Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel)

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Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel) Page 7

by Valerie Twombly

  Cade shoved his arm out to stop Abby. “She stays where she is.”

  Logan’s eyes flashed dark. “Unless you wish me to rip your beating heart out of your chest, stand aside.”

  Abby quickly forced her way out from behind Cade’s protective stance. She didn’t want to be responsible for his death so found herself staring up at the man who called himself the Prince of Hell.

  “Beautiful creature. Tell me, what is a nephilim doing in my realm? Are you to be the mate of one of these two?” Logan’s question was more of a command, which left Abby finding her tongue quickly.

  “Cade is training me in self-defense. I belong to no one at the moment.” Why had she chosen those words? Suddenly there was a slight pressure on her temples. Like a headache except it wasn’t painful then suddenly, she became aware of Logan. He had slipped in her mind. She tried to shove him out but failed. Her memories were scanned, and then he was gone in a whisper. It happened so fast she began to wonder if she had imagined it. Except when their eyes met again, she knew he had seen her nightmare. Panic set in, wondering what he would do with the information he had stolen from her.

  Your body language spoke of lies. I wanted to know what you were hiding. I am sorry to have invaded your memories. He had slipped back into her mind, but this time only to speak.

  Why do all of you insist on taking what doesn’t belong to you?

  Again, my apologies, but I must know who my enemies are. Your secret is for you to reveal. He switched to speech.

  “Abagail, you have abilities I would find useful. You are welcome to stay here as long as you like.” He waved his hand. “My home is your home. No one here will harm you.” His voice had dropped to almost a growl, and she understood the meaning behind it.

  Logan looked to Cade. “You will train her well. Make sure both she and those she holds dear are protected at all costs. My demons will be at your disposal.” He jerked his head toward the ones lying on the ground. “They will awake soon with a pounding headache, but they will never try and take what belongs to me again.” He brushed a speck off the black suit jacket he wore. “I will call a meeting at the palace in Keyloya one hour from now. Every one of the fallen will attend.” Then he dismissed them, walking away.

  “What the ever-loving hell was that about?” Cade stared at Abby, fully expecting a detailed answer. Logan and she had some kind of connection, and he wanted to know what it was about.

  “What are you talking about?” Abby asked, blinking in innocence.

  “First, what special ability was he referring to?” Cade tried not to let the words sound like a snarl, but they came out that way anyway. Damn, he needed to get this female out from under his skin.

  She lifted her chin. “I know when someone is speaking the truth or a lie.”

  “Wow. That would be handy when grilling your enemy.” Raze narrowed his eyes. “My mother’s name is Milly. Truth or lie?”

  Abby rolled her eyes. “Lie.”

  “Cool. How do you do it?” Raze asked.

  “I feel the words. If they are truth then they appear warm to me. A lie is like a cold wind across my skin.”

  “Why did he tell you no one would harm you? I know he fished in your head. What did he find there?” Cade rolled his fingers together. Both angry that there were secrets he was unaware of and that it should piss him off.

  Both of her brows slashed down. “None of your business.”

  Before Cade could respond, the demons lying around their feet began to stir. Both he and Raze summoned their swords and shoved Abby between them. He wasn’t taking any chances that Logan had meant what he said. An idea came to him.

  “Could you tell if Logan was speaking the truth?”

  “I detected no lies from him.”

  On cue, the demons rose. Many of them looked around, dazed and rubbing their heads before they stumbled off in a direction that led away from the castle. Cade watched in awe. “Damn, he did tell the truth. At least this time.” He turned to face Abby. “We need to know when Logan lies to us.”

  “You want me to be your spy?” There was that fire in her eyes again, and he liked putting it there. It might one day save her life. The image of her bloody body crumbling to the ground tore at his heart.

  “You are on our side.”

  Her gaze turned molten copper. “I’m in Hell. With fallen angels and now a man who calls himself a prince. I was raised believing this place was bad. Evil, as were all its occupants. Now I’m expected to spy.” She shook her head. “I’m still trying to come to grips.”

  Chapter Ten

  Cade and Raze escorted Abby to the palace where Ashley took up residence when she was here, which these days was most of the time. One couldn’t leave Hell unattended for one second that someone didn’t think to pull some stupid shit like start a war. There were still many in this realm whose loyalty remained with Lucifer. Adding Logan to the mix was going to prove interesting.

  As the threesome walked past the front gate and into the palace, the tension rolling through the air licked at Cade’s skin. He stopped in front of one of the guards.

  “Is Logan here?”

  The guard glanced around before answering. “Yes. Everyone is being entertained in the ballroom.”

  “Entertained?” That was a frightening thought. He walked across the black, marble floors that were polished to a mirror shine, Abby to his right, busy studying her surroundings. By the look on her face, she approved of the over-the-top, opulent decor. There was so much gold, silver, and gemstones running through this place, it was likely worth more than the total sum in the entire human world. It was one of the reasons it was so heavily guarded and why many wanted to get in. Cade wondered if Ashley had inventoried every piece in here in order to keep track, in case some came up missing.

  When they finally entered the ballroom, he did a quick scan and spotted Logan, crystal glass in hand talking to Ashley. Eli at her side was definitely on guard. A few feet away, Kelana and Eva filled plates from the buffet table, while Lyzander and Seph hovered behind them. One eye on Logan. Charon sat alone, studying everyone from his seat at the oversized, oak table.

  Good. Cade was glad to see the other males in the room were on edge and ready for a fight. Logan had already proved he was powerful when Seph and Charon had released him from his prison.

  “Damn.” Raze whistled and made a beeline for the food. The spread was enough to feed two armies. Racks of meat at one end, a demon with a carving knife ready to serve. Followed by everything you would ever want to put on a plate, and some things you wouldn’t.

  Cade glanced across the room and spotted Wraith, who sat by the love seat where mini-Seph, baby Joseph, was propped up on the couch surrounded by pillows. The child was busy giggling at the two pups, who were chewing on Wraith’s ear. Cade made his way to the couch and scooped the baby up.

  “Hey squirt. You sure are growing fast.” He turned to Abby.

  “Abby, this is Joseph. Baby reaper belonging to Seph and Eva.”

  She ran a finger down the baby’s chin. “You are adorable.” Then she met Cade’s gaze. “I would not have pictured you as a baby kind of guy.”

  “There’s lots you don’t know about me. This here is Wraith, he’s a hellhound.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Wraith spoke.

  Cade stuffed the laugh back down that caught in his throat when Abby’s eyes widened.

  “You talk,” she said.

  Wraith, in his usual manner, flicked a brow up. “All hellhounds can communicate using language or telepathy.”


  The hound sighed. “These are my hellish nephews. Rebel and Riot. Rebel has become Eva’s best friend. She’s adopted him as Joseph’s playmate and guard.” Wraith shook his head and freed the chewing pups. “Juvenile hellhound and reaper, I’m not sure we will survive.”

  Just then Riot scampered to Abby, nearly falling over his enormous paws. He stopped short of running into her legs and looked up, tail wagging a million

  “Looks like you have a new friend,” Eva said, a big smile on her face. “Cade, you will make a great father one day.”

  Abby looked up from petting Riot, about to say something, but tinkling on crystal broke the conversation.

  “Everyone, we will begin. Let’s get comfortable at the table,” Logan said and walked with purpose to the seat at the head. Cade found it hard to believe this man had grown up stuck in a cave for a prison. His sophistication was not something one learned overnight. Usually, children who were born and raised in polite society understood such etiquette. Abby was one of them. She held herself differently than most.

  “Abagail, you will sit to my right,” Logan commanded as he rose to pull out the chair for her.

  Cade handed Joseph off to his mother then stormed to the table, making sure to get the seat on her other side. Kelana stared at him and grinned, obviously his green-eyed monster was surfacing, and she found it funny.

  “Thank you for attending. I am sure you are all dying to get down to the details of this meeting,” Logan started, giving the sleeve on his crisp, dark blue shirt a slight tug.

  “I won’t force you to wait any longer. I think by now most of you know my history. I am the rightful Prince of this realm, and I intend to claim what is mine.” His dark gaze moved across the table in a challenge no one dared accept. “Good. Even though I was imprisoned, I was still aware of what was going on in this world. I am no fool and realize I need people I can rely on.” He leaned forward; a slight glow flickered in his eyes. “I demand fealty and in return you will be rewarded.”

  “Why should we trust you?” Lyzander posed the question everyone wanted an answer to.

  “I don’t see that you have much choice. I will take back my realm, and make no mistake, any who stands in my way will suffer. Stand with me and help me take this place from chaos back to a functioning society.” He relaxed back into his chair. “Now, for what I ask and what I offer.” He turned to Ashley.

  “You have proved yourself a force to be reckoned with.” The corners of his mouth turned up slightly. “When those who served my needs came, they spoke of you with awe. While you carry the soft heart of a female, you do not hesitate to punish those who are deserving. I like that and am appointing you as my general. You may choose any territory in this realm to build your home, including this one.”

  If the Angel of Death was shocked, she hid it well. “You do realize that I am also now one of the Seven?”

  “I will not ask you to divulge any secrets on your end if you swear to keep mine as well.” He sipped from his glass. “Besides, who better to be at the bargaining table between me and my aunt than you?”

  Ashley exchanged a glance with Eli.

  “Yes, your mate may still come and go at will, but he must remain neutral. Any demon he hunts who comes to this realm will fall under my jurisdiction. These are details we can iron out later when we are at the bargaining table.”

  Ashley nodded. “This seems acceptable. I’ll admit, I would be happy to hand over this realm.”

  Logan only gave a slight tip of his head before moving on. “Lyzander and Kelana. You will lord over the territory of Iman. Build whatever is necessary to make you comfortable.

  “Sephtis. Etodall will become your new domain. I’m sure Evangeline”—he tipped his head at the guardian angel—“will appreciate the tropical climate, and it will be a good place to raise your son. I will still require you to handle the position of ferryman until we find a suitable replacement.”

  Before they could respond, he moved on. “Charon. I will have you here to help keep things in order. You may stay in the palace or find something suitable to your needs.”

  “Raze. Owar will be the territory on your watch, and as with the others, your home is of your choosing.”

  Finally, his gaze landed on Cade. “Cade.”

  Power, dark and electric, skimmed over Cade’s skin, and he knew Logan was reaching out. Testing him in some fashion.

  “You are growing into your dark powers, therefore you will run Lulerain. Later we can discuss the troops that will be required to assist you.” He waved a hand. “Keep the palace if you wish. I will, however, take anything I deem important from the place.”

  Cade wondered if Logan knew about his father’s black book.

  “And what if we decline your offer?” It was again Lyzander who finally asked what the rest of the room was thinking. “We still don’t know your intentions.”

  Logan took a bite of some decadent-looking dessert then wiped a cloth napkin across his mouth. “It is a fair question. I intend to rule this place as it should be. Those who are damned to purgatory will suffer according to their crimes. Lulerain is a shithole. Do all those who are there belong?” His gaze reverted to Cade. “That is for you to clean up.” He waved a demon over to clear his plate and refill his glass.

  “You all wonder who will I be most like. My father, the bastard who would torture his own son? Or my mother with the heart of an angel? I am both. You simply need to decide which side you prefer to be on.” He rose, taking his glass in hand. “I take my leave, I have business to attend. You have your assignments. Either accept them or not.” He strode from the room.

  The room was a buzz of conversation as soon as Logan left. Abby hadn’t understood much of what was happening, but she had gained enough to know what Logan was about. Sitting on the floor and rolling a ball that Riot had found someplace, she kept one eye on the pup, who kept tripping over his own feet, and the others in the room.

  “What do you suppose his real motives are?” Lyzander asked.

  “How do we know we can trust him?” This came from Seph, who bounced his son.

  All the buzzing of voices was giving Abby a headache. “He is sincere.”

  The room hushed and all eyes pinned on her and the puppy, who slobbered on her jeans. It was rather intimidating, but she cleared her throat. “I can tell when people speak the truth. Logan wants to be fair, but there is a very dark side to him. He will not be one you wish to cross.”

  “I will be the first to admit, I welcome help in getting this place cleaned up,” Ashley said. “It has been a monumental task, and one I can’t keep up alone. It would be nice not to have the entire responsibility on my shoulders.”

  Eli grinned. “My mate, a general.” He reached up and stroked her arm, pride brimming in his eyes. A tinge of jealousy swept over Abby. It was obvious Eli loved his mate. Abby had heard the story of how the couple came to be together. Eli had given his soul to Lucifer in order to keep Ashley safe from the demon king. In doing so, Eli had been on the verge of becoming the very darkness he fought against. In order to save him, Ashley convinced Eli to finish their mating bond. Her transformation had been into the Angel of Death, which she used as a bargaining chip with Lucifer. Ashley indentured herself to Lucifer to gain Eli’s soul back. It was a story straight from a romance novel. Something Abby was not destined to have herself. Not while Cassiel lived and was a threat to her family. She found herself looking at Cade, wondering if he would be more like Eli, and decided he would be and more. He looked natural when he held the baby in his arms, and it had made her heart ache.

  “Are you okay?” Cade broke through her thoughts.

  “There is so much going on. It’s all so foreign to me.” She finally looked at him and saw genuine concern in his dark eyes. “Will you still be able to train me now that you have so much to do?”

  “My duty to you hasn’t changed. So, unless you are recalled back to the clouds, you will stay here and learn until I feel you are ready.” He leaned closer. “I have the feeling when Logan told me to train you well and protect you, it was a command. Will you not trust me with your secret?”

  Suddenly she wanted to, but the words just wouldn’t come. “What if I don’t cut it?” Maybe if she failed her training, they would forbid her to mate with an elite. Somehow, she figured Cassiel would still punish her. He wanted into the Tribunal for whatever reasons.

  “You’re a smart girl, Abby. You will do fine.”

  Cade seemed to have more confidence in her than she did at times. “Tell me, has a female angel ever fallen?” So far, all the fallen she had seen were males. Maybe she could fall after Cassiel mated with her. After her family was gone from the world. It might be her only escape.

  “The only one who ever did so was Logan’s mother. She was a created angel though. Never a nephilim. Other than her, there have been a few who followed their mates here. Tegan’s mother is a fallen.” He rubbed the stubble on his chin. “Come to think of it, though, Sherease was created as well.” He shrugged. “Perhaps you can ask her. Why do you inquire?”

  She tried to act nonchalant. “Just curious and trying to learn about my new culture.” It sounded lame, but maybe he would believe her. She stifled a yawn; it had been an exhausting day.

  “We should go. You need your rest.” Cade stood and excused them both from the party. Many of the others also decided they needed to go home and mull over what had happened here tonight. A few minutes later, Abby found herself back at the palace. Cade and Raze left to follow up on a lead that there was an angel spotted being transported in Lulerain. They left a couple of trusted guards outside.

  Abby found now she was back in her room that she was unable to sleep. So, she slipped from bed, donned a robe, and padded down the stairs where she headed for the library. The old leather books called to her. She had always loved to read. It probably came from the days when she was small, and her mother would pull Abby onto her lap then read a story. As she grew into her teens, she would steal her mother’s romance stories. She loved to imagine she was the heroine. Her body encased in a flowing gown made of colorful silk and lace. Abby smiled. She couldn’t remember the last time she had read.

  A small yip startled her, and she turned to find Riot standing behind her, tail wagging and tongue dangling from the corner of his mouth. Drool splat on the floor.


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