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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

Page 26

by Julie Trettel

  "Lidy went after her," I continued with tears running down my face. I could see the story unfold like a nightmare before my very eyes. "Papa told me to stay with mama, but I tried to go after them. I knew I was stronger than the two of them combined. I was the only one that could keep Mila in line, but I didn't like to use my power. Mama said it scared people and I needed to hide it. I tried to run after them. I wanted to save them, but mama grabbed me and we left. I could hear their screams in my head and knew the moment they had died. We had been able to communicate telepathically, much like the bond Kyle and I have. I told Lidiya to run away and save herself, but she wouldn't listen. Papa couldn't stop it either. Mama took me far away. It was a long trip and later papa met up with us." I looked up the Grand Council. "I remember now." I whispered. "My name was changed to Kelsey Elena Adams when we came to the United States. They left Elena in my name as a reminder so I would never forget who I was."

  Kyle's arm tightened around me and I felt him push a calming feeling of love through our bond. Elise squeezed my hand and Lily hugged me around my other arm.

  "What happens next?" Chase asked.

  "When Kamen finds out she's Bulgarian, he will come for her. He will not be happy to find she lived. All the Bulgarians remember the strength she and her sisters had as just little girls. He will either sentence her to death, or try to use her to gain more protection for his own benefit."

  "We will not allow that to happen," Chase stepped forward and said in a menacing tone. Growls throughout the room began and I saw Victor's eyes widened.

  I had never seen this side of fun loving, crazy baby Chase, the youngest of the Westin kids. His determination made my heart swell with love for my family. And they were my family, more so than my own had ever been. I was accepted without question or fear and the realization of that was making it hard to keep my emotions in check.

  They love you too, Kels. Kyle told me through our bond. But not as much as I do. I could see the smirk on his face in my mind.

  "You do what you must, Victor, but hear me now." Jason said with the utmost authority. "Westin Pack has unanimously decided to stand and fight should it come to it. Kelsey will not leave my territory, nor is Kamen or any of his Bulgarians welcome here. To come for her will break territory alliances and end the peace we have all thrived under for the last seventy-five years. Cedric, you are old enough to remember the days before peace. Consider what will happen, carefully. Because Kelsey is Westin and Westin Pack is in our right to protect our own against all enemies."

  Cedric sighed. "We will make it known and pray it does not come down to it, but acknowledge that it is in your right to do so. We only ask that this stay between Westin and the Bulgarians. We do not wish to see an all out war."

  "It is too late for that," Kyle spoke this time. "We have made our alliances already. I will not take any chances regarding my mate. You be sure to let Kamen know that he wants her that badly, he does so facing a full war. One he will not win."


  Chapter 32

  For three weeks, patrols had been upped on ten hour rotations around the clock. Our perimeters were run regularly by our best trackers in search of any signs of intruders. Collier, Longhorn and Central had made good on their promise and I had an extra thirty-seven battle ready wolves at my disposal.

  As for Westin Pack, all in San Marco began immediately training. All wolves abroad were called home indefinitely to begin their training as well. It wasn't that Westin was soft. All wolves were trained to fight, but peace amongst the packs had left us weaker than we should have been. Most fighting skills were taught in preparation of the mating challenges, which, yes, was a fight to the death, but it was also one on one combat. What we were potentially facing would be very different.

  There were still many older wolves who remembered the ways before peace and they were called in to properly prepare the others. At first everyone went all in with an excitement even as they set about preparing for war. But as the days went on, turning into weeks, the excitement began to wane. I couldn't afford for even one of them to be complacent so I pushed and urged them to keep up their training, keep their ears up, their noses to the ground, and always be on alert. Still life was slowly returning to normal, just with a little extra in patrols and awareness.

  I couldn't sleep, always worrying. Kelsey fussed at me that was exactly what Kamen would want. He needed to wait us out and weaken us and allow our pack to become complacent once again. I knew she was right, but what I heard was 'if we drop our guard, he'll attack with the advantage.’

  It was late, or rather early in the morning hours. Kelsey was lightly snoring next to me as I once again laid wide awake, contemplating every potential attack and any weaknesses we may have. When my phone buzzed quietly beside me on silent, so as not to wake my mate, I startled.


  "Kyle, It's Leo. Look I don't want to worry you needlessly, but Ted was making a run of the north pass and he's nearly an hour overdue on return."

  I shot up out of bed and immediately began dressing.

  "Leo, sound the alarm."

  "Look Kyle, we've had three false alarms already, and this is Ted we're talking about, are you sure about this?"

  "I don't give a shit if this is a false alarm or not. Sound the alarm. Full alert until Ted is found."

  As I hung up I saw Kelsey was up and staring at me with wide eyes. I went to her and kissed her forehead hugging her close to my chest. "Go back to sleep, babe. It's probably just a false alarm."

  "No, I'm up now and I won't sleep without you anyway. Let me come with you."

  I nodded praying it really was another false alarm. Then as she began to get dressed I called Patrick O'Connell.

  "Hey man, already got the alert." He answered before I could even speak or ask. "Got a few guys from Collier and two from Longhorn on their way over now, along with Cole. We'll head up to the north pass and see what we can find. Keep this line as open as possible, okay?"

  "Thanks Pat. It really means a lot to me having you here."

  "Don't go getting all sappy with me. I'll touch base every fifteen minutes till we find him just as we rehearsed."

  Hanging up the phone I immediately set the timer for fifteen minutes. I knew once I got busy I would otherwise lose track of time. Then I made one more phone call to my dad and was pleased to find him not only awake, but in full action. We had had three false alarms already, two just in the last week, so hearing everyone taking it seriously gave me a calm and strength I didn't realize I was missing.

  With Kelsey ready, we strolled out hand in hand as if there wasn't a care in the world. But not ten yards off our back deck, I smelled them on the wind. Immediately I called it in, and raised the alert to battle mode.

  They're here. I told Kelsey through our bond.

  I know. I can smell them. They are north about a hundred yards and closing in. I watched as she took a deep breath. Kyle, I know that smell. It's Kamen. He's here. He's not alone, but he's here. I don't know how I know it, but I know it's him. And this is going to sound crazy, but I think I smell my mother too.

  Kelsey, shift and run. I told her as I grabbed my phone and quickly texted Dad that it was not an alarm. Run to Dad's. I'll be right behind you.

  Come on, they're headed this way. Quick Kyle!

  One thing I was certain. The wolves who turned and started to give chase were never going to catch my mate and they weren't going to catch me. We were too fast for them, but they had to know now that we were on to them. I could feel the distance growing between us. Kelsey was quite some ways ahead of me. She got to the house a good five minutes before me and even though she was not talking to me, I could feel her and understand that she was confirming my text and getting everyone in position.

  "This is what we've been training for. Everyone at the ready. They are coming and they are coming fast." I announced to all present when I entered my father's house.

  “How many?” my dad asked.

  “I'm no
t sure, but it felt like a lot. Kelsey smelled Kamen. Would he really come all this way for her himself?”

  “Titus seemed to think he was more than a little obsessed over this, so yeah, I believe it's possible.”

  The house phone rang and I quickly picked it up.


  “Hey man, we found Ted,” Cole said solemnly. “He's dead. Looks like a large group came through the north pass.”

  “Damn it. Okay, come on back, and prepare your team. I'm already at Dad's. Kelsey and I almost ran into them near our house. We need to organize the teams, just as we practiced. They never should have gotten this close.”

  “I'm sorry. The guys were starting to get a little lax. You were right to keep on us.”

  “No time for that now, Cole. It's go time.”

  As I hung up the phone, Liam came into the room. “All the women and children are accounted for and safe inside the pack house. All but, Kelsey.”

  “What?” I asked, furious.

  “I'm sorry, Kyle, she refused to leave.”

  “And I'm not going to either. They are here for me. I fight side by side with you. Period. There's not time or room for discussion. I can hold my own, Kyle.”

  “Babe, I know you can.” I went to her and hugged her. “That doesn't mean I don't hate that you're going to though.”

  She laughed in my arms. “Thank you for not forcing me out. I couldn't stand to sit in there and not have any idea what was going on out here.”

  “I would keep you updated every step of the way.” I tried, hopeful she'd reconsider even though I knew otherwise.

  “Kyle, Dad says they are heading this way. There's about 75 of them and they are moving quickly but in a dense pack. Staying together and all,” Chase told me. “He wants to meet them at the break in the woods, head on.”

  “Okay, let's roll out. Tell Cole and Ambrose's teams to come in from behind. And Quinton and Mallick's teams to the left and right. We'll surround them. Only 75? We've got them outnumbered by a lot. Do not lessen the guards at any of the passes. We need immediate intel if more are on their way. And I strongly suspect they are.”

  Only seventy-five? I heard the small voice squeak in my head.

  I turned to Kelsey. “For an attack on a pack as big and strong as Westin, seventy-five is a suicide mission.”

  She nodded in understanding.

  I rubbed my hands up and down her arms, needing to calm my wolf and watching her visibly relax too. I leaned forward so that our foreheads touched and I breathed her scent in allowing it to wash over me.

  Not wanting to share the moment, I spoke through our bond. Babe, I know you are strong and powerful, but every instinct in my being says to lock you up and keep you safe.

  I felt her stiffen.

  I'm not going to stop you. I understand you need to do this, but I don't have to like it. Please remember I'm an alpha too and it's my job to protect my mate. It is my only job that truly matters. Please stay behind me tonight. Let me take the lead and if things get too heated out there and I say run, you turn tail and run and don't look back. I promise I'll be right behind you.

  I held my breath, awaiting her response. I was fighting against my nature trying hard to give her what she needed. After what seemed like an eternity she slowly nodded. I kissed her forehead, flooded in relief.

  With that we were on the move again. My brothers each had a unit assembled. I nodded and they took off leading their units as we had planned. Kelsey and I joined Dad's unit. She stayed just behind me to the left. I didn't think she could possibly understand how much it meant to me. I tried to tamper the happiness resonating through me. After all, we were headed to war.

  We knew the exact location of interception and did not expend any energy getting there as our unit purposefully walked on to face the enemy in our territory. Just as Kamen and his pack of wolves came into view at a full sprint heading straight for us, so did Chase and Liam's units flanking them from our right and left.

  The trespassers checked up and came to a halt. I knew exactly which wolf was the alpha and saw him signal to his pack before changing to stand as a man before us.

  “Jason of the Westin Pack, we mean no harm to you or your wolves. We only want the girl lost to us. She must return to her pack.”

  My father shifted and turned to scold me with his stare as a growl erupted from me.

  “As you well know, the girl has bonded with my son. And she has officially joined Westin Pack. As their bond is complete, I can assure you that every member of my pack is prepared to fight to the death for their future Pack Alpha and Pack Mother.”

  Howls erupted all around us, and many from much farther away responded in kind. The Bulgarian wolves growled in return. Kamen's face scrunched up in a snarl, baring his teeth even while in human form.

  “Do not fool yourself, Jason, I have come to take back what is mine. This abomination defeated death once and she will not do so again. My condolences for your son, but what must be done, must be done. Make no mistake, they will die the death she should have died alongside her sisters nearly twenty years ago, and each of my men here are committed to see this through.”

  Kamen then raised his head and gave a strange grunting, howling, sort of sound I had never heard but if I had been in my skin knew would cause goosebumps. The sound reverberated throughout the woods and off in the distance. He then grinned the most evil grin I had ever seen.

  “Surely you didn't think me foolish enough to come with such a small pack. Did you?”

  I was so focused on him as he finished his speech and quickly shifted to wolf to begin his attack, that I did not feel Kelsey's power stirring until it was wrapped with mine. I chanced a quick look back expecting to see fear in my mate's eyes, but only saw resolve. Her focus alone was lethal and her eyes were locked on to her prey.

  Kamen sprinted towards my father without even giving him time to shift. He snapped hard at his neck missing by only inches as he bit into his shoulder. Dad let out a howl of pain that jolted the Westin pack into action. I felt Kelsey moving, stalking slowly towards them. I didn't bother trying to reach out through our bond, she was fully open to me. No thoughts remaining, only emotions and I knew she had given herself fully to her wolf.

  We moved in sync towards her one goal. I tried not to let my wolf over power me too. Seeing our mate in her most primitive state made it more difficult than ever, but I needed to think and protect her. Movement to my right had me turning just in time to see a large grey wolf leap for attack. I side stepped and came back abruptly as he landed in the spot I had been just seconds before. I threw my entire weight into him and quickly latched on to his neck ripping his throat out as quickly and efficiently as possible.

  I turned back to Kelsey and found her crouched, still watching and biding her time, but I also felt she was obeying and waiting on me. I quickly joined her taking the lead once more. And as she rose and followed off my left hindquarters, my wolf jumped a few extra steps jubilantly even in the midst of such danger. I didn't dare look around any further than immediate threats to my mate. I had faith in my pack and knew they would do what needed to be done. My job was to protect Kelsey, and that meant killing the man that so blatantly threatened our lives.

  A large female wolf lunged towards Kelsey. My heart started pumping as adrenaline fueled me. My mate was in danger. I roared in anger and felt my own alpha powers rising to their full power. I was nearly blinded by the power and surprised by the strength that coursed through my body. Jumping over my mate I met her predator head on. The she-wolf never even saw me coming. I wasted no time sinking my teeth into her until her body withered in my mouth. With a jerk of my head I sent her dead body flying into a group of wrestling wolves.

  Not waiting to see the aftermath or the surprised faces of those I'd interrupted, I quickly turned back to Kelsey. Her power was growing, as was mine. I was nearly blinded by the enormity of it. She no longer walked behind me, but side by side we made our way to where Kamen and my father f
ought. Blood was everywhere and I could not tell who it was coming from. I knew from the earlier howl that my dad had been injured but had no clue to what extent. In that moment, it didn't matter.

  Kelsey stopped just before them but I did not. I leapt onto the back of the alpha wolf and let my claws sink in. He yelped and tried to throw me off. Someone from behind took a swipe at me and I felt the sting of an open cut then heard a gurgling sound. The world was spinning in Kamen's attempt to thrash in circles to disarm me, but I closed my eyes and held on tight.

  Suddenly it was like I could see through Kelsey's eyes. The world was distorted in greys tinged with red. She was in a fury. The next thing I realized was that the fighting surrounding us had momentarily stopped. Kelsey made a lunge for Kamen causing an abrupt stop to his flailing. I felt his power shifting beneath my paws and knew he was about to change.

  The most sacred shifter law was never to kill in human form, or another shifter in human form. Most packs extend that to humans entirely. It was something I held firmly to. It was a sign of our humanity. A sign that we weren't the monsters Hollywood portrayed us as.

  Kels, he's going to shift! I yelled through our bond.

  Instantly she sprang into action biting his neck, but just missing his carotid artery. I lashed on to the other side of his neck. Our mouths snapping open and closed over his neck in close proximity as we fought to end him. Kamen wasn't alpha of the Bulgarians without reason and he wasn't about to go down without a fight. We had weakened him to the point he would not be able to change, but he was still alive.


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