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The Stargate Black Hole

Page 15

by V Bertolaccini

  He always had liked archeology, especially on alien worlds, and liked exploring the past and the occurrences that had taken place.

  The world below now looked like it had been frozen in time, and was a fantastic surreal prehistoric times world, and he recalled why he had wanted to be a paleontologist. It conjured up great visions of the original primitive world, with its astounding untouched magnitude.

  While he rested against a wall he looked through a massive gap in the tower, and occasionally examined the stone and debris the archeologists sifted through, looking for anything of interest to him, and he watched the sky in a place that he had not examined before, and wondered what existed there and what other strange worlds there were to explore, and started to realize he was starting to like the galaxy more than his own, and that he would miss it, and the stars would never be the same again when he returned, and that they would completely empty.

  In the distance he spotted an incredible immense meteorite crater with a strange mist cloud over it, only filling the dent, fitting itself into with its shape.

  He believed he would make a good archeologist as he was interested in having everything investigated, and the true findings being revealed.

  The archeologists around him enjoyed their work, and were still very intrigued with everything that they found there, and what fascinating things they could find.

  He tried to work out the age of the tower, but could not, and just accepted the rough estimate given by the archeologists that he questioned about it. He was still searching for something, and for something that he was sure that he had missed. There were signs that it was really old, and older than they thought, and the walls of the tower had some materials in it that nobody had recognized.

  Perhaps it was from an unknown and rare element found down there on the world. A new universe, and such a galaxy, had to have such. The place was unique and a real winner, and he had waited the majority of his life for such a find to emerge, and now he was going to grasp it!

  Major Ripley rushed over to him, before he entered the stairs going up the tower, and immediately revealed how they had received more powerful digging equipment and generators to dig into areas in the tower, as they had found artificial objects in the walls, which they could not recognize.

  Kruger started to realize that something was there, buried away in the tower, and saw that the archaeologists had slowed down their operations, and were more interested in what was buried away in the tower.

  Chapter 24

  The Tower Removal

  Gold and white radiances loomed over a shadowed region of the tower, while an immense lifting vehicle hauled it up, while the pilots aboard it controlled the computers and monitored it.

  Kruger watched it with the two paranormal scientists, beside other major scientists, at the edge of the flat top of the castle.

  The operation had been far more difficult than they had realized, as they found objects inside the tower that had apparently held the tower up, under the hideous conditions the alien had subjected it to with its incredible powers. The structure would have collapsed a long time ago if it had not used them!

  It was virtually the only thing that they had successfully found the use of that belonged to it, and they could barely work out how they worked.

  The top part of the tower glided away, under the vehicle, and they moved it over to the castle roof, where they were, and placed it in the central region, and the vehicle lifted away, and left to go down below.

  Kruger watched the towers shape probing its way amidst the abyss of the stars behind it, and gasped as a giant star exploded with light, turning into what had to be the biggest nova and explosion that he had seen.

  All the scientists gasped, and some filmed it, and watched parts of blast out into space, scattering beams of blinding light, and he saw that it was in fact the merging of two suns, being pulled together, as they were being dragged into the black hole at the center of the galaxy, and he moved his feet over the silky dust that rested on the roof, which had fallen there over night from space, and he wondered if the remains of it would come down as it, and he would actually touch the remains such a powerful phenomenon.

  The air stuck deep in his lungs for a moment as he considered the dust being in the air, and considered how it affected the world.

  In the powerful sunlight of the nova, the shadow of the whole pinnacle and tower stretched across the world like gigantic alien finger/claw, as though pointing at something, and he considered it for real for a brief moment and dismissed it.

  Faint echoes of a distant meteorite landing appeared, and sounded like the nova explosion coming through the dense galaxy, and reaching the world, and it vanished into an extraordinary silence, as they all approached the tower to begin work, and to watch them remove the alien in the energy bubble, and place it there, for them to check properly, out of the tower.

  Chapter 25

  The Monster Captured

  Altering forms of the monsters consistently rematerialized in the energy bubble, as it floated over the center of large stone castle roof, as all the scientists stood around it examining it, trying to grasp what it was and was doing there.

  Kruger watched the vehicle remove the tower away to the GX1 for examination, leaving only the energy bubble and alien there, and he wondered if they were underestimating its powers and if it was a mistake removing it from the tower.

  The thing did resemble a magical being in its normal state. If it actually had a normal state, and he tried to grasp what it could really be, and why it had chosen the castle and region overlooking the center of the universe, and he gasped again as its giant demon shape appeared and glowed with energy, and altered and whirled within hideous energy surges – while it was consistently stopped from vanishing, to where they never knew.

  Kruger spotted a new vehicle flying in from over the horizon, as it appeared there, heading towards them, with all the equipment that they would use to carry out an examination of what they could, in a brief examination, before they took it to the GX1 for it to be properly checked – with them checking if it should be brought aboard.

  The alien shape at times looked as if it was looking directly at him, as if thinking of communicating, and was soon thrown into a turmoil of reactions, which left him considering if it was the energy bubble the two paranormal scientists had put it in or if it was it that was putting it in the state it was in.

  Surely the energy bubble could not cause such a consequence?

  But he was sure it was some sort of entity/life form and that it was trapped there, and he wondered what the paranormal scientists intended to do with it. If they never left it there, would someone eventually remove the energy bubble – to either investigate it more closely or check its normal state, and if they removed it what would happen? Surely they had not forgotten the alien in the void already, and he thought that it should be checked out of the energy bubble before it was taken aboard.

  Chapter 26

  The Time Alterations

  At the edge of the energy bubble, altering wildly, gleams of light from bright stars were being held motionlessly, and were being filmed and studied by the scientists.

  The entire top of the castle was now covered in equipment and scientists studying the alien in the energy bubble, and of the discovery made earlier in close examinations of the energy bubble.

  A clock placed at the end of a cable was entered into its field, and the scientist reacted immediately when they received results, and concluded that its precision digital numbers were being frozen, and into multidimensional forms as the cable shifted, and they studied the suspended cluster of partially transparent layers, as they moved in with cameras.

  The two paranormal scientists were controlling the experiments of the leading scientists, and had gained a great deal of status and authority with them, and aboard the GX1, where most of the filming of it was being shown on the media.

  Both occasionally gave detailed explanations of what they were doing, and
believed was occurring, and they had the cable released further, edging it into the confines of the energy bubble, creating more spectacular optical effects with the clock, making it distort in twisted forms, like shaping beams of light with matter.

  All the numbers on clock shifted fast forward to their surprise, and all the scientists, technicians, and archeologists there crowded around it loudly discussing it, and applauding the find, as it was the first discover of time travel.

  Kruger stood with them startled, though he had known it existed, he had not proven it, and believed Don had traveled back in time, and he had been waiting for it to appear somewhere, to prove it, and for the event to take place, and he watched it wondering what the hell it was, as it was far more different than he had thought, and he had not realized or heard anything that could explain anything to him, and he had deliberately stayed near the two paranormal scientists and main scientists in hope of picking something up.

  It looked as though it were rupturing space in a way that played with time. It had properties of suspending it! It was creating alterations in it and the fabric of space, but could it allow some form of gateway into the depths of time to exist?

  Many of the leading scientists were carrying out numerous basic and complex experiments all around it, using equipment, and others were recording various things about it, and great amounts of detailed information were being sent back to the GX1 for them to analyze in a far greater degree.

  Nobody had been able to determine its origins or if it came from the galaxy. Yet they were in another universe, which they had not checked in any proper degree, and there were many occurrences there and in the black hole that were still unexplained, and their voyage through the galaxy had shown that many mysterious things existed there.

  It would take the rest of their lives to explore the place properly and make proper findings, and they may never fully achieve their goal, and it could be found long after they existed.

  He had shuddered as he had studied its shape hovering about, and its occasional appearance, like a lion eyeing up its prey.

  The abnormal antics of some of the scientists at times captivated him, mystifying him with the depth of their nervousness and fear of something! Some still repetitively studied the readings from their equipment and with alarm – preparing themselves for something, which he saw the two paranormal scientists slowly become aware of!

  What the hell was it? What was the thing? Was it really a supernatural entity? Could something go wrong?

  A swift flash of light appeared and exploded at the edge of a region of the energy bubble, silencing all the scientists.

  From it they got a proper view of what happened when the light entered its radius, and they were able to analyze slowed down views of the occurrence.

  Kruger listened to a scientist explaining the occurrences to an audience on the GX1, stating, “It manipulated space and time within its outer radius! It can accelerate, decelerate, and suspend it ... The clock is now suspending it ...”

  The cable emerged outwards pulling the clock backwards, with its numbers swiftly turning backwards until its numbers once again became motionless, and Kruger considered if they could use whatever it was to make some form of time machine.

  He wondered if in reality time was something far different from what they perceived. But would he ever know? And he just accepted the philosophy! And he was still sure Don was an older version of him!

  “What are they intending to do with it?” he asked Mitchel, curiously. “Are they going to construct something from it?”

  Mitchel examined him, almost sensing something, wondering why he had an interest, and looked annoyed about something.

  “They, of course, have investigated little so far, and if they do, you will be informed!”

  “If they can reconstruct it, they can use it for many things, including uses in industry!” he continued. “Stopping time is an incredible tool ... With incredible uses ...!”

  “They have made other findings you know! If you take an observation of its shifting movements, for one thing – which they have been studying closely – its constrained pattern of movements has dramatically altered in some regions in space ...”

  Kruger examined its lethal appearance, like a large bubble full of pure transparent energy – buzzing wildly and dangerously – ready to discharge somewhere.

  “Do you think you have created and have something new here?” he asked, firmly. “Two unheard of inventions of great power combined ... The incredible paranormal energy source, in the depths of a new and different universe, with a different makeup, in a galaxy never seen before, with hidden powers beyond our imagination from such a rare being, combined with your energy bubble that has been discovered for the first time from all the technology of worlds, over hundreds of years!

  “The combinations of powerful energy sources have created many great discoveries!”

  “There may be! It could very well be a one of a kind situation, and we have perhaps a long time to explore it! Perhaps we could find some form of time travel – which may not be found anywhere else – or something else!”

  “We may not need to wait that long!” Bryan stated, moving over. “Most inventions allow people to get their best properties straight away. They will in a few days be giving out all the details from all the findings, and from all the experiments, which may be very interesting if I am not mistaken. They have barely even scratched the surface of it!”

  Chapter 27

  Its Capture

  The time being might have been thrown into the realms of hell, into another reality, with its magical being shape altering and whirling within hideous energy surges, threatening to obliterate it, but it consistently had stopped it and it falling out of space and time altogether, and it had consistently altered.

  The center of it had glowed bright like a sun from the energy that it had been trapped in, altering and becoming more powerful and then dimming, with it whirling increasing and decreasing, shaking everything furiously about from the impact of powerful energy forces, from something strange from outside, and though it had reappeared at the correct location, it had been trapped there.

  It had remained perplexed, and it had stopped making attempts at escaping, and tried to establish what had gone wrong.

  On and on it had kept going, and it had seen the humans emerge on the tower stares, and confirm what it had started to suspect, and that they had set a trap and had caught it. It had underestimated them greatly! It would have been normally virtually impossible to do what they had done, and it would be lucky to survive the ordeal! It slowly had realized that they had methods of detection that it had never heard of, but it also had slowly realized that they never had time travel as it had originally known.

  After the shock of the encounter, and it had adapted its energy and structure to handle the energy bubble that they had trapped it in, and it had probed the humans and realized it had been lucky, and that they could have killed it, and that they wanted it for something, and it had realized that it had technology that it could use to bargain with, if they ever allowed it to communicate.

  Their technology had been strange and some of it primitive to it, and it had even learned how most of it worked, and had been surprised that its race had missed it, and it had realized why.

  It had probed their computer records, and had found how powerful their race was, and then had discovered the great revelation that they had arrived there from another universe, after hurtling through the outer limits of space and time, and it had seen the great use that they could have been to its race.

  The opportunity to do something had been great, and its determination had turned almost inconceivable.

  For a long time it had watched them at work, and their experiments, while its energy surges intermittently had played with it, in hideous attacks, and it had planned what it should do.

  Chapter 28

  The Museum

  Kruger was staggered when he entered the museum, which was th
e biggest museum aboard the GX1, as the alien’s appearance in the energy bubble had entirely altered.

  The thing looked entirely deadly and pulsating, with alien inside with less alterations and looking more powerful, which looked as deadly as he had seen it. By its reactions he could tell that it had something that it could use against them, but he could recognize what, and glared at it trying to get a clue.

  The alien had been swiftly brought to the GX1, and most of the scientists had followed it.

  The A1 museum show was the first and biggest showing of it, and every major person and personality aboard was there, in the massive hall, with the media covering it everywhere.

  The alien and energy bubble was astounding, in the center of the stage, in bright colored beams of light, fascinating everyone there, and especially those arriving there.

  Kruger had not visited the museum before and was amazed at the amount of alien artifacts, detailed filmed accounts of alien findings, and ancient alien civilizations uncovered, with detailed accounts of their location, worlds, and environments, and he even saw some of the work that he was involved with, and decided to visit the place more.

  The expeditions were some of the best, with best findings, and they were set up like they were on other worlds, and he knew he was going to be part of the greatest of them all, which had been one of his dreams.

  On the stage a few scientists stood around the alien, and the two paranormal scientists arrived, and reacted when they saw the alien in its new state, and ignored it and rushed over to the microphone, and Bryan started giving detailed descriptions of their detection of the alien, and their detection of the energy source.


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