Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel)

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Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel) Page 6

by Valerie Twombly

  Cade leaned closer. “Did something happen while you were gone?”

  Her pulse sped up. “W-what do you mean?” Did he somehow know? The thought of Cade seeing what Cassiel had done to her made her feel even more vulnerable. Would he judge her? Think she deserved the treatment?

  He studied her. Eyes narrowing and inspecting as he stared into her soul. “You can trust me to protect you.”

  Her breathing hitched as tears threatened, but then she forced them away. There was something deep inside her that wanted to tell him, wanted to trust him, but she couldn’t even though she felt his words ring true. This fallen would protect her or die trying.

  “Teach me more about your culture. The different angels.” Her mother had told her only a little about the various angels. That certain ones were chosen to father the daughters that would one day become another angel’s mate. Abby’s mother had been selected and given a choice when she was a young adult to conceive and bear a nephilim.

  Cade raised a brow. “Did your mother tell you anything?”

  “I understand there are differences among you. I was raised knowing one day I would belong to an angel. However, I wasn’t expecting to meet a fallen.”

  His brows curved into a slash over dark eyes. “How unfortunate for you.”

  Ouch. Yeah, her words had cut him. She wanted to ask how he ended up here, but thought better of it. Besides, what did it really matter? He was fallen and that was that. Yet, there was something so different about him. He was nothing like Cassiel. He had more honor, but Abby didn’t know how that was possible since he was fallen.

  “Pay attention, this is going to be quick. Hunters, white wings, black tips. Warriors, black wings, white tips. Guardians, mostly female, white wings. Reapers, black wings. Angel of Death, black with gold dusting. Elite, leaders, and no matter which angel they are, their wings are gold. Never question a command from an elite.”

  Abby gulped.

  “Then of course, there are us lowlife fallen. Obviously you’ve seen our wings but...” He stood and summoned his own, unfolding them until they spread out in several glorious feet on either side of him.

  “In case you needed a reminder on how to identify us.” His voice was laced with sarcasm.

  She stared at the inky black feathers. Her gaze followed the crimson lines that wove a stunning pattern on his wings. She was ashamed to admit they were beautiful. The soft light in the room reflected a different color off each feather, from dark blue to purple, so that as he moved, it became difficult to tell their true color. She imagined he disappeared into the night sky without a trace.

  “I remember what they look like.” She curled her fingers to keep from reaching out and touching them.

  “Fine. It’s late and I expect you up at the crack of dawn. Ready for a day of heavy training.” He folded in his wings and exited the room. Every muscle on his back rippled with strength as he walked away from her. Abby was left shaken. Both from the thought of what Cassiel had done to her and what her future held. She thought of the women who had welcomed her into the fold. Would they be able to help her? What about the Maker herself? In the end, as she left the room and made the climb up the stairs, she realized her fate was sealed. Abby dared trust no one.

  Cade had risen early and gone to the training room to burn off some extra steam. He’d not been able to sleep last night. Had laid there, his angel senses knowing the minute Abby crawled into bed. She had been fitful last night as well. Something had been off with her when she returned from her date with Cassiel.

  Cade threw a heavy punch to the bag that hung on one side of the room. Then another. He’d never much cared for Cassiel. Thought the elite was a pussy, who commanded his warriors into battle while he stood on the sidelines. Tegan, who Cade respected immensely, wasn’t afraid to get blood on his wings. Neither was Lyzander. Cade had always thought Lyzander would one day move up the ranks, but now that he was also a fallen, that would never happen. Not until they figured out how to go back, but he wasn’t sure Lyzander wanted to.

  “Damn, dude. What did that bag do to piss you off?” Raze sauntered into the room, snapping Cade out of his rage.

  It was only temporary. Cade spun to face Raze, motioning for the angel to come closer as he dropped into a low fighting stance.

  Raze didn’t disappoint. Moving in, he also dropped into fighting position. “Who made you so mad?”

  “No one,” Cade growled. Cassiel. Though he wasn’t sure why, the scent of that angel on Abby had sent a spike of darkness coursing through Cade’s blood and straight to his soul.

  Cade lunged.

  Raze spun out of the way, managing to land a kick to the back of Cade’s knee, nearly bringing him down.

  “You’re mind is on that female,” Raze said.

  “What female?” Cade straightened, the fight no longer on his mind.

  “Abby, you dumb shit.”

  Cade’s fingers involuntarily rolled into fists ready to punch Raze in the face. “She’s here for training. I have no interest in her.”

  Raze laughed. “You are a funny fucker. You’ve been on edge since her arrival. Look at you now.” He pointed at Cade’s clenched fists. “The mention of her name has you ready to strike like a cobra.”

  Cade rolled his shoulders, forcing his body to relax. “You’re an idiot who see’s nothing.”

  Shaking his head, Raze started to head to the door. “You’re the idiot who refuses to admit the truth.” He turned to face Cade head on. “You want what has been promised to another, and there is only one way to fix it.”

  “And that is?”

  “She hasn’t bonded yet, therefore is still free. One night of fucking won’t mate you for eternity.” Raze grinned.

  Cade shook his head. “She was with Cassiel. His stench was all over her.”

  Raze actually rolled his eyes. “You really are a dumb shit. We talked last night, and they haven’t started the process yet. Perhaps if you were nicer to her, you’d know these things.” Raze shrugged. “She likes you too.”

  Now that made Cade laugh. “She despises me for what I am.”

  “You both are blind to how your bodies react when near each other.”

  Just then Abby walked in. “Morning, Raze.” She only gave Cade a curt nod.

  “Morning, Abby.” Raze flashed her a grin, gave Cade the side-eye then walked from the room.

  Cade studied the woman across from him. She wore fitted black yoga pants and a dark purple workout top that showed her naked midriff. Not to mention every luscious curve. His cock responded, and he had to shove away the thought of throwing her to the mat and tasting what lie between her thighs. At least not right now, but Raze’s words pounded in his head. She wasn’t claimed yet; therefore, he could have her. Yes, it would start a bond, but if they didn’t finish it in six months, it would break. Did he care?

  “What are you smiling about?” Abby questioned.

  Cassiel won’t be able to have you for at least six months. His gaze dropped to her cleavage. Her marking, the single wing on the soft curve of her right breast was partially exposed, and wicked thoughts clouded his mind.

  “I find myself wanting to lay you on the mat. Part your thighs and taste of your nectar. Make you come so hard, you’ll be too weak to move and will beg me to fuck you.” Nothing like being brutally honest.

  Abby was momentarily stunned. Her body reacted to his words with heated desire, her mind with panic, and before she knew what was happening, she had picked up a blade from the table beside her and pointed it at him.

  “Touch me and I’ll carve you like a stuffed pig.” Had those words come from her? She looked at her hand and saw it was trembling. She would never be able to protect herself if he came after her.


  She lifted her gaze to his.

  “I’m not a threat. I don’t force a woman to my bed. She always comes willingly.”

  She stared at the man who reminded her of a relaxed panther. Lazy yet lethal an
d ready to pounce at any second. “Why should I believe you? Especially after what you just said.”

  “I may be a fallen, but I still follow the code of conduct of my brethren. We don’t take a female against her will.”

  She couldn’t stop the nervous laugh. “You have a code of honor?” Then why did one of your own try and rape me? Threaten my family? She wanted to shout the question. Shove the point of the dagger she held to his chest and force him to explain it to her. Instead, she remained quiet. Studied him and relied on the gift she’d had since a child. The one that revealed when someone told the truth or a lie. His words rang true. They felt like a warm summer’s caress against her skin. This man, who stood like a seductive god in front of her, would never force his will on her. She gave a curt nod then placed the blade back on the table.

  He grinned. “However, I’m not above seducing you into my bed.”

  She swallowed and once again knew he spoke the truth. Lifting her chin. “You’re a fallen angel. Your strength is less than an elite.” Before she could understand what was happening, he crossed the room and was so close to her she could feel his hot breath across her lips. Her body wondered if his kiss would be as lethal as he was.

  “Oh, sweetheart. If you think I can’t kick Cassiel’s ass then you are truly naive. Do you wish me to fight him for you?” He leaned closer until every breath she took was filled with his scent. Black leather and amber. Her nipples hardened. His eyes darkened to near black.

  “No.” She realized she didn’t want Cade hurt, or worse.

  “I would do it for you. I carry the darkness inside my soul, and that gives me great power.” He ran his nose along her neck, yet never touched her. “I could make you forget his name forever and burn mine into your very soul.”

  She shivered. Again sensing his truth and surprised at the way her body reacted to him, especially after what had happened with Cassiel. She was even tempted to take his offer, yet another had already branded her. Ruined her future with his cruelty and threats. Now was not the time to think of herself, but of her mother and sister. She had to protect them. She steeled herself against his seduction.

  “Back the hell away and teach me how to protect myself.”

  He leaned back and stared at her.

  “I might yet need to shove that dagger into your chest.” If only to protect you from making a mistake. I’m not worth dying for.

  Chapter Nine

  Cade worked Abby until sweat glistened between her breasts. She had determination in her eyes, a fire he liked to see as she came at him again with the blunt dagger he had given her for practice. While he was perfectly fine using a real one, she had been horrified at the mention of it. Even after he had said he would heal from any injuries she might inflict.

  “See! Had that been a real knife I would have stuck it in your gut.”

  He laughed. “I let you.”

  She straightened, her hazel eyes turning copper. “You’ve been letting me win all along.”

  He shrugged. “Did you really think you could beat me?”

  The fire in her eyes dimmed. “I guess not.”

  He tossed her a towel. “Abby, I let you win so you could gain some confidence. Also, it helps you train your body and mind for the attack. As you progress, I will make it harder on you until that time comes when I feel you’re ready for a real fight.”

  She wiped the towel across her face and down her chest, giving him the sudden urge to get her in the shower and soap her entire body until her skin was slick. His cock responded to the thought, and he had to quickly shove that urge from his mind.

  “I guess that makes sense. How long do you think it will take for me to be any good?”

  “Depends on how hard you want to work.” He offered her a smile. “You show promise. You’re quick on your feet, which is a plus. I can show you some yoga moves to practice that will strengthen your muscles. Also, warriors often practice meditation.”

  She tossed the towel over her shoulder. “You said there was some freaky stuff going on. I should be prepared to protect myself. Teach me everything.”

  The thought that Abby would need to fight refused to settle well with him. She was better suited to the pampered life. He hated what he was about to admit, but a life with Cassiel was indeed probably best for her. She would be pampered and protected. Not that he wouldn’t protect her, but his life was that of a fallen and whatever came with it.

  Cade! Get the fuck up here, we’re under attack! Raze shouted into his mind.

  He grabbed Abby by the wrist as he ran past. “We need to go. Raze needs help.”

  “What’s going on?” She tried to keep up with him.

  “I’m not sure, he said we are under attack.” He slammed into Raze’s mind. More details. As he approached the top of the stairs, he looked back at Abby. “Stay close behind me.” He held out his hand and produced one of his daggers. “Take this and shove it into anything that looks dangerous.” He thought about leaving her in the palace, but then he couldn’t protect her.

  The look on her face was that of sheer terror.

  They’ve breached our protections around the castle and are heading toward us. Maybe thirty or more.

  Shit. They were outnumbered but could manage. Still, he had Abby to think about, so he reached out. Zander?

  You guys under attack too? Zander shot back.

  Yeah. What the hell’s going on?

  No idea. But shit is breaking loose all over Hell. Ashley has already disposed of several demons. Kelana and I are trying to help her defend her palace.

  Damn. Cade had to cut off his conversation and summon his sword, flaring out his wings. “Abby! Your back to mine.” Thankfully, she understood and fell into position. Her skin touching his wings sent heated waves through him.

  He sliced through an approaching demon’s head with ease. Abby gave a small screech when the head toppled and rolled past her, but to her credit, she remained at his back. He launched a fireball at a group of three who tried to flank his right. While two managed to escape with slight injuries, their brethren ran screaming. His flesh on fire.

  “How does it look behind us, Abby?”

  “Clear,” she shouted over the drone of clashing metal and heavy boots.

  Cade took out two more demons with a combination of power spheres and his blade, but for every one demon he and Raze killed, they were replaced with five more.

  Raze, I think it’s time to retreat. We have to think of Abby.

  In a sweep of motion, he spun and grabbed Abby by the waist. “Hang on.” She slid her arms around his neck and pressed her body to his as he lifted into the air.

  Even with the carnage around them, Abby experienced a shiver as she pressed herself to Cade’s hard body. His massive black wings lifted them both into the air with ease. How strong was he that he could lift them both off the ground so quickly and gracefully? She wondered what it would be like to fly on her own. Unfortunately, she had to mate with Cassiel before she could find out, and even then, he intended to keep her prisoner. Cassiel evoked fear. Cade, a heated desire.

  “Are you hurt?”

  She met Cade’s chestnut eyes. Being this close, she was able to see the flecks of gold, bronze, and copper. The color was ever-changing, and in their short time together, she had learned when he was angry or aroused, they turned black as midnight. His lips were full and kissable, and she wished she was courageous enough to lean in and do just that. His jaw was strong and covered with the shadow of a well-manicured goatee. She found herself wanting to trace her fingers along the whiskers and find out if they were baby soft or rough around the edges as he was.


  She lifted her gaze back to his. “I’m fine.”

  Raze flew up next to them. “We have trouble in the air.” He pointed and Abby saw something as big as a bus heading toward them.

  “Son of a bitch. We’re going to have to try and outmaneuver it.” Cade began to fly in the opposite direction when Abby noticed someone
standing in the middle of the demons below. The man’s arms swept wide and beings started dropping like flies.

  “Who is that down there?” she asked.

  Cade looked in the direction she pointed. “I don’t know, but it seems he has disabled the demons.” Cade swept lower, Raze flanking his left side as they went in for a closer look. Even the creature that had been flying toward them changed direction. Cade landed several feet away, set Abby down, and shoved her behind him.

  “Keep to my back.” He summoned his sword and moved toward the stranger. Raze blocked her on the right. How was it that two fallen angels had more honor than one elite still bound to the Maker? If Abby could find a way to protect her family, she would consider taking Cassiel on. She didn’t care so much about herself anymore.

  “Well. Is that any way to greet your prince?” The man standing in the midst of so many downed demons asked with boredom on his face.

  “Prince?” Cade questioned. His jaw tightened and Abby found herself looking between Cade and Raze, and then back to the tall, handsome and downright dangerous-looking man standing before them.

  “I would have thought by now”—dark brow arched high—“my name would have been spread throughout this realm.”

  Abby found herself curious about this man who called himself a prince. He definitely spoke the truth, which meant he wasn’t delusional. By the way Cade’s body stiffened, it was evident the man made him uncomfortable.

  “You are Logan?” It was Raze who posed the question. “Everyone has been wondering where you went.”

  “Well, here I am. Come to claim what is rightfully mine.” Logan smiled. He leaned to the side and stared right at Abby, who was still standing behind Cade. “Stop hiding behind the wings of these fallen. Come out here where I may speak with you directly.”


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