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Still thicker than water

Page 9

by Takerra, Allen

  Ree shrugged.

  “I don’t know, what were you thinking? I know you weren’t thinking that it was me.”

  Tatum was stuck and had no response. Ree could see her frustration and didn’t want to go any further with this argument.

  “Look, it was an…unusual way for us to meet again, but it happened. And now, you’re here…and I’m here…and I’m happy. We have a lot of catching up to do, and some things to discuss.”

  Tatum heard him talking and it all sounded so good, but the sharp pain of someone else having him still stung her. He continued.

  “I have a very important business dinner tonight, I couldn’t miss it if I wanted to…and trust me, I want to…” He paused and looked at her yearningly. “So I would love, no I would be very honored, if you would please have lunch with me tomorrow, Miss Lady?”

  The name he called her took her back, but looking around at the present took her here. She couldn’t look him in the eyes.

  “I…I wont be here tomorrow...I’m leaving.”

  His face collapsed into sorrow and anger and he stared at her waiting for her to look at him. When he realized that she wouldn’t, he called her name.

  “Tatum… Tatum, look at me.” She turned her head so that he couldn’t see the tears coming on and he called her again.

  “Look at me, Tatum.”

  She finally did and her heart melted. He stared her straight in the eyes.

  “Don’t do this shit. Don’t run from me.” He was so demanding. His words echoed in her head as Sasha came out of the bedroom, interrupting his intense warning.

  “Excuse us for a moment,” she said, grabbing Tatum and dragging her into the bathroom.

  Once inside and door closed, Sasha let her have it.

  “Now, I done heard enough.”

  Tatum was shocked, both by Sasha’s tone, and her open admission to eavesdropping. Tatum looked at her like she was crazy.

  “Yup, that’s right, I’ve been listening… And I can’t believe you, bitch! That man has done nothing wrong, and I know it hurts that he hasn’t been a complete angel, or celibate, like you, but from what I can tell, that chick don’t mean nothing! Now if you don’t cut out your temper tantrum, and go to lunch with him tomorrow...I don’t know what Imma do.” Tatum sucked her teeth and shook her head in disbelief as Sasha added on.

  “No, I take that back, I know exactly what I’m gonna do….I wont get you that lawyer,” she threatened.

  “You wouldn’t do that,” Tatum said in disbelief.

  “Try me.”

  Tatum couldn’t believe this person who was imitating the sweet Sasha.

  “Sash, that’s not funny, that is a serious situation!”

  “And so is this…” Sasha countered. “Now go out there, and say yes.”

  Sasha looked at her sternly, and then made her way out of the bathroom, and back into the room with Jayde, without another word.

  Tatum stood in the bathroom a little while longer in shock, wondering what had just happened. She didn’t know what had come over Sasha, she didn’t know why she was so upset with her, and she didn’t know why she was taking it to the extreme of posing threats.

  But if she knew one thing, the one thing she knew, was that she was going to lunch with Ree tomorrow. And deep down inside, she thanked Sasha for it.

  Chapter 10 - Obsession

  The bedroom’s tall, glass, double-doors opened extensively, allowed the cool island breeze to creep into Ree’s lavish estate. He sat in his favorite spot, right in the doorway, deep in contemplation - no drink, no music, no television, no distraction. He was aware, but paid little attention to the fact that Trinity was gracefully prancing around the room, staring at him, dying for him to say something, anything to her. She knew something was up and could literally feel him pulling further and further from her.

  Ree couldn’t get the whole situation with Tatum out of his mind. He couldn’t believe that after two years, she was there, just minutes away from him. He reflected on when she had come out of the bathroom with Sasha, and had a sudden change of heart, agreeing to meet him the next day. He was relieved, and grateful, but he was confused at the now present uneasiness between them. As if they were strangers, just getting to know each other. He figured the time and circumstances had formed a wedge between them. And even as he had made his way out of her suite, with no little more said between them besides the time and place to meet, he still couldn’t deny the growing feeling of simplicity and comfort having her around him again had provided. His father had even noticed a change in him, but he had chalked it up as simply being a good day.

  “So, remember how I was telling you that my mother wanted to meet you?” Trinity started, trying her best to snap him out of whatever was occupying his mind.

  He looked up at her vacantly and tried his best to feign interest in what she had to say. He didn’t reply however, so she continued.

  “Anywayyy, she’s coming tomorrow, and she wants you to have lunch with us.” She smiled wide, thrilled. Ree meeting her mother would only solidify his place in her life, and hers in his.

  He stared straight ahead before answering a simple,

  “I can’t…I have lunch plans.”

  Trinity felt a slight lump in her throat and she wanted to protest, but she knew Ree didn’t tolerate tantrums or her becoming too involved in his dealings. She chose her words carefully.

  “Business?” She asked with her voice cracking. And he knew, that she knew, exactly what it was for, and that it had nothing to do with business. He was sympathetic to her disappointment, but his plans would not change.

  “It’s complicated.”

  That’s all he would give her. No more, no less.

  So Trinity walked away, and went to soak her frustration away, cursing Tatum the whole time.

  As Trinity lay in the tub, she reflected on her fast growing and now just as fast diminishing, relationship with the man she called Sean.

  About a year ago, she had taken a job at the resort, hired by Ree’s father, and she had been anxious to meet his son, the sexy owner that all of the ladies had doted over.

  Trinity had grown up very poor, twelve people to a shack poor. So when she realized at a very young age that she possessed attractive qualities that drew men to her, she knew from that day forward that her ticket out of a life of poverty and pain, would be a man, a powerful and wealthy man. She had been waiting on that kind of man since that day. And as she heard the stories of Ree and his family, she knew she wanted him before she even laid eyes on him.

  So she began her work.

  She befriended his father, and learned what Ree liked, what he disliked, and purposely avoided meeting him until she was sure that she knew him like a book, front to back.

  If he was coming, she was going. If he was days, she was nights. And if he was weekends, she was weekdays.

  When she finally was introduced to him, by his father of course, she had the independent woman, not looking for a man, non-materialistic, good girl act down to a tee.

  She treated him professionally and worked hard, showing him that she was of value and reliable. She worked overtime, holidays, and played him close, in a less obvious way. If he was thirsty, she would just so happen to have a bottle of water. If he was hungry, she was on her way out and could pick him up something. And if he was lonely, she was there to fill the void. Which is exactly what ended up happening one rainy night.

  “Trinity, seriously, you can go home…there’s nothing left to do.”

  Ree had come out of the back office, taking a break from his license reviews, and she was standing there, slightly leaning on the desk, and the lobby was completely empty.

  “That’s fine Mr. Knights, I don’t mind being here... You never know when a couple with a broken down car in the rain, may want to check into a hotel in the middle of the night,” she joked.

  Ree chuckled.

  “You’ve been watching too many horror movies.”

  She laughed, and
Ree stretched, feeling the tension somewhat ease off of him. She watched his muscular tattooed arms extend and she had to look away before her lust showed on her face.

  “Yeah, well you know the clerk always gets it first,” she warned, assuming that she would be the first to die if this was a scary movie.

  “Yeah, well they’ll have to go through me first,” he winked.

  She knew his comment had no pretense, but it made her swoon. It made her feel protected. She went in for the kill as he checked the numbers on the computer.

  “Speaking of which, what are you still doing here? I know I’m single and lonely, but you don’t have a special lady at home, waiting on you?”

  He looked at her and snickered, and his mind traveled back to Newark where Tatum was. She still hadn’t reached out to him, and he had sent the postcard months before. Before he could respond or go any further in his thoughts, Trinity continued.

  “I bet she’s home now, with a nice dinner for you, a nice massage waiting, some sexy lingerie.” Trinity giggled innocently but knew that she was planting the seeds in his brain that she could provide those things for him. He looked at her and realized for the first time, just how attractive she was. He also realized that she was slightly flirting with him.

  “No, nobody at home…and I like it that way. You women are trouble, man,” he said shaking his head.

  She chuckled lightly and put her one leg slightly up on the low shelf under the desk, allowing her skirt to rise and her long legs to be on display. She then poked her average sized, but firm, ass out and arched her back.

  “Trouble, huh …well, what’s wrong with trouble?”

  Ree scanned his eyes over her body, but before it could go any further, he turned and made his way back into the office.

  “Have a good night Trinity…go home, it’s late.”

  She didn’t give up though. A minute later, she was knocking on his office door.

  “I just wanted to apologize for my behavior…” She started. ”It’s just being around you, and getting to know you… I’ve grown…attracted to you.” She tried to act like it was hard to say, but really it was rehearsed. “And it’s just been so long since I’ve…well… I thought you were attracted to me as well…I just don’t want you to be upset with me.”

  She turned to leave and he called her back, feeling a little bad.

  She was gorgeous, and he was attracted to her, that was for sure. She worked for him though, and that was a downside.

  “Trinity its okay, you didn’t do anything wrong… Have a good night, alright.”

  She walked over to him with a friendly smile to hug him goodnight, and pressed her body against his dick. The feel and smell of a woman, and her contact on him, caused Ree’s semi-hard dick to grow as they embraced for a second longer than they should have.

  “Goodnight, Mr. Knights,” she whispered sultrily in his ear, and then used the tip of her tongue to gently trace the rim. It was the point of no return, the make or break, would he take the bait?

  The greater man in Ree told him not to, but the lesser man gave into lust, and slowly palmed her ass as she kissed and licked lightly on his neck. He picked her up strongly, cupping her buttocks, and placed her onto the desk, tonguing her neck, as she pulled at his shirt and belt buckle.

  “Oh Mr. Knights, I want you to fuck me…please, fuck me.” She was begging for it.

  Mr. Knights. That shit had him feeling like he was the president or some shit. He searched through his jeans and desk drawers for a condom, but she pulled one out of her purse.

  He didn’t care why she had it, he didn’t care if it was planned, all he cared about at that moment, was fucking this little bitch’s brains out. She wanted it, he needed it, and his tension was growing by the day.

  He put the rubber on while eying her sexy body, and then he slid all of him inside of her, as she opened her eyes wide from the vast size of his dick. Her wetness engulfed him and they both closed their eyes in sheer pleasure. He began moving in and out of her, making her throw it on him.

  “Oh yes, oh Sean…oh fuck me!”

  He grabbed her lightly by the neck and pushed her back down onto the desk as he stood up, stroking her powerfully.

  “Mr. Knights…say Mr. Knights,” he ordered roughly, as he pounded into her.

  “Oh, shit! Yes, Mr. Knights! Mr. Knights! Mr. Knightsss!” She screamed in pain and pleasure.

  Ree fucked her long and hard that night, and since then she was at his beck and call.

  She had established herself as a friend at first, and she was grateful that she had because if she hadn’t, she would have been in hoe status after that night.

  But instead, she was at friend status, friend with benefits. Who slowly worked her way up to manager of his hotel, and slowly worked her way up to the closest thing to a girlfriend to him, as he would ever let her be.

  But was that all in jeopardy now?

  She continued to soak and let the question penetrate her mind.

  Ree’s business meeting that night was scheduled to take place at a very fine, yet expensive restaurant called The Sugar Mill. The meeting was originally supposed to be between Ree, his father, their accountant, Bernie Meyers, and two potential partners, who owned some property in Montego Bay that Ree was interested in getting his hands on. However, as Trinity had soaked in the bathtub that night, Ree had done something that he infrequently did, he double checked his accounts.

  His overseas accounts, which he kept the majority of the money that he had accumulated in the drug game, were slowly but surely dwindling. Someone was transferring small amounts to an unknown account and it was time Ree had a one on one with Bernie, being that he was the only other person with access.

  He stood inside of the second level of the dark parking deck, smoking on a blunt calmly as he watched Bernie’s 2010 Range Rover pull inside. Even through the slightly tinted windows, Ree could see Bernie looking skeptically at him, probably wondering why he wasn’t waiting inside like everyone else.

  Bernie backed into a parking spot, across from where Ree stood, and turned off his car and driving lights. As he stepped out in his brown Stacy Adams shoes, he closed the door and made his way over to Ree carrying a black briefcase, wearing an uneasy smile.

  “Hey, Sean…why are you not inside? Is the meeting cancelled?”

  Bernie spoke with a slight Jamaican accent attempting to be covered up by proper English. He was a middle-aged Jamaican man, with a wife, kids, nice home, solid career, numerous degrees, and apparently, no brains. He addressed Ree as Sean because he too, like many, did not know the man Respect, and he had been lucky enough not to have known him, up until now.

  Ree inhaled the smoke and let it slowly maneuver throughout his system, calming his nerves, slowing his heart rate, completely relaxing him, the way he liked to be, at times like these.

  “Nah Bernie, it’s not canceled…everyone’s inside. Just let me finish, and then we can walk together.”

  Ree was just as collected as he’d always been.

  Bernie nodded hastily and stood in front of Ree, ready to make his way to the elevators. As Ree continued to smoke, Bernie looked down and noticed the Beretta 98 9mm down at Ree’s side, in his right hand.

  “Mr. Knights…,” Bernie started but was frozen with fear. Should he run? He was standing so close to him, he wouldn’t make it in time…besides, he’d look as guilty as he was. “What do you have the g…gun for?”

  Ree calmly put out his blunt on the trunk of the car that he was leaning on and reached into his pocket for the silencer. He slowly pulled it out and began to screw it on as Bernie stuttered over his words.

  “Oh this?” Ree said calmly. “Hold up, I’ll tell you.”

  He finished screwing on the silencer as Bernie’s body began to rattle with fear. His eyes were wide and focused on the gun the whole time. He now had a sudden feeling that he should have ran when he had the chance to. Would he still be able to make it?

  “Don’t,” Ree simpl
y stated, standing up straight in front of Bernie.

  “Wha-what?” Bernie asked nervously, feeling the tears well in his eyes.

  “Don’t try to run yo, you’ll make it worse. When I find you, when I catch you, I’ll torture you…I’ll make it slow, and very painful.”

  Bernie began to breathe heavily and shake his head no. He looked around the empty parking deck as Ree just stared at him seriously. Then, as if everything was alright, Ree put his arm around Bernie’s shoulder and began guiding him back toward his car. Bernie felt as if his legs were jelly as he tried to walk and think at the same time.

  “Don’t worry Bernie,” Ree said, comforting him while lightly patting him on the back. “I’m gonna make this quick.”

  Bernie figured maybe he should plead as he felt the warm piss running down his leg.

  “Mr.…. Mr. Knights…please…I don’t know what I did. I…I have a family…a wife…please…”

  They reached the back of Bernie’s car which was facing the cement wall, so no one could really see them. Ree tilted his head to the side and listened to Bernie plead his case but it fell on deaf ears. Ree’s heart was cold to the man who had crossed him.

  “Please Mr. Knights…I am a good man…with a family…”

  Ree nodded understandingly.

  “That’s part of it…the other part of you Bernie, is a snake.”

  Ree opened the trunk and motioned with the gun for Bernie to climb in.

  “Get in…come on, get the fuck in... I’m hungry.”

  Bernie cried profusely, as the tears fell from his eyes.

  “Please,” he whimpered, but Ree smacked him hard with the butt of the gun, becoming frustrated.

  “Stop trying to buy time mothafucka!” Ree barked.

  Bernie held his head in pain and sobbed like a baby, climbing into the trunk. He looked at Ree with pleading eyes and Ree pointed the gun at his forehead.

  “God no…please,” he tried to beg again.

  “Don’t worry about the got life insurance, right?”

  Bernie’s reply never made it from his lips as the two bullets ripped through his skull, blowing his brain matter all over the back of the SUV.


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