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Hot on the Trail

Page 7

by Irena Nieslony

  Eve refused to answer, embarrassed that she hadn’t been as sharp as usual.

  “But I reckon you also saw me at some other time in the last few days, didn’t you? That’s why the detective from Crete is here. You’ve caused me so many problems, Eve Masters; and not only here in Australia. You constantly ruined my plans on Crete, but why you had to turn up here as well to torment me, I honestly, don’t know. I thought I was home and dry so it gave me a bit of a shock when I saw Dimitris Kastrinakis at the reception desk of the hotel I was staying at previously. I had to leave immediately and leave all my clothes as well.

  “I’m sure you can afford new ones,” Eve said.

  Joanna glared at her

  “Did you actually know I had come here to Australia, Eve?”

  “No, not at all. How would I have known that? A cousin of mine, who lived here, died and left me her house. It was just a pleasant coincidence that you were here as well. Now you’ll get your just rewards.”

  “I don’t think so,” Joanna hissed, suddenly hurling her large and very heavy handbag at Eve’s head. Eve lost her grip on Joanna’s arm and fell on the floor at which point Joanna rushed out of the door.

  Eve got up as quickly as she could. Her head hurt terribly, but she had to go after Joanna. She couldn’t let her leave without some idea of where she was heading. Dimitris would think she had interfered too much, but she hadn’t. It had been a fluke that they had ended up in the same lift and because Joanna had seen and spoken to her, she would think it unsafe to stay on in the hotel. She would expect Eve to tell Dimitris Kastrinakis so she would leave the hotel for good, thinking it unsafe to stay. Eve had no choice; she had to do something.

  Eve rushed out of the front door of the hotel and looked left and right. She saw Joanna hail a cab and went dashing after it. Unfortunately, unlike the time before, there weren’t any more taxis around so she knew she wouldn’t be able to follow her. The taxi, however, was stuck in a small jam so Eve walked quickly towards it. The jam seemed to be sorting itself out, but before it went out of sight, she managed to take down the number plate.

  There may be a chance that Dimitris will be able to find out from the taxi driver where he dropped off Joanna.”

  Eve looked around again for another taxi, but there weren’t any. She would have done anything to follow Joanna, but it wouldn’t have gone down too well with David or Dimitris so perhaps things were better this way. However, she felt deflated as she walked back to the hotel. She would have felt so proud if she had managed to capture Joanna all by herself.

  Entering the Duxton, she saw David sitting in the lobby.

  “Where’ve you been, darling?”

  “Chasing Joanna.” Eve said simply.

  “What?” David exclaimed. “I can’t believe you haven’t learnt you lesson yet.”

  “Please don’t shout at me. She hit me over the head with her heavy handbag and I have a splitting headache again. I think I’ll go up to the room to get some tablets. I had to confront her, David. She saw me and she’s probably left this hotel for good.”

  Eve went upstairs feeling upset by David’s words. David meanwhile was feeling guilty. He knew Eve was right, but he was fed up of the whole affair. He wanted it settled once and for all. For the first time since their lunch and afternoon together, he thought of Sophie and what a wonderful time they had spent.

  She’s uncomplicated and we have so much in common. We had such a pleasant time the other day. Perhaps I should give her a call after all.

  While David was reminiscing about Sophie, Eve was lying on the bed in their room after taking her tablets. She felt very low.

  I’ve been hit on the head and David doesn’t care. He’s just cross. And Joanna’s got away......What am I thinking; I must get on the phone to Dimitris straight away.”

  Eve picked up the phone and dialed his number. He picked up after a few rings.

  “Detective Chief Inspector. It’s Eve Masters. I’ve seen Joanna, but she’s got away,” Eve blurted out.

  Eve didn’t know how to tell him the news without him getting angry with her as well.

  “Don’t tell me you confronted her. I told you not to get involved,” Dimitris said angrily.

  “I had to. She’s staying at the same hotel as me, the Duxton, and she saw me which meant she wouldn’t come back here. I tried to stop her, but she hit me over the head with her handbag. I don’t know what was in it, but I have a bad headache now. It really was heavy.”

  “Yes, I think she carries everything she needs to escape with in that bag. Are you alright now, Miss Masters?”

  “Yes, I’ll survive. She has blonde hair now by the way and it’s in a different style, a shorter bob. She does look very different. I followed her outside the hotel and she got into a cab. There wasn’t another taxi around so I couldn’t follow her any further. I did get the number of the cab though. I don’t know if that will help?”

  “Yes, we can possibly find out where the taxi driver dropped her off, but she may have taken another cab afterwards. Now, Miss Masters, no more of this chasing of Mrs. Neonakis.”

  “I have no idea where she’s gone so how can I chase her?” Eve spoke indignantly, a little fed-up of being told what not to do.

  After giving Dimitris the license number plate of the taxi, Eve touched up her make-up and went down to see David.

  “I’m sorry,” David said immediately. “I was just worried about you.”

  “That’s alright. I know how you hate me getting involved in these crimes. Let’s go for lunch.”

  Eve smiled and they held hands as they walked out of the hotel, but both of their minds were busily occupied. Eve was still a little annoyed with David for shouting at her without listening to the facts and David was once again feeling guilty for thinking about Sophie when he should have been concerned about Eve.

  * * *

  Joanna was worried. She knew that Eve had seen her get into the taxi and wondered if she had managed to follow her. She looked behind, but couldn’t see another cab.

  But what if she managed to get the number plate of this cab? She’ll give it to that damned inspector and he may find out where I was dropped off. There’s only one thing for it. I’ll have to get out of this cab and either get another one or change my mode of transport.

  Joanna went a little way further with the cab and then asked him to drop her off. She walked for a while trying to think of what to do next

  Damn that Eve Masters. Everything was going well until she came onto the scene. She’s been a problem ever since James killed Aunt Jennifer last Christmas.

  Joanna was dying for a coffee, but decided it might be best to get one to go. Having done this, she sat on a bench and got her guidebook to Perth out.

  I’m sure Kastrinakis will have alerted the airports about me, but he won’t have a current photo. Still, I’m sure computers these days can change hair colors. However, I doubt if all types of transport will have been alerted yet. Still, another cab may be dodgy. The train station’s not far. If I get a train to Fremantle, I can then get a boat to Rottnest Island and hide out there. They’ll never think of looking for me on that little island, will they?

  Joanna got up immediately, thinking that she had no time to lose.

  Chapter 8

  Eve and David sat having lunch, but Eve was picking at her food. She found she had no appetite at all.

  “Come on, Eve, try and eat something, the food here is really delicious. The other day...”

  David stopped, knowing he had almost given away his secret. He had nearly told Eve that he had been to this bistro with Sophie. He didn’t know why he had decided to take Eve there. Perhaps he wanted to admit his guilt or perhaps subconsciously he had wanted to compare the two experiences and see which was better. What was wrong with him? He loved Eve, not Sophie, didn’t he?

  “The other day what, David?” Eve interrupted his thoughts.

  “Nothing, Eve,” David replied, feeling terrible for the umpteenth time tha
t day.

  He had enjoyed his time with Sophie, but it was definitely Eve he wanted to marry. However, now he had this burden of a guilty secret. He had to tell her. He couldn’t marry Eve without admitting what a terrible fiancé he’d been.

  “Eve, I have something to tell you.”

  “Oh,” Eve’s ears pricked up. “That sounds ominous.”

  “It is and it isn’t,” David began. “The other day when we had that awful argument, Sophie rang me.”

  Eve gasped, but said nothing.

  “We had lunch and went round the art galleries together. Nothing happened, but I feel so guilty.”

  “Oh David, how could you?” Eve wailed and burst into tears.

  “Oh Eve, please don’t cry. I said nothing happened.”

  “You obviously still care for her otherwise you wouldn’t have spent so much time with her. I know you David.”

  “For a moment, all the memories came back and I did remember how much easier life was with her, but I don’t want her. I want you, Eve. I’m so sorry l had this moment of doubt.”

  “I don’t know what to say, David,” Eve mumbled, the tears easing. “I don’t know if I can trust you anymore.”

  Before David had a chance to answer, Eve’s mobile rang and she picked it up, glad to have a distraction.

  “Miss Masters, this is Andy, from the kitchen room specialists. I’ve just come over to start work on your kitchen, but I think you’ve had a burglary. The house is a tip. Things have been thrown all over the place.”

  “Oh my God, I don’t believe it. Have you called the police?”

  “Not yet. I thought I’d phone you first. Do you want me to do it?”

  “Yes, if you would please. I’ll be over as soon as I can.”

  Eve put her mobile in her bag and looked at David.

  “Oh David, as if things can’t get any worse, now my house has been broken into. Whoever did it must have come in the last couple of hours. They could have watched us leave. So much for Vera keeping an eye on the house for us.”

  “We’d better get over there then. I’ll call for the bill.”

  In a way, David was relieved to have this diversion, not that he wanted Eve’s house to be broken into, but at least he might be able to comfort her and she might forgive him.

  “It’s all a bit of a coincidence, don’t you think, David?”

  “What is?” he asked.

  “Well, first the shed being set on fire and now the burglary. You’d think someone has it in for me.”

  “But who? Nobody knows you.”

  “Perhaps someone might want the house and is trying to scare me off. I don’t know what’s happening, but I’m going to find out.”

  David was pleased to see the old Eve re-emerging, but he didn’t for one minute think she’d forgotten about his date with Sophie.

  * * *

  When Eve and David arrived at the house, they were greeted by two members of the Australian police force. Eve was asked to go round to see what was missing.

  She did as she was told, but as she’d barely looked at Andrea’s possessions as of yet, it was hard for her to know what had been stolen.

  “Well it’s difficult to say because the stuff in here was my cousin’s and I’ve only just inherited the house,” Eve told the officers. “I hadn’t looked at everything she had, but I do know that all her gold jewelery has gone, not that there was a lot, plus some small appliances like the toaster, sandwich maker and juicer. I can’t remember much else I’m afraid.”

  “If you do remember anything else, let us know,” one of the officers said. “I’m afraid I don’t hold out much hope that we’ll find any of the stolen items.”

  Eve shrugged her shoulders.

  “I’m not that bothered about the things. I’m more worried that someone has a grudge against me,”

  “A grudge?” the officer asked. “Why?”

  “I don’t know. Someone set my shed on fire last night so it’s a little suspicious.”

  “It could be a coincidence.”

  Eve grunted and David could see she was getting irritated with the police.

  “How did they get in?” Eve asked.

  “They broke a kitchen window. I’d get that fixed as soon as possible.”

  “We’ll get straight onto that,” Eve replied.

  What do they think I am, stupid? I’m hardly going to leave my house with a window missing so all the thieves in the area can just waltz in.

  “Well, if anything else does happen, let us know. We’ll be on our way for now,” the officer said as he and his colleague left.

  “Really,” Eve said indignantly. “They’ll be sorry when I’m found lying dead down an alleyway with my throat slit.”

  Andy, who had been watching and listening to the whole conversation tried to stifle a laugh, not wanting to be at the end of Eve’s tongue.

  “Eve, darling,” David said. “Nothing will happen to you. I’ll make sure of that.”

  “If you bother to stick around.”

  David went red, not wanting to have this sort of conversation with an audience watching.

  “Look, shall we go back to the hotel, Eve?”

  “I want to tidy up first,” she insisted.

  “Ok,” David didn’t dare disagree with her.

  Once upstairs and out of Andy’s earshot, David spoke.

  “Please forgive me Eve. I couldn’t bear it if we broke up.”

  “As long as you never see that Sophie woman again.”

  David didn’t have a chance to reply as there was a woman shouting hello from downstairs.

  “Oh no, it’s Vera again. I suppose we’d better go and see her,” Eve spoke reluctantly.

  After recounting the story of the burglary, Vera was very sympathetic.

  “That’s terrible. We don’t have too many burglaries around here. Must have been kids who knew the house was empty. We like to think of this as a safe neighborhood.”

  “Well, they’re not going to frighten me away,” Eve said determinedly. “I don’t suppose you heard anything suspicious at any time since we left this morning?”

  “No, I’m afraid not.”

  “Perhaps you could ask Marion as well.”

  “Oh, she won’t have heard anything. She suffers from an anxiety disorder and takes medication. She wasn’t too well this morning and after I saw you two, I had to go over and calm her down. I thought it best if she took a couple of pills. She sleeps like a baby when she takes her meds. An earthquake wouldn’t wake her. Anyway, better go, the family are expecting to go out. They’re staying with me for a bit of a holiday. It’s lovely to have the grandkids staying. I don’t see enough of them usually.”

  “Well, it’s been nice to see you again,” Eve lied.

  She and David both breathed a sigh of relief when Vera left. David looked at Eve, thinking how tired she looked. They were supposed to be having a holiday and this was turning out to be stressful to say the least. He had to do something about it.

  “Eve, why don’t we have a break? What about Rottnest island for a couple of days?”

  Eve smiled for the first time that day.

  * * *

  When Eve and David got back to the hotel, Eve decided to go and get her postcards.

  “I never did get them this morning and at this rate, we’ll be home before them. Can I get any for you, David?”

  “Oh, just three, I think.”

  Eve smiled, thinking of the twenty or so she intended to buy. She liked people to know where she was and how well travelled a woman she had become.

  “I’ll see you in the room then,” he said. “I think I’ll lie down for half an hour or so.”

  However, before he could even think of having a nap, David decided to ring Sophie. He had left things in the air with her and he wasn’t being fair. He didn’t want her sitting around hoping he’d phone, if indeed she was. Perhaps she hadn’t taken their ‘date’ seriously. In fact, he hoped she hadn’t.

  Sophie ans
wered her mobile after only a couple of rings.

  “David, how lovely to hear from you. I did hope you’d call.”

  “I’m sorry, Sophie, I’m only ringing to tell you that we can’t see each other again. I do apologies for being so selfish.”

  ‘Oh David, no, you can’t let it end like this. We had such a wonderful time and you know we did. I presume you and Eve have made up, but how long will it be before you have another argument? You can’t live like that forever.”

  “Yes, we have made up, Sophie, and yes, we probably will have another argument, but our relationship thrives on conflict.”

  “Come on, David, don’t you find it difficult, all that arguing and not knowing what’s going to come next?”

  “Sometimes, but sometimes I like the excitement and anticipation.”

  “You’ve changed, David.”

  “Perhaps a little.”

  “I still love you. I realized how much when I first saw you in the hotel restaurant.”

  “I’m sorry, Sophie, it’s too late. I’m in love with Eve. I shouldn’t have met you the other day. You deserve better than this.”

  “I should never have left you to go to America.”

  “But you did, and things have changed.”

  “It’s not going to work out between you and her. I know it won’t and you’ll come running back to me. I know you will.”

  With that, Sophie hung up. David was astounded. He hadn’t realized how deep Sophie’s feelings for him still were. He wished he had never agreed to have lunch and spend the afternoon with her, but he had and it was too late to change that now. He could only hope that she would get over him and most of all not pester him. He knew that sounded cruel, but he didn’t dare think of the problems that would cause between him and Eve.

  With that call over and done with, David took a deep breath, tried to put it out of his mind and then decided to book the hotel on Rottnest Island. He had intended to do this as a surprise before any of this trouble started and had found a lovely hotel which he was sure Eve would like. It was called the Rottnest Lodge and was one of the better hotels on the island. David wanted to treat Eve to something nice as she was paying for everything else and he had thought a couple of nights on this island would be ideal. It was a small island, just over seven square miles in size and only eleven miles away from Fremantle. There were no cars on the island, plenty of beaches and lots of birds and animals which Eve would love. David got straight on the phone and booked them a suite for two nights starting from the next day.


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