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Coletrane (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 4)

Page 18

by Warren, Rie

  “Is that so?” He bolted himself in place directly in front of me, his lips a thin slash.

  “That’s so.” I was just as firm.

  “Daddy? Who’s here?” I heard Sin from inside.

  My heart pounded a little bit harder.

  “No one,” Old Man Gruff shouted back.

  Sin peered outside, her beautiful light green gaze locking on me and freezing.

  I wondered if I was gonna start having heart palpations.

  Forcing myself to speak through a mouth that was suddenly as dry as the late September day, I said, “I needed to see you, precious.”

  Her dad scoffed.

  “Daddy”—she tried to push past him—“I want to talk to him.”

  “No, Sinclair. I forbid it.”

  “You forbid it?” Squeezing around him, she scowled in his direction.

  “How much trouble has he brought into your life in the two months since you’ve met him?” Leland crashed his fist down on the newel post. “Yes. I forbid it!”

  “Just like Mom’s parents told her she shouldn’t see you.”

  His eyes softening, he cupped her shoulders. “Sweetie, I honestly think I’m doing what’s right for you.”

  “I may be your daughter, but I am a grown woman. Now make yourself scarce.” She grabbed my hand, towing me inside without a backward glance at her fuming father. “We’ll be in my room.”

  Leland stayed below as we started up the grand staircase. He muttered some very colorful phrases, slamming the door shut. Sin let my hand go as we reached the first landing above the huge foyer, and the loss of her touch was a punch to the gut.

  I tried not to act like I was in complete awe over the sheer size and luxury of the house as I trailed behind her up another set of steps—I had bigger things to worry about—but seriously? Holy shit. I couldn’t wrap my head around having this much money.

  We finally reached her room on the third floor at the back of the house. It was behind a double set of doors. And she shouldn’t have said we’d be in her room. She should’ve said we’d be in her wing.

  It was a large airy suite—the surrounding doors off the main bedroom opening to a sitting room, office, bathroom, and of course a stone balcony overlooking the well-maintained garden and pool. All of the décor was as classically feminine as her.

  “Sin, I—” I reached out to touch her, but she stepped back, her lips trembling, her eyes filling.

  “Why didn’t you call me? Try to contact me?”

  “I just . . .” I dropped my hand, lowered my head. “I didn’t want to cause any more pain. Wanted to give you a chance to recover.”

  “I needed you. I needed you so I could feel okay.” She wrapped her arms around her middle, the most vulnerable I’d ever seen her, and all because of me.

  “I felt like I should respect your father’s wishes this time.” I paced a little closer. “I thought of you every second, Sin. I wanted to be with you in the worst possible way.”

  Her eyes drifted up, hurt and wary.

  “I want to hold you, precious. Can I just hold you?” I opened my arms.

  She rushed into them, huddling against me, and I closed my eyes. A harsh breath spilled from my lips as I murmured her name and brushed a hand down her back.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Sin.” I rocked her quietly, feeling her cry, not caring if my own tears leaked out, too. “That’ll never happen again. I’m gonna make sure that never happens again.”

  Beneath my chin, she nodded her head, snuggling closer.

  “You’re okay? They didn’t touch you?”

  “They said a lot of nasty things . . . about you . . . about what they wanted to do to me, sexually.” She shivered. “They didn’t do it though, didn’t hit me. Didn’t want to damage the goods, they said.” Her voice was muffled against my shirt.

  Anger rushed back to me, but I contained it. “Yeah? Well, they’re going down. I can’t fucking wait.”

  Kissing the top of her head, I loosened my hold on her. “Brought you some flowers, precious.”

  I gave her a lopsided smile as she drew away. I presented the slightly smashed bouquet.

  “They’re beautiful.” She wiped her eyes then took the bundle. “You remembered.”

  “Remember everything about you. Always have.”

  She set them on a dresser, her fingertips rubbing the silky petals.

  “So listen. There’s something I wanted to talk to you about.” I walked up beside her.


  “I’m going into the Academy.” I blasted ahead, my shoulders suddenly stiff.

  “What Academy?” Her slim eyebrows peaked together.

  “Police.” I paced in front of her. “So is that gonna be good enough for you? For your parents?” Not being able to help her, to go to her when she most needed me . . . I’d decided Hunter was right about me after all.

  It was time to take that shit legit and make something of myself.

  “WHAT?” Sin screeched.

  “It’s no secret your dad has it in for me. And you’re a totally fucking different caliber than me.” I raked my hands through my hair.

  “Wait a minute—”

  “Would that make me respectable enough? Because that’s what I need to know, Sin.”

  “Coletrane Sawyer!” She snapped. Then she stopped. “Wait. Do you have a middle name?” Her eyes were spitting green fire, narrowed on me.


  “Well, what is it?”

  “Not telling.” No way was I giving her ammunition to three-name-shame-me. I could tell that was where she was headed.

  “I’ll just have to get it out of you another time.”

  She walked toward me with a hip-swinging gait in her loose sweats, oversized T-shirt, blowjob red lips, and flushed cheeks. Her pointer finger waved around, and she’d never been more no-nonsense or more sexy.

  “You stupid shithead. You’ve always had misconceptions about me just because I have money.” She jabbed me in the chest. “Well, fuck you, Coletrane Sawyer and the motorcycle you road in on.”

  My mouth fell open.

  “You were good enough as a tattoo artist—better than good enough for me. You’re incredibly talented! You can be a garbage man, a custodian, you can be the fucking next President of the United States and none of that matters. I love you, you stubborn, ignorant man. And whatever you decide to do, I know you’ll be damn good at it.” With a stomp of her foot, she sent her gorgeous blonde ringlets shivering.

  “Is that so?”

  “That’s so.” Her head cocked as if she was ready to fire another round at me from those luscious, luscious lips.

  My slow smile widened into a grin. “C’mere.”

  She did. And two seconds later my mouth was crushed to hers, all the pain and worry and strain fading away. All the love and need and want intensifying. I’d never get enough of the taste of her on my tongue, the feel of her in my hands. The rapid pace of my heart every time I thought about her.

  “I’m going to have my own man in uniform, hmm?” She kitten-licked down my neck.

  “Does that turn you on?” Talk about a new kink.

  “Let’s just say I’d never kick you out of bed anyway, sexy, but the idea of a hunky, tattooed, bad boy policeman has its merits.” She leaned back, her eyes shining.

  “I do have a thing for the accouterments of the job.”

  “Mmm. The handcuffs, huh?” Her coy smile hit all the right buttons, but I had just one minor detail to nail down first.

  I pressed her a little away from me. “So I think we should get hitched first. Because if anyone ever tries to hurt a hair on your head again, first of all, I’ll fucking kill them. Second, no one’s gonna tell me I have no right to be with you, go with you . . . stay with you.” I swallowed roughly, remembering the ambulance with her in it driving away from me.

  “Is that your idea of a romantic marriage proposal?” Her nose scrunched up.

  “Uh. No. That kind of s
ucked, huh?” Feeling more than a little unsure as I laid my heart on the line for this woman who was worth everything, I got down on one knee. Then I paused. “Aw, shit. I don’t have a ring.”

  She caressed my face with soft fingertips, her voice even softer. “I don’t care.”

  I held her hand pressed between mine, staring up at her as my heart stuck in my throat. “Sinclair Chatham, you’re like the ink on my skin, deep, indelible, indescribable. Forever. I can’t look at you without wanting you. Can’t think about you without wanting to be with you.” I kissed her palm. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, making you happy, maybe a little crazy sometimes. I love you, precious.” With those words, my voice got hoarse and raw. I pushed on. “Will you do me the greatest honor and be my wife?” I kissed her ring finger, peering up at her.

  Tears slid down her cheeks.

  “That any better?”

  “Yes!” She pulled me up into her arms. “Yes.” She kissed all over my face. “A million times yes, Cole.”

  I picked her up, kissing her, whirling her around.

  When I set her on her feet, I laced my fingers through her hair. “You make me so happy. I know a lot of bad shit happened because of me, but not anymore. I love you, Sin.”

  “I love you too.” She slid up on her toes, slipping her mouth to mine. As she silkily parted our lips, she murmured with a sexy pout, “I think Pincushion might need a bigger house though.”

  “Oh, Pincushion does, huh?” I squeezed her ass. “I don’t think I can afford it right now.”

  “Well”—she looped her arms around my neck—“there are a lot of things money can’t buy, like our kind of love, but I can afford a few extras.”

  “Is it okay if I say I don’t want to talk about that right now?” The thought of her paying for things made me uncomfortable, whether she could afford if or not.

  And we had better things to do.

  “Okay.” She drew me down and whispered in my ear, “I have one other question though.”

  “Hit me.”

  Her hands slid down my back, to my ass. “What if I want to take control?”

  Her message was clear as she brushed her tits against my chest.

  “In bed?” I asked.

  “In bed. Or maybe on a chair. Possibly outside.” She finished in a pant with her soft lips circling my ear.

  If that was what I had to do to seal the deal, I was totally game.

  Arms akimbo, I said, “Have at me, Sin.”

  Apparently the woman wasn’t kidding. She mashed herself against me and started tackling my belt.

  “What, here? Now?” I protested.

  “Know what I think, Cole?” She swish-swayed away, and clicked the lock on her door.


  “I think you’re scared to let me be in charge.”

  Gauntlet thrown.

  Challenge accepted.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “BRING IT ON, SIN.” I started undressing in the middle of her bedroom.

  Bring it on, she did.

  First she ordered, “Uh unh. Slowly.”


  I gave her the kind of striptease only seen inside the Gentleman’s Quarters. A button popped on my jeans, my shirt pulled up, my zipper lowered. Skin, muscles, tats revealed inch by inch.

  Sin licked her lips. She watched with greedy need. She took off her baggy clothes, unveiling the perfect voluptuous female form that made my mouth water, my legs shake.

  My jeans finally tossed away, I stared at her lush body. “Wanna touch you so much right now.” My voice deepened.

  My nostrils flared. My cock slapped against my belly.

  “Get on the bed.”

  I complied, climbing onto the big bolstered king size.

  Sin sashayed to her dresser, and pulled out four long scarves. She draped them around her neck then pulled them across her high round tits as she walked back to me.

  I dutifully raised my arms when she gestured. Her breasts hung in my face—pale orbs topped by tight bright peaks. I raised my face to lick and latch on. She let me feast for a minute before offering her other tit and tying my second wrist to the bedpost.

  Sin flipped over. On her tummy, she flattened her body against mine. With her legs spread on either side of my head, she jerked at my ankles.

  “Gimme some of you, precious.”

  Shifting her powdery blonde hair from her face, she glanced back. When she saw me staring at her pussy perched too far away for me to reach, she widened her legs and her sex opened like a flower in front of my lips.

  “Fuck yeah.” I flicked my tongue at her thigh, trying to lunge closer.

  She strapped down one of my ankles then lowered her slit to my begging lips. Her taste exploded on my tongue.

  Heaven. I was in heaven.

  I lapped her sweet pearl as she finished securing the last scarf. Fastening my lips to her cunt, I easily took her to a quick high I never wanted to end.

  She climaxed, dropping onto my legs, rocking back to my mouth as I speared her with my tongue.

  Her body shining, she turned around on all fours, kneeling between my thighs.

  I gave a dangerous growl, my fists curled around the scarves binding me.

  Then Sin went to town with her lips all over my body.

  She teased me to the breaking point with her fingers stroking, her tongue licking, her mouth gliding all over me but never once touching my cock.

  At one point I think I fucking squeaked. I asked her to gag me. I didn’t want Daddy Warbucks roaming upstairs, wondering where the long groans were coming from as Sin licked a path up the inside of one thigh, then the other, leaving a wet trail before her hot tongue massaged my balls.

  I jerked and bucked, silently begging her to suck my cock that rose like a flagpole in front of her face. Veins throbbing. Skin rippling. Head wet with pre-ejaculate.

  Sin purred against my stomach, my shaft buttressed between her generous tits.

  “Tell me what you want, Cole.”

  Freed of these bonds, I’d have had her lips mashed to my pubes and my dick down her throat.

  All I could do was beg. “Suck my cock, Sin. Suck it hard.” I gnashed my teeth together, the cords of my neck like steel cables.

  Lick. Little suck. Nibble. Hard bite.

  I shuddered.

  “Remember. Payback. Floggers.” I moaned as she suckled the shiny broad crown of my cock inside her hot mouth. “And I still haven’t tried out the nipple weights—” My head beat back.

  She took more of me inside. Licked lower. Laved her tongue up. Popped off. “Can’t wait.”

  She finally untied me when my thighs quaked. When my muscles stood out in stark relief all over my body. When sweat popped out on me, and sheer hot longing strained every inch of my flesh.

  Flipping her to her back, I held her hands in mine. No words. I sank into her, one smooth thrust that had her coming around me. Convulsing. Her legs wrapped around my hips. Her breath gasped in and out. Her body arched at a perfect angle.

  She clutched me tightly before everything went soft, smooth, hot inside. She still squeezed at my cock when I hammered into her but she was so wet, and the sweat glided between our skin. Sex scented the air, filled my nose as her moans joined my grunts.

  My arms shook. My hips rammed hard. She drank up my cock.

  “God, you are so beautiful, precious.” I kissed her breasts, her collarbone, her lips, boiling with need, rooting that last inch inside her.

  She arched again, seizing on my thrusting cock. A powerful blast began from my sac. I punched up on my forearms, my hips bucking, my cock filling her with seed. Every burst rippled through me, driving me harder.

  I toppled over, so overcome I couldn’t even move.

  We snuggled until our harsh breaths slowed, whispering quietly, kissing lightly.

  Sin propped up on her elbows. “Wanna have a shower with me?”

  “Don’t you think you’re playing with fire with your dad
downstairs?” And about two miles away at the other end of the house.

  “Don’t you think my father already knows what we’ve been doing up here?”


  Naked, she led the way into her bathroom. The place was bigger than my bedroom. And even though the shower was huge, I didn’t give Sin all that much space as I soaped all her luscious curves. Soaking wet Sin covered in slippery bubbles . . . Jesus Christ.

  When she lathered her hands to return the favor, I backed away. “Maybe I should finish by myself.”

  My cock was so hard I was really close to fucking her again, but I wanted to get the final showdown with Leland done and over with.

  I leaned forward to kiss her. “Why don’t you go pack some things to take to my place?”

  “Okay.” She winked, gliding out of the shower.

  Of course, I hung my head out the misted-up door, watching as she dried off.

  Of course, she knew it and used every ounce of her temptress’s skills to make the hard pole between my legs thump in time to my heartbeat.

  Breathing a sigh of relief when she exited the bathroom, I flipped the water to nut-shrinking cold. I finished scrubbing myself with my teeth chattering, but at least I lost the hard-on.

  Sin had packed a bag by the time I returned to her bedroom to get dressed. She’d been merciful enough to cover her smokin’ body in a pair of tight jeans and an equally snug shirt. After she dried her hair, I picked up her bag, linked her hand in mine, and we walked into the lion’s den.

  No really, it was Leland’s den.

  He must’ve heard our footsteps, but he didn’t raise his head from the newspaper shoved in front of his face as he sat on a leather couch.

  “Sir, thank you for letting me spend some time with Sin.” Without cutting off my balls.

  A rattle of his newspaper and a loud harrumph were the only responses I got to that.

  Sin squeezed my hand. “Daddy, I’m going to spend the weekend at Cole’s.”

  He still didn’t show his face, but I swore I could hear the man scowl.

  “Mr. Chatham, I wondered if I could talk to you for a moment.” Without the newspaper in your face.

  He set the newspaper aside and stared at me with his arms folded across his chest. Make no mistake about it, he was not a man to be messed with.


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