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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 22

by Richardson, James

  Fighting zombies was one thing for armor would protect the wearer from their diseased teeth. That held the power to turn their victims into their kind. Ghouls though far smatter then the slow moving zombies. For only a small scratch from there nails would guarantee that anyone would walk the earth in undeath.

  Unlike the zombies, the ghouls launched their attacks with coordination. Those that fall in battle would soon be replenished with new recruits for no one could counter the affects of the change. Waving though the trees having no fear of the ghoul’s nails or the zombie mashing teeth Darjin tore through their ranks as the companions fought on. Dispatching his attacker seeing Redbird no match for the size of the creature Cominus rushed over to his battle weary friend.

  As the fires lit up the night sky Cominus looked through the remains of the forest that surrounded them. Seeing no end to the undead Cominus order Redbird back fearing that his small friend would be the first to succumb to the fiends. Sending Redbird to protect Aryl as she launched spell after spell into the swarm of undead. With the knowledge that Aryl was protected even though he knew the mighty dwarf would not look kindly on him after the battle. Cominus let out a sigh of relief that at least he knew they were protected for now.

  As Draco looked upon the giants, that served whatever lies behind the two-ton stone stab. He had no fear that these things would be his end. From what he could fell from Shadow Fang, the battle was not going well he had to end this here and now. These giants were a nuisance that would have to be dealt with before he could enter the inner sanctum of the ruin. Boxed in by the small confinement, which was fine with him, it would also hinder the movements of the giants.

  Reaching to crush the life out of the thing that had disturbed its sleep, its linen wrapped hand reached for Draco. Moving in a blur the slow-witted giant pulled back its arm thinking that the thing was within its grasp. Yet its dry furrowed forearm laid at his feet, taking advanced of the mummy’s confusion Draco sprinted between its legs. Cutting through its dried limbs with ease, dashing back not to be crushed by the things weight. The crashing of its body into the stone bought him some time to deal with the other.

  Yet the more he spent with these minions meant more time his brother was out there fighting. Draco could not let this go on any longer then it has. Drawing forth the power of the arcane, as the somber chamber filled with the magical energy that poured forth from his undead body. The giants red mist eyes bulged at the sheer might of the thing that threatened its master. As the shockwave burst out from his body sending the giant to its ass, penetrating the solid rock into the clearing where his brother fought for his life. Passing harmless through the companions, catching those in his web in fierily death.

  Cominus looked back to the sealed doorway that his brother had gone through. Wondering what the hell was happening in that ruin. Oh, he was grateful for the assistance that his brother had given them. The sheer power that passed through them was overwhelming to him. “How could any one have that much power and not explode from its weight on ones soul,” Cominus asked himself.

  As the fire consumed the air within the chamber, Draco stood in the heart as the fire light danced across his silver eyes. Never did those flames seek to consume his flesh, as he watched the remains of the giants. Incinerated to nothing more then greasy ash upon the stone floor. Berating himself for not thinking of the spell sooner, Draco scanned the chamber looking in every shadow for any more surprises in store for him. When none was found returning to the entrance to the inner part of the ruin. Whispering a simple spell to crumble the stone to nothing, more then dust.

  As the fires dwindled to nothing more then embers, Cominus waited for the onslaught of the hordes, the red glow bathed the area in eerie light. The stillness of the night was more unnerving then the glow that the embers threw off. With Darjin’s scouting of the surrounding area, she could find not trace of the hordes.

  “I don’t like this,” Cominus said in low whisper.

  “Whoever was controlling those things must have sent them back to their graves, I can only think of two possibilities to this problem. One whatever was in control of these things needed the strength to face another stronger or equal to the fiend that is their master. Draco has succeed in the task to lay these souls to rest,” Aryl said coming up to Cominus

  Entering the dome chamber, the smell of death hung in the air. Torches spring to life illuminating the walls in its yellow-orange light. Alcoves dotted the two story dome complex, his silver eyes picked up the shadow moving in there dark depths. Bones littered the floor of the chamber many yellowed with age, a few with the meat still hanging on the ivory white bones. There in a silver and gold frame sat a purple gem the size of his fist as it stood on a ancient stone altar. Looking deeper into the gem for it's source of magic dark swirling mist radiated from its depths.

  Ungodly darkness flooded the chamber eating away the safety of light. As the darkness condensed taking the shape of the once former rider. Now a Lich that feeds off the life force of the living. Dress in his tattered scale armor from another aged. Draco wondered why a rider would succumb to the dark forces that would create this undead creature.

  “We have not feed in along time you should not have come foolish mortal,” said the Lich his bony fingers drumming against its rotten armor.

  “You mistake me for something I am not vile creature,” Draco said baring his fangs. This was a turn of event's for the Lich, he was suspecting a living thing not one of the undead to be standing before him. She had told him that if he were of feast on his flesh he would gain much power. Now it would seem that female elf had led him into his eternal rest.

  “Then why have you come, have you heard of the might of Ishrant the Lich. Have you come to offer your talent to me,” Ishrant said a wicked grin spread across what was left of his face.

  “Hardly fool,” Draco said launching himself at the gem that held the Lich’s hold on the world. A bolt of lighting struck his armor sending Draco crashing into the smooth wall of the chamber. As his eyes began to blur the Lich made his move to consume the vampire’s essence. As Ishrant’s bony fingers dug into his flesh the shear power that coursed under Draco’s skin called out to the Lich. As his mouth opened, open green slime dropped down his rotten flesh that hung from his bony chin. As his mouth, neared Draco’s exposed neck his eyes flew open as Draco’s magic bolt. Tore through the armor that once shined gold when he was a mortal.

  Staggering back trying to hold in the rotten organs from spilling out of the gapping hole in his abdomen. Calling to his dragon as he stumbled towards the alter where his life would be prolonged in the gems magic. Snaking its head out from its alcove, the shame that Draco witnessed that day made his stomach heave. The once noble dragon was nothing more the rotten flesh that hung in clumps from its yellow bones. The once intelligent eyes that filled those dark sockets was nothing more then red mist. No longer did it have the powerful limbs nor the beautiful scales that shine like no other in the light of the sun. How could any one degrade such a noble creature to serve in undeath. As the crackling of his dragon’s lighting breath began to form in its maw. Draco knew he had to get the Lich away from its source of power. Placing his pale hand on the smooth surface of the wall, as the magic poured through the stone turning the stone to mud. Just as the lighting meant to render him to nothing more then ash. Draco lunged at the Lich as the dark mist healed his wound; Draco’s arms encased the Lich in his powerful embraced. As the mud ran down the mountainside Cominus wondered was it brother’s doing, or was whatever kind of monster he was fighting in that ruin. Shadow Fangs head swung towards her rider’s presence. As the Lich’s evil finally free from the confines of its mountain prison. Either the life that once called that mountain home, fled or there life ended as its evil drained its life from their bodies.

  “Run head for the ruin and destroy the gem,” yelled Draco as he battled the Lich. The roar that reverberated through the new formed tunnel chilled the bones of the companions. As creaks formed in
the stone face lighting flew out into night. Releasing her own challenge as the rock gave way as the sickly sight of the bone dragon came to its master’s defense. Taking flight to meet the abomination in the air, the fear that had spread into their very souls. It was Draco’s words backed by his magic to block the Lich’s hold. On our heroes that saved them from becoming the Lich’s next meal. “Move god damn it before you are nothing more then shells,” shouted Draco. Shaking the cobwebs out of his mind Cominus grabbing hold of Aryl and Ergan, Darjin's jaws gently clamped around Redbird’s ankle as she raced after her rider under the shelter of the tunnel the glossed eyed trio began to regain there senses.

  “Are you all ok,” Cominus asked he knew from that little time under the spell of the Lich everything felt cold and contrite. He hoped that his friends suffered no lasting affects from the Lich’s hold. Nodding their heads yet he could see the doubt in their eyes.

  “Aryl can you break through the stone, we must be ready for whatever lays behind this door,” Cominus said looking back as the flashes of light lit up the night sky. Cominus hoped that his brother could hold on long enough for them to find this gem that he spoke of. Though he doubt how he would destroy this gem, Darjin’s nudge told him leave that to her. As the stone disintegrate before them the heat of Draco’s spell rushed over them as the air rushed in. Shielding his face from the heat, he knew they had to enter even if it meant facing scorched feet. As Aryl’s cooling spell settled upon their shoulders Cominus could not get use to how magic permeated their very life's.

  Then came the stench of the burnt bodies of the undead, vomit rouse in their throats as they studied the bodies. The companions made their dire journey towards the inner sanctum of the ruin. Their eyes switching to the inferred spectrum, due to the fire of the spell those heatsensing eyes were useless as every thing was white hot. As they came to the entrance to the Lich’s long forgotten cell. As the companions looked at the pulsating gem as it fed the Lich in its battle with Draco. Darjin pressed her way through the legs of the elves, she told Cominus she would deal with it. She was going to be damn that her mother was going to fight that disgrace of a dragon any longer.

  As Darjin neared the stone alter, lifting herself up her claw's scrapping along the stone. Her white barded tongue knocking the gem from its stand. As the gem rolled on to the bone-strewn floor, the faint moans of the Lich filled her ears. Placing her left paw on the gem, she meant to crush the stone under her sheer weight. Yet it the gem held for no crack marred its surface. Cocking her head picking up the stone in her maw, it still held under the pressure of her jaws and dagger like teeth. Then something odd began to form in the back of her throat. As the heat continued to build, she tried to clench the fire of her throat by forcing saliva down.

  As the steam rolled out of her gapping maw, a quizzed look crossed those blue eyes. Her mother had told her that her time to breath fire was soon upon her, yet she did not think it would be now in this somber place. As the fire grew and grew the flames begun to tickle her throat, fighting back the sneeze as her dragon fire continued to build. Darjin could no longer hold back the growing sneeze. As the columns of fire jetted out of her nostrils and mouth, the mystical gem melted in the extreme heat of her dragon fire.

  As Draco waited for the Lich’s attack, a sudden paroxysm ran through the undead rider’s body. Looking back towards the mountain where his essence was held. As the first rays of the morning sun rouse above the horizon. Sensing his doom for his foolishness for allowing this rider to draw him out of his cell. Yet if he could absurd the his power he would no longer need the gem to extend his life in this world. Seeing this Draco ready himself for the Lich’s final attack, through he could fell the magic leaving the ancient rider’s body. As Shadow Fang soared high above the bone dragon, Draco waited on the slope of the mountain as the sun began to eat away at the bone dragon’s body.

  Chapter Nine

  Upon their return from Talnos Draco had set off to find out who was behind these attacks. Since he had begun his training, Cominus had seen hints of his brother’s powers. The fight with the Lich had showed him how much his brother is holding back. Which terrify him, when that shockwave passed through him could he himself deal with that kind of power. Were the elves correct that it would ultimately end the besiege of the hordes of the undead.

  As Cominus sat in his room pondering the events of the fight in that ruin. The iron handle begun to twist reaching for his twin blades. Cominus would be ready if the assassin had returned to finish what he first failed to do. As the door inched open Cominus positioned himself behind the door. As his brother’s pale hand showed in the torch light. Cominus let out a sigh of relief lowering his weapon, his grip on the hilt grew more relaxed as his brother’s sunbleach hair caught in his brown eyes.

  “Expecting some one brother,” Draco said eyeing the drawn weapon.

  “No though I can never be too careful now can I,” Cominus said sarcastically.

  “Good when you have eaten come to my room and bring Ergan no other must know of this,” said Draco. Cominus eyed his brother as he turned and head back to his room. “What could he have need of us that must be kept from the other’s,” he muttered to himself.

  “You want me to what,” Cominus said in disbelief.

  “I need you and Ergan to go to the High elf city of Dragon of Leel in disguise of high elves,” Draco said matter-of-fact.

  “Oh, hell no the one time was enough for me,” Cominus said walking away from his brother towards the balcony.

  “Why would you ask only us to go my lord,” Ergan asked ignoring Cominus outburst.

  “Some one is plotting against us and I have sent Aryl already to Edos, Redbird and Ishtar are in Talnos with Balo, I need you two to find out what you can. They already know what the two of you look like and the high elves are more likely to open up to one of their own,” Draco said laying out the plans.

  “Why do you think this my lord,” Ergan asked puzzled.

  “The fight with the Lich and the few whispers I have heard had led me to believe that this is so,” Draco said draining the last of his goblet.

  “Then I guess we need to get this under way the sooner the better,” Cominus said letting out a reluctant sigh.

  “Darjin must stay here, I know how you two have grown close in these past few months. We can’t have the elves thinking you are apart of my order,” Draco said studying his brother. That just made his mood worst but he was determine to find anything that would relieve his brother’s fears.

  “Wait wouldn’t their mages detect the magic that surrounds our bodies,” Cominus asked with uncertainty in his eyes.

  “Not with these,” Draco said as the black scales gleamed in the light. As the scales graced his palm, Cominus felt the enormous energy store in that onyx scale. Cocking an eyebrow Cominus never thought his brother could pour so much magic in such a tiny thing. As he placed the scale over his head as the scale touched his skin. Cominus watched as his skin took on the golden hue of the high elves. His jet-black shoulder length hair faded to the honey blond hair of their race. Grapping the silver goblet using it as a mirror to view the changes, his once dusty brown eyes where now sky blue. Looking to his brother Cominus hoped that this was only temporary.

  “Even when you sleep keep that on you, as long as the scale touches any part of your skin the spell will stay in effect,” Draco said handing his brother a parchment scroll. Perplexed Cominus knew his brother would explain it yet to him he could not make out the meaning of the scroll. “When you get to Leel, if anyone questions your business there show them this,” his pale finger tapping the parchment. “Ishtar has given you whatever power you need to find out what you can. The palace guards, or the council will not like this but they will have to deal with it.”

  “Do you not think the dwarfs’ behind this plot do you,” Cominus asked his singsong voice startled him by it's tone.

  “No their race is too honorable for such actions,” Draco said hand in his brother prop
er high elven clothes. As Darjin entered Draco’s room as those blue eyes looked upon his changed form and nearly fell over laughing.

  As the two brothers walked to the gatehouse of the castle, Draco gave Cominus a crash course in the high elf edict. Not to arouse suspicion for the mission he had asked his brother to undertake was one of great import. As Draco watched his altered brother travel down the gravel-strewn path. Draco wished his brother luck for Cominus would need every onuce of luck with his search.

  Dressed in the finest silk’s the high elves seem to adore. Cominus felt exposed as the subtle wind cut through the thin fabric. As he looked to Ergan, he did not seem to mind the wind as much as Cominus did. The trip to the city of Dragon of Leel would only take two or three hours by foot. Cominus was content to delay their arrival as much as he could. When he visited the city of Shadleel, it only reinforced his loathing of the high elves. However he was curious to see how they would treat one of their own kin.

  As the new constructed walls of the city came into view. Again Cominus was astounded how much these people relayed on their use of magic. For no sooner had they arrived in the land of Sol the first of the foundations of the city where laid. The stone dwarfs’ had a hand in the construction of the city. Still Cominus suspected that their arrogance, and their distaste of the other races of Terra Drago still showed on their ageless faces.

  As the two approached the southern gatehouse the two guards, dressed in elven steel plate mail. In their hands where elven forms of a mix of a war hammer and a pike (amberikes), their almond shaped eyes narrowed at the sight of the approaching elves. Never had these two shown themselves in the city before. Their golden hue knuckles tighten around the wooden poles, as the two elves drew never. However Draco had given him an elven blade to defend himself with. Cominus felt naked without the twin long swords at his side. The twin swords had served him well in his mock battles with Aryl and Ergan. The battle with the Char and his band of goblins, and with the Lich’s horde of the undead. If he had to fight, he knew his disguise would be blown. Straighten his shoulders, holding his head high to play his role of a higher rank to the station of the guards. Cominus could see the nervousness show in the guards face as they came to a stop in front of the guards.


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