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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

Page 27

by Julie Trettel

  He thrashed about once more, and this time my paws met slick blood coated fur and I couldn't maintain my grip. I hit the ground with a thud and went sprawling from the momentum. This left Kelsey to face Kamen alone. I quickly recovered and raced to rejoin the fight. Two large Bulgarian wolves tried to block my path. I didn't have time for them. I faked left and skirted off to their right. They were big but they didn't seem too bright. I saw Liam's wolf jump in to intercede as I raced back to my mate.

  They were in a standoff with Kelsey staring down at Kamen's injured body lying on the ground and I joined her by her side, taking her lead when every instinct in me screamed to finish him. A female wolf sat beside him licking his wounds and I knew it must be his mate, Nadya. He growled and snapped at her as he struggled to his feet. Nothing but pure anger showed in his eyes. There was no signs remaining of humanity and I knew, if he was going to die, he was going to do everything in his power to see that Kelsey went with him.

  In a last attempt, he threw the she-wolf off him and jumped right towards Kelsey and me. Neither of us moved and a strange power unlike anything I had ever known surrounded us in a bubble. It was so constricting I was surprised you couldn't visibly see it.

  Kamen felt the power before he reached us, the shock on his face evident. The pull of this new power was too strong and I couldn't hold on any longer. In a haze, blurring the world around me, I gave in to my wolf side.

  Suddenly everything was crystal clear. It was so surreal, like watching things happen from above. I was emotionally detached, yet emotions and instinct were all I was moving on. I watched Kelsey rear up on her hindlegs in attack and I went low at the same time. It was like our movements were orchestrated as we moved as one. I was only vaguely aware of Kamen, but I knew every snap, every bite, every scratch Kelsey gave. Our bubble of power seemed to hold some sort of protection to us both. I saw Kamen kick out but I was moving before his leg ever reached me. Same seemed to go for Kelsey too, as she dodged every swipe or bite that came her way.

  As Kamen made the deadly mistake of leaving his neck unprotected, I watched Kelsey go in for the kill, but something clicked inside her. I could feel it, and I swore I could see it happen even. She pulled back before she completed the kill. That was my sign to act. My jaws clamped down on his neck and with a quick pop I snapped it in two.

  The howls surrounding us and the soft tongue of my mate across my fur shocked me back to reality. I sat back on my hindlegs and raised my nose to the sky. The howl I let out was the most powerful I'd ever had and it felt like a release went through me when Kelsey joined me in my victory song. It was immediately answered back with a new strength I had never felt before.

  As I breathed in my mate's scent, knowing she was okay and the threat to her life laid lifeless at our feet, I calmed and allowed myself to shift back to human form. I knew I would not be able to assess the situation while in wolf form. It had been too emotional and strange and had me a bit unbalanced. Kelsey followed my example and stood proudly by my side. I tried to keep the grin off my face knowing how she felt about public nudity and realizing everyone was staring at us.

  Fights were still broken out around us, but they all began to settle in confusion at seeing us. The Westins stopped fighting and began to group behind Kelsey and I. The Bulgarians stood before us in confusion.

  “Bulgarian Pack, your Alpha is dead. You have six hours to collect your dead and remove yourselves from Westin territory, or face the same demise as your Alpha.”

  There were whispers of shock behind me, and growls from the Bulgarians before me.

  Is it over? The sweet voice I loved sounded so quiet and uneasy.

  I turned and hugged her close. It was then I took a real look around. I was shocked by the amount of bodies and blood surrounding us. A heavy weight began to settle on my heart and my eyes frantically began scanning the area taking inventory.

  My entire body went still as a saw several men hovered around a large brown and black wolf lying still on the ground.

  “Dad!” I screamed releasing Kelsey and running to the wolf. The men surrounding him parted for me. I dropped to my knees next to him and began inspecting the damage. The first thing I noticed was that he was breathing. I couldn't let relief wash over me though, because he wasn't moving. “Where's Micah?”

  “Your dad refused to let him fight. He was too big a commodity he had said. He stayed back with the she-wolves.” Leo Tripp informed me.

  “Radio!” I yelled.

  Chase ran over. He froze when he saw who I was tending too. “Dad?” He whispered. I grabbed the radio, ignoring him.

  “Kyle to base.”

  “Kyle!” Lily replied half hysterical. “What's going on? Mom collapsed and is unresponsive.”

  “It's Dad, Lily, we need Micah out here ASAP!”

  Lily must have accidentally kept her finger on the button because I could hear the commotion in the background as she relayed my message. Then it briefly went silent.

  “Kyle? Is it over?” My other sister asked.

  “Yeah, E. I think so. Kamen and his mate are dead. I have no idea the extent of damage. I need you to send Micah and then take the list and do a full unit check in.”

  “Micah's already on his way.”

  I sighed in relief.

  Kelsey sat next to me. She was staring at my Dad. There was a strange look on her face and she kept staring at her hands, flexing and fisting them.

  I watched as whatever was going on in her head that had her so concerned in her internal battle began to resolve. I was concerned that I couldn't hear her thoughts, but was so fascinated, sensing an important moment that I didn't even reach for her in our bond.

  Kelsey laid her hands on my father. He moved slightly and let out a soft moan. I went to stop her, but a strange woman halted me.

  “Don't. Let her. She can help him.”

  I looked back at Kelsey who was still lost in some sort of trance. Fear pricked me. She laid her hands on my father again. I fought not to stop her. A warmth similar to the tangible power I felt during the battle enveloped me. Dad moaned loudly.

  It's not enough, he's really injured, Kyle. I finally heard her in my head. I need your power. She said like an epiphany.

  I laid my hand on her shoulder and she shuddered. I didn't know what she was doing but now that I had felt her and no longer felt the disconnect between us, I implicitly trusted her. I opened myself fully to her and felt the pull of my power through our bond. It was a strange and new sensation. She had twice before pulled power from our bond, but it had been a quick pull. This was very different.

  I stared at my mate in awe. The moans she had been inflicting from Dad began to subside. The energy buzzing between us stopped and Kelsey collapsed across my father.

  “She's ok,” the strange Bulgarian woman assured me.

  There was some commotion as Micah ran up to the scene. I eased Kelsey off my dad and gently rested her head in my lap. The Bulgarian didn't seem to have any personal boundaries as she sat close to me and leaned in, lovingly stroking my mate's hair. I was so confused by the situation, yet nothing in me or my wolf felt any threat what-so-ever.

  “Who are you?” Vaguely aware that my father was talking to Micah.

  The woman smiled at me. “Kyle of Westin Pack, I am Raina, Elena's aunt. Adelina was my sister.”

  She continued stroking Kelsey's hair and clearly had no plans to move or leave despite the threat I had issued. I looked around quickly as memories consumed me and saw no other Bulgarians in the area.

  “They've left. I do hope you will consider extending the window for me. I would hate to miss out on this chance to know my niece. I mean look at her. She's beautiful. Look at her miracles.” She pointed to my father.

  “Dad!” I looked him over quickly. He was pale but he was sitting and talking clearly to Micah.

  “I don't know how it's possible, Kyle. I can see the full extent of his injuries, but it is like they are months old. What happened?”

  “It was Elena,” her aunt informed him. “It was always suspected but never confirmed before Adelina and Dragomir vanished with the girl. There were originally three. Identical triplets. They were the most beautiful babes you'd ever seen. Mila had the power of the elements and she was manipulative and caused storms that would rattle buildings with her temper tantrums. Lidiya had the power of healing. And Elena, well, she was the most feared of all. Her alpha powers came in at such a young age. She was two the first time she brought Kamen to his knees. People would pledge their allegiance to her just walking in her presence. But she was a good girl and only ever used her powers to protect her sisters, otherwise you'd never know she had them. I always said with that restraint at such a young age she'd learn to control them. After a particularly bad tantrum from Mila, Kamen ordered the girls be put to death. They grabbed Mila first. Lidiya with the powers of healing came to her rescue and tried to heal the girl. Upon finding her dead and not just injured she went into a full rage greater even than the likes of Mila and it was speculated that she inherited her sister's power upon her death. That is why Kamen to this day feared Elena so badly.”

  “You think Kelsey inherited both of her sisters' powers? I've never even heard of shifters with extra abilities like that.”

  “Oh yes, child. Special abilities have always been among the shifters. They are rare, but they are real. Many call them witches. And three young witches in one pack was far more than we could handle.”

  “I've only ever met one witch,” my father spoke in a ragged voice. “Seems your mate, my son, is far more rare and special than even we thought.”

  “Kamen is dead father. The Bulgarians are fleeing and any remaining will be escorted out or killed upon my command.” I grimaced admitting my over-step of authority to him.

  Kelsey stirred in my lap and lazily opened her eyes as if she were waking from a deep sleep.

  “Wh-wh-what happened?” She stuttered.

  “It's a long story, Kels. Why don't we get you home and we can tell you all about it.” I told her aloud then added to her alone, Just know you are safe, and loved, and cherished. Oh, and you have an aunt who'd like to get to know you, but mostly know that together we're going to be okay. My mind drifted to all the ways I planned to make it more than okay the second we were alone again. I smiled and winked at her knowing she'd heard my thoughts and enjoyed watching the color creep into her cheeks and I felt her love wrap around me like a warm blanket and I knew we were going to be more than okay.

  “Help me up, Micah.” Dad said, “And come along you two. Your mother has been screaming in my head since the moment she awoke. That woman won't let me have even a second of peace till she's truly convinced I'm okay.” Shaking his head and smiling down at us he added, “Just wait, son, a lifetime as mates is a long time, but when it's your one true mate, it's worth every second.”



  Nearly 8 weeks have passed since the battle with the Bulgarians. It was hard to believe as it just flew by. My Aunt Raina was granted permission to stay with the Westin Pack for as long as I needed her. I have learned so much about my family, sisters, and most especially my powers. It's been more than a little overwhelming dealing with all the new possibilities, but Kyle and I have been working hard on how to channel them for the security of our pack.

  Speaking of Kyle, it turned out, he inadvertently transferred power to us during the battle while his dad was incapacitated. Jason is doing okay. The injuries he sustained fighting Kamen had been expedited in healing, but were so extensive that even months later he was still recovering. Because of this, there was no challenge to the cessation of power. Micah said there was no way Jason would have survived without my powers. Honestly, knowing that, has helped me a ton with accepting my gifts. I shuddered to think of what we would do without Jason and Mary. They may no longer be Pack Alpha and Pack Mother, but to me they were now and forever Mom and Dad.

  Kyle and I were officially made Pack Alpha and Pack Mother about a week after the big battle. As if discovering you have crazy new witchy powers you inherited from your dead sisters wasn't enough. Though, if I'm honest, I've never felt more in control of my life and more settled and assured in who I am than in my new role as Pack Mother. It's like I was born to do this and I finally had the family I had longed for. Life was good.

  I walked into the office, where we both still worked even knowing we would need to transfer duties soon, allowing Liam to step up and take over for Kyle, and then I would step down and into full-time Pack Mother duties once their transition was complete and a replacement for me found. I saw Elise's door was shut. It seemed it was always shut these days. Kyle was constantly worrying about her. It was like everything just changed in an instant and she wouldn't talk about it with anyone. I sighed but needing to talk to her I knocked softly on the door.

  “Enter,” she said, not even looking up from her work as I walked in. When she finally did I was happy to see a genuine smile. “Kelsey, hey, is something wrong?”

  I laughed, “Does there need to be for me to stop in and say hello?”

  “No, of course not. As long as my brother didn't send you here to harass me.” She rolled her eyes.

  “He's just worried about you, but no. He doesn't know I'm here. I sorta need your help with something.”

  That seemed to cheer her up. I knew she hated being asked what was wrong, so I was determined to just pretend like everything was normal and not question at all why she was locking herself away from family and friends, never venturing out into the town of San Marco anymore, and working ungodly hours, day and night. Today, none of it matter and I knew she'd talk about it when she was good and ready.

  “So, what's up then? I can tell there's something you definitely want to talk about.”

  I gave her a sly grin and handed her the gift bag I'd been carrying with me, trying to decide what to do with its contents.

  “Um, here. You're the first person I've shown this to, and honestly I'm terrified and ecstatic and,” I started to tear up feeling overwhelmed. “Anyway, you know Kyle better than just about anyone. I need help figuring out how to tell him.”

  She peeked into the bag and her eyes went wide and immediately started misting over as she pulled out the positive pregnancy test I had taken that morning. She just held it, staring, and crying with a huge smile on her face before jumping up from her seat and rounding the table to embrace me in the biggest hug I'd ever received.

  “I'm the first person you've told?”

  I nodded unable to speak. My emotions had been running rampant for several days.

  “Kels, I'm so honored. I can't believe it, I'm going to be an aunt!”

  I just kept nodding.

  “How the hell have you kept this from Kyle?”

  I laughed, “It's not easy. I've had to shut down our bond link entirely and he's freaking out because of it.”

  “Good, make him sweat. He's been driving me insane and totally deserves it.”

  “Tonight's family dinner night. Should I just announce it then? Should I just tell him? Do you think he'll want to keep the news to ourselves till I'm further along? I've never even held a baby before. All the girls homes I was placed in were for older girls, we never had babies. I don't know anything about babies, Elise. What am I going to do?”

  She hugged me tighter and laughed. “Relax girl. Just breathe. You are a natural Pack Mother which means you're going to be a phenomenal mom to my little niece or nephew. Now, on to the real dilemma. Kyle's been driving me insane for weeks. I say let him sweat it out and announce it at dinner. Or maybe take him to Dad's office, er, Kyle's office? That's going to take awhile to get used to! But maybe take him in there and let him know and then you can announce it together?”

  I nodded like a fool again. “Okay, yeah, I like that plan. But E,” I looked at her seriously trying not to be complete freaked out with nerves, “what if he's not happy about it? I mean we've never talked about having kids. I have no ide
a how he'll react to this.”

  “Trust me, you have nothing to worry about. Just do me a favor, keep a lock on your bond and torture him for the remainder of the day!” She grinned evilly and for the first time in months I truly saw the real Elise and was suddenly glad I had come to her first.

  Ignoring Kyle throughout the remainder of the day had proven more difficult than I had thought and I knew it would be hard. When dinnertime came, I couldn't even look at him. I was so nervous and he looked terrified. We said pleasant hellos to everyone and he asked to speak with me in private. I chanced a glance at Elise who grinned and nodded in silent support.

  Behind closed doors in what was now Kyle's office I watched my strong mate melt before my eyes.

  “I'm so sorry babe. I don't know what I did, but please just tell me and I'll fix it. Please don't keep shutting me out. Whatever it is, I promise you I'll make it better.”

  My eyes teared up and I laughed walking straight into his arms and hugging him tight. I opened our bond but purposefully kept my mind blank. I was overwhelmed with our combined emotions and started crying uncontrollably. I suspected this new sensation was going to be sticking around for the duration of this pregnancy.

  “I'm sorry. I wanted to surprise you, not terrify you. I-I-I mean, I'm a bit terrified and excited and nervous and…”

  He silenced me with a kiss that I felt radiate through my entire body all the way down to my toes. Knowing his entire family was waiting just down the hall, I didn't encourage him further, so when the kiss ended I stepped back out of his reach and took a deep breath before handing him the gift bag I had shown Elise just that morning, only now it contained a few baby items I had added in, including a little onesie that said “My Dad Rocks” with a guitar on it.

  Kyle pulled out each item setting it on his desk until he finally pulled out the pregnancy stick. I held my breath waiting for some sort of reaction. I tried to reach through the bond, but he had locked me out. My heart flopped into my stomach and I thought I was going to be sick. This wasn't at all how I thought this would go.


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