Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel)

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Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel) Page 8

by Valerie Twombly

  “How did you get in here?”

  He cocked his head, and she swore he smiled at her. Laughter erupted. “You are too adorable for words.” The pup was coal black with tufts of fur sticking out here and there. The only way she knew this was Riot and not Rebel, was a white splotch between his eyes that looked like someone spilled milk on him.

  “Fine, you can keep me company.” The pooch must have understood her because he jumped onto the couch and curled up. Abby just shook her head and pulled a book from the shelf. Flipping it open, she groaned. It was written in a language she couldn’t read.

  “You should consider a study in language.” A deep voice startled her. She slammed the book closed and turned to face the man behind her. Sheesh, could a girl get any privacy?

  “Logan. Cade and Raze have gone out.” She wasn’t sure if it was wise to tell him she was basically here alone except for a few guards. Like that would stop him.

  He strode to her. His every move lethally graceful. “I mean you no harm, Abagail.”


  “I simply came here looking for a rather important book. My father liked to keep a history of his sexual escapades.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Rather arrogant of him.” Then she took a step back, realizing what she had said.

  Logan laughed, his eyes twinkling with humor. “You are a delight. Such innocence in this place is a warm welcome.” His features turned serious. “It can also get you killed. Hell is where the worst of the worst come to reside. Some by choice, others by force. Take care Abagail, that you are always aware of the creatures around you. Many are not what they appear.” His gaze fell on the now sleeping beastie. “Having a hellhound as a friend is better than having one as an enemy. He has attached himself to you.”

  “I won’t be staying here. I hope he doesn’t get too attached.”

  “Perhaps he knows something you don’t.”

  She had no idea what that meant. There were other things on her mind. “How will I know if I can trust those I meet?” she whispered. Memories of what Cassiel had done to her threatened to send her to her knees.

  “Abagail, he cannot enter this realm.” Logan pulled her from her nightmare.

  She looked up at him. He’d probed her mind earlier and already knew what the angel had done. Had threatened. “I will have to go back. There is no choice.”

  “You can stay here.”

  “Then he will punish me by hurting my family.” Instinct screamed that Cassiel was not a man to back down when he wanted something. “He is an elite.” She looked away, tears filling her eyes. “There is no one to protect them.”

  “I may have lived my life in seclusion, but I know this. My fallen are powerful and Cade especially so. Why do you think I commanded him to protect you and yours? He is also a perfect fit to oversee this territory. Trust him, Abagail, for he has eyes only for you.”

  He gave a quick scan of the books on the shelf. “What I seek isn’t here. Bastards must be hiding it.” He backed away, his form beginning to fade. “Share with Cade your nightmare. You both need each other.” Then he was gone.

  Abby was left standing alone. Logan’s words still ringing in her ears as she tried to figure out what they meant.

  “He has eyes only for you.”

  She wrung her hands as she walked the Persian rug. When she finally decided to go back to her room, she found the doorway was blocked by a pair of broad shoulders and chest. Muscle slicked with sweat and blood. She gasped and looked into Cade’s dark eyes. There was a wildness there that should have frightened her, instead she wanted to run with it and feel its freedom.

  “You’re hurt?”

  “The blood is not mine. Apparently, word has already spread that I have been given rule of this realm. There are those who seek to prove themselves by tossing me out.”

  “I see.” She couldn’t stop staring at him. Her eyes skimming over his biceps that bulged from the workout he must have gotten during the fight. She found she wanted to step into a shower with him. Soap every inch of his golden skin until he was clean once again. Logan’s words rang, and she knew that if she offered herself to Cade he would not deny her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Desire swept out and curled around Cade, igniting his own. The way Abby stared at him... His mouth watered. Desired to taste those lips. Feel her curves against him. He already knew she fit right into him.

  The night had been hell. He and Raze had gone scouting. A lead promised to reveal an angel who was being held in Lulerain. Instead, it had turned out to be a trap meant to lure him to his death. The demons here were the most corrupt in Hell. They had been left to rule how they wanted, and now that change was in the air, they meant to snuff it out before it could take hold.

  Raze had nearly lost his head, but Cade managed to unleash a power he hadn’t realized he carried. While Cade fought with three demons, Raze became surrounded by six. Cade saw the glint of a blade then blood pumped from Raze’s neck. While the first strike hadn’t taken Raze’s head off, it had gone halfway through and sent him to the ground. Another strike would have killed him. In a fit of rage, mixed with fear that he was about to lose his best friend, Cade summoned something dark and sinister inside him.

  A low growl erupted from deep in his chest. A ripple of power swept out from his core. With his mind, he touched each demon and sent them to their knees. Clawed fingers punched up through the ground, locking each demon in place while Cade, in a flurry of movement, decapitated his enemies. Those who had been too far to reach had fled, while Cade lifted Raze’s limp body from the ground. His friend, clinging to life, would recover but needed safety. They were a good couple of miles from the closest gate out of Lulerain, so he had taken to the sky. He became surrounded by three Vexhul demons, the biggest, baddest fire-breathing demons to fly and figured both he and Raze were about to become toast. To his astonishment, rather than attack they escorted him to the gate. Even took out a couple of demons on the ground who had attempted to shoot him from the sky. One of the Vexhul had reached his mind and declared their allegiance to Cade as their new lord and Logan their prince.

  Shocked didn’t even begin to describe his feelings, but he was grateful.

  “Some of this blood belongs to Raze.”

  Abby’s eyes widened, but before she could speak he added, “He will survive. I took him to Ashley who will see to his needs.”

  “How bad was he injured?”

  “Another few inches and his head would have been totally severed.” Even though his voice was void of all emotion, it brewed like hell fire inside him and needed to find a release. Nearly losing his friend, and the discovery of hidden dark power inside him, had him more than unsettled. There was a battle of monumental magnitude raging inside him. Dark versus light and it took every ounce of strength to stay on the right side.

  Abby touched her fingers to his cheek. “I’m sorry.”

  The fire inside him found its opening. Cade pulled Abby to him, bent his head, and took her mouth. Her lips seared his own, and his tongue sought to part them so he could slip inside. His tongue slid across hers. Wet and hot, he became lost in his desire until he realized Abby had stiffened against him.

  He broke his hold. Releasing her, he saw a mixture of desire and fear in her eyes. It was the fear that ate him alive. He dropped to his knees.

  “Please forgive me. I never meant to hurt you.” Damn it! What the hell is wrong with me? Then he realized, kissing her had pushed back his darkness.


  Abby took quick control of her emotions. Cade’s kiss woke something inside her, yet Cassiel’s attack fogged her mind. She looked down at a blood-covered angel who had nearly lost his friend, and her heart shattered. His words of apology rang true. No man had ever dropped to his knees and begged her forgiveness.

  “I was taken by surprise. There is nothing to apologize for.” She was even more angry at Cassiel for the fear he had driven like a spike into her soul.

  Cade looked up
at her with despair-filled eyes. How heavy was his burden to witness the near death of someone he obviously cared about? She wondered again how Cade had ended up fallen. His actions clearly didn’t reflect one who had a dark soul. No, they were the total opposite, and the more she was around him, the more she wanted to unravel the mystery. She wanted to ask him but thought better of it. She would find out another way.

  “I frightened you. It was not my intention.”

  She sensed he needed her to release him from the purgatory he had placed himself in. He bore enough of a burden at the moment, and she didn’t want to add to it. “I forgive you.”

  He swept to his feet with the grace of a lethal jungle cat. “I must clean up. You should get some rest.” He left the room and she suddenly felt very much alone and confused. One thing was certain. She was more determined than ever to put together the pieces of the puzzle that was Cade. There was more to this fallen angel than he let on.

  Her mind wandered back to Logan’s words as she climbed the stairs to her room. What was Logan trying to tell her? Obviously, she was missing some pieces of that puzzle. As she crawled into bed exhausted, she decided she needed to learn more about these fallen angels. Perhaps Ashley could enlighten her.

  With the morning came a new resolve. Abby rose and headed to the kitchen. First, she filled the coffee maker and set it to brew then went about pulling ingredients from the fridge for breakfast. Raze had been doing most of the cooking, and it was time she pulled her weight. She might have grown up with kitchen staff, but she did cook on occasion. Actually loved it but was usually shooed from the kitchen by the head chef. He was a man who was particular about his area of the house.

  Whipping some eggs in a bowl, she poured them into a hot pan then added cheese and some mushrooms she had found. Riot got under foot.

  “Wow, that smells good.” Cade went to the coffee maker and poured himself a cup. “Want some?”

  “Please.” She turned the sausage links to brown them on the other side while Cade settled next to her, placing her coffee on the counter.

  “I had no idea you could cook.”

  She shrugged as if it were no big deal. “I’m not a total spoiled brat.” However, she was beginning to think perhaps she had been. Her upbringing had not prepared her for this.

  “I spoke with Ashley this morning. Raze is doing well, but he will be out of commission for a while. I’m moving your training to later today so I can go visit him.” He sipped his coffee.

  Abby cut the omelet in half and plated it, followed by the sausage. “I want to go with you, if that’s okay. I’d like to spend some time with Ashley.”

  He took his plate and headed to the table. “Sure. We’ll go after breakfast.” He took a bite then looked at her. “Thanks...for everything.”

  She smiled. “Are you okay? I feel like something else was bothering you last night besides Raze.” She tossed a sausage link to the beastie looking at her with the widest, saddest eyes.

  Cade shook his head at the spectacle. “I discovered a power that unsettled me when Raze was down, and I thought he might die. It was dark and consuming and...”

  Abby sensed he was having a difficult time coming to terms with whatever happened last night. She didn’t know what to say so simply reached across the table and touched his hand.

  His gaze lifted from his plate. “I’m not sorry I kissed you. Only that I frightened you. I don’t know how or why, but you shoved the darkness away.”

  She set down her fork. “I don’t understand.”

  “I was on the edge of something dark and evil. Kissing you, it pushed whatever it was away until I felt like myself again.”

  Again, she didn’t know what to say, so they finished eating in silence. An hour later, the dishes were cleaned, and they were both dressed and heading to Ashley’s place, Riot in tow.

  “That pup has really latched on to you,” Cade commented.

  “I’m not sure what to do with him. Doesn’t he have family or something?”

  “I hear that if a hound bonds to another being, they stay that way for life. They are loyal. Ferocious but loyal.”

  They entered the palace, and Cade went to see Raze, who was still confined to his room. Abby cornered Ashley while Riot scampered off with Wraith.

  “What can you share about fallen angels?” Abby asked while the two sat in a solarium watching the two suns rise in the sky.

  “Well, when Eli fell it was different...”

  The shock must have registered on her face, because Ashley was quick to finish.

  “He’s no longer a fallen. But at that time, there was something changing the angels. When they fell, they gave their soul to Lucifer.” Ashley shuddered as if remembering something horrible. “They hungered. It was painful and many were driven to fill the void inside them by drinking the souls of others. It was horrific but when Lucifer was confined, I released the souls. Those angels that still lived regained theirs, the others went to the Otherworld.”

  Abby sipped her ice tea. “But Cade, Raze, and Lyzander are different?”

  “Yes. They followed Zander to help him save Kelana.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s a rather long story, but Kelana is part demon, therefore can enter Hell at will. She came here on a mission to locate missing angels as well as her father, then she ended up in trouble.” She lifted a shoulder, her blonde hair falling across her chest. “Rather than find an escort, Zander fell. He realized he would be stronger here if he was a fallen. It’s not my story to tell, so you should ask Cade, but he and Raze followed.” Ashley picked up her glass. “Kelana also helps balance Zander. Keeps his darker side in check.”


  “A mate can do many things, including balance the dark and light. Kelana and Zander were fated to be together.”

  So, Cade didn’t break any laws and wasn’t sent here by the Maker. She would ask him about it because now she was more intrigued than ever. Her mind also went back to how Cade swore her kiss had pushed back something dark inside him. Could he be her fate and she his? Before she could say any more, Tegan stormed into the room as if Hell’s fire were licking at his boots.

  “We have a big fucking problem.”

  Cade. Come downstairs, now. Lyzander slammed into his mind.

  He looked at Raze. “Glad you’re doing better. Try and keep your head on, and I’ll see ya later.”

  “Believe me, I have no desire to come that close to death again. I rather like my brain bucket,” Raze responded and they both laughed. When Cade hit the corridor, he ran to the staircase, summoned his wings, and leaped over the railing. Thankfully, the palace had been designed with high open ceilings and he was able to glide to the main floor, making a graceful landing next to Lyzander.

  “What’s going on?” The look on Tegan’s face said things were bad. “Machu Picchu again?” Cade asked.

  “That and worse.” Tegan’s face was etched with hard lines. “The power there is growing, and our portals between the clouds and the human realm have slammed shut.”

  “Eli?” Ashley’s voice was filled with panic.

  “Safe. I have him and Seph scouting out the contaminated area to see how far the reach has extended.” Tegan slid his fingers through his hair. “Thousands of our brethren are trapped in the clouds. There is no communication with any of them.”

  “Son of a bitch. How many are with the humans?” Lyzander pulled Kelana to his side as if to protect her from an invisible enemy.

  “Best I can tell, a few hundred.” Was Tegan’s reply.

  “Do you think the portals between here and the human world will fail too?” Ashley asked. “We have to assume it’s possible.”

  Tegan shifted his stance. “We have to assume everything is possible, though I’m going out on a limb and thinking the evil doorway will remain open. Whatever is going on in Machu is not good. The power is growing. Encompassing more territory.”

  “Lucifer?” From the corner of Cade’s eye
s, he caught Abby wringing her hands. Likely worried about the bastard Cassiel.

  “I can only assume, but has anyone seen Logan?” Tegan questioned. Everyone shook their heads and then a female voice piped up.

  “I saw him last night.” Abby’s voice was so quiet, had they not been immortals with enhanced hearing the words might have gone undetected.

  “Where?” Cade found himself becoming angry as he whipped around to confront her.

  “He came to the palace while you and Raze were out. He was looking for a book but didn’t find it.”

  A haze of red dropped in front of Cade’s vision. “We need to speak about keeping secrets.”

  “I didn’t keep any secret. You never asked so there was nothing to tell.” She crossed her arms in defiance. Oh, they were so going to talk, but it would to have to wait. Instead, he turned back to the others. “Well, we know what he was looking for. I say we confront him.”

  Tegan turned to Ashley. “Have you tried to contact him?”

  “On it now.”

  Cade searched his own mind, and sure enough, there was a new pathway that hadn’t been there before. He mentally kicked himself in the ass for not thinking of it sooner. Of course, he would now be connected to Logan, even though he’d not told the bastard he would do his bidding. Like he really had a choice. He was fallen. He turned back to Abby.

  “When Logan gets here, we need you to see if he tells the truth or not.”

  Her gaze widened, filled with uncertainty, but she gave a nod. Cade huffed air from his lungs. “Tegan, what of Cassiel? What is his location?” He hated asking the question, but Abby wanted to know and was apparently afraid to broach the subject herself.

  Tegan looked at Abby. “Of course, forgive me. He’s in the human realm pulling together all of those stuck there.”

  “T-thank you.”

  The taught muscles in Abby’s face and neck was not that of a woman relieved to know the man courting her was close by. Something was wrong and he intended to find out.


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