Rescuing the Paramedic's Heart

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Rescuing the Paramedic's Heart Page 10

by Emily Forbes

  She’d been right when she’d asked Lily what was wrong with them. Why they couldn’t seem to have successful relationships. She blamed her parents, although she knew that was probably unfair. You needed to be brave to love because love could hurt and she suspected she wasn’t brave enough.

  As she tried to work out how to articulate her thoughts without making herself sound completely crazy, she felt a few spots of rain. They had turned for home but when she looked over her shoulder she could see a southerly storm front rolling in behind them. Before she could say anything the heavens opened and within seconds they were soaked to the skin by the deluge.

  Ryder grabbed her hand and even though they were already drenched, they ran for home.

  * * *

  Poppy changed out of her wet clothes and by the time she came back into the kitchen Ryder had stripped off his shirt and hung it over the back of a chair to dry.

  Poppy swallowed, suddenly nervous and unsure where to look. She’d seen him bare-chested and semi-naked plenty of times at work over the past couple of weeks but it seemed far more intimate now in this setting. There was just two of them with nothing else to focus on. No medical emergency to draw her attention, no crowds of beachgoers.

  ‘Would you like me to see if Lily has some of Otto’s clothes in her room? You could borrow a shirt?’

  ‘No, it’s okay, my shirt won’t take long to dry,’ he said as he opened the fridge and pulled out a block of cheese. He looked right at home in Lily’s kitchen. Anyone walking in would assume he lived there but he’d always fitted in seamlessly into their lives. Why should things be any different now?

  ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘I thought you’d be hungry. I’m making cheesy treats. I assume you still eat them?’

  Poppy smiled. Toasted cheese sandwiches had been their go-to after school, post-surfing snack. ‘They’re still my favourite,’ she said.

  Poppy opened beers for them both, pinching them from Jet’s supply, before she sat down to enjoy the view as Ryder bent over to open the oven and turn on the grill. It had always been Ryder who had made this snack for them and sitting watching him and breathing in the scent of grilled cheese transported her back through the years. To when they’d had nothing to worry about other than catching a wave or whether there was bread and cheese in the kitchen.

  It was funny how she had always thought of him as Jet’s friend, but revisiting the memory of those months before his family had moved away she realised now that he had spent far more time with her than he had with Jet. There had been a time when Jet had been sidelined with glandular fever and while Ryder had visited him frequently, Jet’s fatigue had meant those visits had been brief and Ryder had spent more time with Poppy. Had that been a conscious action on his part? One day she might find the courage to ask him.

  ‘Can you cook anything else or is this still your go-to?’

  ‘Are you complaining?’ He grinned at her as he slid the sandwiches out of the grill.

  ‘Not at all. Just curious.’

  ‘I think I’m pretty handy in the kitchen,’ he said as he piled the sandwiches on a plate and took them out to the deck.

  They sat in silence, eating their way through the pile of sandwiches as they watched the storm roll over the ocean.

  ‘Feeling better?’ Ryder asked when the plate was almost empty.

  ‘A little,’ she admitted.

  ‘I know it seems bad now and you’re hurting but you will be okay.’

  ‘I just hate being taken for a fool.’

  ‘Look on the bright side. I know how much you love to make plans—this is a perfect chance to make some new ones.’

  Despite herself, Poppy found herself laughing.

  ‘The future is as bright as you want to make it,’ he added.

  What would her future look like now?

  She had assumed she and Craig would continue on as they had, happily cohabiting. But apparently there hadn’t been so much of the happy. She hadn’t pictured herself getting married, making that sort of commitment, and Craig had never mentioned it either. She hadn’t dreamed of marriage. It wasn’t as if she’d seen many examples of happy marriages. Her parents had never married and Lily and Otto’s marriage was strained, to say the least. Even Ryder’s parents were divorced. Poppy hadn’t expected or even wanted to be married but she had expected fidelity.

  She finished the last sandwich and rested her head back on the chair.

  ‘You look exhausted. Time for bed.’

  Ryder stood and reached for her hand, pulling her to her feet. His hand was warm, his grip gentle and comforting, and Poppy didn’t want to let go of him. Tears sprang to her eyes as she was suddenly overwhelmed. She wasn’t sure if what she was feeling was affection for Ryder or if she was simply overcome with emotion after the events of the past twenty-four hours but she struggled to keep the tears from overflowing.

  ‘Hey, it’ll be okay, you’ll be okay.’ Ryder wrapped her in his embrace and Poppy leaned into him, taking solace in his strength. ‘You’ll get through this.’

  She stood still for a long time. She didn’t want to move, she could have stayed like that all night, wrapped in his arms, blocking out the world. She took a deep breath. His naked chest was warm under her cheek and she was suddenly aware of the intimacy of their posture. If she turned her face a few millimetres she would be able to press her lips against his bare skin.

  ‘I’m here for you, okay?’ he said.

  Poppy looked up at him to find him watching her. She nodded and placed her hands on his chest and he relaxed his arms, allowing her freedom to move, but she wasn’t intending on pushing him away and he didn’t let her go.

  His blue eyes were dark and intense, his expression unreadable. She stood still and silent as she watched him dip his head towards her. Suddenly his expression was completely readable, his intention clear. He moved in slow motion and she knew she could stop him at any time. But she wasn’t going to do that. She didn’t want to stop him.

  She spread her hands apart and ran them around his back as she stepped in closer again.

  ‘What do you need, Poppy?’

  ‘You.’ She needed him like she needed oxygen. She’d wanted him for as long as she could remember and perhaps tonight her wish would be granted.

  There was no room in her head for the thoughts of the past day, there was no room for anything other than the man who stood before her, who held her as if he never wanted to let her go and looked at her as if he couldn’t live without her.

  ‘Are you sure?’

  Her reply was silent. She nodded and raised herself onto her toes and pressed her mouth to his.

  She heard him moan and his hands moved down below her waist. He cupped her bottom and pulled her towards him until she was pressed against his groin. She could feel his erection, strong and hard between them. He teased her lips apart with his tongue and she opened her mouth willingly, offering herself to him. All her old fantasies returned. She had dreamed of this moment many times over the years and tonight she would take the moment a step further. She wasn’t going to miss her opportunity again.


  RYDER CLOSED HIS eyes as Poppy’s lips parted under his. He’d imagined having a second chance many times—was tonight it?

  Her lips were soft, her mouth warm and moist. She felt good in his arms and she tasted even better.

  He didn’t stop to think about the wisdom of what they were doing. He didn’t want to stop. Not unless she asked him to. He’d been waiting years for this moment and he’d given up thinking it would ever eventuate.

  She’d had a traumatic twenty-four hours and he didn’t want to take advantage of her but he did want to take her. To claim her. To have her. And if she didn’t object he would have her right here, right now, on the cool tiles of the living-room floor.

  He didn’t want to let
her go but they needed privacy as her sisters could walk in at any moment. He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as she clung to him. Her arms went around his neck as he carried her to the bedroom.

  Craig was an idiot, he thought as he took one, two, three steps across the room to reach the bed. Did Craig have any idea what he was throwing away?

  But Ryder was grateful. Craig’s actions had given Poppy back to him and he wasn’t going to walk away again.

  He stopped at the bed and Poppy slid her legs from around his waist and stood in front of him. He could see her pulse beating at the base of her throat, her lips were parted, her mouth pink and soft, her eyes gleaming.

  Her fingers left his shoulders and held the hem of her T-shirt. She tugged it over her head, revealing creamy flesh and full, rounded breasts.

  Ryder swallowed. There was only so much temptation he could stand. He forgot about everything that had happened over the past day, the past week, that past twelve years. He only had one thought. Get her into bed before she comes to her senses.

  He brought his eyes back to her face. She pinned him with her gaze but as she dropped her T-shirt on the floor and her hands moved lower, and he couldn’t help himself. His eyes followed the path of her movements.

  Her fingers undid the button on her shorts and she pushed them to the floor and stepped out of them. She stood before him wearing nothing but a bra and a pair of very skimpy briefs.

  Ryder was mesmerised. His eyes travelled upwards, up the length of her bare legs, long and tanned, to her slim hips, to the tiny triangle of fabric at the junction of her thighs that was barely preserving her modesty.

  He couldn’t speak. A severe lack of blood to his brain had robbed him of the power of speech. But he could admire. So he did.

  She was gorgeous.

  His gaze travelled higher, over her flat stomach and her round belly button to her full breasts that seemed to strain against the lace of her bra.

  She was perfect.

  He ran his fingers up her thigh, cupping the curve of her bottom. Poppy closed her eyes and arched her hips, letting him pull her closer to him. He bent his head and kissed her. She opened her mouth, joining them together. Ryder ran his hand over her hip and up across her ribs until his fingers grazed her breast. Through the lace of her bra he felt her nipple peak under his touch. She moaned softly and reached for him but he wasn’t done yet.

  Her eyes were still closed as he reached behind her back. His fingers found the clasp of her bra and with a flick of his thumb he undid the fastening. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders as her breasts spilled from the lace. He pushed her hair to one side and lowered his head. He flicked his tongue over one breast, sucking it into his mouth. He heard Poppy moan as he teased her nipple with his mouth. He had one hand wrapped behind her, holding her close, and he slid his other hand down her stomach, his fingers sliding under the fabric of her briefs. His fingers slid between her thighs. She was wet and warm and felt like heaven.

  ‘Make love to me, Ryder.’

  He dropped to his knees in front of her and gently pulled her underwear down. She was shaking, unsteady on her feet. She sat on the edge of the bed as he knelt before her.

  He ran one hand up the smooth skin of the inside of her thigh. Her knees were spread wide and she moaned and thrust her hips towards him as his fingers found her centre. He put his head between her thighs, replacing his fingers with his tongue. His hands went under her bottom as he lifted her to his mouth, supporting her there as his tongue darted inside her. She was slick and sweet and she moaned as he explored her inner sanctum. He enjoyed oral sex, giving and receiving, and tonight was no exception.

  Poppy thrust her hips towards him again, urging him deeper. Her legs wrapped around his chest, holding him in place, not that he had plans to go anywhere. She was wet and hot, her sex swollen with desire as he tasted her and teased her, making her pant, making her beg for him.

  ‘Ryder, please. I want you naked. I want you inside me.’

  ‘Patience, Poppy,’ he said, his voice muffled against the soft skin of her hip bone. ‘Relax and enjoy, we’ve got all night.’ He wasn’t ready to stop. Not yet. He knew she was close to climaxing and he wanted to bring her to orgasm like this. He wanted to taste it, to feel it.

  He ignored her request as he continued to work his magic with his tongue, licking and sucking the swollen bud of her desire. He continued until Poppy had forgotten her request, until she had forgotten everything except her own satisfaction.

  ‘Yes, yes... Oh, Ryder, don’t stop.’

  He had no intention of stopping. He heard her sharp little intake of breath and then she began to shudder.

  ‘Yes. Oh, Ryder.’

  She buried her fingers in his hair and clamped her thighs around his shoulders as she came. Shuddering and gasping before she collapsed, relaxed and spent.

  ‘God, you’re good at that,’ she said, and he could hear the smile and contentment in her voice.

  ‘Thank you.’ He stood up from his knees and lay alongside her on the bed, his hand resting on her stomach as she cuddled into him.

  ‘Now will you get naked?’ she asked. He turned his head to look at her. ‘It’s your turn,’ she said. ‘I want to feel you inside me.’

  Poppy watched as Ryder’s blue eyes darkened. They were a dark navy now, the brightness overcome with lust and desire. She felt a surge of power, knowing that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. She slipped her fingers under the waistband of his jeans. She could see he wanted to give in.

  ‘Please?’ she begged.

  ‘Seeing as you asked so nicely,’ he replied with a grin as he flicked open the button of his jeans.

  Poppy took charge. She sat up and pushed him onto his back, tugging his jeans over his hips as she undressed him. His boxer shorts came off with his jeans and as his erection sprang free Poppy’s groin flooded with heat. She straddled him, trapping him between her thighs. She cupped his testes and then encircled his shaft with her hand. It was thick and hard and warm and pulsed with a life of its own as she ran her hand up its length. She rolled her fingers over the end and coaxed the moisture from his body. Ryder gasped and his body shook with lust.

  ‘In my wallet,’ he panted. ‘I have protection.’

  Ryder’s jeans were lying on the floor. Poppy stretched to her right and lifted them to the bed. She found his wallet in the front pocket. She flicked it open and pulled out a condom. She tore open the packet and rolled the sheath down over him.

  She was still sitting across his thighs and Ryder’s eyes darkened further as she brought herself forward and raised herself up onto her knees. She put her hands either side of his head and kept her eyes on his face as she lifted herself up and took his length inside her. He closed his eyes and she watched him breathe in deeply as her flesh encased him, joining them together.

  She filled herself with his length before lifting her weight from him. She lifted herself up again, and down, as Ryder held onto her hips and started to time her thrusts, matching their rhythms together. Slow at first and then gradually faster. And faster. Poppy tried to stay in charge but she found it impossible to control her body. All she could think of was how good this felt and that she wanted more. And more.

  She let him take control. His thumbs were on the front of her hips, his fingers behind her pelvis as he guided her up and down, matching her rhythm to his thrusts, each movement bringing her closer to climax.

  She liked this position. She liked being able to watch him, she liked being able to see him getting closer and closer to release. His lips were parted, his breathing was rapid and shallow, his thrusts getting faster. She spread her knees, letting him deeper inside her until she had taken all of him. Her body was flooded with heat. Every nerve ending was crying out for his touch. ‘Now, Ryder. Now.’

  He opened his eyes and his gaze locked with hers as he took
her to the top of the peak.

  Her body started to quiver and just when she didn’t think she could stand it any longer she felt Ryder shudder. She held her breath as he thrust into her and she could feel his release as he came inside her, claiming her as they climaxed together.

  Completely spent and satisfied, she collapsed onto him, covering his body with hers. Their skin felt warm and flushed from their efforts and they were both panting as he wrapped his arms around her back, holding her to him. She could feel his heart beating under her chest. She could feel it as its rhythm slowed, gradually returning to normal.

  She closed her eyes and lay quietly, listening to the sound of Ryder’s breathing.

  For once in her life she had completely let herself lose control and it felt good.

  She had never given herself over so totally to someone else or to her desires. Tonight had been a long time coming and she didn’t regret a second of it.

  Maybe Craig had done her a favour. Ryder certainly had.

  She smiled.

  ‘What’s that smile for?’ Ryder asked.

  She opened her eyes and found him watching her. ‘I didn’t know sex could be like that.’

  When she’d been in relationships, more often than not she’d had sex because she’d known it was expected of her but she’d never felt a desperate burning desire for it. Unless, it seemed, Ryder was around.

  ‘It was pretty amazing,’ he agreed.

  ‘It was incredible.’ She’d had good sex but she’d never experienced mind-blowing sex. Until now.

  ‘There’s more where that came from,’ he said as he pressed his lips against the soft skin at the base of her throat.

  Poppy’s smile widened as his fingers trailed over her hip bone and slid between her thighs and she forgot all about feeling obliged to have sex and focussed instead on the bliss of making love.

  * * *

  Poppy woke to the sound of a text message.

  She opened her eyes, expecting to see Ryder in the bed next to her before remembering that he’d left in the early hours of the morning. She bit back her disappointment. She’d wanted him to stay but he hadn’t wanted to run into her sisters.


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