Book Read Free

As You Desire

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by Nichelle Gregory

  A Total-E-Bound Publication As You Desire

  ISBN # 978-0-85715-862-8

  ©Copyright Nichelle Gregory 2012

  Cover Art by Lyn Taylor ©Copyright January 2012

  Edited by Rebecca Hill

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2012 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Total-e-burning and a sexometer of 2.

  This story contains 131 pages, additionally there is also a free excerpt at the end of the book containing 7 pages.

  Djinn Brotherhood


  Nichelle Gregory

  Two scarred hearts learn to beat again with the healing power of love and all its magic… Accused of being a traitor to the Djinn Brotherhood, Lona realizes trying to love the wrong man has cost her everything…maybe even her freedom. Alone and pregnant, she’s beginning to believe the terrible pain she’s experiencing is punishment for all her wrong choices as she tries to pick up the pieces of her life.

  When Rafi finds Lona suffering in agony, he makes a hasty decision and takes her home. Ignoring the mutual attraction between them, he agrees, when asked, to keep Lona in his charge until Rue is tracked down and the High Council can be certain of her innocence.

  Rafi knows she’s not guilty. He’s lived with a lifetime of heartache, enough to recognise that something other than guilt is causing Lona’s pain. He’ll do anything to help her heal and find some peace. Their journey together might also lead to his own salvation…


  Dedicated to you…my rock…my touchstone. When I couldn’t talk to anyone else, you were there, always in my corner. When I doubted, you made me believe. When I cried, you made me laugh. When I lost hope, your strength and faith gave me the courage to move forward.

  Your love was a gift that I shall treasure forever.

  Until we meet again…

  I love you, Mom.

  Chapter One

  Rafi bit back a curse as he waited for his current master, Lacey, to make her final wish. He heard her stunned gasp from her bedroom and stifled a yawn as she rushed back into the living room dressed in a denim mini-skirt and a tight pink T-shirt that clung to her breasts.

  She swivelled in the mirror, admiring her new slim, stacked body. “Look at me! I haven’t had this skirt on since…well, never. I can’t believe it—I’m freaking hawt now!”

  Rafi cringed as she let out another squeal of delight.

  “Omigoodness…look at my butt. Do you see it?”

  He didn’t bother responding as Lacey continued to gush over her new curves.

  “You still have one wish left to use.”

  Lacey giggled with excitement, twirling like a ballerina in front of the mirror.

  “It’s so hard to decide. I still can’t believe this happened to me!”

  These were the moments he hated being a Djinn. He was so tired of fulfilling empty, mundane, utterly typical wishes.

  C’mon, lady, I don’t have all day.

  He blew out a breath, frustrated with everything. It would be so easy to help her make a decision. All he’d have to do was give her a gentle mental push and use the unique ability he’d been born with to project his thought into Lacey’s mind.

  Too bad it was strictly forbidden behaviour for any Djinn capable of the gift within the Brotherhood.

  Wishes were to be made freely. The reality was he actually did have all day, all month…hell, all year if that was how long Lacey decided to take to utter her last request.

  Lacey glanced away from her reflection to cast a quick look at him through the mirror. “What’s the matter, gorgeous? Am I taking too long for you?”

  The smile he gave her spiked the intensity of the headache thumping against his skull.

  “Time is of no consequence for me.”

  Rafi crossed his arms, wishing Lacey lived in the tropics instead of this godforsaken frozen farmhouse located in the middle of nowhere.

  “Maybe that’s it…I could wish to live forever, like you.”

  “Trust me—living forever isn’t as great as it sounds.”

  A stab of pain hit his heart and Rafi steeled himself as it travelled down the length of his body.

  How long had it been since he’d allowed himself to feel that heartache?

  He blinked, trying to erase images of smiling grey eyes, silky chestnut hair and—

  “I can come to you later. Give you some time to make your final decision.”

  Lacey turned her face away from the mirror and glanced at the stacks of cash covering her coffee table before looking at him. “Wait. I know what I want.”

  Rafi nodded his head, ready to deliver and split. He couldn’t wait to get home after a week in the icy tundra.

  “You’ve been very good to me, Rafi.” Lacey walked over to him, running her eyes over his body.

  Oh, hell, here we go.

  “That’s my job as your Djinn.”

  Lacey lifted her gaze from his chest to meet his eyes. “You’re a dream come true, and I’m not just talking about the wishes.”

  “I’m glad you’re satisfied.”

  Wrong choice of words.

  He could practically feel the sexual hunger emanating from Lacey. She had no doubt been starved of male attention, her locale and extra body weight hindering her dating activities big time.

  “I’d like to be.” Lacey gave him a hesitant smile as she smoothed her hands down her denim skirt.

  “Excuse me?”

  Perhaps if he played clueless she’d lose her nerve.

  Lacey reached up and touched his shoulder.

  “I’d like to be satisfied by you.”

  She blushed, obviously unaccustomed to making brazen demands. If he wasn’t in such a foul mood he might’ve acted on her bashful come-on.

  “Is that your final wish?”

  “Could it be?”


  Not exactly the truth, but she wasn’t privy to the by-laws of the Djinn Brotherhood. Lacey’s face fell. “Oh. I’m so embarrassed.”

  Her voice wobbled as she averted her gaze and wrapped her arms around her pert breasts.

  “Don’t be.”

  “You must think I’m pathetic.”

  Rafi watched her turn from him as she shook her head. “Not at all, Lacey. Look at me.”

  He waited for her to drop her hands and meet his gaze. Lacey took in a deep breath as she tried to compose herself and Rafi was glad he’d learnt a long time ago how not to react to another person’s emotions. He wasn’t immune to the waves of sadness rolling off Lacey and a small part of him felt a little guilty for denying her request. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t obliged women with the exact same wish in the p
ast, but he was tired of having sex with no emotional ties.

  “You’re a beautiful woman with more money now than you’ll ever need in a lifetime. If you want to be sexually satisfied for the remainder of your days on this earth, I can make it happen. Just make it a formal wish.”

  Lacey sighed. “That’s just sex… Which would be good…really good…”

  She glanced at the floor, her cheeks flaming, but Rafi understood completely. Her eyes shone with unshed tears when she lifted her gaze to his.

  “I want to fall in love and be loved in return, but you said you can’t make anyone fall in love with me.”

  “That’s right, but I can ensure you meet men capable of and willing to love you as you deserve. I can cut out the guess work—place you in the right spot at the right time, if you will.”

  Lacey’s eyes widened. “You said men…as in more than one?”

  “You’ll have options, time to decide which man meets your needs the best.”

  “And what if none of them fall for me?”

  Her soft whisper frustrated him.

  What you should wish for is a double dose of confidence.

  “I can’t make anyone fall in love with you, but I won’t have to. Your beauty, inside and out, will draw the right guy to you.”

  Lacey gave him a wobbly smile. “Really?”


  “How will this work?”

  “Make the wish and I guarantee you’ll meet the man of your dreams, willing to love you as you’ve always wanted. You’ll be married within a year, if that’s what you desire. Sound good?”

  The joy on Lacey’s face made him feel even emptier inside.

  “Yes! That’s what I want…that’s my final wish.”

  Rafi nodded. “As you desire.” He bowed, relieved he could finally leave. “It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Lacey. I wish you the best.”

  “Wait a minute. “Lacey held up her hand, doubt written all over her face. “There wasn’t a big flash of light or anything like last time. How do I know you granted my wi—”

  She froze as someone knocked on the door.

  “You’d better get that.”

  Lacey frowned. “That can’t be the mailman this early.”

  Rafi shrugged as she walked into the foyer. He walked forward, peeking around the corner as Lacey opened the front door, and saw a man and a woman covered with snow. Retreating back into the living room, he lifted his hand towards the fifty million dollars’ worth of cash on the coffee table, and within seconds it had disappeared into a wooden chest beside her couch.

  “Monica! What are you doing here?”

  “Lacey! Look at you!”

  Rafi chuckled as he imagined Monica’s wide-eyed expression upon seeing Lacey 2.0.

  “I know you said you were working out, but this is incredible! You look like a whole new woman!”

  “I feel like a whole new woman.”

  Rafi could hear the joy in Lacey’s voice and felt some measure of satisfaction that his now ex-master was happy. He glanced around the cosy living room one more time, making sure he’d leave nothing behind as Lacey invited her guests inside.

  “I can’t believe how good you look. Which workout programme were you using again?”

  Rafi grinned as Lacey coughed and mumbled the name of a workout regime that had nothing to do with her fantastic…magical transformation.

  “Monica, who is this?”

  “Oh, forgive me, the sight of you made me forget my manners. Remember when I told you my younger brother was coming to visit? Well, I went to pick him up from the airport and the car stopped…just stopped all of a sudden, a few minutes ago. Jack, meet Lacey; Lacey, meet Jack.”

  Rafi smiled as he listened to the friendly exchange between the future lovers.

  My work here is done.

  “Can I get my favourite neighbour and her brother something warm to drink?”

  “Please, and can we use your phone to call a mechanic?”

  “Of course.”

  “I don’t suppose you have any brandy?” Jack asked.

  Rafi heard their approaching footsteps and dematerialised. The sound of Lacey laughing echoed in his ears as he teleported home.

  She would get her happily ever after, no matter what.

  Wouldn’t it be nice if we all did?

  He tried to shake his sour mood as he opened the door to his beach home in Kauai. What he needed was a break…a vacation from his life.

  Fat chance!

  The High Council liked to keep a tight rein on all magical beings, but especially the Djinns, granting time off as they deemed necessary. They dispersed the magical vessels each Djinn was linked to all over the world, ensuring the balance of magic around the planet.

  How would the High Council vote if he formally requested time away?

  Rafi opened all the windows, taking in a deep breath of the salty air coming off the ocean. He closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth and light of the sun on his face. It was good to be home. He wished there wasn’t a mandatory meeting for the Djinn Brotherhood in the morning.

  Vander, his closest friend, popped into his mind. In the past, he would have gone straight over to Vander’s place to talk about nothing as they drank a few beers. The alcohol had little effect on their supernatural bodies, but that didn’t matter. It was about feeling normal…feeling human rather than getting drunk.

  I wish I could.

  He’d welcome the foggy haze to the dark thoughts racing through his head.

  Rafi cursed as he moved away from the window, mentally pushing back twinges of jealousy.

  It sucked when your only friend was no longer around to shoot the breeze.

  He was happy that Vander was now a free Djinn. His friend was no longer bound to his vessel—he could grant wishes or not as he wished, and his priorities had changed. He was married to Karis, the woman who had given him his freedom, and the two were inseparable. Real love birds.

  Lucky bastard.

  Vander had managed to snag a beautiful, giving woman who’d risked her life to give him his freedom. Rafi was still blown away by her selfless gesture. In all the years he’d been a genie, he’d never had a master even offer to give up a wish to grant him his freedom. Most people simply didn’t have a heart like Karis.

  Except Sharon.

  Rafi cursed, feelings of frustration and restlessness making him pace the warm, wooden flooring. Being bound to the Djinn Brotherhood was tolerable—even rewarding when the right person found his vessel and used their wishes for more than themselves. He could deal with what he had become, but it was becoming harder and harder to cope with why he’d become a genie.

  With a savage grunt, Rafi stripped out of his clothes. He walked over to the sliding glass door that led to his private beach, opened it and stepped outside. He imagined he was wearing swimming trunks, not waiting for them to appear as he jogged down to the water.

  A swim in the ocean would purge his thoughts, then he’d sleep like the dead.

  He cut through the swirling, blue-green waves until they were up to his waist, and dived below the cool surface. The sound of the ocean couldn’t drown out the question replaying over and over in his head. A question he’d been asking himself for almost a hundred years.

  When would he be free from his own personal hell?

  * * * *

  Laughter broke out in the High Council hall and Rafi turned his head to observe fellow Djinn members talking. The news shared had been better than expected and everyone was in high spirits after learning that only a small faction of rogue genies remained. The traitorous genies threatened to disrupt the flow of balance between dimensions by crossing over without accountability, which was dangerous for humans and Djinns alike.

  Rafi could almost understand why the rebel genies had bucked the system. He understood the desire to come and go wherever, whenever one pleased as a Djinn. Living a life that was not your own was tough, but he’d never risk human lives just for the opportunity to d
o his own thing.

  “The High Council has but one last issue to bring before you all.” Silence once again filled the hall as Rafi shifted his attention back to the elevated stone platform where Maurelle, the principal High Council member, beckoned forward someone draped from head to toe in a long, white robe. Seeing Maurelle always reminded him of past hurts and poor choices. Today was no different. Maurelle stepped away from the hooded figure and murmurs filled the hall as the hood was dropped to reveal a lovely woman with waist-length, copper-coloured hair.


  It didn’t seem fair that she’d been imprisoned for almost four months. Unlike many of the other Djinn, he didn’t believe she’d had any hand in Rue Trevori’s attempt to band and lead the rogue genies. He trusted his ability in sensing the true nature of people, and Lona didn’t give off a single evil vibe. She had volunteered to go before the High Council and tell them what she knew about Rue’s plans and he’d personally escorted her to the High Council.

  You should’ve warned her of the possibility of imprisonment.

  At the time, he hadn’t thought the High Council would find her guilty.

  “The High Council asks for your vote in the decision to release Lona Vilan. Her charges are as follows…”

  Rafi tuned out the battery of offences, captivated by the proud tilt of Lona’s chin. His gaze moved from the top of Lona’s head down to her bare feet. She looked pale—way too thin and exhausted—but not capable of the things she was accused of, Rafi was sure of it. It couldn’t be easy to stand before everyone who would decide your fate. He admired her strength, even though he could see past her brave front. She was terrified and he felt partially responsible for her predicament.

  It was your duty to turn her in.

  Yeah, it had been his duty to bring her in to get locked up for crimes he didn’t believe she’d committed.

  Be calm. Everything will be all right.

  Rafi imprinted the thought in Lona’s mind before he could think of all the reasons he shouldn’t.

  Lona lifted her head, straightened her back, and Rafi was struck by her beauty once more. She had beautiful, brown eyes and the bone structure of a goddess. Her hair spilled forward and the glossy, ginger strands were in sharp contrast to the ivory robe. She shifted her gaze as if searching for someone and Rafi froze as their eyes locked.


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