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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 10

by Richardson, James

  “Come with me,” Draco said taking his brother by the arm.

  “What is it brother is there something wrong,” Cominus asked not knowing what was the cause of this.

  “Don’t get to involved with the elves I only say this to protect you,” Draco said in a brotherly voice. Cominus didn't see the pain of loss in his brother’s silver eyes.

  “What you mean,” Cominus asked dumbfoundedly.

  “I saw how you looked at that elf I agree that she is a beautiful elven woman. It would not be propter in the elves view but I know you will not listen to me. Just think of this then if you two do fall for each other, you must also think of your dragons. For it will not just be a relationship between the two of you, your dragons will feel the same as you do and as well has hers will. So think about this will you before you do something that would shame her,” Draco said his hand clamped around Cominus upper arm.

  “I don't care what the elves think why should I care if they look down on me,” Cominus said angrily.

  “Yes I know that but she does.”

  “I shall think on it,” Cominus said breathing in deeply to still his anger. For once his brother had a point. It did not matter what the elves thought about him however she was one of their own. What would her own people think of her if she fell in love with a human. Would they banish her from her home, or would they denounce her as a wood elf. For the first time he would listen to his brother’s advice, and not let her know how he feels. Knowing his brothers discomfort Draco thought of the only thing that would get him out of his depression.

  “How about we go down to the hatchery,” Draco said softly. Draco knew far to well how the elven beauty could capture ones own heart.

  “Its all right I'm just going to head back to my room,” Cominus said deep in thought.

  “Ok tomorrow is a big day everything will change for you I hope you sleep well. I am sorry for this I know how it feels the heart wants what the heart wants,” Draco said sadness filling his eys. Yes, there it was Cominus could see it fully now, was his brother’s warning coming from past experience. “Redbird please escort the young rider back to his room." “Yes my lord,” Redbird said noticing the change in Cominus. Leaving the hall by the same door that they had entered before. The two disappeared into the darkness of the stone corridors. Reaching Cominus’s chambers minutes later neither one speaking a word to each other. Cominus closed the door behind him taking off his robes he neatly placing them in the dresser. Not knowing if he would need them for the ceremony for tomorrow.

  He hoped for a restful sleep yet knew the dream would come back the moment he closed his eyes. Hours pasted yet he still could not fall asleep, his mind always looping back to the beautiful elf from the feast. Why was her image so ingrained in his mind the thought of her made his blood boil with passion. Her beauty could make a man do things that would be legendary, or make a man give everything he has just to see her smile. Was he put under some kind of spell to feel this way, or did his soul feel she was meant to be with him. It was a few hours before dawn deciding that he would never fall asleep. Cominus dawned on the white dragon robe that his brother had given him before the feast. Opening the door there stood Hagar in his mithral mail armor.

  “Morning my lord,” Hagar said bowing but Cominus could hear hints of something in its undertones.

  “Morning Hagar,” Cominus said wondering what was this feeling he was getting from Hagar.

  “May I ask what kept you from sleeping, too much ale at the feast,” Hagar said laughingly.

  “It seems that ale has yet to agree with me,” Cominus said mocking Hagar's laugh. Trying to hide the truth of his insomnia from the mighty dwarf, he was not ready to admit to any one or himself.

  “It takes some getting use to dwarfen ale is mighty strong my lord. Is there any where you wish to go this hour,” Hagar said his forearm resting on the head of his throwing axe.

  “I would like to go to the bathing pool and the kitchen for I wish to eat before the joining ceremony,” Cominus said trying to put the thoughts of the elven lady out of his mind.

  “This way my lord,” Hagar said taking the lead. The two walk to the small bathing pool there Cominus soaked in the warm water pondering how to go about his feelings for this elf.

  “What to do,” Cominus whispered. There he sat for what seemed hours to him, soft knock came upon the door to the bathing pool startling him.

  “Your food has been prepared for you and is waiting for you in your room,” Hagar said poking his head through the door.

  “Thank you master dwarf,” Cominus said sighing knowing he'd have to leave the warmth of the pool. Cominus dried himself off, slipped the robe on, and exited the bathing pool. When Cominus walked out Redbird was waiting for him. For Hagar had left due to his bigamy towards Cominus. Hagar was set in his ways towards the human race as much as the elves were. Hagar saw Cominus as a treat to the old ways he did not agree with his lordship. To allow a human to into their realm was volition of the council's degree. To allow this human to be joined with a dragon was nothing more then Lord Draco's way of slapping the council in the face.

  “What happen to Hagar,” Cominus asked though just as happy to have Redbird at his side.

  “No need worry about him my lord shall we head back to your chambers before your food gets cold,” Redbird said trying to keep his disappointment of his friend from his mind. As they walked back to Cominus's room Redbird grew angry at Hagar's bigamy towards Cominus. It was Redbird's recommendation that would place Hagar in the special squad. That was to be centered on the new white rider. Redbird would have to talk to his lordship about his clan brother. Redbird did not want to do this for his loyalty was spilt between his clan brother and his lordship. It nagged at Redbird the entire time the two walked back to Cominus's room. Redbird was too caught up in his thinking to realize they had already made it to Cominus's bedchambers.

  “You seem distant my friend is there something that troubles you?”

  “It is Hagar's attitude towards you my lord that troubles me.”

  “I thought there was something about him that did not seem right.”

  “I must leave for a time my lord I shall return within the hour.” Redbird bowing towards Cominus before turning. As he headed towards Draco’s chambers he hoped, this would not hurt the relationship the stone clan had with the black rider.

  “I will see you then,” Cominus called after Redbird. Cominus felt reluctant to eat the food that had been prepared for him. Fearing the food was poisoned by unseen foes. That his brother had warned him about, would this mean that there could be spies within his brothers ranks. Cominus knew that the elves had been open against his stay here. Would they go to the extremes to kill him, would the elves dare cross his brother.

  From the way the meeting went the first day Cominus arrived in this world. It seemed the elves needed his brother more then ever. Would they chance this by killing him, or is it something else all together. “Is this why his brother needed the golem’s hearts in the first place,” Cominus thought to himself. Where would he keep them were they in his brothers chambers. Knowing his brother wouldn't tell him the truth he would have to find a way to learn the truth. Cominus would wait until he could gain access to the riders’ library. There he thought he would find some of the answers he has been looking for. Minutes later a knock came upon Lord Draco's door.

  “Enter,” Draco said from his balcony.

  “May I have a word your lordship,” Redbird asked rubbing his hands.

  “Speak master dwarf what troubles you this fine day.”

  “It is about Hagar my lord.” Concern for his brother and what his brother could have done, in his wonderings even under guard his brother could make trouble.

  “Has he caused any trouble for my brother?”

  “No my lord I feel that I my have been wrong for saying Hagar should be the other dwarf on your brother's team.” Shame laced his face never before had Redbird ever spoken poorly for one of their

  “What changed your mind,” Draco asked wondering what could change the dwarfs mind or any dwarfs’ mind.

  “Hagar is to set in his ways I feel that he would be a hamper to the team if he was to join.”

  “I see, thank you master dwarf for telling me this.” A great many honorable dwarfs’ had come to call his land home. Draco knew only a few that he could trust with his brother’s safety. “Would you have any one else in mind for the position."

  “If I can speak freely my lord,” Redbird asked he hoped that his clan brother. Would have seen the good that lies with in Cominus heart. Redbird could not blame his friend for his fear of the man for to long the dwarf’s, and elves had sought to distance themselves from any relation to their race. Yet now it seems that these two men, would be the ones that would save their world from the grip of the Doncer.

  “Go ahead,” Draco said walking towards his leather lounge chair.

  “I think it would be wise to extend this invitation to the high elves. To show that they are apart of this alliance, and their people have as much to gain from this war as any other race.” Though he had thought on the same lines, however their leaders were to engrossed in their damn rules to see clearly.

  “Why Master Redbird you would make a fine politician.”

  “Thank you my lord.”

  “As soon as the joining ceremony is over you and my brother will leave for the high elf city of Shadleel,” Draco said leaning on the back of the chair.

  “Why so soon my lord,” Redbird asked every one had heard the attack on Amsher. The few that had escape to freedom were the lucky ones. The Doncer were not kind to their slaves’ as the tales went.

  “As soon as my brother training is over you all will begin your first quest."

  “Might I ask what this quest will in tell my lord.”

  “You will attempt to find Chad and his dragon dead or alive,” Draco said matter-offact. Redbird's eyes became as wide in shock. For this was such an honor for Redbird that he would make his clan proud if he could find any evidence to the whereabouts the dwarfen nation owed the rider a debt that Redbird sought to fulfill.

  “Is that all master dwarf I must prepare for the ceremony,” Draco said knowing his time was running out. Knowing this was a special event for his lordship Redbird bowed and exited the room. Heading back towards Cominus's chamber Redbird walked with pride down the stone corridors.

  As Redbird, walked dwarfs and elven refuges notice that he had a kick in his step. As Redbird approached the young riders door, Redbird saw a shadow dart behind the corner towards the kitchen. What was that thought Redbird was it a child or someone or thing lurking within the castle. Redbird should have search for this shadow figure but elected to check on his charge. Redbird knocked on the door hearing no answer rushing into the room his throwing ax in hand.

  Fearing foul play Redbird searched for his new lord in hopes no one had gotten to him when he was gone. Redbird had found the food that was prepared for Cominus it had not been touched. Had the food been poisoned thought Redbird then were was his body. Seeing the room was clear Redbird set out after the shadow figure. Redbird dashed out of the room with cat like speed before he hit what he felt like a wall and falling to the floor in a huff. When Redbird's eyes refocused, he saw Cominus stand above him with a new plate of food in his hands. Glad to see his new lord well relief flowed over Redbird like a wave on an ocean beach. Cominus offered his right hand to the dwarf Redbird took it and hoisted himself up.

  “You had me worried there Lord Cominus. Was there something wrong with your food my lord,” Redbird said not voicing his worries. Yet Cominus could see them clearly on his stony face.

  “It may have been poisoned,” Cominus said telling Redbird of his suspicion. Reentering Cominus chambers Redbird took out a vile of clear liquid from within his mail. Placing a few drops upon the cold food as the liquid touched the food. A blue tinge appeared on the food.

  “What did you just do?” Intrigued as the sight of the blue tinge appeared on the plate of food. That Hagar had fetched for him while he was preparing himself for the ceremony. Cominus pondered if Hagar had something to do with this.

  “This liquid will tell if there are any poisons in the food one of our alchemists. Made this during our clan war when assassination was the way of life,” Redbird said darkly.

  “So when it turns blue what does that tell you?”

  “That its some one placed a very deadly poison in your food. The brighter it is more of the poison is in the food, less poison means that it is a very strong one. I must tell his lordship of this attempt on your life. We must be going the ceremony is about to begin in an hour,” Redbird said taking the tray from Cominus. The two walked to his brother’s chambers Cominus stomach began to act up once again. His brother was right his life was about to change in ways he was not prepared for.

  Twice now there have been attempts on his life first was the Drow, and now some assassin with poison. Was there another Drow lurking within the walls of his brother’s castle or was it the hatred for his kind in this world. How would his brother take this news, would he send out a search party for the bandit, or would he set a trap for this rogue. Cominus would have to put this in the back of his mind for now. For now it was a time of joy for Cominus he would soon be joined with his dragon in only a matter of moments.

  “Enter,” Draco said the sound of cabinets closing filtered through the door. As Cominus and Redbird enter his chamber they saw Draco dressed in satin black robes. Cominus could see that his brother’s robes matched his own. Redbird began to tell Lord Draco of what had just transpired in Lord Cominus's room. Upon hearing this disturbing news, Draco flew into a rage spouting insults upon himself for his weakness. When Draco had calmed himself down Redbird finished telling his tale.

  “Did you follow this shadow?”

  “No my lord I thought it be best if I checked up on Lord Cominus first before tracking down the rogue."

  “You done well Redbird shall we the ceremony is about to begin,” Draco said forcing the events of his brother's attempted assassination to the back of his mind. Taking the lead Draco walked out of the study headed down the corridor towards the main hall.

  “I thought the ceremony would be in the hatchery,” Cominus said those cavern walls called to him for his dragon awaited.

  “No the eggs were moved to the main hall just a few minutes ago."

  “How many guards did you place around the hall,” Cominus said his senses heightened.

  “A great deal my brother,” Draco said smiling. As they approached the hall, Draco placed six guards at each entrance to the hall. Checking the attendant's to the ceremony for any weapons that could harm the young dragons that still slept within their eggs. Pleased that he put the guards in place upon hearing what happen in his brother’s room.

  Still it disturbed him that anyone could breach his walls without him knowing. Draco would not let this information slip his lips for eventually they would try again. This time he would be there to stop these rogues. The thirty that were chosen the day before had gathered on the ground floor of the hall while the spectators.

  Watched the ceremony on the second floor joyous cheers and praise to those that had been chosen, rained down upon the two brothers as they entered the hall. The eggs sat upon a nest of hay that line the floor of the massive hall. Shadow Fang sat in the alcove ready to protect her young if there should need arise.

  “Take your place with the others,” Draco said motioning Cominus to go stand beside the other riders.

  “Yes brother,” Cominus said leaving Draco's side. Taking his place by a dwarf wearing gold chain mail, he look younger then Redbird Cominus was about to ask this mighty dwarf what clan he belonged to. When Draco walked to the front of the nest to face the other soon to be riders.

  “I welcome you all to this wonderful event. We are gathered here to celebrate those who have been chosen as future riders. We also celebrate the birth of a new white rider. Fo
r this day, I will make a special group that can travel into the Doncer lands without being noticed. By the boarder patrols that roam their land. I would like for the leaders of the dark and wood elf's chose one person from their race to join this group,” Draco said his voice echoing throughout the hall. As he finished his speech, the white egg began to crack in response to her rider. All fell silent as the baby dragon began to work its way from its confines of her shell.

  Quiet mummers fell across the hall as a head began to poke out from the broken shell. The baby dragon began to call for her rider Cominus walked over to the egg without hesitation. Cominus bent down to pick up Darjin as he would a baby child. When Darjin felt Cominus's body she ran up his arm to his shoulders were she sat for the rest of the ceremony. As hours past as the others were grated a dragon. The four dwarfs were joined with the four green dragons that Shadow Fang had laid.

  The female elf that caught Cominus's eye stepped forward towards one of the red dragon eggs. When the baby breached the eggshell, a crimson head poke out of the shell. Cominus looked to his brother face to see him smiling, Cominus remembered what Draco had said to him when they were in the hatchery. Draco was hoping this would happen now there could be more black dragons. “Now there could be a chance to bring back these mighty beasts,” Draco thought to himself.

  As the ceremony drew to a close the guest were allowed to join the new riders. Draco had left the hall for his chambers to wait on the elves to make their choice. As he neared his door, Siphon and Diniks approached Draco with the nominations he had asked for during the ceremony.

  “My lord I wish to inform you that I have chosen Ergan of the wood elves. He is a fine swordsman and would make a good fit for your group,” Diniks said stepping out of the way for the forceful Siphon.

  “I also nominate Aryl of the silver moon she may be young as an elf but we have no other. That can match her in the arcane ways,” Siphon said with pride

  “Good have them report to my chambers within the hour,” Draco said he wished he could travel with his brother in this quest. He knew it was going to be dangerous for his brother. Draco would be damned if he would sit back while his brother was out there battling for his life when he was here dealing with elves.


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