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Lincoln and the Power of the Press The War for Public Opinion

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by Harold Holzer

  Richards, Caroline Cowles, 552–53

  Richards, Joseph, 217

  Richardson, Albert Deane, 327, 437, 438–39, 471

  Richmond, Va.:

  fall of, 547

  Lincoln’s visit to, 548–49

  McClellan’s planned seizure of, 385–87

  Richmond Dispatch, 260, 409–10, 459, 547

  Richmond Enquirer, xvii, 78, 139, 145, 167–68, 183, 211, 454, 457

  Richmond Examiner, 456, 477

  Richmond Sentinel, 459

  Richmond Whig, 292, 299

  Ripley, George, 61, 62

  Ritchie, Thomas, 78, 106, 117

  Rivers, John C., 78–79

  Robinson, Charles D., 518–19

  Robinson, Stuart, 540

  Rockford Forum, 265

  Rock Island Register, 203, 468

  Roman Catholicism, 27

  Ropes, John Codman, 464

  Rosecrans, William, 497

  Rothschilds, 534–35

  Russell, Abraham D., 494, 634

  Russell, William Howard, 316–22, 320, 325, 333, 369

  Bennett’s accusations against, 363

  as cut off from news, 379, 381–82

  press suppression criticized by, 355

  in return to England, 381–82

  Rust, Albert, 165

  Sabbatarianism, 59

  Sacramento Bee, 449

  Sacramento Daily Union, 478–79, 480, 538, 544

  St. Cloud Democrat, 610

  St. Cloud Journal, 265

  St. John’s College, 564

  St. Louis Christian Advocate, 340

  St. Louis Daily Evening News, 340

  St. Louis Missourian, 340

  St. Louis Observer, 34

  St. Louis Republican, 80

  St. Louis State Journal, 339

  St. Louis War Bulletin, 340

  Salter, George H. C., 299–300, 316

  Sanders, George, 513–14

  Sandusky Daily Register, 521

  Sanford, Edward S., 365, 366

  Sangamo Journal, 11–15, 13, 36, 37, 46, 195

  and cost of telegraphed news, 74

  income of, 46

  Lincoln’s Kansas-Nebraska speech printed in, 153

  Lincoln’s “Spot” oration printed in, 82

  Mexican War supported by, 76

  name change of, 120

  “Rebecca” letters in, 48–49, 99

  Register’s rivalry with, 39, 41, 42, 43, 46

  selling of, 162, 195

  as unaffiliated, 162

  Whig politics of, 41

  Santa Anna, Antonio López de, 73

  Saturday Review, 452

  Savannah, Ga., 458

  Sawyer, Samuel, 435

  Sawyer, “Sausage,” 114–15

  Schenck, Robert C., 114, 420, 421, 430

  Schneider, George, 158–59

  Schofield, John M., 440–41

  Schouler, William, 232

  Scott, Dred, 167

  Scott, Walter, 178

  Scott, Winfield, 73, 144–45, 145, 314, 318, 323, 350, 360–61

  Bull Run news censored by, 323

  habeas corpus suspended by, 312

  Lincoln’s meeting with, 392–93

  Scripps, John L., 173, 242, 243, 273, 510

  Seaton, William Winston, 76–78, 77, 95, 106, 117, 307, 401, 487, 593

  Lincoln’s discussion of antislavery bill with, 108

  Russell’s dinner with, 379

  secession crisis, 260–63, 267, 299, 330–31, 339, 345, 367, 377

  initial rumblings of, 258–59

  Lincoln accused of being aggressor in, 288

  New York City’s threat in, xxiv, 303

  in press, xxiv, xxvii, 258–62

  Secession Winter, 264–65

  Hay’s reports on, 282

  Villard’s reports on, 271–73, 273, 276, 281

  Second Bank of the United States, 23

  secret ballots, xxi–xxii

  Secret Six, 207, 212

  Secrets of the American Bastille (Winder), 350

  sectionalism, exacerbated by press, xxiv

  Seddon, James, 288

  sedition law, xvii

  Sells, Benjamin F., 463

  Senate, U.S., 410–11

  Committee on Territories of, 93–94

  Military Affairs Committee of, 309

  Seven Pines, Battle of, 388

  Seward, Frederick, 364–65, 368, 368, 374

  Seward, William H., 60, 193, 221, 257, 290, 314, 329, 351, 381, 390, 404, 419, 483, 510, 525–26, 527, 529, 532, 610

  administration’s lack of policy criticized by, 298

  advice to Lincoln on first inaugural, 290–91

  alleged support for Brown from, 213

  in bid for nomination of 1860, 224, 225, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 234, 246, 255, 256, 305, 497

  Confederate press read by, 458

  Durrett released from jail by, 342

  elected to Senate, 137

  emancipation delay pushed by, 395–96

  and false calls for volunteers, 491

  Greeley given exclusive news by, 137

  Greeley’s opposition to nomination of, 224, 225, 229, 234–35, 236, 237, 277

  Greeley’s request of spoils from, 53

  Greeley’s severing of relationship with, 153–56

  “Higher Law” doctrine of, 227

  “irrepressible conflict” speech of, 214, 226–27

  Lincoln’s first meeting with, 101–2, 249

  made secretary of state, 277

  newspaper suppression and, 341, 492, 495

  New York Republicans’ dislike of, 214

  power desired by, 356

  promoted for New York governor, 51

  Russell greeted by, 317

  in Trent affair, 363–64

  Webb pardoned by, 90, 128

  Weed’s desire of cabinet position for, 267, 268

  Seymour, Horatio, 411, 442, 448, 488

  Shakespeare, William, 82, 420, 482

  Shaw, William B., 316

  Sheahan, James Washington, 143, 156–57, 164–65, 170, 174, 428

  death of, 561

  Douglas campaign biography issued by, 241

  Lincoln-Douglas debate publication and, 216

  Times sold by, 241

  Unionism supported by, 422

  Shepard, Elliott F., 252

  Shepherd, Nicholas H., 68

  Sheridan, James B., 180, 181

  Sheridan, Philip, 530

  Sherman, John, 435

  Sherman, William Tecumseh, 320, 359–60, 431, 459, 530

  Atlanta captured by, 527–28

  press suppression of, 435–37, 436, 438, 439

  Shields, James W., 48–49, 157

  Shifflet, Hillory, 462, 463

  Shiloh, Battle of, 360, 435

  Shiloh Presbyterian Church, 416

  Sickles, Daniel, 369

  Sinclair, Samuel, 218

  slaves, slavery, xiv, xvii, 116

  colonization and, 144, 398

  considered war contraband by Butler, 332, 389

  in D.C., 106–8, 111, 384, 419, 603

  Frémont’s freeing of, 332–33

  Lincoln’s letter to Greeley on emancipation of, 400–402, 403–4, 405–6, 407, 428, 448

  Lincoln’s plan for Border State abolition of, 382–84, 394–95, 413

  in newspapers, xxiv, xxvii

  as non-issue in early nineteenth century, 41

  in Oregon Territory, 106

  Popular Sovereignty and, 150, 166, 169–70, 204, 215–16, 239, 266

  Republicans’ avoidance of issue in 1860 campaign, 252

  Russell’s recoiling at, 318

  Thirteenth Amendment and, 498–99, 541–43, 545

  in Western lands, 94

  see also abolitionism; abolitionist press; Brown, John; Emancipation Proclamation

  slave trade, domestic, 141

  Slidell, John, 363, 367

  Smalley, George, 326

/>   Smedes, William C., 267–68

  Smith, Caleb Blood, xxiii

  Smith, Gerrit, 212

  Smith, Henry M., 282

  Smith, Richard, 474

  Smith, Seba, 40

  Snow, George, 62

  Snowden, Edgar, 338

  Snowden, Thomas, 127

  Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, 489

  soldier recruitment bill, 112

  South, 197

  desire for confederacy in, 211

  differences with North over slavery, 209–10

  Northern trade with, 198

  see also secession crisis

  South, 365

  South Carolina, 390

  secession of, 260–63, 266–67

  Unionist press in, 458

  “Southern Cross, The,” 430

  Southern Democratic Party, 239

  Southern Illustrated News, 388, 459–60

  speeches, xix

  Speed, James, 342

  Spies, A. W., 419

  Spirit of the Times, 10, 11, 16, 50, 355

  spiritualism, 59

  “Spot” resolutions, 97, 177, 805

  Sprigg, Ann, 70, 105, 107

  Springfield, Ill., xxvi, 11

  Democratic press in, 38–39

  Greeley’s visit to, 276–77, 279, 288

  newspapers in, xiv

  as “paradise in miniature,” xiii

  as political hotbed, xiii–xiv

  Sangamo Journal in, see Sangamo Journal

  “Two Year” threat meeting in, 187

  Villard’s reports from, 271–73, 273, 276, 281, 304, 560

  Springfield Extra Journal, 47

  Springfield Republican, 194–95, 201

  Springfield State Journal-Register, 559–60

  see also Illinois State Journal; Illinois State Register

  Stager, Theodore, 282

  Stahr, Walter, 102

  Stanton, Edwin M., 368, 390–91, 426, 431, 468, 475, 523, 527

  and false calls for volunteers, 491

  Sanford made military supervisor by, 365

  strict censorship of newspapers by, 373–75, 385, 386, 419, 492, 495–96

  telegraph offices moved by, 365–66

  Times refused press pass by, 483–84, 483

  “Star-Spangled Banner, The,” 338

  State Assembly, Illinois, 11, 13, 14, 16

  State Assembly, New York, 130–32, 133, 384–85

  State Department, U.S., 132, 319, 356

  newspaper advertising of, 309–10

  State Register (Springfield), 39–40, 82, 103, 241

  state rights, in newspapers, xxiv

  steamboats, 72, 113

  steam-driven press, 29, 31

  Stedman, Edmund, 316

  Stephens, Alexander, 543

  Sterrett, Joseph M., 8

  Stevens, J. L., 340

  Stimson, N. R., 345, 352

  Stoddard, William Osborn, 202, 245, 274–75, 336, 394, 465, 466, 471, 479, 486

  Stone, William Leete, 20

  Storey, Wilbur, 328, 422, 425, 425, 430, 435, 561

  Storm, Jane McManus, 73, 588

  Story, Francis, 50

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 111, 149, 205, 215, 471

  Strong, George Templeton, 301–2, 346, 442–43, 494, 550

  Stuart, J. E. B., 433

  Subgenation (Van Evrie), 505

  Sulzberger, Adolph Ochs, Jr., 565, 566

  Sumner, Charles, 165–66, 381

  Swett, Leonard, 400

  Swinton, John, 287, 325

  Raymond praised by, 556

  Swinton, William, 325, 327, 328, 433

  Swisshelm, Jane Grey, 265, 327

  Swords, J. M., 460

  Sylvania Colony, 128

  Tammany Hall, 26, 39n, 147

  Taney, Roger B., 166, 167, 167, 168

  Tarbell, Ida, 649

  tariffs, 12, 41, 283

  Taylor, Guy, 462

  Taylor, Herbert Bayard, 61, 62, 252, 317

  Taylor, Zachary, 87, 103, 119, 592

  death of, 139

  in 1848 election, 87, 98, 99–103, 113

  inauguration of, 116, 117

  Lincoln’s endorsement of, 99–103, 113

  Tazewell Mirror, 139

  telegraph, 29, 147, 322, 326, 328, 356, 362, 544

  under military control, 337, 364–69, 368, 372

  as used by newspapers, 74–75

  television, xxi

  temperance movement, 6, 59

  Temperance Party, 154


  secession of, 299

  Unionist press in, 58

  Terrell, W. G., 282

  Texas, 72

  Thackeray, William Makepeace, 316

  “Thanatopsis” (Bryant), 20

  Thayer, H. Emmons, 366

  Thayer, W. S., 273

  theatrical feuds, 27

  “The Nigger” in the Woodpile, 252, 253

  Thirteenth Amendment, 498–99, 541–43, 545

  Thompson, Jacob, 513–14

  Thoreau, Henry David, 61

  Thorpe, T. B., 652

  Tilton, Theodore, 218, 426–27, 471, 478, 499, 526, 527, 528, 562–63, 649

  Times (London), 318, 343, 363

  “Tippecanoe and Tyler, too!” slogan, 53

  tobacco, 59

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, xvi

  Toledo Blade, 265

  Town, Charles, 210

  Townsend, George Alfred, 310, 328, 385–86, 392

  Townsend, Peter, 30

  Transcendentalism, 59, 61

  transcontinental railroad, 150

  “transient” papers, 17

  travel expenses, 113–15

  Treasury Department, U.S., 226, 356, 523

  Tremont House hotel, 226

  Trent affair, 362–64, 366, 367, 629

  Trenton, N.J., 283, 285–86

  Tribune Almanac and Political Register, 243

  Tribune Association, 506, 558

  Tribune Tract, 222–23, 242, 243

  Trollope, Anthony, xx, 316, 371–72

  True American, xxiii

  Trumbull, Lyman, 157, 170, 203, 264–65, 266, 270, 426, 604

  trust-busting, 59

  Truth from an Honest Man, The, 430

  Tucker, Joseph W., 339

  Turner, H. M., 417

  Turner, Thomas J., 114

  Tuscarawas Advocate, 159

  Twentieth Amendment, 587

  two-party system, xxiv

  Two Year threat, 187

  Tyler, John, 47, 274

  Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 111, 149, 215, 377

  Union, see North

  Union League, 426

  United States Telegraph, xviii, xix, 23

  Usher, John P., 485

  Utah, 72

  Vallandigham, Clement L., 339–40, 430, 431, 454

  arrest of, 423–24, 489

  Van Buren, Martin, 24, 27, 43, 46, 53, 592

  in election of 1848, 87, 103

  Old Soldier attack on, 44

  Vandalia, Ill., 38–39

  Vanderhoef, Lorenzo, 647

  Van Evrie, James H., 345, 346, 505

  Vanity Fair, 231, 262, 287, 290, 374

  Varon, Elizabeth, xxii

  Veracruz, Mexico, 72

  Vicksburg, Battle of, 438, 460–61

  Vicksburg Daily Citizen, 433, 460–61, 647

  Victor, Orville J., 52

  Villard, Henry, 187, 192, 369, 488, 496

  at Bull Run, 316, 328–29

  death of, 560

  Lincoln’s train ride to D.C. reported on by, 282, 283, 284–85

  memoirs by, 328

  Springfield reports of, 271–73, 273, 276, 281, 304, 560

  Virginia, 337

  secession of, 299

  Unionist press in, 458

  Virginia, CSS, 387

  Vizetelly, Frank, 321

  von Schneidau, Johan Carl Fredrik Polycarpus, xxxii, 158–59, 160

  Wade, Benjamin, 5

  Wade, W. H., 459–60

  Wade-Davis Manifesto, 525, 529

  Wadsworth, James, 389, 390

  Wakeman, Abram, 502, 532–33, 537

  Wakeman, George, 504

  Walker, George, 120, 169

  Walker, LeRoy, 297

  Walker, Robert J., 377–78, 402

  Wall, James W., 351

  Wallace, Lew, 508

  Wallace, William, 595

  Walpole, Horace, 23

  Walters, William, 38–39, 38, 40, 42, 43, 45, 47, 66, 119

  Ward, John Quincy Adams, 559

  Ward, Sam, 382

  War Department, U.S., 297, 327, 348, 356, 366, 424–25, 431, 464, 491, 493, 496, 523

  censorship by, 373–75

  Herald’s call for overhaul of, 390–91

  War of 1812, 99

  treaty ending, xviii

  War Powers of the President (Whiting), 421–22

  Warren Journal, 352

  Washburne, Elihu, 178, 381

  Washington, D.C., xxvi, 70

  out-of-town papers in, 488

  slavery in, 106–8, 111, 384

  Washington, George, 248, 285, 291

  Lincoln’s invocation of, 218, 222

  press opposed to, xvii

  Washington Chronicle, 294, 311, 308–9, 413, 420, 450, 466–67, 472, 481, 487, 544, 564

  censorship of, 374

  State Department advertising in, 309–10

  “Stonewall” Jackson’s death in, 432

  Washington Constitution, 266

  Washington Globe, xix, xxiii, 23, 24, 78, 351

  Washington Lecture Association, 376

  Washington National Intelligencer, xix, 12, 38, 76–77, 77, 79, 84, 95, 101, 106, 111, 125, 401, 404, 410, 428, 431, 487, 550, 564

  congressional pay to, 112–13

  official advertising in, 307

  official status stripped from, 117–18

  Polk mourned in, 116

  Washington National Republican, 307–8, 332, 466, 620

  Washington National Union, 77, 78, 106, 111, 142, 143, 307

  congressional pay to, 112–13

  Polk extolled in, 116

  Washington Star, 466–67

  Washington States and Union, 241

  “Waste of Time in Congress,” 104

  Watt, John, 369–71

  Waud, Alfred A., 316

  Webb, James Watson, 16, 20, 23, 26, 30

  Anderson called traitor by, 303

  Assembly position sought by, 131–32

  Bennett’s fight and disputes with, 29–30, 31, 213

  Brazilian post of, 311–12

  conviction of, 90

  death of, 562

  at 1852 Republican Convention, 144–45

  1860 campaigning, 254

  Frémont supported by, 164

  Greeley’s disputes with, 63, 90–91, 127–28, 213

  hostility to Kossuth and, 141

  Lincoln’s breakfast with, 285

  Lincoln’s letter on secession to, 267

  as minister to Brazil, 562

  pardon of, 90, 128

  Raymond offered job by, 127

  Raymond’s fight with, 144–45

  Wilmer’s dislike of, 200

  Webb, William Seward, 90


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