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Burn My Soul Part 1

Page 3

by Holly Newhouse

  As I look him over, his eyes do the same. His eyes have an uninhibited burning heat as they look me over slowly and leisurely from head to toe.

  Every single place his eyes fall upon feels the heat of his eyes as they clench, throb, or pucker for his pleasure and his alone.

  Holy Shit! My fantasy man is real and lord, if he keeps looking at me like I'm a tasty treat to be devoured, I'm gonna....

  The thought disappears right out of my head as he gently places his overly warm hands on each side of my face gently. His face slowly leans down toward mine as my gaze is trapped in the depths of his.

  I feel pure electricity brush across my lips, unable to hold back my husky breathless moan of such exquisite pleasure as my senses all short circuit.

  He pushes me right over the edge into the pure inferno of overwhelming sexual heat when his tongue rubs against my lips.

  His tongue seeks entrance to the delicious wet warmth within. His tongue duels against mine in a tango as old as time. The hot wet warmth of his mouth and tongue is my undoing.

  Jesus, if this is what just kissing him does to me, I'll never survive making love to him! It would be an out of body experience, just like in my dreams...

  I feel déjà vu so strongly right at that moment. The inferno of sexual heat's flames devour me body and soul.

  "Senefru, it is you..." I whisper against his mouth suddenly knowing how he knows my name. As the hottest kiss I've ever had ends, I immediately feel my vision going black, my legs completely giving out, and I fall into darkness....

  Could it really be possible that she's been dreaming about me just as I've dreamt of her for centuries? It is her, my Harekini! I've never felt this way around anyone but her. My body became an instant inferno of incredible heat and desire the moment I pressed it up against her.

  "You're lucky my little love, that you passed out when you did else, we'd be in your bed right now. I'd be showing you what Heaven feels like in my arms..." Senefru whispers as he catches her beautiful body just inches before her head bashes into the unforgiving concrete driveway.

  He can't stop the feeling of incredible shock from pervading his body as his mind tries to process the fact that she's alive once more. That somehow the old Gods have brought them back together for a reason.

  He swears , never, will anything or anyone ever hurt her again, no matter the cost! His body shakes from the fierce shock and inferno of desire as he carries her lovingly back inside the mansion.

  "What the hell did you do to...?" Damien's voice trails off as he sees the love, shock, and intense desire written all over Franklin's face. Franklin is the name he goes by now in the human world. Damien knew not to call him by his real name of Senefru as it brought back painful memories and insanity with it.

  "It really is her...after all these centuries? I thought her soul ascended to Heaven?"

  "It's her, my Harekini, without a doubt....she's come back to me. I know from the things she'd said and thought, her reaction to me, and the tattoos she has, only.... she doesn't know who she really is."

  "I can't talk you out of this course I know you're about to follow, then?"

  "No, Damien. You can't."

  "Very well, I hope you're ready for the consequences when HE finds out."

  "I am. I've been ready for centuries. You put Madi to bed already?"

  "Yes, Franklin, I did."

  "Good, I'll be right back then."

  Franklin leaves Damien in the den and walks Jinny up to Madi's bedroom where he mistakenly believes she sleeps at. He lays her down ever so gently, reluctant to let her go. Then, covers her up lovingly, kisses her forehead, and breaths in her tantalizing scent of vanilla and all woman deeply before he walks away out of her life at least, for now......

  Chapter 2

  I JOLT UPRIGHT in bed, eyes wide as I rapidly look around, taking in my strange surroundings, then realize I've been put to bed in Madi's room.

  Madi, Oh God! I scream silently, the words won't leaving my dry mouth.

  Thank God, there she is asleep in her bed across the room. I can see she's laying on her back, her chest rising and falling peacefully.

  "Why am I in Madi's room? The last thing I remember is helping Madi to get inside, being terrified of something and in danger..." I quietly mumble to myself. My voice trails off, as I feel a burning sensation between my shoulder blades.

  It doesn't feel malevolent though. Just the opposite in fact. Nevertheless, I rapidly swing my head from side to side looking around the opulent plush room, and see nothing out of the ordinary. I silently try to make sense of what exactly happened to land me in her room.

  Did I wake Madi up at the pool again and help her to bed? What the heck happened? Remember, Jinny. Remember, remember, remember....My brain feels like it's full of thick pea soup fog.

  Then suddenly, it all comes back with a vengeance....the intruders, here in the house. The one exuded evil intent while the other....Oh God, I wanted him so badly and still do. Apparently, he at least told the truth and did not want to harm me even though he had so many chances. My body begins to buzz with want and need. I still feel his kiss, his touch, heat floods my chest.

  I'll never be able to face him again! Now now, not after practically throwing myself at him like a wanton whore! What the hell am I going to do? The man I've dreamed of nightly, since I was 15, is real!

  Maybe, he and I, or at least our souls were together in a past life....since the dreams of both of us always take place in the past, in what I now know without a doubt was ancient Egypt and some other place I've never seen.

  Senefru... Are you real, or am I really going crazy? I have to know the truth! So I jump right out of bed and walk right up to Madi first.

  I timidly reach out my hand to find her skin warm beneath my fingers. The color is back to normal, no longer pale or cold.

  What the hell? I know she was cold as ice earlier! So, what am I missing here? Good grief, maybe I am losing my mind and believe my fantasies are real. Maybe they aren't really from a past life. Maybe they are just something my mind has created in my loneliness to help me cope with life. Dang, that's a lot of maybes.

  If that's so, then why do my lips still tingle and feel as if a jolt of electricity brushed them and why is my body buzzing with want and need feeling as if he's nearby?

  "I have to be sure, I can't just sit here losing my mind!" I whisper under my breath, determined to seek out the truth, knowing that if I keep talking to myself out loud, someone really will have me committed.

  I rush out of Madi's room, heading downstairs aiming for the back patio doors.

  There I find the doors locked, the alarm is still set. My breathing becomes shallow and rapid, adrenaline flooding my body. I know I have to go out and walk down to the pool area and check it out for myself.

  I briefly deactivate the alarm, head outside, and follow the path down to the pool area. Madi's personal belongings are still laying around, right where I left them when I drug her into the house. I quickly pick them up and head back to the house. The burning intensifies tenfold in my back. Walking turns into running as I head toward the patio doors, not daring to look around, feeling as if I'm suffocating.

  Once inside, I reactive the alarm and draw in a few ragged breaths as I bend over, my hands on my knees. I try to force myself to calm down. I laugh at myself for overreacting.

  When I enter the den, my laughter ceases immediately. I unconsciously use what my Mama always called my gift. It's second nature to me.

  You could say, I can tune into what's happened recently in a place. I can see it in my head.

  I close my eyes. The most recent memories of the room come to me as if watching a movie. I know from past experience that my eyes are glowing like twin orbs in my face.

  Inhaling sharply, I see Damien and Senefru suddenly appear out of thin air behind me. So that's why I never heard them enter the room. I watch myself flee the room and see the expression on Damien's face that Senefru talked about but, it's not f
unny, it's terrifying.

  Then I continue to watch as Senefru runs out of the room after me. But, this movie is not over yet. I'm shocked to see Damien approach Madi with incredible love in his eyes. He kisses her deeply, making her scream in agonizing pain.

  Her body raises upward as if attached to a string and being pulled toward the ceiling. It slumps heavily back down as she falls unconscious Damien then gathers her gently and lovingly in his arms and walks out of the room.

  I then see Senefru carrying me in his arms into the room where he speaks to Damien before he carries me back out again. For the first time in my life since my gift manifested at sixteen years of age, I wish with all my heart, the damn thing came with audio as well as visual images.

  I walk down the hall on wobbly legs, my heart racing, confusion at an all time high. I'm not able to forget what I felt running down this very hallway. I slowly glance over my shoulder for the monster that followed me and see no one. With one hand on my chest over my racing heart, I irrationally rush to the front door. Staying calm has clearly failed. "This is clearly not the time for flashbacks!" I scold myself.

  Deactivating the alarm without really seeing it, I open the door and step outside. Everything else slips my mind as I walk to the spot where he held me paralyzed and then assaulted my senses.

  I drag in a ragged breath, trying to fill my lungs, trying to keep from hyperventilating as the images of what happened here on the driveway assault my mind.

  Flashes pass by, as if the movie is in fast forward. At the same time, the scents of sandalwood mixed with leather, and earthy forest tantalize my senses. I moan softly as the aching and throbbing between my thighs grows intense with the remembrance of his hand rubbing me, down there.

  I squeeze my thighs together tightly in an attempt to stop it. Imagining for a moment, how delicious it would feel having Senefru's luscious hips cradled between my thighs.

  The visual image is so clear in my mind, I can almost feel it. My heart thumping in my chest, my breaths become more shallow, my palms turn sweaty, blood rushes to my head and to....there. I feel light headed and weak kneed. I imagine the taste of his delicious skin beneath my tongue.

  I have to stop this before I have an orgasm right here in the driveway for all our neighbors to see. I don't want my first time to be any less than what I have fantasized in my dreams. I want nothing more than for him to be my first. What is so wrong with that, with having such high expectations? Hell, I've dreamed of this fantasy man since I was fifteen. I've done things with him in them that would make a well seasoned whore blush.

  I can still hear his voice in my head, every single word that came out of that sexy mouth of his. It's so vivid, so real, that I swear he's standing flush against my backside again. The very thought makes me swoon on my feet, hoping against hope he's really there. I slowly turn in a circle, to catch a glimpse of him nearby.

  My shoulders sag in defeat when I can't see him, or anyone else for that matter. I just don't understand. I feel the pull in my soul. It's telling me, he's nearby, somewhere hidden. My soul knew him before this life and wants to be with his again.

  Images surface in my mind, and it's him, Senefru. Only he looks slightly different. I growl under my breath when they disappear just as quickly with a touch on my shoulder. Madi's voice intrudes at the worst possible time!

  "It's hotter than a whorehouse on nickel night out here! Are you insane? Just standing out here absentmindedly with the front door left wide open? I could have been killed by some attacker in my sleep thanks to you!" Madi rants angrily and of course, everything is always about her.

  I feel my temper ready to blow as I grumble angrily but softly."Who the hell in their right mind would want to attack you of all people!"

  "What the hell did you just say?" Madi's ocean blue eyes narrow and focus intently on my face as she whips her platinum hair over her shoulder.

  "I said....I'm sorry." I say, my voice calm and yet tinged with clear annoyance. My face remains stone cold.

  "Oh. Ok. Well I suppose, no harm done now. Do be more careful in the future when you're over here, Jinny." Madi stares at me disdainfully, her voice full of superiority.

  I sigh heavily when she turns in a huff and walks back into her Beverly Hills mansion, and slams the door behind her.

  "What a complete bitch, as usual!" I mumble angrily to myself. I turn to head around the side of the mansion intending to follow it by the gardens and pool area to the back of my own large tract of property.

  Before I take any more than three steps, Madi magically appears before me once again. That look of pure disdain is still on her spoiled, pampered, Botox face.

  " I'm going back to bed. I need my beauty sleep after all. Oh, by the way, you wanna like go to a new club opening Friday night?"

  "Sure. Sounds like fun. Have a good nap. I'm going home." I sigh again heavily and turn away before I snap on Madi and her small mindedness. I just don't understand how she has absolutely no idea what Damien did to her. Maybe it's another curse.

  "Ok. Whatever. Later, girl." Madi snaps from behind my back. I don't have to turn around, to see her pouting like a small child and feel tremendous relief hearing the front door slam shut again.

  I roll my eyes and continue to walk while thoughts of the hottest man on earth continue to pop up in my head.

  The burning sensation between my shoulder blades becomes more prominent as I feel someone watching me benignly and somehow, I know it's him.

  "Take a picture Senefru, it'll last longer!" I yell over my shoulder then, chuckle under my breath as I keep walking, heading home.

  It's not until I hear his sexy, and husky chuckle nearby that I stumble over my own feet while trying to look quickly over my shoulder, searching for his handsome face. Thankfully I land in the soft carpet of manicured green grass instead of the unforgiving concrete path.

  "Dammit! I want him so badly that I'm even manifesting his sexy as hell, take me straight to bed, and devour me chuckle, to the point I trip on my own feet! For pete's sake I need to get ahold of myself!" I yell at myself as I stand back up and brush the dirt off my bare knees. I feel weak kneed again as my face heats up to an inferno silently scolding myself for yelling out loud like an insane freak who escaped the mental ward.

  As she walks away with her head held high, trying to keep her dignity intact, Jinny doesn't see the look of pure shock and intense heated arousal in Senefru's eyes. He continues to watch the sexy sway of her behind as she leaves him with his mind whirling over her words to herself.

  It takes every ounce of strength he possesses, to hold himself back from running after her. To kiss her passionately and carry her straight to bed, right then and there.

  But, he knows better than she does that she's not ready for that yet. She needs to become used to the idea of him being in her life. He does feel awful that she thinks what they experienced wasn't real.

  As I near my property, I yelp as a black cat comes barreling through the bushes right at me. Running as if he's going to attack and then just stops on a dime right next to my feet. I let out the deep breath I've been holding in.

  "You scared the hellfire out me little guy. Where did you come from handsome? Do you have a place to stay?" I ask the black as midnight male cat who proceeds to rub his extremely silky soft fur against my bare ankles.

  I carefully and slowly reach down to keep from scaring the beautiful animal. When he seems unaffected by my hands, I pet him and smile widely when he purrs in earnest.

  I gently lift the beautiful creature in my arms. Instantly adoring him as he snuggles his head into my neck. I feel pure joy with him in my arms, as if, I've found the other part of myself, as strange as that sounds. I know now, I've found the stalker whose been watching me and feel like an idiot for thinking it was Senefru.

  "I've never felt a kitty as soft and as heavenly as you before. Come on sweetheart, you can come home with me. I have a few cans of tuna with your name on them." I coo softly as I rub my cheek against h
is silky soft fur back.

  I feel incredibly safe with this cat in my arms. It's funny, the color of his fur reminds me of the color of Senefru's hair.

  "I'll have to get you some kitty things tomorrow, and make a soft door for you in my own back door so you can come visit anytime if you choose not to stay full time. We have to come up with a name you like, handsome." I say lovingly to the cat as I open a can of tuna, then dump it into a saucer and set it on the counter for the cat along with a saucer of milk.

  He purrs while drinking and eating. The sound is a soothing balm to my soul.

  "Hey kitty, how about Shadow for a name?" I coo to him. He sits and looks up at me, purring even louder and gives me what I swear is a cheeky smile. His eyes filled with human intelligence. Lord, now I'm imagining the cat as a human. I think I need to quit being so alone all the time. I can't help but laugh at myself. "Well, I guess that kitty smile means you agree to the name." I laugh again. "Enjoy, baby boy. I have some work to do."

  I walk away to my den leaving the cat in peace. I sit down on my overstuffed couch to work on my newest bestselling YA novel but, end up being too distracted. To get him out of my system, I get out my sketch pad, turn on my classical music for inspiration and begin to draw.

  Shadow silently comes in, jumps up on the couch, comes up to me and nuzzles my neck. Then he settles down next to my leg purring as he falls fast asleep.

  Two hours have passed by and all I've managed to draw is his head and shoulders. I inhale sharply, staring down at my almost perfect drawing of him, of Senefru. I feel myself get lost in those eyes burning with such heat staring back at me once again.

  I know then that drawing him is not enough, not for me. I know I'll head into town the next morning and get a canvas and paint supplies. It's been too long since I've painted. I muse over the things he said, trying to figure it all out.

  "Shadow? What kind of intruders leave a house intact, don't steal anything, don't hurt you, tell you how badly they want to make love to you, then apparently put you to bed, set the house alarm, and leave?" I whisper aloud.


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