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The Stargate Black Hole

Page 16

by V Bertolaccini

  It was incredible that they were not known as paranormal scientists, and only small descriptions of them investigating that sort of work was revealed.

  “Details of the tower room that was brought aboard will soon be revealed,” Bryan revealed. “And it should give us an insight into what it is! We have many scientific findings, but little on the alien itself, which surely has derived from an exceedingly advanced race, which may not have come from this world, as all the information indicates. There only seems to be one on the whole world! Its present state shows us little about it!

  “The particular habits of the being may become known some day if we find a way to remove the energy bubble and replace it with something that only confines it, which will allow us to study it as it normally is.

  “A variety of clues of its highly advanced technology were found in its tower, which we still have found little on, even with our technology. We just do not know precisely where it came from or what it is.”

  A group of scientists arrived and brought in equipment and arranged it around the energy bubble of the alien, and Kruger for a moment thought he saw the alien recognize it.

  A highly advanced clock was placed at the end of a cable and was entered into its field, and the scientist reacted immediately when they received results, and concluded that its precision digital numbers had being frozen, and it went into multidimensional forms as the cable moved inwards, and they studied the suspended cluster of partially transparent layers, and the audience all watched the phenomenon with amazement.

  Many people had seen a short sequence of it on the media, but were still surprised.

  The two paranormal scientists controlled the experiments of the other scientists.

  Both occasionally gave detailed explanations of what they were doing and believed was occurring, and they had the cable released further, edging it into the confines of the energy bubble, creating more spectacular optical effects with the clock, making it distort in twisted forms, deliberately designed for the stage performance, shaping beams of light with matter like a form of light show.

  All the numbers on clock shifted fast forward to the surprise of the audience, and some new leading scientists, who had not seen it, were allowed to investigate it, and they crowded around it, loudly discussing it, and they applauded it, and announced it was the first discover of time travel that anyone had found, and the audience all applauded the discovery.

  Many of the audience around Kruger were startled, as they had not believed that it existed, and it had just been proven to exist, and they watched it wondering what the hell it was, as it was far more different than he had thought, and Kruger realized that he had not heard anything that could properly explain how it worked, and he watched the two paranormal scientists and main scientists in hope of picking something up.

  It looked as though it were rupturing space in a way that played with time, with properties of altering and suspending time! It was creating alterations in it and the fabric of space.

  Many of the leading scientists had been carrying out numerous basic and complex experiments on it with all the equipment aboard, now available to them, and great amounts of detailed information had been accumulated, but most was not available.

  Nobody had been able to determine its origins or if it even came from the galaxy. Yet they were in another universe, which they had not checked in any proper degree, and there were many occurrences there and in the black hole that were still unexplained, and their voyage through the galaxy had shown that many mysterious things existed there.

  Its altered shape wildly hovering about itself made him shudder, and occasional looks of the alien were like it was a lion eyeing up its prey.

  The abnormal antics of some of the scientists and technicians at times were captivating, mystifying him with the depth of their nervousness and deep fear of something, and the fact that he had not seen them actually react about anything without there being something there! The last alien in the void was still unbelievable, and many people thought it was not entirely dead! Some still repetitively studied the readings from equipment that they had set up to detect it.

  Were they preparing themselves for something, which he saw the two paranormal scientists occasionally become aware of?

  Why did they not do anything, if they really did believe it?

  Yet he actually did know why, and that they could not, and it was better to check it and see what happened, if it did.

  What the hell was it? What was this thing? Was it really a supernatural thing?

  A swift flash of light appeared from a laser and exploded into the edge of a region of the energy bubble, silencing the entire audience, who vibrantly reacted to it and them.

  From it they gave and showed the audience a more detailed account of what was happening when he light hit its radius, and they showed them slowed down views of the occurrence on a large screen behind them.

  Bryan calmly gave other information that they had found back at the tower.

  “It manipulates space and time!” he told them, watching it at the side of his eye. “It suspends, accelerates, and suspends time ... And if you’ll look at the clock – suspended within its outer radius – it is now decelerating it ...”

  The cable was emerged outwards, pulling the clock backwards, with its numbers swiftly turning backwards, until its numbers once again became motionless.

  Many people around Kruger talked about it as time travel, and that they were witnessing a form of time machine.

  Kruger was now wondering what the hell it really was they were playing with, and why it looked so dangerous.

  “What are they intending to do with?” someone from the media asked Bryan. “Could it be used to create something even more incredible – with it fascinating properties?”

  Bryan examined him in a glance, and thought of the best reply.

  “We and all the scientists aboard have been investigating it with everything we have, which still not enough, and I guess in a year from now it will be very minute, and if they find anything, which I have not heard of, I assure you we will inform you of it!

  “They have made other findings!” Mitchel announced, at his side. “If you take an observation of its shifting – which they have been studying closely – its constrained pattern of movements has dramatically altered in regions in space ...

  “We have checked its movements in other dimensions ... It is a new discovery, and we have been monitoring it ...

  “We also have ways of detecting other things ... We detected the energy source by using our equipment ...”

  While they were talking Kruger saw how more powerful the energy in the energy bubble seemed to become, and he examined its lethal appearance!

  The thing was a bubble of energy, looking like it could explode – with an immense energy discharge.

  “Do you think this is entirely new concept?” a man in the audience asked, slightly gasping at its altered appearance. “I read one of the recent reports on it, explaining it as the combination of two unheard of inventions of vast power. An incredible energy source, in the depths of a different universe, with a different makeup, with hidden powers beyond our imaginations, and its strange source, from a highly advanced species, combined with your energy and powerful energy bubble, discovered for the first time, and not fully checked, from all the best technology of our worlds, from hundreds of years of scientific breakthroughs ... And that the combinations of such powerful energy sources have created numerous great discoveries ...”

  Suddenly Kruger spotted the center of where the being in the energy bubble was, and that it was turning bright like a sun, and become louder and brighter, with its whirling was increasing, and it started shaking everything furiously about, knocking all the scientists about, and they fell over, and a sudden shockwave impacted it and blasted through the whole museum, and reoccurring blasts followed, knocking everyone and everything over or about, and was followed by one last colossal explosion, before it died away.

; The hall turned silent, and all the people got up from the floor, and out of wreckage, and started to recover from what had happened, and Kruger watched the two paranormal scientists dramatically talking with each other, and watched where they looked, towards the energy bubble, and realized that they were not reacting to the explosion, but to the energy bubble itself, as it had changed, and he saw that the being had vanished from inside it, and he gasped, thinking of the trouble that they could be in if the being had escaped.

  Chapter 29

  Back on the GX1

  The spectacular energy explosions and exhaustion of its energy had damaged far more than the alien had thought, and it could barely think and use its powers.

  When they had taken it in the energy bubble to the immense GX1 it had gasped in horror, at what it was up against, and that it might be the end.

  Yet it had even felt enjoyment at such a creation, and that it could exist, and that it had been seeing powers that its mighty race had never witnessed, and it had realized that it had a proper goal now, and that was to take control of it, and it was about to achieve its goal of getting aboard.

  Once inside the GX1 it had been delighted, and thought of nothing else than escaping and what it would do, and this time it intended not to underestimate the humans, no matter what.

  It had studied their minds and thoughts, and ways that they worked together, and had been surprised at many things. Their abilities could go far, and they continued doing things further than anything it had encountered, even though they made many mistakes, and usually went further with things that were useless and unneeded, and it realized that its race would have used them to investigate all the things that they had never bothered with.

  It had recalled that a long time ago that it had encountered two of them, and had ignored them, but had been amazed by their technology, and it had even sensed that they had come from beyond the universe.

  Its proper examination of their computers and records had been the greatest advancement that it had received, and it would have been far more if it had not been in the state that it had been in.

  It had explored information about the energy field and its energy levels with astonishment, and had wondered why its race had never gone to the lengths they had to build it, and realized that they had ignored it as it had not been needed, and that they had had better alternatives, but they had ignored how powerful it could become, and could be used for things that their alternatives could not be used for.

  Its examination of the occupants had been too swift and uncontrolled, and it had failed to realize many things that it should have known.

  Their worlds were different and so populated that it had not been able to grasp how they worked, and how they never had problems, and it had examined their minds, and had started to realize the truth, and that they enjoyed it and thought of it as a common state, and that they would have thought of their worlds as being empty.

  While it had continued its explorations another part of it had started work on creating a plan to escape, and it had examined their minds, thoughts, communications, behavior, and it had started to realize a way, and a way to avoid discovery and reveal itself.

  It had formed a copy of a man and had altered his features, in which it would use, if it ever wished to copy one.

  After examinations of it, it had learned many more things, and it decided to leave the investigation until its powers were returned.

  It also found information on the entity in the void with surprise, and all the trouble that they had gone to destroy it, and it had been fascinated. At first it thought it had been a white entity that it had made a mistake with when it had been younger, and which had imprisoned it on the world, which it believed its race could handle, and that it had surprised it, when its powers had been weak. But after more searching it had believed that it could have been one of its own race, and that it had altered greatly, but after further examinations it found that it had been something else, and it decided to investigate it further when it escaped from the energy bubble, and had its powers.

  Another problem that it had discovered had been that the humans could recognize a stranger easily, and that if it copied one of them it would have to be more careful than it had thought.

  Once when it had examined their minds further it had found a way to alter their memories so that they would recognize it as a normal human, and not as a stranger, and it could alter their records about it, and it had seen where the other alien had gone wrong, and had thought of ways to avoid its mistakes, and it had realized that its powers would be weak and limited against them, with there being so many of them.

  Through all that had happened it had managed to explore the strange life forms and their existence, and had been delighted to make it aboard, and it had believed that it could hide somewhere, away from them, if it could not beat them, and it only needed to get on one of their worlds, where it could start to reproduce other members of its species and take control of their worlds, and build its new empire.

  Chapter 30

  Its Escape

  The time being had felt itself dying – it had underestimated its loss of power – and it was on the brink of death, and it had to escape, and get rid of the energy bubble, and had to use its escape plan.

  The audience about it had been overwhelming, with their reactions to it and their showing it as a highly advanced species, but their showing their awareness of its powers had caused it to use up far more energy than it had been using.

  It could barely think with so little power, but it had felt horror at what it could be up against, and it had even felt a feeling of enjoyment at death.

  It had used all its stored energy at once, and forced a small leap through time, with a new method that it had planned, for to it jump back in time to escape the energy bubble just enough to avoid being captured afterwards, and its center had exploded brightly like a sun and it had become louder and brighter, and it saw it shaking everything furiously about, knocking all the scientists about, and before it had vanished it had seen the sudden shockwave impact, and blast through the whole museum.

  Everything instantly turned normal and it collapsed on the stage, outside the energy bubble, a day before its arrival at the GX1, and it managed to stay alive and locate an energy center aboard, where that region’s power supplies were located, and it quickly used it to return energy to it.

  The hall was silent and dark when it stood up, and it realized that it had not been detected, and that the people in the region were asleep, and it recovered from what had happened and turned itself into the human that it had designed, and moved out of the region to an empty region where it would be hidden, and where they would not look to find it in the future, when it had escaped, and where it could carry out its work unaffected by the energy bubble, and it realized that it was free to do anything it wanted.

  These beings had little knowledge of it and time travel, and it was more advanced and powerful than it had ever been, and it had more power available to it than it had ever had.

  Chapter 31

  GX1 Alert

  The GX1 president used all his powers to get the alien found, after it vanishing. If the situation altered into the last alien scenario they would be in deep trouble, so they took every measure they could to investigate what had happened and have the voyager checked for it.

  Everyone carried out his slightest notion to the letter, especially after hearing about what had happened on the media. So the spacecraft was on full alert once again!

  Kruger knew a great deal about him, especially after the last alien encounter, so he was not surprised to meet him again, but with the two paranormal scientists, and the president questioned them about what had occurred in the museum and tactically queried them on what was happening, and what it was that they were now up against.

  The entire ship’s media kept pushing stories on it because they wanted answers, and it was the only real occurrence that had happened since they had brought the alien aboard. The stor
ies told by people were incredible, and he kept wondering what they were up to. There were mentions of deaths and attacks, and the thing actually attacking people all over the museum, and it rampaging through the spacecraft.

  He finally came to the conclusion it was the media itself that was behind it, and that it was encouraged by the military into taking action, and into talking the public into realizing the dangers of it, and to report anything to do with it that occurred.

  Most people aboard thought there were more of them, and that they should withdraw from the world.

  The president could scarcely grasp what was there now, or happening, and because they had not even seen the alien properly in the energy bubble, or where it had vanished to. The descriptions from the officials that he knew had been at the museum had given only vague and confused descriptions, and had no real detail, as they had not fully seen anything other than it vanish and destroy a region of the museum, and had held back their ideas, especially after hearing all the people on the media giving their fantasy descriptions of it.

  People just did not realize what it was or if it was even a life form, or what shape, or characteristics, or identity it truly had. It had altered, and had given nothing but a confused mess of details, and the two paranormal scientists, and all the major scientists there had little to tell, even after such close examinations of it, with so many scientists and advanced equipment.

  What sort of powers did it fully have? Should they be happy to get rid of it? Should they just leave the world? What kind of science and creations did it have, if it was the highly advanced being that they believed it to be? Could the voyage and GSO even profit greatly from it, if they captured it?


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