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Forever & Always (Always & Forever Book 2)

Page 8

by Crossley, Lauren


  The last person on earth I expected to see again.

  “Hi, Jake.”

  She smiles up at me, sounding optimistic and casual. She’s acting as though it’s no big deal for her to turn up on my doorstep like this, unannounced and unwelcome.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I demand, furious that she’s not Bethany as well as being enraged by the very sight of her.

  “I came to see you.”

  “Why?” I bark rudely, unable to understand why she would be here.

  “It’s been so long since we last spoke, I just wanted to see how you are.”

  “Bullshit.” I growl, narrowing my eyes at her in scrutiny. “You definitely want something. I know you too well, Sarah.”

  “Fine.” She acquiesces, finally giving in to me. “I did come here for a reason.”

  “And what reason might that be?”

  “Look, I’m sorry I have to be the one who tells you this, Jake. I really am…”

  “Tell me what?” I question her harshly, making it clear that I have no time for her childish games.

  “It’s Bethany.”

  My heart stops beating. I swear it actually stops for a few moments when I realise that’s the reason she’s here. She’s hurt her in some way and has come here to gloat about it.

  “What about her?” I snap, commanding her to tell me. “Do you know where she is? What have you done to her?”

  I take a deliberate step closer towards her, hoping to intimidate her and find out what she knows about Bethany.

  “I haven’t touched her, Jake. I promise you.”

  I watch her closely, gazing into her eyes so I can spot a flicker of doubt or hesitation. She seems to be telling the truth but you can never be a hundred percent sure with Sarah. She’s a manipulative liar… a lethal combination.

  “But you know where she is?” I prompt her, hoping she’s going to reveal what she knows.


  “Then tell me.”

  “I can do better than that.” She taunts me, her blue eyes gleaming with excitement. “I can show you.”

  “Just give me an address.” I respond impatiently, losing my cool as the seconds tick by. “I don’t need you to show me.”

  “Jake, if this is going to work then you have to trust me.”

  I can’t believe I’m doing this… I can’t believe I’ve placed a single ounce of trust in Sarah.

  Except I had no choice.

  She promised to show me where Bethany is and seeing as though I’ve had no other leads with regards to her whereabouts, I feel like I don’t have a choice.

  “Where the hell are we, Sarah? I don’t recognise any of these houses.”

  We’ve been walking for several minutes and now we’re in a location I don’t recognise. The houses around here are quite large and expansive, a harsh contrast to the neighbourhood I spent my own childhood.

  “I wouldn’t expect you to.” She replies, slowing down her pace. “It’s not like we grew up around here.”

  “When are you going to explain to me what the hell we’re doing? I already told you I have no time for your pathetic little games, Sarah. All I care about is finding Bethany.”

  “You’ll see her soon enough.” She assures me, coming to a standstill outside one of the houses. “Jake, you’re about to realise that I’m not the one who has been playing you all this time.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You see that house over there?”

  She points to the house next door to where we’re standing, watching me closely.


  “She’s inside it.”

  “You expect me to believe that Bethany’s in there?” I state incredulously, refusing to believe it.

  “She is.” She replies with absolute confidence. “Go in and find out for yourself.”

  I wait a few moments, trying to figure out what’s going on and why she’s brought me here. I have no reason to believe that my girlfriend is in there and part of me wants Sarah to admit that before I’m forced to check it out for myself.

  “Fine, I will.” I retort sharply, walking towards the house she pointed out to me.

  “One more thing before you go.” She calls out, waiting for me to turn around. “I need you to take a quick look at this.”

  She pulls out her phone and flicks through it, turning the screen around to face me. I grab it off her and stare down at the grainy image in front of me.

  It’s Bethany.

  She’s sitting in some sort of coffee shop and she’s smiling, laughing with the person she’s sitting with and having a good time.


  I would recognise that son of a bitch anywhere.

  “When was this taken?” I growl, refusing to tear my eyes away from the blurry image staring back at me.


  “I don’t believe you. This could have been taken when two years ago when she knew him.”

  “You don’t recognise the clothes she’s wearing? The style of her hair or the date which shows you when the photo was taken?”

  She fires all these questions at me and I realise that she’s right. I do recognise the clothes Bethany is wearing because she wore them yesterday. Even her hair is exactly the same as it is right now. This photo is recent and the thought of it being taken just twenty-four hours before is enough to consume me with rage.

  “I… I don’t believe this.”

  “You mean you don’t want to.” Sarah interjects, struggling to contain herself. “She’s been cheating on you, Jake. She’s been meeting up with this guy behind your back and now she’s with him in there.”

  “You’re lying!” I yell, clenching my fists to stop myself from lashing out at her.

  “Ask her yourself. She’s on the other side of that door.”

  She raises her eyebrows at me, daring me to go inside and find out for myself.

  And that’s exactly what I’m going to do…

  Chapter Eight


  Callum’s hands move down my body, wandering up the T-shirt of his which I’m still wearing. His fingers caress my skin and cause me to tremble, moaning loudly as my body craves more from his sensual touch.

  I hear the sound of raised voices outside and freeze, struggling to hear if they are close by or somewhere in the distance.

  “What’s wrong?” Callum asks, gazing down at me with a look of concern on his face.

  “I… I thought I heard something.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know, I can’t hear it anymore.” I whisper, trying to slow down the acceleration of my rapid heartrate. “Listen, I’m not sure we should be doing this.”

  “Why not? It feels right, doesn’t it?”

  “I’m not sure anymore...” I confess, confused and tormented by my complex emotions.

  I know I need to think rationally but that’s extremely difficult when you’re in the centre of something you have no control over.

  “Bethany…” Callum sighs, raising himself up so he can put some distance between us.

  He looks defeated, slumping his shoulders and lowering his head. I long to reach out for him but know that my desire to comfort him might be misconstrued as something else entirely.

  “I have to sort things out with Jake. I can’t leave things as they are between us.” I say, speaking gently in an attempt to make him understand.

  “What is there to sort out?” He snaps, speaking sharply. “You know your relationship with him is over, you said so yourself.”

  “Even if it is over… I still can’t do this to him. I know him, Callum. I know how his mind works and he’s bound to be going crazy right now, wondering where I am and it’s not fair of me to put him through that.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “That we need to stop this. We need to stop this right now until I’m completely sure it’s what I want. I can’t explore my feelings for another min
d before I’ve resolved the ones I still have for another.”

  My explanation makes sense to me and I know I’ve made the right decision. I’m so glad I found the strength to realise how badly I need closure with Jake. I must bring an end to one chapter in my life before I even think about starting another.

  “Fine.” Callum finally concedes, smiling weakly to show his understanding.

  “Thank you for accepting my decision.” I murmur, rearranging the large T-shirt which has left me exposed. I pull it down in an attempt to cover up and apologise once more. “Please don’t be angry with me.”

  “I’m not angry.” He blurts out, almost too suddenly. “Ok, well maybe I am just a little bit.”

  “You’ve been an incredible friend to me over the past few months.” I remind him, placing my trembling hand around his forearm. “Thank you.”

  “You don’t need to thank me, Bethany.”

  “I think I need to go home.”

  “Give me a few minutes to get ready and I’ll take you.”


  I follow him upstairs so I can retrieve the clothing I left on the hot radiators. I know they might not be completely dry but I don’t have anything else to wear and have no other choice when it comes to putting them back on again.

  I make my way into one of the spare bedrooms and remove Callum’s T-shirt, slipping on my bra and then my knickers. I hear Callum’s footsteps as he heads downstairs and try to hurry up getting dressed so I don’t keep him waiting.

  A thunderous crash causes me to scream just a few seconds later. The violent noise I heard came from downstairs and it sounded like a window had been smashed or a door kicked in.

  I can’t move and I daren’t speak, terrified by the thought of what just happened. The sound of Callum’s voice can be heard, shouting in response to someone else who is yelling at him…


  Without thinking, I leave my discarded clothes and race downstairs. I’m half way down them when I collide with a broad and powerful chest, causing me to stumble backwards. Two arms grab hold of me, making sure I don’t fall.


  The sound of Jake’s voice breaks my heart. Absolute astonishment can be heard as he whispers my name, overwhelmed by dismay and disbelief as he stares at me in disgust.

  “Jake, what are you doing here?” I gasp, dumbfounded by the fact that he’s here.

  “What am I doing here? What about you?” He demands, allowing his heated gaze to travel down my body. “What the hell is this? What’s going on?”

  He takes a step back, taking in my dishevelled appearance for the first time. Of course it doesn’t help that all I’m wearing is my underwear and my guilty expression gives everything away.

  “Jake, this… this isn’t how it looks.” I mumble, trying to make him understand.

  “Oh, really?” He replies scornfully.

  “Yes! It isn’t what you think.”

  He narrows his eyes at me in contempt, battling against the fury he’s consumed by as he glowers at me with hatred in his heart.

  “Has he fucked you?” He snarls, lowering his face towards my own.


  “Has. He. Fucked. You?” He commands, speaking slowly as though I’m stupid.

  “No! No, of course not!” I cry, placing my hand against my chest in horror.

  “I can smell him on you.”

  His words drip with cruelty, malice and revulsion… it makes me feel worthless and I despise myself for it.

  “That’s not true!” I exclaim indignantly, touching my lips.

  I know Jake can’t really tell what I’ve been up to but I still want to conceal the kiss of betrayal I just shared with Callum from him.

  “Tell me the truth!” He yells, shoving me against the wall. “Did you let him?”

  “We didn’t have sex.” I sob, tears falling down my cheeks.

  “Then what have you done? Did you suck his dick? Has his tongue been inside you? I need to know how you’ve betrayed me.”

  “Jake, please don’t.” I protest strongly, quick to deny the accusations Jake is bombarding me with.

  “I guess I’ll have to hear it from him then.” Jake threatens, relinquishing the hold he has on me so he can go and search for Callum.

  “Please! Jake, listen to me. Please don’t hurt him.” I beg, chasing after him when he storms back down the stairs.

  I follow him into the kitchen and find the two of them glaring at one another. Their fists are clenched and I’m terrified that one of them is going to take a swing at the other one any second. The tension in the room is oppressive, hostile and suffocating. Every instinct that I have is screaming at me to get the hell out of there, except I know I can’t run from this or try and avoid it.

  “Did you fuck her?!” Jake roars, grabbing hold of him by the scruff of his neck.

  “What if I did?” Callum retorts spitefully, taking great pleasure out of Jake’s fury.

  “Callum stop it. Jake that’s not true.” I add, not wanting him to believe a lie.

  “Did you touch her?”

  “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t.” Callum fires back, practically gloating.

  “We kissed!” I shout, tugging on Jake’s arm. “That’s all that happened between us. I promise you.”

  “You’re lying.” Jake sneers, looking me up and down as though he’s repulsed by me. “You expect me to believe you two kissed when you’re standing in your fucking underwear?”

  “You know me, Jake. Do I look like I’m lying to you right now?”

  He inhales sharply, observing the frantic expression on my face as his gaze drops to my trembling hand which still rests on his arm.

  “One kiss?” He whispers, unable to hide his devastation and heartbreak.

  “One kiss.” I confirm, staring up at him with unshed tears in my eyes.

  “And what about all the times you’ve been seeing him behind my back? You expect me to believe you met up with him for coffee and nothing else?”

  “How do you know about that?”

  “That doesn’t matter.” He replies in a dismissive tone, switching his monstrous glare back to Callum.

  “She’s entitled to her own life and her own friends. You can’t control her and you have no right to.” Callum states calmly, determined to stand up for himself as well as our friendship.

  “You need to shut the fuck up.” Jake warns him, taking one step closer. “I’m about two seconds away from beating the living shit out of you.”

  “So what’s stopping you?”


  They both turn to look at me and all of the bitterness and hatred they have for one another disappears. I can scarcely believe they care about me as strongly as they do and a huge part of me is certain I don’t deserve any of it.

  “Jake, I’m so sorry.” I apologise once again, lowering my head with misery and shame.

  “You’re sorry?” Jake asks, sounding incredulous. “You tear my heart out, stomp all over it and you’re sorry?”

  “What else can I say?”

  “I don’t even know you right now and that scares me. I don’t recognise you, Bethany.”

  “Please don’t say that.” I beg him, wiping away my tears before I look up at him again. “Callum, do you mind leaving us alone? I need to speak with Jake by myself.”

  “No way.” He replies, folding his arms across his chest.

  “Please, do this for me? It’s important.”

  He finally acquiesces, sighing heavily as he leaves.

  “I’ll be right through there, ok? Call me if you need anything.”

  The door closes behind him and I fight the urge I have to reach out for Jake, needing the safety of his arms to make me feel better. I know I have no right to ask him but I do it anyway, realising how thoughtless and foolish I’ve just been.

  “Will you hold me?” I murmur, shivering due to the fact I’m still in my underwear.

  “You seriously just asked tha
t of me?” Jake snaps, refusing to come near me.

  A few seconds pass before he unzips the hoodie that he’s wearing, offering it to me so I can cover myself up and keep warm. I smile weakly, thanking him as I slip it on. It smells like Jake and it’s still warm from his body, protecting me like a warm blanket.

  “I still love you.” I admit, relishing in the comfort one item of his clothing can provide me. “I’ve never stopped loving you.”

  “You got a funny way of showing it.” He replies coldly.

  “So do you.”

  “What have I ever done to you to make you think that I don’t love you?” He demands, awaiting my response.

  “Jake, you didn’t speak to me for months.” I remind him, speaking softly. “Your sister came to the hospital with me because you wouldn’t and I still don’t understand how you could do that to me. How could you leave me alone during the worst time of my life like that?”

  “So that’s what this is about? You’re punishing me?”

  “No! It’s just… Callum was there for me when you weren’t.” I mumble, wringing my hands together in anguish. “I needed someone besides Carla and he listened to me when I needed someone to talk to.”

  “Because he wants to fuck you!” Jake shouts, slamming his fist down on the table beside him. “How don’t you see that?”

  “You’re wrong.” I claim strongly, quick to deny his accusation. “It’s not like that.”

  “That’s exactly what it’s like.”

  He finally lets down his defences and crumbles, leaning back against the wall behind him. He slides right down it and hits the floor, covering his face with his hands. He remains silent, the only sound which can be heard is a clock ticking.

  I hesitate, wondering if I should give Jake some space or go over to him. I’m terrified he’ll reject me and can’t say I’d blame him if he did.

  “What do we do now?” I ask him, kneeling down in front of him.

  “I have no idea.” He responds desolately, staring into space. “I wish I did.”

  “I really don’t think I can handle that woman having your baby, Jake.”

  It’s the first time I admitted it to myself, as well as being the first time I stated it out loud. That one sentence has the power to tear us apart forever and Jake’s response will determine such an outcome.


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