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Lincoln and the Power of the Press The War for Public Opinion

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by Harold Holzer

  rivalries of, 197, 233, 333–34

  as shared among subscribers, 16–17

  suppression of, 345–48

  wariness of, 200–201

  New York Staats-Zeitung, 352, 427

  New York Sun, 26, 27, 30, 54, 56, 61, 110–11, 146, 565

  business model of, 19–20

  circulation of, 21, 29, 73

  as Democratic paper, 53

  launch of, 17–18, 21

  popularity of, 73

  price of, 28

  profit of, 60

  size of, 25

  New York Times, xxiv, xxvi, xxvii, xxxi, 135, 164, 303, 337, 466, 501, 545, 558, 565

  AP joined by, 147

  as apprehensive of Lincoln, 234

  Army and Navy Journal praised in, 464

  arrest in Charleston of reporter for, 299–300

  Bennett’s attack on, 150

  Brown’s plot reported in, 207, 210–11

  Butler’s contraband order and, 332

  campaign of 1860 covered by, 246, 249, 256

  censorship and, 430–31

  on Daily News’s censure, 347

  Douglas’s death reported in, 307

  draft riots and, 445–46

  Dred Scott decision denounced by, 166–67

  editors’ declaration ignored in, 427

  emancipation accepted by, 406

  on Emancipation Proclamation, 395

  embedded Western correspondent of, 325

  First Bull Run Battle in, 316

  Fort Lafayette inspection reported in, 350–51

  on Frémont’s abolition order, 333

  Gettysburg Address absent from, 454–55

  on Greeley’s Senate bid, 278–79

  habeas corpus suspension criticized by, 313

  headquarters of, 136–37, 156, 198–99, 199

  Herald’s flag mocked in, 301

  influence of, xxviii

  investments in, 133

  launch of, 133–34

  Lincoln opposed by, 345

  Lincoln’s abolition plan praised in, 382–83

  on Lincoln’s assassination, 553

  Lincoln’s Cooper Union speech in, 221–22

  Lincoln’s first inaugural in, 291

  Lincoln’s Hodges letter published in, 476–77

  Lincoln’s lack of policy criticized in, 297–98, 304–5

  Lincoln’s power deplored in, 345

  Lincoln’s preliminary remarks on Gettysburg in, 449

  Lincoln’s second Annual Address praised by, 413

  Lincoln’s train ride to D.C. covered by, 281, 283, 286, 287

  Lincoln’s trip through Baltimore reported in, 286, 287

  McClellan’s accusations against, 361

  major fire ignored by, 136

  marketing circulars in, 137

  Maryland reporters’ arrests cheered by, 339

  modern-day, 565–66

  price of, 151

  prospectus of, 133–34

  rapid growth of, 137

  Raymond hired at, 122

  secession crisis downplayed by, 258–59

  Sherman’s emotional troubles reported in, 359

  Stanton’s refusal of press pass to, 483–84

  Sumner beating condemned by, 166

  Trent affair and, 363

  Tribune’s circulation war with, 136

  Villard’s reports in, 272

  New York Tribune, xxii, xxvi, xxvii, 57, 96, 139, 196, 274, 303, 450, 466, 536, 543

  Acton’s criticism of, 148

  ads in Herald for, 206

  Antietam reporting of, 326

  AP joined by, 147

  attention lavished on Greeley in, 205

  Bennett’s attack on, 150

  Bennett’s call for censorship of, 426

  Bennett’s obituary in, 556

  black and abolitionist readership of, 66

  Brown’s raid in, 211, 212–13

  Butler’s contraband order and, 332

  circulation of, 63, 85–86, 90, 136, 206, 259

  Clay supported by, 57, 65, 140

  Clay tribute in, 140

  Confederate anger at, 438–39

  D.C. delivery of, 487

  Douglas praised in, 142, 169–70, 171

  early troubles of, 55

  earnest editorial writing in, 61

  1858 Illinois election in, 183

  1860 election covered by, 249, 256

  fire at, 61

  First Bull Run Battle in, 314, 315, 316

  on “Flagmania,” 302

  Frémont supported by, 164

  Gettysburg Address absent from, 454–55

  Harris praised in, 278

  headquarters of, 199–200, 199

  Herald’s call for suppression of, 350

  Herald’s false Lincoln text mocked by, 490

  inconsistent profitability of, 150–51

  influence of, xviii

  launch of, 53–54, 125, 155, 565

  Lincoln accused of expense padding in, 113

  Lincoln-Douglas debate printed in, 178–79

  and Lincoln-Greeley correspondence on peace, 514–15

  Lincoln-Greeley summit in, 276

  Lincoln’s abolition plan praised in, 382–83

  Lincoln’s antislavery bill praised in, 108

  on Lincoln’s assassination, 553

  Lincoln’s Cooper Union speech reported in, 217, 220–21, 222–23

  Lincoln-Scott meeting in, 393

  Lincoln’s first inaugural in, 291

  Lincoln’s Hodges letter published in, 476–77

  Lincoln’s letter on Shakespeare mocked in, 482–83

  Lincoln’s Mexican War letter to, 96–97, 105

  Lincoln’s morale-building speeches in, 521

  Lincoln’s patronage quest supported by, 118

  Lincoln’s preliminary remarks on Gettysburg in, 449

  Lincoln’s Richmond visit in, 549

  Lincoln’s study of back issues of, 216

  Lincoln’s train ride to D.C. covered by, 281–82, 283, 284

  Lincoln’s trip through Baltimore reported in, 286

  Lincoln’s visit to, 220–21

  major fire in, 136

  Mexican War denounced in, 80, 85, 86

  military leaks ascribed to, 387

  plummet in circulation of, 557

  price of, 54, 151

  prospectus of, 54–55

  Raymond at, 55, 61, 62, 122, 125–26

  secession crisis downplayed in, 258–59, 260–61

  Sherman’s request for troops reported in, 359

  size of, 55

  staff at, 55, 61, 62, 135

  threat to office of, 443–45

  Times’s circulation war with, 136

  “War Tract” in, 430

  see also Greeley, Horace

  New York True Sun, 19

  New York World, 131, 311, 355, 409, 410, 439, 456, 466, 486, 533, 536, 558, 562, 565

  anti-Lincoln stories in, 502–4, 505–7

  Burnside’s banning of, 425

  censorship and shutdown of, 430, 489–94

  draft riots and, 442, 446

  on emancipation, 406, 418

  on Greeley’s peace conference, 516

  Lincoln’s abolition plan praised in, 382

  on Lincoln’s assassination, 553

  Lincoln’s speech on Confederate surrender criticized in, 551

  Lincoln’s train ride to D.C. covered by, 282

  Raymond’s Lincoln biography criticized in, 522

  New York World Journal Tribune, 565

  New York World Telegram and Sun, 565

  Nicolay, John G., 183, 244–45, 245, 331, 412–13, 415, 455, 456, 467, 479, 485, 501, 521–22, 527, 528, 530, 538, 551

  articles written by, 245

  at Gettysburg, 450

  Greeley blamed for secession crisis by, 261

  invited to serve as Lincoln’s secretary, 244, 245–46

  on Lincoln’s campaign biographies, 243, 245, 612
  on Lincoln’s train ride to D.C., 282, 284

  on proofs of Lincoln’s first inaugural, 280

  Noah, Mordecai Manuel, 22–23, 31

  North, 197

  differences with South over slavery, 209–10

  Southern trade with, 198

  North Carolina:

  secession of, 299

  Unionist press in, 458

  North Carolina Standard, 422

  Northern Spectator, 8

  North Star, see Douglass’ Monthly

  Odyssey (Homer), 561

  Ohio, 423–24, 509

  in election of 1860, 215

  Ohio Journal, 242

  Old Capitol Prison, 496

  Old Hickory, 43, 45, 46

  Old Soldier, 44–45, 46–47

  Opdyke, George, 442

  “Opening the Presidential Campaign,” 497–98

  Oregon, 225

  Oregon Democrat, 419

  Oregon Farmer, 195

  Oregon Territory, 106, 118, 119

  Ottawa, Ill., 176, 177, 178, 179, 184

  Pacific Appeal, 409, 414

  Page, S. D., 282

  Painter, Uriah Hunt, 282

  “Palmetto Boys of the Palmetto State,” 262

  Panic of 1837, 154

  Paris Democratic Standard, 422

  Paris Prairie Beacon, 168

  Park Row, 198, 199

  Parton, James, 443, 464

  party pamphlets, xiv

  party platforms, xx

  party resolutions, xx

  Paschall, Nathaniel, 267

  patronage (political), 24, 117–19, 120, 139, 192–93, 256, 265–66, 270, 272–75, 279–80, 290, 305–6, 329–30, 349, 501–2, 547, 620

  Patterson, Alicia, 561

  Patterson, Joseph Medill, 561

  Paul, Edward A., 483, 483

  Paulding, Hiram, 444

  Peace Convention, 335

  convening of, 275

  Lincoln’s opposition to, 264–65

  “Peace Meeting,” 353

  Peck, Ebenezer, 143

  Peckham, George, 266

  Peninsular Campaign, 385–88, 390, 392, 396, 464

  Pennsylvania, 411, 525, 590

  Confederate invasion of, 432

  wartime censorship in, 420–21

  Pennsylvanian, 24

  Pennsylvania Packet, 18

  penny papers, 19–21, 34, 138

  Peoria Demokrat, 352

  Petersburg, Battle of, 524

  Philadelphia, Pa., 29, 286

  Philadelphia Age, 553

  Philadelphia Argus, 274

  Philadelphia Courier, 21

  Philadelphia Daily Sun, 103

  Philadelphia Evening Argus, 349

  Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 265, 349

  Philadelphia Evening Journal, 420–21

  Philadelphia Inquirer, xxviii, 282, 328, 349, 432

  Philadelphia North American, 98–99

  Philadelphia Pennsylvanian, 236

  Philadelphia Press, 180, 308, 310, 316, 327–28, 397, 466, 549–50

  Philanthropist, 34

  Philips, Wendell, 403, 631

  Piano, Renzo, 565–66

  Piatt, Donn, 155, 260, 599

  Pickett, Thomas J., 203, 204, 468

  Pierce, Franklin, 144, 145, 388, 404

  Piggott, Thomas H., 365

  Pike, James S., 274

  Pike County Free Press, 244

  Pinkerton, Allan, 286, 365

  Pinkerton agents, 286

  Pittsburgh, Pa., 283

  Plainfield Gazette, 352

  Plan of Adjustment, 511

  Pleasantville, N.Y., 558

  Plymouth Church, 215, 217, 563

  Plympton, Florus B., 359

  Poe, Edgar Allen, 50

  Political Blondins Crossing Salt River, 253

  political orations, xiv

  Political Text-Book, 243

  Polk, James K., 78, 116, 308

  in election of 1844, 57, 65

  Lincoln’s “Spot” resolutions disputed by, 80

  Mexican War pact of, 76

  Mexican War started by, 72, 86

  Oregon Territory bill signed by, 106

  public works opposed by, 94–95

  second term rejected by, 94

  Pomeroy, William, 352–53

  Pony Express, 72

  Poore, Benjamin Perley, 23, 75, 288, 321, 326, 370, 375, 381, 388, 478

  Pope, John, 392, 398, 406, 407

  Popular Sovereignty, 150, 166, 169–70, 204, 215–16, 239, 266

  Porter, David Dixon, 549

  Porter’s Spirit of the Times, 126

  postal rate reform, 135

  Post Office, New York, 64–65, 64

  Post Office, U.S., 356, 523

  “Prayer of Twenty Millions, The,” 399–400, 399, 403, 405, 428, 517, 519

  Prentice, George D., 341–42

  Prime, William C., 345, 496

  death of, 562

  and false call for volunteers, 490, 491, 492

  Printing House Square, 443, 445

  printing technology, xvi, xviii, xix, xxi, 29, 31

  Prison Times, 461

  Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, 456

  profit sharing, 59

  propaganda, xix

  pro-secessionist press, xxvii

  prostitution, 27

  Providence Journal, 246

  public relations, xxiii

  Punch, 201

  Putnam’s Magazine, 225–26

  Quincy, Ill., 179

  Quincy Herald, 143, 422

  Quincy Whig, 142, 153

  Rail Candidate, The, 253

  rail service, xxviii, 29, 72

  transcontinental, 150

  Rail Splitter, 240

  Raleigh State Journal, 422, 646

  Ramsay, Charles G., 340–41

  Ramsey, Albert C., 535

  Ray, Charles H., 160, 161, 162, 170, 173, 183, 560, 609

  Brown denounced by, 208

  on D.C. emancipation, 603

  at 1860 Republican Convention, 226, 229, 229

  at First Bull Run Battle, 316

  Lincoln’s angry letter to, 174

  Lincoln supported by, 177–78, 204, 208, 222, 226, 230, 239

  at Republican Convention of 1860, 226

  Russell’s insulting of, 321

  stenographer hired by, 180

  worried over Lincoln’s debates, 177–78

  Raymond, Henry J., xxv, 162, 302, 380, 532

  African-American troop proclamation questioned by, 418–19, 473–74

  amendment banning slavery sought by, 497–98

  background of, 123–24

  Bennett praised by, 32

  Bennett’s criticism of, 130, 272, 345

  censorship praised by, 418–19

  Chicago Times suppression and, 426

  at Courier and Enquirer, 127–30, 131, 131

  death of, 555–56

  desk of, 566

  Douglas’s flattering of, 210

  draft riots and, 445–46

  editors’ declaration and, 427, 428

  at 1852 Whig Convention, 144–45

  1856 campaigning of, 163, 164

  1860 campaigning by, 255

  at 1860 Republican Convention, 225, 227, 228–29, 231

  as elected leader, xxiii–xxiv

  and election of 1864, 538

  and emancipation as precondition for armistice, 525–27, 543

  estate of, 556

  on final Emancipation Proclamation, 412

  at First Bull Run Battle, 316, 322–23

  government suppression of newspapers supported by, 346, 347, 349, 356, 492

  Greeley criticized by, 123, 235–37, 239

  Greeley’s first meeting with, 124

  Greeley’s praise of, 122

  as head of Republican National Committee, 500, 522–23, 529, 530

  on Herald’s anti-English diatribes, 363–64

  hired by Times, 122
/>   influence of, xxviii

  Johnson’s impeachment opposed by, 555, 562

  Kossuth introduced by, 141

  Lincoln campaign biography of, 555

  Lincoln-Greeley correspondence on peace and, 514–15

  Lincoln notified of nomination by, 234

  Lincoln’s campaign supported by, 251

  and Lincoln’s complaint on Trumbull’s speech, 265–66

  at Lincoln’s Cooper Union speech, 218

  and Lincoln’s defense of Hooker, 432

  Lincoln’s first inaugural praised by, 293

  Lincoln’s invitation to D.C., 305

  Lincoln’s lack of policy criticized by, 297–98, 304–5

  Lincoln’s letter on profligacy to, 383

  Lincoln’s need for, 196

  Lincoln victory in 1860 predicted by, 239

  “Little Villain” nickname of, xxviii

  McClellan’s accusation of treason by, 361

  moderation of, xxvii, 123, 136

  Newsboy rescued from default by, 146

  in New York Assembly, 130–32, 133, 384–85

  at New-Yorker, 124–25, 127

  nominated as lieutenant governor of New York, 154

  oratorical skills of, 130, 132

  patronage requests of, 305–6, 329–30, 501–2, 547

  pay of, 125, 126

  on profit motive of newspapers, 486–87

  on Richmond campaign, 385–87

  Russell commended by, 321–22

  Russell’s acquaintance with, 317

  Russell’s dinner with, 379

  slave interests opposed by, 163

  Smedes’s letter shown to, 267–68

  in split with Greeley, 122, 126–30, 596

  in symbolic Senate bid, 278

  telegraph coalition organized by, 74

  Times headquarters commissioned by, 198–99

  at Tribune, 55, 61, 62, 122, 125–26

  on Unionist papers in Confederacy, 458

  Webb’s fight with, 144–45

  Welton’s release sought by, 484

  White House visit of, 483–84

  Raymond & Jones, 133

  “Rebecca” letters, 48–49, 99

  Reeves, Henry A., 351

  Reid, Whitelaw, 404, 433, 444–45, 543, 558

  reporters, see newspapers and reporters

  Republican Club Room, 223

  Republican National Committee, 522–23, 529, 530

  Republican National Convention of 1856, 225

  Republican National Convention of 1860, 191, 225–30, 233, 238

  Greeley support for Bates at, 224

  Republican Party, New York, anti-Seward feelings in, 214

  Republican Party, U.S.:

  Bennett’s rejection of, xxvi

  in election of 1862, 410–11

  naming of, 160

  newspapers of, xiv, xxi, 233, 242–43, 246–47, 251–52, 283, 418, 441

  Republican Party Going to the Right House, The, 253

  Republican State Central Committee, 188–89

  Republican State Committee, 244

  Resseguie, Anna Marie, 552

  Reynolds, John, 38–39

  Rhett, Robert Barnwell, 258, 261


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