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Still thicker than water

Page 10

by Takerra, Allen

  Ree looked into the wide eyes of his victim and felt a surge of vengeance. A thrill, an excitement, something he hadn’t felt in a long time.

  He wondered if killing was apart of his nature, because no one should feel the electricity he felt at that moment. His father, a reformed and old school gangster, would be sour about the way he handled the situation.

  He objected to a man of Ree’s caliber getting his hands dirty, especially with his new legit lifestyle he was supposed to be living. But Ree felt that someone stealing from him was a personal matter, and should be handled…personally.

  He closed the trunk and began to make his way to the elevators and into the restaurant, with no remorse for the transgression he had just committed.

  He approached the table where his father and the two business associates were already seated with their drinks.

  “Good evening, gentlemen,” Ree greeted with a smile, taking his seat as if nothing had just happened.

  “Good evening, Mr. Knights.”

  “Glad you could join us, Mr. Knights.”

  His father looked up from his menu.

  “Good evening, son. Have you heard from Bernie?”

  Ree picked up a menu and the steak caught his attention, as he motioned for the waitress.

  “Um, yea… He won’t be able to make it.”

  The next day

  Tatum walked nervously towards the elevator, triple checking her appearance in the hallway mirror. Although she had changed her outfit four times, trying to decide between the ‘not trying too hard’ shorts and tank top look, the ‘I’m sophisticated’ linen dress look, and the ‘flirty and ready for the beach’ denim skirt and sandal look, she ended up opting for the ‘don’t you wish you still had this’ yellow miniature sundress look, that accentuated her long legs and her curves and sat her cleavage up as if on a platter. Perfect.

  Her hair was straightened and hung long down her back, and she was wearing Ree’s favorite scent for her, Escada. She rode the elevator, not believing that in a few moments she would be face to face with him, alone.

  As she stepped off, she was reassured that she looked stunning by the admiring stares from the male, and some female, guests and staff. She smirked and headed to Eden, which was one of the three hotel restaurants. She was meeting Ree there for lunch.

  When Tatum got to the entrance, she took a deep breath before pulling open the heavy, wooden, double doors, and heading inside of the dim and quaint establishment.

  There were quite a few people in there when she looked around, but as she nervously neared the hostess, she felt someone come up behind her and rest their hand gently on the small of her back, causing her to turn around.

  “You look…wow.” That was all Ree could say. Tatum smiled up at him and he looked at her for a few moments, completely blinded and blown away by her beauty. “This way,” he added, guiding her through the restaurant.

  They walked through what seemed like the entire restaurant before coming to a stop at a small and isolated section near a bunch of large windows. He pulled out her chair and she sat, and as he took his seat across from her, Tatum’s heart ached.

  She watched the way he maneuvered, his debonair style, the way he sat tall, looking her in the eyes, the way he took control of things. He made her feel like a woman – desired, secure, protected.

  “So, how are you enjoying your stay so far?” He asked, taking her hands into his. She felt a sensation run through her.

  “Good…it’s well,” Tatum answered, not sure of what else to say.

  He looked at her for a few seconds before continuing.

  “And how long are you here for?”

  Tatum studied his sexy lips as he spoke to her, almost to the point of where she barely heard what he had said.

  “Oh, um…we leave tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” Ree repeated, a bit disappointed, and she nodded, as the waitress came over and took their drink orders. When she was gone, the conversation picked up where it left off.

  “So, when were you gonna come and find me…or was that not apart of the plan?” Ree asked her this with a charming smile, but Tatum avoided answering it with a question of her own.

  “So, who’s the chick?” It came out more direct than she had expected.

  Ree chuckled, but Tatum’s face had attitude written all over it.

  “She’s just some...chick,” he said, mocking her. Tatum wanted to scream.

  “And how did you meet her, when did you meet her?”

  Ree sighed, not thrilled that the conversation seemed to be about Trinity, but he knew he owed her an explanation. Tatum was the only woman that could get away with questioning him like that.

  “Um, she works here. I probably met her about a year ago, more or less.”

  The fact that Tatum and Ree’s romance had only taken place over a few months and this chick had a whole year of him, infuriated Tatum.

  “So what was she working first…the job, or you?” Tatum looked at him with a raised eyebrow and Ree was amused at her wit. She was so beautiful, yet so fiery. He had missed that.

  “Now we gonna get some shit straight,” he said firmly, but with slight humor. “She don’t work me…that’s not even possible, so get that out ya head.”

  He licked his lips and eyed Tatum.

  “But that’s not important…you know what is?”

  “What?” She shot back.

  But he didn’t say anything, he just pointed at her, causing a smile to grow on her face.

  “How’s the girls?” He asked sincerely. Ree had grown close to Tatum’s nieces in the time that she and him had been together.

  The question caused Tatum to reflect on the letter she received.

  “They’re doing well. They broke me for Christmas… but I got them everything they wanted, so they were happy. Chanel has a boyfriend now.”

  Ree shook his head, not thrilled with the news, he felt like a protective uncle or something. Tatum sighed and continued.

  “Their mother gets visits with them now, she came back from the dead…and now she’s suing me for custody.” The news stunned Ree as she proceeded, wearily.

  “Apart of me wants to just let them go and have a life with their mother, because I know how important that can be…but I’m so scared…Scared that she may relapse… and then in a way, I guess I’m…”

  “Scared of being alone,” he finished for her.

  Ree knew, like she knew, that Tatum used the girls as a crutch. She loved them, but she used the obligation she had to them and to other things, to prevent her from her own happiness, like when she chose not to come with him.

  She changed the subject.

  “Do you speak to Chauncey?”

  Ree shook his head no, not wanting to touch on anything pertaining to his old business. He prayed she didn’t bring up her brother. But she didn’t.

  “Yeah, he’s supposed to be coming home soon, that’s what Sasha says. I know Aubrey will be happy… oh my god, Ree, you should see her, she’s so adorable.” He chuckled, imagining a little Sasha mini-diva.

  Tatum smiled and took a sip of her water, she knew she was talking a lot out of her nervousness, but Ree put her at ease at how attentive and interested he was in her and what she was saying.

  The waitress came and took their orders, and they talked some more about the girls, and about his father and the hotel, and Tatum and her trying to write a book, and by the time the food came, it was like two years ago, the conversation between them flowing with ease.

  “So, are you happy here?” Tatum asked him, as she picked at her almost empty plate. She was feeling stuffed.

  Ree put his fork down and wiped his mouth with his napkin. That was the first time anyone had asked him that, and that’s what he loved about Tatum.

  “It’s alright…I’m content.” He leaned back and stared at her seriously. “I could be better.” She wondered if he meant with her being there, but apart of her already knew the answer.

  “I fe
el you…sometimes I feel the same way.”

  Ree nodded, and as the waitress brought the check, a feeling of perplexity moved throughout him. A feeling of now what?

  Even as he paid, and as they made their way out of the restaurant, neither was sure of where they stood, or where they went from here.

  Ree knew she still had business in the states, things she had to handle. Tatum knew that contrary to what he said, before she had shown up, Ree had a girlfriend. However they both also knew that they didn’t want this to be the last time they saw each other.

  As they reached the lobby, Ree stopped and took Tatum’s hands into his.

  “This can’t be the last time I see you, Tatum.”

  Tatum bit her bottom lip.

  “I know…I wish I didn’t have to leave tomorrow… but I do. I have a court hearing.” She looked at him achingly. “I wish we had more time,” she added, breathlessly.

  Ree shrugged.

  “Well, come back after.”

  Tatum sighed and chuckled. The answer shocked her, but Ree was serious. She wanted to ask him if he would still be with Trinity. She wanted to ask him what she would be coming back to.

  “That’s a possibility.” Tatum smiled and continued to hold his hands, as the clerks at the desk and the regular guests wondered who this girl was that Mr. Knights was interacting so intimately with.

  Ree still appreciated, yet scorned her stubbornness.

  “At least meet me for breakfast or something before you leave tomorrow, so I can convince you,” he requested, with a smile. Tatum agreed, but didn’t want to tell him that she needed no convincing. She had a lot on her plate, mixed emotions and all, but she knew she would be back, if that’s what he wanted.

  Ree was conflicted as well. He knew his feelings for Trinity nowhere matched the ones he had for Tatum. But Trinity knew what she wanted, and Tatum even after all of this time, seemed to still be holding back.

  He figured it was since they had been apart for so long, and maybe seeing him with Trinity had made her draw back more, but he definitely wanted them to work on rebuilding at least their friendship again.

  Even if they took it slow, he knew he wanted Tatum back in his life.

  They shared a close-knit, lengthy hug and then Tatum made her way back to the elevator with a seductive strut, turning back once and smiling.

  Ree watched her the whole time.

  And Trinity, who was standing at the front desk since they had come out of the restaurant, watched him, watching her, the whole time.

  “So the businesses are doing well?”

  “Oh yea,” Jayde responded, sipping her Pina Colada.

  She and Sasha were lounging out by the pool in their bikinis, while Tatum was having lunch with Ree.

  Sasha wanted to ask Jayde about the phone call, but didn’t want to let on that she had been spying on her, so she chose her words carefully.

  “And it’s just the nightclub and the boutique, right?”

  Jayde was silent for a moment, staring straight ahead with her dark shades on. She finally answered.

  “And the restaurant.”

  Sasha nodded.

  “That’s right…the restaurant.”

  Sasha turned over on her stomach and faced Jayde. She suddenly felt solemn.

  “You know, I envy you.”

  Jayde looked at her like she had lost her mind. The princess Sasha, Head Diva, Miss It, love my life, me, me, me, would never say such a thing. Sasha envying anyone was just absurd. But Sasha explained why.

  “You’re happy, you know? You’ve got your businesses, you’re doing what you want… and you’re free. Sometimes, I feel trapped. I swear if it weren’t for Aubrey, I’d probably never go home.”

  Jayde was not too shocked by the revelation, but more shocked at who was revealing it. Sasha always appeared and wanted to appear, perfect. Even when things weren’t.

  “So you’re not happy?” Jayde asked the obvious.

  Sasha thought for a second and was glad Jayde couldn’t see the tears forming behind her designer lenses.

  “I hate my life,” was her simple but passionate confession.

  Jayde felt so bad for her, not knowing what to say. So she said what she was thinking.

  “So, what are you gonna do about it?”

  Sasha turned her head the other way and breathed deeply.


  And a tear rolled down her face.

  Chapter 11 - Sex

  “Mills... they want you, let’s go.”

  Chauncey stood up and the guard opened the big steel door, as Chauncey made his way out and down the hall.

  “Ay yo, good luck Chaunc,” a young head from Elizabeth said as he passed.

  “That’s right young blood, I got a good feeling,” an older Muslim cat encouraged. Chauncey sometimes would converse with the man and had gained valuable lessons from their talks.

  He heard them and he nodded in response, but all he was thinking was how he needed for his lawyer to come through and get him the early release. As they neared the room for Chauncey to meet with the Head Commissioner, he reflected on his Parole hearing that had occurred two months prior, and he reflected on the reason he had never told Sasha about it.

  “There’s a female in there,” the same officer that was now walking with him, had informed Chauncey.

  “A female?” Chauncey had asked confused, wondering who it could be. His lawyer may have acted like a bitch, but he was definitely a dude. He couldn’t comprehend who else would have been there, being that in most cases, outsiders were not allowed to sit in on the hearings.

  He remembered feeling an intense amount of pressure as the guard had opened the door and led him into the room.

  When he walked in, he remembered noticing the Parole Commission first, all seated next to each other, looking stone-faced, he remembered his lawyer seated on the opposite side of them, his Case Manager was in the back of the room, and then that’s when he had seen her.

  Neli was sitting there staring at him as Chauncey entered the room, and Chauncey recalled the disgust and defeat he had felt.

  As he took his seat, he remembered his confident outlook on the situation diminishing. He just knew he wasn’t going to make parole. Even the C.O. had shaken his own head, because he knew that when a victim showed up to the hearing, especially a female one, your chances of getting out were slim to none.

  He didn’t even look at Neli, and as he was sitting there waiting to begin, he couldn’t believe that he had made the mistake of fucking with the broad.

  “Mr. Mills, how are you today?” One of the members of the Commission staff had asked him.

  “I’m well…thank you.” Chauncey had tried to stay as polite as possible, but really was thinking of how they didn’t give a damn about how he felt.

  “Shall we begin?” She had said and Chauncey remembered his apprehension.

  “Mr. Mills, you are now in your twenty-sixth month of a three and a half year sentence under the regulations of an aggravated assault charge and conviction, a felonious assault under the guidelines of section b, assault with serious bodily injury. The conviction was increased three levels, due to the severity of the bodily injury however, the victim did not sustain life threatening injuries, making a full recovery, and therefore the sentence and charge was lessened, is this all correct?”

  Chauncey had looked at his lawyer and his lawyer, little bitch ass Jew boy, stood up slightly and responded a simple,


  Chauncey couldn’t stand him, but he did what he did well, being that originally they were trying to hit Chauncey with an attempted murder charge, and he had gotten it down to aggravated assault.

  But that day at the parole hearing, little Jew boy had another trick up his sleeve.

  After they had asked all of the basic questions of ‘did he feel he was rehabilitated’, ‘what were his plans if released’, ‘did the anger management counseling work’, questions that Chauncey had aced with flyi
ng colors, his lawyer then added.

  “Commission, I would like to call Ms. Penelope Daniels to speak. Ms. Daniels was the other party involved in Mr. Mills’ case, and she would like to give her input on Mr. Mills’ possible eligibility for parole.” Chauncey’s lawyer had avoided referring to Neli as the victim.

  Chauncey remembered feeling his blood boil as he had stared at his lawyer like he had lost his fucking mind. And once she had started talking, Chauncey just knew it was over.

  “Ms. Daniels, you are currently housed at the Greystone Psychiatric Hospital, when is your release date?”

  “December 27th,” she had said innocently, as Chauncey avoided eye contact with her.

  She started her speech, and Chauncey was surprised by what had come out of her mouth.

  “I just want to say… that although what Chaunc-, I mean Mr. Mills, did was wrong, I do feel…” She had paused and looked at Chauncey before continuing. “I do feel that he should be released.”

  Chauncey remembered being shocked as hell, and she kept it going.

  “That night…at the hotel,” she had reminisced. “My mind was not right…a lot of ugly things were done, on both of our parts…but I have changed. And I know that if I can change, then Chauncey most certainly can. He’s a kind man…a good man…and he has a child… And I believe that he has learned his lesson.”

  Chauncey had remained silent but inside was conflicted. He hated Neli, but at that moment, he was thankful for her.

  “That’s all,” she had concluded.

  And it had sealed the deal, Chauncey’s parole was granted and his lawyer moved right then for an early release.

  Now here he was, walking back down the hall, seeing if it all had played out, and if it was really happening. His lawyer had assured him that it was good as gold, but Chauncey didn’t want to get his hopes too high. Almost didn’t count to him, he wanted the guarantee.

  When he reached the room, he saw his lawyer shaking hands with the Head Commissioner as if the meeting was over. He stood up and made his way over to Chauncey with a grin.


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