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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 9

by Richardson, James

  “I know Draco has told be the same,” Cominus said shaking his head.

  “My I ask a question my lord.”

  “Go ahead master dwarf speak your mind,” Cominus said taking note of the layout of the castle as they walked.

  “Which dragon egg did you brother tell you that you should be joined with,” Redbird asked chewing on his lip.

  “The white egg,” Cominus said matter-offact. Redbird stopped in his tracks struck by Cominus's statement. Redbird began to stroke his long red beard thinking his lord knew this was going to happen. This is why he reassigned him to this all-important task. All this time he spent doing his best at his duties in his lords army. Tears began to fell his eyes for he knew that his lord trusted him enough to protect the next white rider.

  “Every thing ok Redbird,” Cominus asked noting the tears. Concerned that his new friend would not rush off to insight a mob against his brother’s decision, or have those sided against him strung up as some common criminal.

  “This is the most glorious news I have heard in along time! I never thought that the white egg would choose a new rider so soon! To be standing in the first white rider presence in five hundred years,” tears began to well up in his sea green eyes. “You do not know how long we stone clan dwarf's have waited for this moment. Ever since Chad and Heavens wing save us at the battle of the Shartar, it gives me and my clan honor to serve and protect the newest white rider,” Redbird said taking his throwing ax out of his belt and knelling to one knee.

  “No, please stand I am not a rider, yet nor do I wish any special treatment,” Cominus said placing his hand on Redbird shoulder. Cominus was stun by the shear muscle that was housed under his tan skin.

  “Please this way,” Redbird said dragging Cominus behind him. Passing though large stone archways which lead to a small private bath. Opening the wooden door stood a medium size pool in the center of the room. The pool was three-foot deep, towels lined the shelf on the right side of the room. Dishes of soap salt set along the edge of the pool. Torches lined the four walls sending light throughout the room.

  “Where’s the soap,” Cominus asked looking around the stone room.

  “They are within the bowls," Redbird said pointing towards the small dishes. "They are filled with soap salt, they can take any grim off your body. I must leave you now I must tell my chief woman about this glorious news,” Redbird said his smile never leaving his lips. Before Cominus could object Redbird run out the room slamming the door behind him. Cominus began to ponder could he live up to the expectations of the dwarfs.

  He would make sure those who mistrust his brother’s actions regret their words. He would let his actions speak for him. Cominus striped off his clothes, sliding into the steaming water. Cominus wondered where the source that heated the water came from. Cominus clean and shaved he would make his brother proud that he chosen him. He would show this world that humans are not as they were so long ago. Half an hour had pasted before a handmaiden knocked on the door to the bathing pool. Cominus walk to the door he opened door a few inches he saw a beautiful elven girl.

  “His lordship wished for you to wear these to the feast,” said the girl. Cominus reached for the clothes that were in the young elven girl’s hands.

  “Thank you,” Cominus said trying to keep the heat of the room from escaping. The elven girl bowed and turned away skipping down the corridor to the third floor kitchen. Cominus shut the door running his hands over the clothes that were brought to him. Cominus's fingers brushed along the silken robes made by the finest craft makers. The pearl white robe felt so virgin in his hands, Cominus thought his brother was jumping the gun a bit. There was no telling if the white dragon would really chose him.

  However the look on his brother’s face did tell him that she had chosen him. It was too much for Cominus to take in denial ran through his mind. Cominus remembered the story Draco told him of how Shadow Fang called to him while she was still in her egg. Maybe she is doing the same thing has her mother had done to his brother. A newfound pride filled Cominus with glee that his brother thought he could become a rider. Cominus dawn on the robes that were given to him before exiting the bathing pool. Redbird stood a few feet from the door with a smile on his face. Cominus thought his chief woman must have been pleased with the news.

  “What’s with the smile Redbird,” Cominus asked not enjoying how airy the robe was.

  “Glorious news my lord the stone clan would like to extend an invention. For you to join chief woman Helen at the main table during the feast. I see your brother has given you the proper robes to wear to this occasion,” Redbird said rocking on his heels.

  “Well they are a little airy,” Cominus said it felt more like a dress then a robe at least to him.

  “No need to worry about the cold Shadow Fang will be at the feast. She will no doubt keep it nice and warm for all of us at the feast,” Redbird said placing his hands behind his back.

  “What about my clothes I just can't leave them behind,” Cominus asked turning back towards the bathing pool.

  “I will have the elven girl take them to your room for you no need to worry,” Redbird said clasping Cominus's left fore arm. With his mighty dwarfen hand the shear strength of his grasp still shocked him. “Now come the feast is about to start we must be there before it does,” Redbird said eager to have his belly full of good mead and roasted meats.

  “Why what's going on?”

  “Your brother is going to announce those who have been chosen as a rider,” Redbird said not noticing Cominus anxiety. Cominus's stomach began to toss and turn with the prospect of being in a hall full of people who hated what he was. Sweat began to bead down his brow as the two grew closer to the main dinning hall. Cominus began to hear singing in dwarfish and elven.

  Ringing throughout the stonily corridor from what Redbird told Cominus the dwarfs were singing of Clad and his dragon. How they wish to see this mighty warrior once again Redbird could not make out all the elven lore. Redbird never spent too much time with the elves to learn all their language.

  What Redbird told Cominus they were singing songs to praise Shadow Fang. They were also singing to the baby dragons that slept within their shells. As they approached the forty foot tall wooden door, the cravings on the door were so clean. Cominus could not make out any tool marks on the door.

  “This door it’s just marvelous who made it,” Cominus asked as he ran his hand down the wooden surface.

  “The few elves that had fled from their homes in the dwarfen kingdom. They knew it was a great risk for his lordship to travail so deep within the Doncer territory. Lord Draco with six newly trained dragon riders on a scouting mission came across. A group of fifty wood and dark elves fleeing from their homes, I am ashamed to say that we dwarfs were too cowardly to lend a hand to these people. Unwilling to show ourselves they ran and ran before the battalion had enclosed them with in a wall of spears.”

  “Hagar and I watch from a spider trap where we could easily watch enemy troop movements without being seen. When we thought the end had come to these poor elves a shadow emerge from the clouds. He left his young riders in the sky while he alone took on the bastards’. As we watched, he and Shadow Fang mauled though these men as if they were unstoppable. They fought with the speed and power of a demigod, from what we were told after the battle the other riders flew down to meet their lord. Making sure all was well Lord Draco offered the elves safe harbor within his territory. Fearful of another attack they agreed within ten minutes they were headed south out of our land. When we reported what we had witnessed to Helen, she rush the information to the other clan chiefs. Where they were disturbed by the news or ecstatic to hear someone standing against the Doncer they never made it known. When our people arrived here, we were greeted by the same elves that his lordship had saved four months earlier. We asked how they came to dwell with in this land not willing to admit our shame.”

  "The leader of the group an elder sage told of the bloody rescue. How
Draco alone saved them from a horrific death, his lordship had healed the wounded and allowed the children and the sick to ride upon the dragons. When they arrived here, his lordship offered them rooms for all of them within the castle. Blacksmiths, tanneries, wood working shops, he never asked for them to join his cause,” Redbird said rubbing his small let meaty hand over the woodcarvings.

  “They came to his lordship and asked for those who wished to fight to be allowed to. When the clan chiefs met with his lordship one of the younger elves asked if I would like to see the castle. I told her I would gladly enjoy a tour of this piece of artisanship. As we walked these same corridors you and I share we came upon this very same door. The young elven lass told me how her father spent months craving this massive door. As a gift to his lordship for his brave and noble actions on that day. Her father craved Shadow Fangs image upon this door when he first saw her on that day. We dedicated this room as Shadow Fang's hall his lordship was very pleased by their gifts and praise,” Redbird said looking up at the door with pride.

  “So who was the young elfin girl that took you on your tour,” Cominus asked seeing his brother in a new light.

  “The same one who brought you that robe a few minutes ago.” Cominus could not believe that after so much time had pasted the young girl did not seem no older then ten.

  “Well let us get this over with I guess,” Cominus said his anxiety growing ever higher.

  “Nervous,” Redbird asked chuckling.

  “Does it show?”

  “Don’t be my friend this is a great day for us all,” Redbird said his hands resting on the massive wooden doors. With a mighty push doors to the main hall swung open, Cominus saw tables filled with meats of all kinds. Fruits that he knew and those he did not, breads of rye and wheat lined large wooden bowls. Music from the elven band played from the far left corner jesters entertaining very one at the feast.

  Shadow Fang lay in an alcove behind his brother Redbird was right the hall was nice and warm compared to the hallways. His brother sat at a large wooden table that seemed to be fifty feet long. There with him at the table were Wodan, Helen, Ogar, Siphon, and Diniks two chairs remained vacate. The hall fell silent as all watched Cominus in his white robes walk down the hall to join his brother at the head table. As he neared the table, Cominus could hear whispers filling the chamber. Redbird and Cominus stopped ten feet in front of his brother and bowed with respect to the five that sat at the table. Draco stood to quiet the massive crowd raising his hand Draco began to speak.

  Chapter Three

  “As you all know earlier this morning the white dragon roared to announce that she has chosen her rider,” Draco said lifting his goblet. Cominus looked upon the faces of the dwarfs he saw that they were happy to have him as her rider. However, the elves did not seem too pleased with this turn of events. They had hoped that one of their own would have been chosen as her rider.

  Having a human has her rider was a slap in their face they taught he would be corrupted with this kind of power. Cominus knew he would have a hard time proving himself to the elves. He was determined to do so no matter what it took. Draco walked around the table to face his brother and Redbird. Cominus wondered what was this all about, Draco placed his hand on his brothers left shoulder.

  “I see you got the robes in time good how do they fit?”

  “Its kind of drafty I feel like I am wearing a dress,” Cominus said under his breath. He heard Redbird chuckle sending heat to Cominus cheeks. His brother had heard it as well Draco had the biggest smile on his face

  “Why are you smiling did you prank me if so I can go back to my room.”

  “No this is no prank what you are wearing is the robes of your dragon,” Draco said still smiling.

  “Now I understand why every one was so quite when I entered the hall, and why they have that look on there face,” Cominus said pointing too the two elves at the table.

  “Give them no concern my brother.” Draco said waving off the seated elves glares at his brother. They did not know what he knew and he meant to keep it that way.

  “Why am I here?”

  “You are here to be anointed has the new white dragon rider. Now you must knell,” Draco said enjoying the upper hand over his elder brother. Draco motion for the young elven girl that had brought Cominus his robes, as she walked towards his brother she was carrying his brother’s sword in her hands.

  “I knell before no man,” Cominus said defying his brother. Has the elves heard this an uproar at his stubbornness began to stir the elves into a shouting mob. When Draco heard their disgust of his brother’s actions he turn to them to be silent.

  “I know bowing is just is just as good,” Draco said eager to be done with the elves. Cominus nodded in approval and bowed, has his brother placed his sword upon his shoulders. “I name the Cominus the rider of Darjin now rise rider,” Draco said sheathing his sword. As Cominus rouse every dwarf rouse from there seats to cheer for the new rider, Draco raised his hand once again to quiet the crowd of dwarfs.

  “I present to you, your new rider. Now take your seat brother,” Draco said smiling at his brother. Cominus rounded the table heading for the seat next to his brother chair. Before he could make it to his chair Helen had grabbed Cominus left arm. Pulling him down into the empty chair next to her, her eyes filled with lust for this human man. As Wodan and Ogar watched they began to chuckle at Cominus for Helen had become infatuated with him. Cominus could feel Shadow Fang's warm breath on the back of his neck. Opening his mind to his brothers partner Cominus wanted answers that his brother would not give him. I see that you are well young rider,” Shadow Fang said her hot breath teasing his wet hair.

  Yes thank you, though I do think Draco is enjoying this far too much,” Cominus said staring holes in his brothers back. Shadow Fang began to laugh as Cominus finish, which startled Cominus for he had never heard her laugh. Draco turned his head slightly to see what the commotion was all about. As he turned, Cominus could see that there was still a smile on his face.

  “Can I ask you why your daughter chose

  me?” Still the thought of becoming a rider was

  still too much for him to take in. The idea that he was still having the same hallucination was still nagging at him in the back of his mind.

  We queen dragons are the only ones that will chose their riders when we are still in our eggs. Unlike the others they chose their riders when they have hatched. You see when I laid the white egg I knew she would only hatch if there was another of the same bloodline as my rider. If there was no such person to be found she would have chosen another at the next joining ceremony,” Shadow Fang said cleaning her left paw.

  Did my brother know this?”

  “I never told him though he could have found all this out in the books in his study,” Shadow Fang said plainly.

  How long has he been searching for a rider for her?” For the past three years but she never chose those that were presented before her. I think she knew that you were out there and waited for the right time before contacting you,” said Shadow Fang. Pondering this Cominus fell silent for a few moments; Cominus had forgotten that his brother was still talking to the masses. Draco was half way though his speech before his brother became aware of what was going on, Cominus was not the only one to be name a rider on this day.

  “These thirty have been chosen as new riders now let us rejoice in this great day,” Draco said draining his goblet. As he held the goblet into the air dwarfs and elves alike rejoiced for those that were honored to be chosen. After the toast, Draco took his place at the head of the table. Those who have been chosen took there seats at the empty table in front of his brother. Seeing this Cominus felt that he should join them at the table he began to rise. He wished not to have special treatment from his brother or from any of the others.

  Your brother knows this you should not look at it as special treatment. Not every one becomes a rider must less alone a white rider. This feast is for your honor just as it
is to honor the dragon whom gave birth the egg," Shadow Fang said entering Cominus mind.

  So tell what changes what can I expect from this joining,” Cominus asked wondering if Shadow Fang would answer his questions about his brother.

  Pointy ears of and elf and the long life of dragon if you do not fall in battle. Over time your body will be grant the elegance features of an elf. Too few ancient texts remain in this world to tell what else might happen to you,” Shadow Fang said matter-of-fact.

  Can you tell what happen to my brother? Why does he look as such, as he does? Draco told me it was his greatest failure and greatest triumph I wish to know what it was,” Cominus asked wondering how far he could push a dragon.

  I can not do that young rider if he did not wish for you to know. Then I will not tell you, I will not betray his trust we are dragon and rider. If we can not trust one another then our partnership is doomed to fail,” Shadow Fang said commandly.

  I understand ,” Cominus said hiding his displeasure. Though he knew that was not true this just made him more determine to find out the truth. As the hours past, the feast became more and more lively. The four dwarfs that were chosen saluted Cominus every time they meet eyes. The elves that were chosen looked upon Cominus with disgust and mistrust. However one elf caught Cominus's attention, she was dark skinned which made him think she was a dark elf. Yet her hair was that of honey blonde with emerald green eyes.

  This made her very rare within her race for all dark elves had silvery hair that of the moon. Her beauty was that of a goddess Cominus thought to himself. She stood at five foot tall she had on a silken blue dress trimmed in gold lace. As she danced time stopped for Cominus, all he could see was her. He would have stayed that way if it were not for his brother.


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