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Burn My Soul Part 1

Page 2

by Holly Newhouse

  I pause three steps from the phone, thinking I hear footsteps, then hear a chilling voice filled with such malice, it freezes my soul as well as my steps.

  "Don't even think about it, woman! That phone can't help you or your friend," the deep growl echoes around the room.

  A few seconds of silence follow. Cold sweat covers my body, my heart speeds back up to the tempo of a runner, pounding, and threatening to burst through my ribcage. My mouth, dry as the Sahara desert, cages my response behind sealed lips. Chills race up and down my spine, as my mind contemplates my next move.

  Before the intruder can guess at my next move, my legs are propelling me out of the room and down the long hallway. Adrenaline once again fuels my body, my breathing speeds up, pulling oxygen into my heavy feeling lungs. My only thought, my vision of serial killers sneaking in through the open patio doors, has come true.

  I fleetingly promise God to be more active if I survive this, as running turns into sprinting. I head for the front door and freedom.

  The oppressive silence continues until, "Dammit! Stop her right now, before we're exposed," a massive bestial growl echoes down the hallway. My heart kicking up a notch, urges my legs to move even faster through the quicksand feeling. The front door is in my sights, but keeps pulling away from me!

  I suddenly become aware of heavy masculine footsteps sounding behind me, further back in the hall, and they're gaining on me! I desperately want to glance over my shoulder, yet, afraid to see the monster my mind has conjured up.

  Legs already trembling from exertion are pushed past the point of no return. Arms raising in front of me, nearly rip the front door off its hinges as I run past. Freedom is in my grasp just outside. I don't understand why the house alarm didn't go off.

  Reaching the circular concrete driveway, I feel the overwhelming oppressive air of the outdoors coursing through my burning, oxygen starved lungs, my desert dry mouth and throat, are even more parched. I hesitate briefly, relishing in my freedom, deciding which way to run.

  Leading with my right foot I take off, ignoring the pain in my body. I scream bloody murder when silent, strong, and muscular steel like arms wrap around my waist. My struggles, are reduced to those of a child as I'm immediately pulled forcefully backward into a hard, muscular body. No way in Hellfire will you get me! My mind screams.

  Like a hellcat, I immediately fight even harder with every last ounce of strength to get free, knowing Madi's life and mine, depend upon it!

  I suck in a sharp breath and my body tenses as I realize my arms are trapped at my sides.

  I scream at the top of my lungs, "Let me go right now, or you'll be damn sorry!" I'm trying to project my scream to make me appear more sinister than I am, more menacing. Silently, I'm praying he'll loosen his arms just enough so I can scratch out his eyes and run! I'm terrified Madi's already dead, at the hands of the other intruder.

  I know in an instant, my instincts are faulty and not to be trusted. They're insanely screaming safety and desire for a killer whose trapped me in his arms! What the hell is wrong with me? He's only waiting until his partner comes out and then, they'll kill me too!

  I continue searching my surroundings, but see no one out and about in our beautiful, gated community of the rich and famous. I'm praying at least one person has heard my screams and is calling 911 at this moment.

  "Shhh....I'm not gonna hurt you darling in any way, you have my solemn vow." The deeply husky, seductive, melt my insides to liquid, belongs in my bedroom, masculine voice whispers in my right ear. Long silky soft black as midnight hair brushes my sweaty naked neck and shoulder ever so softly.

  What the hell is wrong with me? Thinking he and his voice belong in my bedroom? Just lock me up in the insane asylum right now! I've completely lost it!

  I stand completely still, forcing my body to relax, trying to throw this large stranger off guard just enough to get away.

  I try to calm my raspy and labored breathing as my legs threaten to crumple under my weight, afraid of what will happen if my plan fails.

  The stranger behind me chuckles, his hot breath caresses my neck, causing my body to involuntarily heat up with desire. Something it clearly has no business feeling! His body, flush and tight against my backside begins to relax. His arms loosen considerably around my waist.

  I smile to myself thinking, Sucker! Seconds later when I'm sure he least expects it I suddenly struggle like a hellcat against his bands of steel. I manage to get my arms loose.

  I finally get my arms loose and clench my hands into claws. I scratch his arms, fiercely drawing blood. Then, slam my elbows repeatedly into his chest as hard as I can. I try to do the most damage possible to get free.

  "Ahhh!" I hear him roar behind me in anger and pain. Before I can get free, his arms trap mine once again tightly against my sides, tightening considerably. I suddenly fear he's going to tighten those bands of steel until he breaks me in half. It hurts like hell and I scream in agony and anger, refusing to stop fighting against him.

  "Dammit, woman! Stop beating the living crap out of me!" He growls menacingly.

  "Never! You'll have to kill me first!" I slam my head backward, intent on breaking his nose. I'm angry as hell when he anticipates my move and my head only ends up hitting his hard chest. I instantly feel dizzy having almost knocked myself out.

  Jesus, does he have superman's chest or what? I think to myself as he sighs heavily against my neck. I can't stop the involuntarily shiver of desire.

  "Woman, for someone who looks so damn sweet and innocent, you're even ten times worse than Satan's own hell hounds!" I can't help but smile taking that as a compliment, even knowing it wasn't intended as such.

  It dawns on me, that the only other person who's ever compared me to a hell hound, is a figment of my imagination. One who lives only in my dreams and fantasies.

  "Sweetheart, you leave me no choice." He sighs deeply again, chanting in a strange demonic sounding language.

  My heart pounds so hard in my chest, I feel as if it's also pounding in my ears. My breath hitches in my chest. I struggle against him even harder, feeling as if it's the last act I'll ever accomplish on this earth.

  Suddenly, I whimper as my feet and hands become rigid and unmovable. What the hell is going on here? The sensation moves slowly over every inch of my body. In my overwhelming fear, I begin hyperventilating, unable to stop it, unable to calm my breathing down.

  My eyes widen as large as saucers, my stomach is heavy, and all thoughts fly right out of my head, the only thing I can move. My breath comes faster and faster as I look down. I swear something invisible is holding me still, not letting me move.

  "What are you, some kind of witch or voodoo priest? Did you just put a hex on me, you bastard?" I manage to gasp out in between quick inhalations still trying to calm myself. "I will not just stand here and let you rape and kill me! I'll scream my bloody head off until my very last breath!"

  Before I can say another word, he grabs my head, turning it sideways and blows some kind of black smoke in my face. For some reason it works, allowing me to calm my breathing down. Yet it doesn't mean he plans to be nice.

  "Be quiet woman! Don't make me disable your vocal cords. It would be such a shame." He growls sarcastically, his tone telling me just how angry he really is. What the hell does he have to be angry about, he is the one trying to kill me!

  "You me to a witch even though I can't stand the sneaky tricksters. Yes, I did put a paralyzation curse on you just now. It's only to keep you from maiming me any further."

  "You coward! Why are you afraid to show yourself to me? Are you actually afraid of little ol' me?" I taunt him, my voice highly patronizing. He remains silent and hidden. instead of facing me.

  He's probably afraid I'll be able to identify him! I think angrily. I hold onto my anger to chase away the remaining fear. That way if he kills me, at least I know I died fighting. Not like a frightened whimp who never even tried.

  "There's nowhere you
can ever hide from me if my sister dies in there! I assure you, I will find you and kill you!" I blister his ears bloody, growling fiercely.

  "Shhh, my little hellcat. I truly am not going to hurt you in any way. I promise Madi will be just fine. We're here to help, not hurt her or you. Don't you think if I was going to hurt you, I would have done so by now? I'm so sorry Damien scared you so badly, he can be quite the asshole sometimes.

  Do I trust what he's saying? He does have a point

  "Only Sometimes?" I ask sarcastically. Even if I begin to warm up to him, I never will to his so called friend, Damien.

  When he lets out a deep husky wholehearted laugh, I startle. That's not the laugh of a killer, not when it's so vibrant, carefree, and pure music, to ears that try to remain deaf and yet cannot.

  "Sweetheart, you took off like a shot before I could explain. Although, Damien's response to your defiance was definitely worth seeing. I've never seen him so flabbergasted nor so angry with anyone.... until now." He pauses and chuckles again causing my body to buzz with desire so intense, I shake from it.

  "Nevertheless, we are here to help. Damien and Madi are dating, didn't she tell you?" His tone of voice sincere and confused.

  "Please tell me.... when would she have time to do that, between my dragging her into the mansion and dying?" I utter disdainfully.

  So that's who she called out for. You've always had poor judgment in men, Madi. Remind me to thank you for this bitch! I cuss her out silently, refusing to let my thoughts and emotions show on my face, just in case.

  "I don't believe you, nor do I trust you...." I whisper suddenly exhausted.

  I do believe you even though I don't know you. My pride won't let me tell you that though. I hope your happy sir, you've completely worn me out. I just don't have it in me to fight you anymore, do what you will.

  "I wish you could sweetheart, I only want to keep you safe from harm. After all.... you came back to me..." He whispers very softly and passionately.

  His hot sweet breath mingles with the gentle breeze upon my neck, like a sweet caress. I smell his personal scent of sandalwood mixed in with the scents of leather and earthy woods as his hands gently caress my sides from hip to breast.

  Why are you doing this to me? What do you want from me? I whimper silently in my mind.

  "I want you and your hot body, love." He whispers so softly that I know I've only imagined it.

  Even so, my traitorous body once again betrays me. It reacts to him intensely and instantaneously like a moth to a flame. I shiver involuntarily with extreme desire so hot, my body becomes an inferno of want and need. Something I'd never experienced before with another man. With all of the other men, there was nothing, no feeling, no chemistry, absolutely nothing. Which explains my virgin status at my twenty one years of age, and yes, I know just how sad that is. At least now I know that nothing's wrong with me after all judging by the way I feel now.

  Mister sexy bedroom voice chuckles behind me and yet, he's not as unaffected as he acts either, not by a long shot. His large and hard arousal pressing up against my rear end is clear evidence of that.

  He chuckles once more as if he knows how it affects me. It vibrates again through my back following a straight down to the apex of my thighs. I can feel liquid warmth as I ache and throb fiercely down there.

  "Quit...doing...that!" I growl breathlessly as my head unintentionally falls back against his shoulder.

  "Ouit doing what sweetheart?" His voice sounds so darn innocent. He chuckles again seductively intensifying the achy throbbing sensation, there. A whimper bursts from my mouth.

  "Don't give me... the innocent act... mister. It won't...oh... work with me..." I growl breathlessly. Not realizing just how seductive I sound.

  "Hellfire, Jinny. Your arousal smells so damn good! I want nothing more right now than to bury myself....deep.... in your wet warmth."

  His words, delivered in breathless desire weaken my paralyzed knees and turns my insides into hot steamy molten lava.

  "Please let me see you, let me touch you..." I manage to get out as my chest heaves with all consuming desire to the point where I just can't fight it anymore.

  He smells so damn delicious, I just... want to touch...him. Please just devour me already and put out this inferno you've created... I silently project my thought to him as hard as I can knowing it's to no avail. I'm still afraid to voice my needs aloud.

  I wonder if he's as hot as I imagine. I close my eyes tightly, feeling his body brush against mine constantly as he slowly moves around me, his hands also stay upon my waist caressing me.

  I can feel the heat from his body heating up the front of my own intensely as he stops and remains silent. I can't help it as more whimpers escape my lips, jumping when I feel the gentlest of caresses upon my right cheek from calloused male fingers while my head is lowered to face the concrete.

  "I know love, I know exactly what you need from me." He whispers in my ear as his fingers gently brush over me, down there, keeping the dress and my panties between us. I suddenly want the barriers removed. I hear him inhale sharply and misinterpret it to mean he's disappointed.

  " your beautiful eyes.... look at me." I hear his voice going all breathless again. Only this time it's softer, gentler, and oh so temping.

  With my head still downcast, I open my eyes to the most tantalizing and sexiest pair of masculine bare feet I've ever seen. The aching and throbbing intensifies tenfold when my eyes feast on muscular calves and thighs encased in snug black jeans, with the top button undone.

  My eyes stray back to the large bulging arousal beneath the button up fly of his jeans, praying for them to pop open on their own. Liquid warmth floods between my thighs. I forget for a moment to breathe until I hear his voice and gasp in a deep breath.

  "Uh...sweetheart? My face is way up here not down there." He clears his throat. A bad attempt at trying to conceal his soft moan.

  Oh God, I'm so busted! I feel my face and chest rapidly heat up and mingle with the raging, out of control desire, knowing if he didn't have me locked down with this damn curse, I'd be insanely jumping his bones right here and now!

  I quickly raise my eyes to his mouth watering naked ripped abs, to a hairless, muscular, and well defined chest. I feel like a puddle boiling under the relentless raging sun.

  I continue my visual search of his body up to his beautiful and intricately detailed Egyptian tribal sleeve tattoo, covering him from right shoulder and chest down his right arm to his wrist.

  Mama always said when I found my soulmate it would be a magical experience and she sure as hell wasn't kidding! He is the only man my body responds to, he has to be my soul mate. Everything else mama turned out to be true.

  "Still up here, babe..." He whispers seductively in such a way, that I desperately want to clench my thighs together in an attempt to stop the insistent throbbing since he's refusing to make it go away.

  As I stare wide eyed, his hairless muscular chest expands with his deep inhalation. He growls,

  "Your scent is so damn utterly delicious. God, I desperately want to take you right here and now, my little hellcat. But, you deserve so much more than road rash on this driveway."

  His very words curl my toes as I imagine the most wicked things about his all too familiar body. I feel my face and chest heat up even more. My breathing is out of control, my breasts heave with my attempts to calm down. I'm afraid to see his face, afraid he'll read my wicked thoughts in my eyes as clearly as I saw the stars in the sky last night.

  I sense his impatience in the way he places his fingers gently under my chin. He gently but forcefully lifts my face to his own five inches above mine. We both gasp in pure shock at the same time. My rare lavender colored eyes meet his bright bluish grey ones, both wide as can be. My heart threatens to literally explode in my chest.

  "There's no way! You, you're just a figment of imagination....of my fantasies....for years." I whisper, barely above a b
reath at the same time as he says,

  "It really is you....You really came back to me... after all this time." He whispers just as softly, barely audible to the point, I have to strain to hear him..

  My eyes widen to the size of saucers again as I try to understand his comment. He's said it before and this time there is such incredible love in his eyes as he looks at me, that my fearful heart fills with warmth even knowing, he has me confused with someone else.

  No one has ever looked at me like that, like the sun rises and sets with me and me alone. It may not be for me, but, just this once, I'm going to pretend like it is....

  I feel my heartbeat slowing down to match his, my breathing still hitches in my throat, emotions I've never before felt, overwhelm me.

  I take in his mid length slightly curled black silky soft looking long black as midnight hair framing his flawless aristocratic face as well as the pure love shining through his eyes and sigh. I feel like a cat about to start purring in pleasure.

  I suddenly know I'm falling in love with the lines and planes of his face and body from his beautiful hair, to his high Egyptian cheekbones down to his oh so kissable lips and angular jaw line, both containing his well manicured mustache and goatee. His mustache sexily frames his upper lip and dips down on each side in narrow distinguished lines gently blending into his neatly trimmed short goatee. It's connected to his sexy full bottom lip with a narrowly distinguished strip of facial hair, the complete look is absolutely mouth watering.

  The artist in me desperately itches like crazy to draw him in the nude, to challenge myself with creating the perfect lines and planes of light and dark, knowing his image is forever burned in my brain. I also know I will most definitely try to draw him later when I'm alone.

  Damn, why does he have to look like he just walked off the cover of the world's sexiest and hottest men magazine, or out of the fog of my hottest recent fantasy? I'm so screwed! I want to live, only to draw him and get him in my bed. Yep, get out the straight jacket, I'll need it, before this trip is over! I feel the heat of my chest and face deepen even more, if that's even possible.


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