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Hot on the Trail

Page 8

by Irena Nieslony

  Chapter 9

  The ferry arrived at Rottnest Island and Joanna breathed a sigh of relief. Surely she would be safe here for a while until things quietened down.

  She had pulled her hair back and tied it up, putting a hat and sunglasses on. She thought she looked quite inconspicuous. Joanna decided that when she got a room she would cut her hair. She’d done it herself a few times before and she wasn’t too bad at it. A drastic change would make her look different yet again. She was lucky that way. Changing her hair color or style always seemed to alter her appearance. She was also pretty good at changing her make-up to make herself look poles apart from the original Joanna Neonakis. She’d also decided to make her hair a shade darker. She’d managed to fit in a little shopping in Fremantle before the ferry departed and had bought a new hair color as well as some clothes and toiletries.

  Joanna was heading for Thompson Bay, the main settlement area on the island where there were two hotels she’d earmarked, Hotel Rottnest and Rottnest Lodge. It wasn’t the main tourist season so she reckoned she should be able to get a room.

  Arriving there however, Joanna saw there was self-catering accommodation near to the ferry port and decided that this was even more suitable. The less people that saw her, the better. She might go out for the odd meal if she felt comfortable with her new hair style, but she would also buy food and eat in her room. It was going to be a lonely few days, but she had been on her own many times before and she could cope. Anyway, she had no choice.

  Joanna was lucky enough to secure self-catering accommodation and went into her rooms straight away. She didn’t want to be seen for any longer than possible, not until she’d done something with her appearance.

  However, as soon as Joanna had put down her bags, she suddenly felt completely exhausted and she had to lie down. She didn’t intend to sleep for long, but when she woke up, it had gone eight and she was starving. However, she knew she had to do her hair first before she went ventured into Thompson Bay. Out came the scissors and she started chopping until her hair was spiky and short. She smiled at the face staring back at her in the mirror.

  “I like it, Mrs. Lucy Carter. Now for a little change in color. A darker blonde will definitely do the trick.”

  Just as she finished coloring her hair, her mobile rang and it was Charles again.

  “Damn, I meant to get a new sim card and I totally forgot with everything that’s happened. I doubt I’ll be able to get one here. The only thing I can do is switch this phone off. I don’t want to be reminded of Charles anymore."

  After turning her phone off, Joanna went into the main settlement area of Thomson Bay. She saw there was a general store and decided to buy food rather than eat out. She’d probably wait a day or two before risking going to a restaurant to eat. She thought she might be headline news at the moment, but in a few days’ time, she’d be forgotten, perhaps not by the Greek police, but definitely by members of the public.

  As she walked, Joanna felt low again. Unfortunately, that call from Charles had brought back memories of the wonderful time they had spent together. For one moment she wished she had never chosen a life of crime, but then she shook her head and told herself not to be silly. If she hadn’t, she’d probably be married with three kids and living in a semi-detached house, bored out of her mind. Joanna shuddered at the thought and tried telling herself that a relationship with Charles would probably end up just like that. .

  * * *

  Charles Sheffield took his dinner out of the microwave and sat in front of the television. The news was on, but he wasn’t really watching it. He simply liked to have the television on for the noise. The house was so quiet otherwise.

  The newscaster started talking about a woman being searched for in Perth by the Greek police and Charles became interested when he heard that she was wanted for kidnapping and possibly for murder. It was a bit different to the usual news that was on night after night. Then a picture was shown of the woman and he thought how attractive she was, not that he normally went for blondes. The police had computer generated a photo of what they thought Joanna would look like now with her new hair color and style.

  “Mind you, I doubt if she’s really a blonde,” Charles said. "It doesn’t go with her coloring.”

  Charles quite often spoke to himself. He had done so since he had been a young boy, never having been a child to make friends easily.

  “That woman looks a bit familiar,” he continued.

  He strained to look at her, yet he had no idea where he had seen her before.

  “It’s those eyes. They’re very striking, even if her hair’s not.”

  The photo was taken off and Charles shrugged his shoulders, still unable to recall where he had seen her. He started eating his overcooked lasagna.

  When he had finished his meal, he lay down on his settee to have a nap. Work had been both busy and tiresome and he still hadn’t managed to get hold of Victoria. Why wouldn’t she answer her phone? He couldn’t believe that he had been mistaken about her feelings. He thought she felt the same for him as he did for her. Something must have happened. With these thoughts on his mind, Charles drifted off to sleep.

  An hour later he was still dozing when his cat jumped on his lap. He woke up with a start.

  “It’s Victoria. That woman on T.V. was Victoria.”

  Charles didn’t know what to do with himself. The television had called her Joanna something. Her surname was Greek and he couldn’t remember what it was, but he was sure it was her. Charles got out his laptop and searched for the story on the internet. It didn’t take long to find and there was the photo again. He studied it even closer and now he was certain that, despite the different hair style and color, it was Victoria.

  “I’m sure it’s her. Now what do I do? Do I ring the police? It’s my duty I suppose, but is there any point? I only saw her twice and she used a false name. Anyway, she isn’t answering her phone. She’s probably changed her name again; well she’s changed her appearance, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s taken on a new identity.

  But why would I want to ring the police? I should be angry with her, but I’m not. I’m in love with her and it doesn’t matter to me what she’s done.

  Everything’s clear now. The only reason she’s not answering my calls is that she’s on the run. I don’t blame her for not trusting me; she barely knows me. However, she can trust me. I would help her to get away. In fact I’d go with her. I’d give up anything; no everything, to be with her. I know, I’ll send her a text and tell her I know who she really is and that it doesn’t matter.”

  * * *

  Later that evening, Joanna sat on her bed reading. She had bought herself a couple of magazines from the general store and was trying her best to become absorbed in one of them. Unfortunately, she wasn’t having much luck.

  She had cooked some local fish for supper and had enjoyed it as much as she felt she could enjoy anything at the moment. She had seen there was a fish restaurant in Thompson Bay and thought she might give it a try in a couple of days’ time.

  It was almost eleven and she was feeling tired, but she kept thinking about Charles, wondering if he had tried to call again. Switching off her phone had done her no good. She still couldn’t stop thinking about him. Perhaps he’d sent her another text message. Should she look? She’d resisted the urge to switch her phone on for three hours, but now she didn’t think she could sleep without taking a peek.

  Joanna switched her phone on and there was one message. Trembling, she opened it and seeing it was from Charles, she couldn’t hide her happiness.

  She read - Joanna, I now know that’s your real name, but I don’t care what you’ve done. I can’t stop thinking about you.

  Joanna sat reading the message over and over. What was she to do?

  Nothing. There’s nothing I can do. Charles is a good man. He wouldn’t survive a life on the run. We’d be caught in no time. I’ll have to let him go.

  Joanna could feel tears well
ing up, a sensation that was new to her and she didn’t like it. She hated being soft. It didn’t get you anywhere. She picked up her mobile to send a message back to Charles.

  Charles, I enjoyed our time together, but you’re a decent man and I won’t be seeing you again. It’s better this way. I’m throwing away this sim card so you won’t be able to contact me again.

  Joanna got off her bed and took her phone apart. The sea wasn’t far away so she took out her sim card and walked down to the beach. Carrying her shoes in her hands, she paddled a little way out and then threw the sim card far away into the sea.

  “That’s it, gone forever, and unfortunately, so are you Charles.”

  Joanna walked back to her rooms, a few tears falling. She couldn’t even remember Charles’s phone number. It had only been on the sim card, so she wouldn’t ever be able to ring him either. Their relationship was over even before it had properly begun. She fell on her bed and burst into tears.

  However, five minutes later, Joanna got up, looked in the mirror and gave herself a good talking to.

  “Joanna, now you’ve got to concentrate on yourself and avoiding the police and that awful Eve Masters. Charles Sheffield is dead to you. You will not think of him anymore. From now on you must concentrate on yourself and starting a new life.

  Chapter 10

  Eve and David arrived at the Rottnest Lodge late the following morning. Eve had cheered up considerably and was looking forward to her stay. However, she wasn’t being tactful about David paying for the trip.

  “You don’t have to pay for this David. I’m sure it’s very expensive.”

  “I want to, Eve and let that be an end to it,” David replied, a little crossly.

  Eve didn’t seem to realize that David had some pride and didn’t want her to pay for everything. He earned money as well and liked to treat Eve to nice things every now and then. However, to be fair, Eve wasn’t really doing this to belittle him. She was a very wealthy woman and enjoyed luxury, so they went to the places she could afford and liked, rather than places within David’s budget.

  Luckily, it didn’t take her long to realize that David was trying to be nice and wanted to treat her to something special.

  “Well, thank you, David. Then I’m sure I will enjoy it all the more. The hotel does look lovely.”

  Their room was fantastic. David had booked the best they had, a room overlooking the lake, and Eve was more than impressed. He’d asked for a bottle of champagne to be there when they arrived and he was relieved to see it was. He didn’t want anything to go wrong while they were staying on Rottnest Island.

  Eve was delighted to see the champagne and thoughts of Sophie were gradually disappearing from her mind. She didn’t think for one moment that David had been unfaithful. He was too much of a gentleman to do anything like that, but just going out with her felt like a betrayal to Eve, not least because going to lunch and spending an afternoon with Sophie meant nearly as much to David as sleeping with the woman. .

  “David, you have thought out this getaway marvelously.” Eve said, smiling. “The champagne is a wonderful touch. Shall we open it now? It’s in an ice bucket and feels nicely chilled.”

  “I thought you wanted to rush out and see the island. You’ve been desperate to see that quokka, haven’t you? After all, this is one of the few places that you can see that marsupial.”

  “We’ve got a couple of days haven’t we? I’m sure the quokka isn’t going anywhere. I don’t think they can swim, can they?”

  Eve went and put her arms around David and started kissing him. As usual, he couldn’t resist her. For a moment, Sophie flitted through his mind, but then he dismissed her. She had never given him the same thrills Eve gave him. However, he pushed her away a little.

  “I’ll open the bottle first, shall I?”

  “I think you’d better before I get carried away,” Eve grinned.

  However, after one glass and a lot more kissing, the quokka and the rest of Rottnest Island were completely forgotten as Eve unbuttoned David’s shirt and he very willingly let her.

  * * *

  Two hours later Eve woke up and saw David still sleeping next to her. She smiled, but then realized how hungry she was. However, she poured herself some more champagne, not wanting it to go to waste and then got up and went to have a shower and re-do her make up. She decided to let David sleep a little longer as he didn’t take as long as she did to get ready.

  As Eve was doing her make-up, David woke up and came and put his arms around Eve. He started to kiss her neck.

  “Mmm, that feels good, but you’d better stop otherwise we’ll never get out of this room.”

  “That wouldn’t be such a bad thing, would it?” he whispered in her ear.

  “I’m sure it would be wonderful,” Eve replied, turning round to face him and putting her arms around his neck, “However, we have come here to see the island, plus I’m hungry.”

  “I suppose you’re right,” David said, pretending to look hurt. “Do you want to eat in the hotel?”

  “No, I thought we’d have a nice dinner in the restaurant here, but we’d go out and have a baguette or something similar in Thompson Bay.”

  “Ok. I’ll just go and get dressed.”

  Eve sighed as she watched him go. It would have been lovely to spend the afternoon in bed. They could have ordered another bottle of champagne and she imagined it would be like being on their honeymoon, but it would be silly to stay in bed when there was so much to see and do on the island. There was always tonight after all.

  * * *

  Eve and David spent a very pleasant afternoon together on Rottnest Island. They found a cafe where they had a delicious baguette and then took a long walk out on one of the trails. Eve even suggested hiring bicycles the following day to go round the island. David was startled. He had no idea she could cycle.

  “Yes, I used to cycle a lot when I was young and I still had a bike in London. I used to ride it if I just needed a few things from the shops. It was great exercise when I didn’t have time to go to the gym.”

  David was flabbergasted. He had been seeing Eve for well over a year and she was still surprising him. He would never have thought she would have enjoyed cycling. Eve always went for the best and he thought that she would have thought a bicycle beneath her, but he was wrong.

  “You can cycle, can’t you David?” Eve asked, grinning.

  She knew he would be surprised by this revelation of hers.

  “What? Oh, yes, of course. Though it’s a few years since I’ve been on a bike.”

  “Don’t worry; I’ll help you if you get into any difficulties!”

  David grinned. How could he ever have thought of leaving Eve for Sophie? He actually hadn’t put it into words, but the thought had been there in the deepest recesses of his mind. However, no woman had ever continued to surprise him like Eve did.

  “Come on,” Eve said. “We’d better head back to the hotel for dinner. It’s getting late and I’m starving.”

  “You always are. I don’t know how you manage to keep so thin.”

  “Just lucky I suppose. I must be to have met you.”

  “Eve, you’re being very soppy today.”

  “I know, but you love it,” she said, putting her arm through his.

  “Yes, I suppose I do, but only sometimes!”

  * * *

  That evening Eve and David sat in the restaurant in the hotel. She was eating roasted pumpkin tortellini with a cherry tomato salsa, feta and basil, while he had chosen Black Angus sirloin steak with sautéed potatoes, broccoli, herbed mushrooms, smoked paprika aioli and a red wine jus. They were both savoring their food, finding it delicious, and Eve was impressed that there was more than one vegetarian choice. They shared another bottle of champagne with the meal which was David’s idea. Eve protested saying he had paid enough, but then felt guilty when she saw his face fall. He wanted to treat her to a wonderful couple of days so why didn’t she keep her mouth shut. She was a
lways spending money on him; now he wanted to spend some on her for a change.

  “Sorry, darling,” Eve said, feeling awful. I would love some more champagne, if that’s what you want.”

  “It is and I can afford it,” David replied.

  “I’ll say no more then and I’ll just enjoy the champagne. It is my favorite drink after all.”

  “I know,” David smiled

  After a few sips of champagne, Eve dared to bring up the subject of Joanna.

  “I know you don’t much like to talk about her, but I wonder if the police have caught Joanna yet.”

  “I don’t mind talking about it as long as you’re not doing anything about it!”

  “There’s not much I can do unless we bump into her, is there?”

  “Don’t say you would tackle her again?

  “I’d have to David. She’ll only move on if she knows I’ve seen her. Then the police will have little chance of catching her, like now. They have hardly any chance of finding her. I bet she’s changed her appearance again to make it difficult for people to recognize her. Wouldn’t you do anything if you saw her?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know, Eve. Yes, I want her caught after what she did to me, but I have an awful feeling that she would overpower me or outwit me if I tackled her. She’s too clever.”

  “You’re probably right, but if we were together we might manage it.”

  “Yes, possibly.”

  They both became quiet for a short while and then Eve spoke, changing the subject completely. She found herself not so bothered about Joanna that evening. The whole day with David had been wonderful and she wanted it to continue. She was hardly likely to bump into Joanna here, so she could leave it on a back burner for a while and just enjoy her time with David. Even Sophie had almost faded into the background.


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