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Saving My Submission BN

Page 9

by Jenna Jacob

  “May I have a drumroll, please?” he asked the laughing crowd of subs.

  Sanna, Julianna, and I started tapping our fingers on the wooden table as Trevor took a bow, then slammed the metal end of the sparkler into the top of the plug. Cheers and applause filled the room as Trevor took another dramatic bow, cracking up with laughter. His giddiness was contagious as even more laughter filled the room.

  “Oh my god, they’re here!” A young black woman cried, as a look of terror marred her beautiful features.

  “They? What do you mean they, Ebony?” Julianna frowned.

  “Tony and Leagh and—oh hell, I think all our Doms are here too,” Ebony choked with a wide-eyed, worried expression.

  “Fuck! Errr, I mean crap. Hide that thing,” Trevor screeched, pointing to the gargantuan plug.

  “Where? Where the fuck do you suggest I hide it?” Savannah yelped.

  “I don’t know,” Trevor wailed in panic.

  “Well, I’m sure as hell not going to sit on it,” I laughed. “Just light it and we’ll surprise them all.”

  “Are you crazy?” Trevor shrieked. “If Daddy sees that… oh, hell… I don’t want to wear diapers the rest of my life.”

  “Get real, Trev. Drake would never use that thing on you,” Sanna laughed.

  “Now,” Julianna ordered in a loud whisper. “Light it now, Trev.”

  With shaky hands, he ignited the sparkler. It flickered to life right as Leagh and Tony crossed the threshold. She jumped when we called out ‘surprise!’ then her shocked expression quickly transformed into a look of pure delight as a parade of Doms flowed in behind the couple.

  Tony grinned and squeezed his bride-to-be as the arriving party turned their attention on the sputtering sparks shooting from the giant butt plug.

  “Good god. Where the hell did you all find that? Plugs-r-us?” Tony laughed.

  “Don’t get any ideas, Master. That thing is not getting anywhere near my parts,” Leagh laughed.

  “Or mine either,” Trevor cried, casting a terrified look at Drake.

  “That’s just…holy mother of…” Mika murmured, gazing at the shimmering centerpiece. “That thing’s scary as fuck.”

  “I know,” Trevor howled, still pinning Drake with a fearful gaze.

  “What are you worried about, boy? I’d never use that on you. The damn thing would kill you,” Drake laughed.

  “Oh, thank, god.” Trevor exhaled a sigh of relief.

  As the sparkler burned down, the hot embers landed on the lube-covered plug, and without warning the whole damn thing burst into flame. Black smoke rolled off the blazing plastic setting off a high-pitched squeal from the smoke alarms.

  “No. Oh, shit,” Savannah, cried. “Do something, Trevor.”

  “What the fuck do you want me to do?” Trevor cried.

  “Watch your mouth, boy,” Drake thundered. “You better hope to all that’s holy you didn’t have anything to do with this, or your ass is mine.”

  “But Master…” Trevor began.

  “Everybody out,” Tony screamed. Gripping Leagh’s arm, he pulled her to the doorway. “Wait for me outside, angel. I’ll be right there.”

  “Don’t you dare make me a widow before the wedding… Sir,” she scolded.

  “Never gonna happen,” Tony laughed, then kissed her hard. “And don’t talk to me in that tone, girl, or you won’t like our wedding night.” With a firm swat on her ass, he sent Leagh on her way.

  The other Doms gathered up their subs and raced out the door. Only a handful of us remained trying to decide how to put out the fire. The acrid smoke burned my lungs, but I refused to leave Sanna’s side.

  “Did you have a hand in this, boy?” Drake demanded. His face clouded over like a wicked storm.

  “It was an accident, Daddy. I swear.” Tears began to well in Trevor’s eyes as he flitted his gaze between the flickering plug and his pissed-off Master.

  “We need a fire extinguisher,” Julianna yelled over the bleating alarms. “We’ve got to put this thing out before it ruins the whole party.”

  Scotty tore into the room, wide-eyed and mouth agape. “What the fuck did you do back here?”

  “Get an extinguisher,” Nick barked.

  With a panicked stutter step, Scotty bolted back out of the room.

  “Grab an edge, guys. Let’s try and snuff this sucker out,” Tony instructed, pinching a corner of the tablecloth in his fingers.

  Drake, Dylan, Nick, and Mika lifted the linen, but once the fabric came in contact with the lube, it ignited the cloth like a match to kindling. Forced to stop their efforts, they dropped the fabric and stepped back.

  “Was there alcohol in that lube?” Mika thundered.

  “I… I don’t know, Master.” Julianna cringed. Digging through one of the boxes, she lifted out an empty container of lube. Coughing, she scanned the ingredients. “You’ve got to be shitting me. What idiot puts alcohol in lube?”

  “You’ve earned ten swats with the rubber paddle for your language, girl.” Mika glared.

  Julianna coughed again and frowned. I suspected the rubber paddle wasn’t pleasant.

  Scotty burst back through the doorway carrying a big, red fire extinguisher. Breaking the seal, he aimed the rubber nozzle on the flaming plug, spraying thick white foam over the bubbling goo. But it wasn’t enough to put the fire out. The flames continued to dance, higher than before, in a macabre dance. The biting stench of burning rubber permeated the room, making it hard for all of us to breathe.

  “We’ve got to get out of here,” Dylan hollered, pointing toward the door.

  In the distance the sound of sirens grew louder as Julianna grabbed the cake off the gift table. Trevor peeled the poster from the wall as he and Drake snagged up several of Leagh’s gifts. Following their lead, the rest of us plucked up the presents before racing out the door.

  Savannah, Julianna, Trevor, and I made our way outside, coughing and wiping our eyes.

  “We’re up shit creek without any paddles,” Trevor whispered in a nervous hiss. “Hell, we don’t even have a fucking boat.”

  “Come on, Trev. It’s not that bad. It was an accident.” I tried to reassure him. “They’re not going to punish you guys for an accident.”

  “Yes, they are,” Trevor, Julianna, and Savannah chimed in together.

  “Have I mentioned that I fucking hate rice?” Sanna groused.

  “You’re going to hate eating soap just as much, kitten,” Dylan barked from behind us.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and groaned at being busted.

  “Hurry it up, you four. We’ve all breathed enough of this shit into our lungs. Get your butts outside for some fresh air,” Nick ordered.

  His tone was firm, but he sounded more concerned about our health than taking us over his knee. Even in all the chaos and destruction of the party, I couldn’t stop envisioning myself poised over Joshua’s knee while his big, broad hand slapped my ass.

  You just won’t give it up, will you? Dream all you want, but it’s never going to happen.

  Once outside, Julianna opened the back of the Escalade and we filled it with Leagh’s presents and cake. The fire department pulled up and several men rushed inside the building as I stood with Sanna and the subs huddled in a circle.

  Several firemen paraded back out of the building unable to hide their smiles… some were even outright laughing. As a couple of them passed by us on their way to the pumper truck I caught a snippet of their conversation.

  “I’ve been on a lot of calls, but I’ve never been to the scene of a raging butt plug inferno before.” One man chuckled as he unbuttoned his long yellow coat.

  “I’m so sorry, Leagh. This was supposed to be fun, not a flippin’ catastrophe,” Sanna moaned with tears in her eyes.

  “Are you kidding?” Leagh grinned. “How many brides can say that a butt plug caught fire at her bachelorette party?”

  Sanna let out a wail as tears spilled down her cheeks. Laughing, Leagh hugged my si
ster tight and shushed her.

  “Come on, Savannah. Don’t cry. I thought the plug made an awesome centerpiece. Besides, it holds a special meaning between you and me, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Sanna sniffed. “That’s why I got it. I knew you’d understand.”

  “Well, I will tomorrow night. Tony plans to deflower my ass in front of god and all the members of the club,” Leagh said with a cringe. “And I’m scared shitless… pardon the pun.”

  “Tony’s been doing the training on you, right?” Sanna wiped her tears. Her forlorn tone vanished, replaced by a serious, mothering tenor. Leagh nodded. “Then don’t be scared. Tony would walk through glass, barefoot before he hurt you, sweetheart.”

  Filled with a sense of pride, I couldn’t help but admire the way Sanna eased Leagh’s fears. Not only had my sister totally embraced every aspect of the lifestyle, she took on the onus of teaching and sharing her knowledge with other subs. Glancing back at Dylan and Nick, gratitude flooded my veins. If not for their love, Sanna would still be lost, closed off, void of the incredible gifts they so freely gave her. My throat tightened with emotion as I realized my baby sister had come full circle; she was finally whole.

  Scotty marched over to where we stood, his face an angry thunder cloud.

  “Who’s going to pay for fixing my restaurant?” Fury blazed in his eyes as he pinned an accusatory gaze over the four of us responsible for the accident.

  “Easy, Scotty,” Dylan warned. Clenching his jaw, he moved in, toe-to-toe with the livid owner. Nick, Mika, and Drake stepped up alongside him. Shoulder-to-shoulder the Doms formed an imposing barrier between the enraged man and us. “Nick and I will have a crew here first thing in the morning, man. No matter what it costs, we’ll make sure it’s better than before.”

  “You’re damn right it will,” Scotty barked before turning on his heel and storming away.

  Dylan snarled at the owner’s parting words.

  “You can’t blame him,” Nick chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Wow, he is pissed,” Sanna whispered as she watched the Doms filter back to where they’d stood before Scotty appeared.

  “Yeah, I know. What part of ‘accident’ doesn’t the male population around here seem to understand?” I asked darting a gaze at the stoic faced Doms watching the commotion of the firemen.

  “It’s not that…” Julianna began.

  “Oh, I know all about the whole sub code of conduct. But it wasn’t like you guys purposefully started a fire to make your Master’s look bad. Even in the middle of all the pandemonium you guys represented them as best you could. Sure there were a few accidental curse words—which is totally understandable if you ask me, but all in all you didn’t do anything to disrespect any of them.”

  “You’re preaching to the choir, sister,” Trevor chimed in. “But trust me. They’ll still find a way to make sure we learn a lesson.”

  “What bigger lesson is there than not to mix sparklers with alcohol-based lube?” I laughed.

  “None, but they’re still going to drive home the fact that we fucked up… most likely over our asses with big mother fucking paddles,” Julianna whispered with a pensive pout.

  Mika let out a low growl. “That’s twenty now, girl. Clean up your language or I’ll add twenty more to it.”

  Julianna cringed and nodded.

  Before the fire department had even left, a handful of workers from Dylan and Nick’s company showed up ready to start repairing the damaged restaurant. Deciding a change of venue was needed, we drove to Tony and Leagh’s house, intent on enjoying the party there. Once the presents and cake had been situated, the Doms left us alone to spend the evening at Tony’s bachelor party. Before they left, we were banned from using lighters or matches for the rest of the evening.

  Decades had passed since I’d been made to feel like a child. At first I resented the hell out of us being talked down to, but I realized the Doms were simply setting limits for their subs. I wondered how I’d feel if Joshua were the one laying down rules for me to follow. Would I be miffed and filled with contempt? Did I still have it in me to bend and supplicate, or would that stubborn, independent streak of mine be my submissive demise?

  You’re never going to find out, so stop running stupid scenarios through your head.

  The fact that Joshua hadn’t bothered to call stung. Trailing a fingertip over the phone in my pocket, I swallowed down my disappointment.

  Gathered around Leagh in her living room, we watched as she opened her gifts. I forced myself to focus on the party and not a certain artist who’d thrown me off-kilter. With present she unwrapped, Leagh squealed with delight and laughed hysterically at some of the more risqué presents. The rocky start at Maurizio’s didn’t dampen our spirits one bit. Sipping my margarita through the tacky penis straw, I realized I hadn’t laughed so hard in years. It was an absolute joy to be around so many people who were truly happy in their own skin. Suddenly missing my lifestyle friends back in Kansas City, I reminded myself that it was another lifetime ago.

  Trevor became our “Slave boy of Ceremony” for the kink games. With dramatic flair and smart-assed one liner’s, he passed around several tubes of red lipstick. He then instructed us to paint our lips for our first game, ‘Deep throat the banana.’

  A pretty redheaded sub named Tiffany won the contest when she took the entire banana down her throat. With a collective cheer, we clapped at her deep-throating skill as her cheeks blushed bright red.

  “Now we know why Master Brax is always wearing a smile,” Julianna laughed.

  After a lot of ribbing, Tiffany preened. “I can’t help it if I have talents,” she giggled.

  Trevor pulled out a blindfold and held up several cardboard cut-outs of penises. Dragging one toward his mouth, he licked the image and sighed, dreamily.

  “You ladies ready to ‘Pin The Junk on The Dom?’”

  “Only if you’re done giving it a blow job,” Leagh laughed.

  “I’m not sure yet, sis. This one looks pretty damn tasty.” Trevor smirked.

  “Oh, I’m telling Drake on you,” Julianna threatened with a laugh.

  “No you’re not, or you’re going to have to find yourself another babysitter, sister,” Trevor warned with an impish grin.

  “You’re right, I’m not,” she agreed.

  Trevor passed out the penis pictures before blindfolding Leagh. After he spun her around and pointed her in the direction of a poster he’d rescued from Maurizio’s, Leagh rubbed her hand over the paper and stuck the penis in place… on his chin. The whole room started laughing and when she pulled off her blindfold she screamed.

  “That’s where it should be,” she laughed. “And we all know it.”

  Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door. Leagh was still giggling as she ran to answer it. Tilting my head, I peered into the foyer. Two police officers stood on the porch. Leagh let out a thin cry of fear and crumpled to the floor.

  Julianna’s face turned white as she raced to Leagh’s side. Looking up at the officer with a pained expression, Julianna sucked in a quick breath. “James? Oh god, please tell me what’s happened.”

  “Fuck,” hissed the officer she’d directed her question to. “Nothing. Wait. Listen to me. It’s not what you think. Leagh, honey… Dammit.”

  “James. What’s happened?” Julianna’s tone was sharp as she wrapped her arms around a visibly distraught Leagh.

  “Nothing. I swear to god,” James repeated before kneeling and cupping his hand beneath Leagh’s chin. “Honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t stop to think we’d scare you like this. As god is my witness, Tony is perfectly fine. He and the guys are playing poker over at Dylan and Nick’s place.”

  Listening to the exchange, I instantly saw red. Whatever reason the two officers had for being there had wound up inadvertently scaring the crap out of Leagh. After losing her first Master so unexpectedly, two officers showing up on her porch had led Leagh to the worst possible conclusion: something horri
ble had happened to Tony.

  Bolting from the couch, I rushed to the door and pinned an angry gaze on the officer, James.

  “If Tony hasn’t been in any kind of accident, what the fuck are you doing here then?” I planted my hands on my hips and glared at the kneeling officer named James, seething with a rage I hadn’t felt in years.

  Blinking up at me, he stood. Wearing a look of confusion, James shook his head. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Savannah’s sister, Mellie. Who the hell are you? Are you even a real cop? Did you come over to scare the hell out of Leagh for shits and giggles?”

  Suddenly, Sanna appeared at my side, tugging on my arm. “Mel,” she whispered tersely.

  “Stop it,” I hissed, jerking from her grasp. “You’ve got some nerve, you know that? Do you have any idea what she’s been through? What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re an asshole, you know that?”

  “I thought this was a subbie party. I take it you don’t hang out with these ladies on a regular basis do you, girl?” James smirked as he squared his shoulders and spread his legs. Everything about the man screamed ‘Dominant’.

  “No, I don’t, and just for the record, I’m nobody’s girl,” I spat. “What you’ve done to Leagh is careless and cruel.”

  “Mellie, stop,” Sanna begged. “James is a switch at the club.”

  “I don’t bottom anymore, sweetheart,” James corrected. “Arianna and I are still friends; we’ve just both gone over to the Dom side.”

  “Oh, wow,” Julianna murmured.

  James frowned. Visibly worried, he knelt down in front of Leagh once again. “Hey, Tony is alive and perfectly fine. Do you hear what I’m saying?”

  “He’s not hurt? He’s not dead?” Leagh asked in a quivering voice filled with fear.

  James issued a heavy sigh and shook his head. “No, sweetheart, he’s one hundred percent fine. I volunteered to come by with Officer Hung here to make sure things don’t get too out of control,” he replied, jerking a thumb at the policeman standing behind him.


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