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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 33

by Richardson, James

  As Cominus dawn the armor he could fell his strength already being sapped from his body. Just as his energy was leaving him he noticed his speed and strength had increased considerably. Cominus turned to his brother to see if the spells had not gone awry. All his brother did was smile and nod Cominus knew if he went into battle. He would have to consider every move before he took it. Running his hands over the stones as he buckled the brass fittings. For he would not deplete the gift that his brother had given him inside the stones. Taking a few practice punches his speed astounded him for it seem that every punch seem to blur together. However, Draco had told him never to use a common sword. Draco had motioned for the guard to yield his to Cominus. With a confused look, Cominus wondered what his brother meant to do.

  “You do wish to test out the armor do you not. Plus I do not think Ergan would want to lose his sword,” asked Draco. Placing his hand on his sword Ergan nodded his agreement to Draco's words. Cominus turned his attention back to his brother again he saw the same smile on his face.

  “His enjoying this far too much,” said Cominus to himself. Forgoing his shield Draco waited his brother to attack. Cominus overconfident in his new speed he flew by his brother. Earning him a smack on his ass with the flat of his brother’s sword. Gazing up to the sky Cominus saw that his brother did not see him as his equal. This got the better of him again he lunged at his brother and again it earn him another slap by his brothers sword.

  Ergan and Redbird rallying their support for Cominus with this newfound resolve. Cominus cleared his mind of his frustration, his muscles relaxing, his hand tightening around the hilt of the sword. Draco's smile never left his face as he waited for his brother to make his move. “Yep he is so enjoying this,” he said to himself. Well had to admit to himself he was enjoying this too. Executing every move Ergan had taught him still it was not enough. Cominus could never land a blow on his brother as he began to tire Draco had noticed this to. Draco arms moved so fast even for his newfound skills Cominus could not keep pace with his brother. As with their last fight it ended Draco's sword cleaving Cominus borrowed sword in two. Taking out a purse of coins Draco handed it to the guard.

  “Just watching that fight it was worth the loss of my sword,” said the guard but happily accepted the purse. Ergan and Redbird rushed over to Cominus slapping him on the back. “Cominus be here two hours after sunrise tomorrow,” Draco said speaking over his shoulder. Disappearing into the darkness of the stairway Draco headed back to his chambers. Where his wife was preparing for their up and coming wedding.

  “That was a fine match indeed though we knew he would win,” Redbird said with a smile.

  “What you mean sure he was fast but I think you can take him Ergan,” Cominus said stretching his tired muscle's. To his dismay, Ergan just nodded his head in disagreement.

  “Though you may have our speed and strength due to your brothers spells. No elf could ever match your brother and live,” said Ergan.

  “What you mean Ergan he can't be that strong,” Cominus said in disbelief.

  “Your brother don’t use half of his normal strength. When he fought that shadow golem outside the gates of Shadleel your brother had use more strength then he showed here,” Ergan said in a stern voice.

  “It's true my boy the only other being I have ever known to have that much strength is a demigod,” Redbird said stroking his red beard.

  “If he does have that much power I am just glad he's on our side,” Cominus said with Redbird, and Ergan nodding in agreement.

  “How many are there fighting for the Doncer,” Cominus asked resting his sore body.

  “The only one left alive is a Drow named Tholosh,” Ergan said scowling.

  “Who’s that,” Cominus asked as they walked down the stairs towards their chambers.

  “He’s the son of that snake witch goddess of these damn Drow worship. Also he's one of the black dragon riders that command the armies of the Doncer,” Redbird said slamming his fist into the stonewall. Reality hit Cominus like a ton of bricks now he knew who, and what he was up against. Could his brother defeat such a powerful foe doubt began to creep into his head.

  “No I can't think like that or we have already lost this war,” Cominus said to himself.

  Chapter Twelve As the time neared for Cominus to join his brother for their trip to Sandasbar. With the help of Aryl, and Brenda all his gear was ready and set for his journey. With sweet whispers of good byes and loving kisses, Cominus thought they would never let him leave. Even though the trip would only take four days, to Aryl and Brenda it was if Cominus was waking into unseen force. That would spell doom for their love never see him again. As Cominus ascended the stone stairway, he began to hear the scraping of dragon claws on the stone roof. As he reached the apex of the stairs, Cominus saw that Darjin and Shadow Fang were saddled. There bags packed for the journey to Sandsabar.

  Draco was attending to the knelling dragons making sure all was in order for their long journey to Sandsabar. Draco turned to his brother wondering what could have taken him so long to reach the roof. As Draco studied his brother’s face, he noticed the everberry stains on his cheeks. Draco could not help but laugh at the speckle of his brother’s predicament. Handing his brother a handkerchief Cominus began to wipe the stains from his cheeks.

  As the two brother climbed on to their dragons Cominus could not help but get excited. For the first time he would get to explore this mysterious land that he had came to call home. Draco pointed to the wind current that they would need to take to reach Sandsabar. Allowing his brother to take the lead Cominus said the words of magic to shield him, from the skin ripping winds that plagued the currents. Since his training had began his teachers had told him since the destruction of Terra Drago, these wind currents were the only means of travail between landmasses. If it was not for the star elves for the contraction of the Hop gates, the people of the land would have been separated for all time. Cominus could not blame the star elves for not foreseeing the events that would take place years later. Cominus would not let these woes confound his mind. For this was the first of many fights that he, and Darjin would take in their quest to put to an end of the rule of the Doncer. Cominus knew primarily that he had to find Chad and his white dragon. Though he knew not whether he could complete the task, his brother had set out for him. Cominus could feel Darjin's eagerness for this flight. To her this would test her endurance for the upcoming trails that awaited her and her rider.

  Caught up in his and Darjin's excitement of being out of that castle free to fly any where they wished to go. They never noticed Shadow Fang and Draco slipping under them. Releasing a roar of challenge Darjin waited for her mother to respond in kind.

  Shall we show them what we can do ,” asked Darjin. Feeling her emotions of racing her mother, Cominus could not help but feel that his brother was testing him again. If he was he did not care he nodded to Darjin when his brother was twenty feet ahead. Darjin went into a left-handed roll to gain as much speed from the upper wind currents. Howling into the wind Cominus hanged on to one of Darjin's neck spikes. Seeing his brother meant to overtake him with sheer force. Draco just smiled and laid a hand on Shadow Fangs neck. Without a word, Shadow Fang performed a backwards roll placing them right behind Darjin.

  Catching the tip of Darjin's tail in her jaw, Shadow Fang began to toss it to and fro. Teasing her daughter Darjin, lowered head looking for a way to escape her mothers grasp. Diving towards the edge of the wind current knowing that if they were caught in the turbulence. She and Cominus were in for a long fall to the ground. Feeling the pressure on her tail lessened gaining altitude Darjin noticed her mother and her rider had gain a great distanced from them. Sweeping back into the higher currents Darjin had regained some of the distance that her mother gained.

  Unable to continue in the higher wind currents with out ripping her membranes. Darjin slipped back into the normal travailing current to her surprise she was only twenty feet from her mother’s tail. Before Dar
jin could make her move, Draco jumped up into his saddle. Running along Shadow Fangs back with a little boast from her tail, Draco soared though the air ducking his head Cominus lost sight of his brother and Shadow Fang. There came a tapping on his left shoulder Cominus turned around to see his brother knelling behind him. Mouthing the words “show off” Draco just laughed as he ran towards Darjin’s tail. Not seeing Shadow Fang to catch his brother fear of him fallen to the earth below creep up inside him. As his brother disappeared Cominus began looking for were they might surface at.

  Shadow Fang arose from under Darjin with Draco safely hooked in to his saddle. Pulling beside him brother Draco pointed to a wooded area were they may rest. Upon landing in the clearing Draco went to setting up a campfire for their afternoon meal. After relieving himself Cominus settled himself across from his brother.

  “That was a stupid thing to do jumping off of Shadow Fang,” Cominus said leading against a rotten log.

  “Why not it’s the easiest way to dispatch an enemy rider when you’re in a battle, plus I trusted Shadow Fang to catch me. Plus it was fun you should have seen the look on you face,” Draco said turning to Shadow Fang agreeing with him. Crossing his arms Cominus knew his brother had to teach him that move. Cominus was just envious for not thinking of it first.

  “Could you teach me that move,” Cominus asked poking at the embers of the fire.

  “Don’t see why not as long as you don't use it in the currents,” Draco said knowing his brother would.

  “And why not if you can do it why can't I! With this armor you made I am just as fast as an elf,” Cominus said eager to prove himself.

  “Because other then I the only other person that I know of that can perform that maneuver is Tholosh.”

  “You mean the black rider of the Doncer the Drow demigod,” said Cominus. Dropping the twig he had been using as a makeshift poker on the ground. “If only they can do it made then he does have that kind of power,” Cominus said to himself. Draco made his way over to Shadow Fang to puck out a bone that had lodged itself between her dagger like teeth. “How do you know all of this,” Cominus asked turning to his brother. Draco narrowed his eyes at his curious brothrr. Cominus knew he was crossing dangerous territory if that is what his brother’s look meant. “Still it had to be asked,” Cominus told himself. Draco walked back towards the campfire seating myself down Draco rubbed his smoothed white skin.

  "After our escape from Bumber I had learned that it was Tholosh's order. For that bastard of a rider to breed with Shadow Fang,” Cominus saw Shadow Fang raising her upper lip in response to the name. Walking over Draco placed a hand on her neck to soothe her anger. “Escaping south we hid in the woods during the day and flow at night for fear of being captured once again. I did not know it at the time we were only twenty miles from a wood elf village. We came upon the Ogre Mountains a month after we escaped. A massive thunderstorm forced us to the ground for the night. We took refused in what we thought was a huge cave. When morning came the light showed me that I was wrong.”

  “What we came upon was an ancient high elf archive. From what I could tell, it contained records from the fall of Aacole to the first few years of the Doncer war. It housed books of magic of all kinds, the names of all the demigods that had and still walked the land up to that time. When I saw Tholosh's name in that book I looked for every thing I could that contained his name. This went on for two weeks Shadow Fang would sleep at day and hunt at night. I had no need of food or sleep continued on until I was satisfied in what I found,” Draco said scratching the small scales behind Shadow Fangs eye.

  “So what did you find about him,” Cominus said leaning back on Darjin's front leg.

  “When I found his tome there along side the book was and orb. When I touched the orb, all it showed me was of him doing the same move I performed in the current. After our two weeks of rest, I packed our things and head south. Were I formed my kingdom I would like to return there if the Doncer hasn't burned the place down,” said Draco. Uneasiness filled Cominus mind for questions he had running though his mind. Would his brother answer them or would he keep them to himself. He had to ask it had been plaguing his mind since he learned of his brother’s cruse.

  “I got to know if you say that your curse is the embodiment of the vampires that walk this land. Then why is there not dead bodies found within the castle walls,” Cominus said hopeful that his brother would answer and not shield him from his plight.

  “This ring I wear keeps me from having to feeding on the people in my land,” Draco said turning the ring around his index finger.

  “What do you mean,” Cominus asked glad his brother was forthcoming.

  “When I was in the ancient archive I came across a book of alchemy, it talked about the philosopher's stone the pinnacle of the craft. That is not what caught my eye as I read on about the ebony stone the elves called it the necro stone due its use for the dead. An incomplete philosopher's stone it has the ability to stave off effects of vampirism, or keep a vampire alive without feeding,” Draco said running his hand over Shadow Fangs scales as the firelight danced over them.

  “Where did you find this stone or did you make one,” Cominus asked eager to hear of his brothers adventures.

  “So many questions will your questions never end,” Draco asked jokingly.

  “Not until I know everything there is to know,” Cominus said puffing out his chest to state his authority as the big brother.

  “Something’s are best left unanswered.”

  “Still I want to know,” Cominus said growling throwing his hands up in surrender.

  “The book had a note within the margin telling the last person to attempt to make a philosopher's stone. Had stored his failures within the vaults of the archive, I made my way through the sleeve's lined with ancient scrolls and arcane text. Walking to the dark halls lined with cobwebs and inch thick dust. I finally came upon the door to the vault sealed unable to open it by magic. I was stumped for a better part of a day until my hunger grew within me. As my hunger grew I began to hear the heart beats of the rats that made the ruin their home. I could even here the stag that was grazing half a mile away in a grassy knoll. Then it came to me I jumped to my feet rushed to the door, I placed my ear to the vault door. As the last metal rod fell into place after thousands of years of concealment. With an ear jarring squeal the rusted metal hinges came to life after years of nonuse.”

  “The vault had to be a hundred foot deep and fifty feet wide for it stored countless sleeve's of different works of art. Stones of all colors filled with magic of all sorts. Then I came upon Marcus Moorwind the creator of the ebony stone....”

  “How did you know it was the right one,” Cominus interrupted. Sighing Draco rubbed his head at his brother’s impatience.

  “Do you want me to tell the story or not,” Draco asked sarcastically. Seconds went by before Draco burst out laughing Cominus face burned red filling the cause of the joke. Crossing his arms Cominus sat there watching the flames dance across Shadow Fangs scales. “Oh come on brother don't be like that,” said Draco. With a wave of his hand, Cominus bided his brother to continue.

  “Like I was saying I found his creations of the imperfect philosopher's stones. As I neared the stones, a lone stone seat on a shelf by itself as I studied the stone. I felt as if my essence was being pulled into the stone. Startled I pulled away from the stone unsure if I would lose myself in the darkness of the stone. I stood in the darkness of the vault what seemed like hours to me. Unsure if it was a wise choice in taking the stone. However I could not let my resolve falter in coming so far.”

  “Without thinking I grabbed the stone and placed it as fast as I could in to a small leather pouch. When the dwarf's came to my land, I asked a jewel smith to construct a ring for the stone. When it was ready I placed most of my essence into the stone,” said Draco. Looking to the sun Draco saw they had spent too much time talking. Dusting the dirt from his scale armor Draco stretched his limbs. “Come we
should be moving on,” Draco said stamped out the remaining embers for the cooking fire. “How long before we reach Sandasbar,” asked Cominus.

  “We should be able to get there little after sunset,” Draco said settling himself in his saddle. “Remember do not, I repeat do not make a hostile move while within the star elves village,” Draco said sternly.

  “I know,” Cominus said throwing his hands into the air annoyed that he would have to subside his anger. As the brothers continued southward towards the land of the star elves, Draco began testing Cominus in his knowledge of magic. When Cominus forgot a word or a pronunciation of a phrase, Draco had him say it repeatedly until. Cominus could communicate fluently in the ancient language of magic. Draco also thought his brother many other spells that Aryl could not. Draco give a warning to his brother never to use these unless all else fails.

  “Could you teach me the spell you used against that Shadow golem you fraught against in Shadleel,” asked Cominus. Draco could only smile he had wondered when his curious brother would ask about that.

  “I could but you need to know the inherent faults of the spell.”

  “I know of them Aryl told me about it when we watched the battle in the Queens chambers.”

  “She did,” said Draco. Rubbing his chin with his thumb and index figure, Draco spotted a seclude spot large enough for their dragons to land. Draco motioned for his brother to follow as the two dragons spiraled down to the grassy knoll. Draco unsaddled Shadow Fang to allow her to feed without any obstructions. Cominus mimicked his brothers actions waving as mother and daughter flew out of view. With a stern look on his face Draco pondering how to instruct his brother in this manner.


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