared about it. It had been the furthest thing from my mind, but as I rotated my hips and allowed Tamar's finger to slide in and out of me, I suddenly needed it. I was all of a sudden longing to feel him inside of me.

  I reached down and slipped my panties off and pulled the t-shirt I had on over my head. I looked down at Tamar and smiled at him as he looked up at me. I stared down into his eyes and immediately the smile that caressed my face suddenly left me.

  I don't know what it was, but it seemed as if the Tamar that I knew before wasn't the same one that was staring back at me.

  "What's wrong?" Tamar asked me noticing the instant change in me.

  "Nothing, I just—" I didn't let on to what I was thinking and just tried to block it out my mind.

  I leaned down and kissed him. I grinded my hips against his and reached down to pull his penis from the sweats he was wearing. At least that hadn't changed. It was still long and thick regardless of the weight that Tamar had lost; his little man remained the same.

  With ease, I slid his dick inside of me and immediately tightened my muscles around his width. Closing my eyes, I dropped my mouth open and moved up and down. Each time I slid down, the tip of Tamar's dick tickled my spot causing me to moan out in pleasure.

  Tamar pulled me closer to him and took my left nipple into his mouth. He gripped my butt with his free hand and held me into place. I pushed his hand away and took them and pinned them down to the bed.

  "Oh, shit!" Tamar grunted and closed his eyes. I rode him hard. My pussy was so wet, and I could feel my juices dripping out each time Tamar's dick slid in and out of me. "Fuck Roz! You gonna make me cum!"

  "That's what I'm supposed to do! Cum for me daddy!" I cooed and stopped as I felt Tamar squirming underneath.

  I released his hands and rose up and then turned around with my back facing him and slid him back inside of me. I placed my hands on his knees to hold his legs down and then started back riding him.

  He braced his hands on my waist, and I jiggled my ass each time I knocked against his pelvis. He felt so good inside of me. My legs began to tremble. My breathing quickened. I felt it. I was about to cum.

  "Baby, I’m gonna cum all over this dick!"

  "And I'm a cum all in this good pussy. Shit!" Tamar yelled as he smacked my ass.

  I sped up, going faster and even harder. I watched as Tamar's toes curled as he tried to move his legs. A tingling sensation hit me right in the middle of my stomach, and my clit swelled as the orgasm I was suddenly feeling caused my body to go weak.

  Damn it, it felt so good. My pussy became wetter as I slowed to almost nothing. Tamar took my hips and bounced me up and down. I could no longer move. I was still enjoying the pleasurable feeling of my pussy heating and tingling from the orgasmic high I just experienced.

  "Shit, I'm about to cum!" Tamar smacked me on my ass once more before he pumped into me again before exploding inside of me. I took my time getting up and going to get towels to wash the both of us off.

  After I wet the towels with warm soapy water, I cleaned myself up first and then went to clean up Tamar. Just as quickly as I was done, he was asleep even quicker.


  Just as soon as the sun rose, I was up and cooking breakfast for everyone. As much as I wanted to lay up with Tamar and never leave hi
s side, I still had to fulfill my duties around the house.

  The kids would be up soon, and if I didn't have something ready for them to eat, they would all throw fits. They loved to eat pancakes and bacon, and that was what I made them almost every morning.

  I heard a heavy set of footsteps coming down the stairs and then shortly after heard them right behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Tamar pulling a plain white t-shirt over his head. He opened the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water, and walked over to me.

  "I'm about to head out and get a cut and then I'm a meet up with Black today for a minute. I'll be back," Tamar said as he placed a kiss on my cheek.

  "Wait, you're leaving? You're about to work?"

  "I've been gone for five months, Roz. I supposed to be out here making shit happen, and I been down. Too much time has gone, and I can't waste another minute."

  "Damn, we can't even get a full 24 hours."

  I dropped the spatula in my hand on the cabinet and turned around to stare at him. "Do you know what we've been through since you've been down? I almost lost my life…and if that would've happened then our kids wouldn't have had anybody. You telling me you can't spend a few days—"

  "What you mean you almost lost your life?" Tamar cut me off as his forehead wrinkled in confusion.

  "Rico came for his money that you owed him. He had his goons pour in here with guns and shit and demanded his money. I don't have access to your money—which is something we need to talk about later, but Black gave me the drugs that you got from him, and I tried to return them."

  "Why the fuck Black didn't take it to him? You transported some fucking bricks, Roz, and we got kids at home?"

  "He didn't want Black involved. He said he wasn't dealing with anyone but me since I was your wife. Now like I was saying, he wouldn't take it back so I had to try and sell them and—"

  Tamar shook his head and stepped away from me. He stared down at me with a crazed look in his eyes. I hadn't even told him the entire story, and he was already tripping.

  I had a feeling that when he heard it all that he was going to feel some type of way about it, but what did he expect me to do? Had I had access to the proper finances then I could've handled it without getting my hands dirty.

  "I can't believe what I'm hearing right now."

  "Well anyway. Nobody in Miami wanted to deal with me because they thought I was doing shit behind your back."

  "Cause you were!"

  "Okay, that man threatened me, Tamar! What the fuck did you expect me to do? I can't believe that you sitting here getting mad about this shit. I did what I had to do, and you should be commending me for holding shit down when you were unable to."

  "Man what the fuck ever! You don't need to hold down shit in that muthafuckin' department. Rico wasn't gonna do a got damn thing and was only talking shit. That nigga know what the fuck it is.

  Only thing you supposed to worry about is taking care of my muthafuckin' kids, and that's it! If I wanted you in that life then I would've put you in it a long time ago! I kept your nose clean for a reason."

  "How was I supposed to know that he was playing? He come up in here with some soldier ass looking Mexicans making threats. They had a gun to Black's head. Talking about he knows about where my family lives and all that other shit. I felt as if I didn't have a choice."

  "Look a'ight, I'm a go holla at Rico today. He know I don't play that shit. How much did you pay him?"

  "I gave him all of it. The whole two and a half mil that he said you owed."

  "So the rest is still where I left it right?"

  "The rest of what?"

  "The bricks—my coke."

  "I sold them all. Most of them that guy Jamir brought and then Imran had got some too. Not much."

  Tamar shook his head, "Where did you put the rest of the money then?"

  "It's five hundred thousand sitting in a duffle bag upstairs in the closet. I didn't know where else to put it."


  "And what?"

  "Where is the rest of the damn money?"

  "I gave Rico his part and then that was what I had left. I got a couple of thousand out to take care of some stuff around the house, and I had to pay to have someone fix the plumbing on the shop, but I didn't take much."

  "Rozalyn that's only three million dollars. Don't play with me."

  "What you tryna say I stole from you or something?" I asked offensively and crossed my arms over my chest and waited for him to answer.

  "I'm not saying you stole shit, but if all you got is five hundred stacks then you better fucking tell me where the rest of it is and stop playing with me," Tamar barked, and it caused me to jump back with fear.

  All I had was the money that was made from the sale after Rico had been paid. Why would I lie about that? I had never stolen any money from Tamar before so why in the fuck would I do it now.

  I didn't know what the hell was up with him, but he was being very inconsiderate and giving too much of an ignorant ass attitude that I wasn't feeling. I felt that what I had done was the best thing for my family and me, so who the fuck was he to tell me that what I had done was wrong when he wasn't here to fix the situation himself? This shit was pissing me off.

  "I don't know what you want me to tell you. I didn't take your damn money. Yea maybe you should get your hair cut and fuckin' and get back to work since that's all you seem to care about any damn way. Never mind what the hell I went through. Never mind what your kids went through thinking that their daddy was never going to return."

  "Look you better watch your muthafuckin' mouth. I didn't say I didn't care. Your ass acting like you can't see what the fuck the problem is here, and I'm holla at Black and Rico about this shit.

  You should've never put your hands on no fucking drugs—period—ever. I don't give a fuck what kind of threat was made. That's not your life. That's me, and I do that shit for you and these damn kids! Now, where the fuck is the rest of my money?"

  "What do you mean the rest? That was all that was made!"

  "Rozalyn, that was two hundred and forty-nine bricks of pure ass coke. Some good shit. Selling for wholesale is an easy six and a half million. Only half of that weight was going for wholesale though Rozalyn.

  The rest was to be broken down and sold. The street value of that baby girl was far beyond a measly ass six million, but like you said you had to do what you had to do so I'm not tripping about that. But I still wanna know where the fuck is the rest of the money?"

  "Tamar, I sold the guy Jamir a whole lot of them for ten grand each –"

  "What the fuck? Ten grand?"

  "Yea he said that they were eight but because he knew I needed the money, he gave me ten for each one."

  "Yea, let me get the fuck outta here before I slap the shit out of your stupid ass!" With that, Tamar turned around and walked out of the kitchen and out of the house. I was left standing where I stood with a clueless fucking look on my face and all I could do was shake it off and continue on with what I started. Fuck him.

  Chapter 11


  Gotta Earn Respect

  I will give you the respect that you earn, that you earn

  What you make you do, that's what I'm gonna do to you!

  And I'm gonna give you the respect that you earn, that you earn

  ~Yo Gotti~

  I flopped down in the driver's seat of the car and let out a huge sigh. I immediately searched around for a sack of weed, a fucking dubie, or something. My nerves were wrecked, and my mind was all over the place. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to put some muthafuckin' weight in my wife's hand?

  I swear it took everything in me not to revert back to my old ways and slap the shit out of Rozalyn for being so damn dumb. I was so fuckin' close to knocking fire from her ass that if I wouldn't have left when I did, shit would've gone completely bad.

  I couldn't wait to see Black's bitch ass to check him on this shit. That nigga was supposed to look out for my fam while I was d
own, yet he allowed this to go down. Rozalyn was all into her feelings acting like a nigga didn't care about what she went through, but it wasn't that at all. She had to understand where I was coming from.

  A nigga got her ass and took advantage of her all because he knew that she didn’t know any better. Not only that, she wasn't built for this life at all which is why I never discussed anything that I did with her.

  Niggas sit back and pillow talk with their bitch all day long about their day to day life, but I learned my lesson back when I used to fuck with Shalea. The less Rozalyn knew, the better for her and better for me.

  Nobody could ever come to her and ask her anything concerning what I did, and that was the way I wanted to keep it.

  Now, I gotta sit here and fuck a few niggas up over this shit after just sitting in a fuckin' coma for five damn months. I ain't have time to be wasting on murking muthafuckas when I had already lost time from being down.

  Black was gonna feel me; Rico was definitely gonna feel me—and that nigga Jamir, man I had something special for that ass. He should've been thanking me for putting him and his little brother on and pulling them out the projects. Instead of being grateful, the nigga decided to cross me by stealing from me.

  Ol' unappreciative ass niggas.

  I smashed my foot on the gas and circled out of the long driveway. It took a second for it to come to me on which way I was supposed to go. Although, it didn't feel as if I had been gone that long, the feel of the streets just didn't seem all that familiar to me like I thought that it would.

  It was if I had never driven them before and would have to learn my way around again. I thought about it for a few seconds and then made a quick left, heading straight to Black's crib.

  Soon as I got a little ways down the road, my phone vibrated against my lap. I picked it up to see a text message from my brother Taron. He'd left several messages on my phone that was dated back to a few months ago.

  I listened to them on yesterday when I gotten home, but I ignored that nigga. I was still in my feelings from when he'd gone behind my back and took my money, and then worked with that cat Donald on some money laundering shit.


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