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Coletrane (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 4)

Page 19

by Warren, Rie

  Well, neither was I. But I had some groveling to do.

  “Hear him out, Daddy, and don’t be such a stubborn bull. Can’t you see he makes me happy?”

  “Get on with it,” he intoned.

  I released Sin’s hand and stepped forward. “I’m very sorry about what happened to Sin. More than sorry. Angry with myself, ashamed about it all. And I still want to kill those assholes for even thinking about hurting her.”

  “That we can agree on.”

  “But, I love your daughter very much. More than I ever imagined possible.”

  He glanced at Sin. Whatever he saw made him drop his arms and relax his hands in his lap.

  I looked over my shoulder at her. She was smiling at me, and soft tears shined in her eyes.

  “I’d like your permission to ask for her hand in marriage.”

  “And FYI, I already said yes,” Sin piped up.

  Leland returned his stare to me. “You got a ring for her?”

  “I don’t need a damn ring. I need a man who loves me, treats me with care and respect, who knows me sometimes better than I know myself.” She laid her head on my shoulder, and wrapped her arms around my waist. “I need Cole.”

  Lumbering to his feet, he took the final steps toward us. Sin let me go but grasped my hand in hers.

  “You’ll take care of her.” Not a question, but a firm statement of fact.

  “You have my word, sir. I’d be honored.”

  “I guess you can start calling me Leland then if I’m going to be your father-in-law.” His deep voice gruff, he held out his hand. “Welcome to the family, son.”

  A tightness lodged inside my throat as I accepted his handshake. “Thank you.”

  “Well, Ah for one am so glad that’s over with.”

  Our heads whipped around as Regina waltzed into room, once again looking like she could be gracing the cover of a magazine.

  First she hugged Sin, her eyes damp, then she took me in her arms, too. “Ah’m so happy for you two. So happy. And you”—she shot a glare at her husband—“goodness sake, Leland. Ah will deal with you later.”

  “Why don’t you deal with me now and come give me some sugar.” He winked at her.

  She drew back as if considering the merits of that idea, both their eyes twinkling while Sin laughed.

  “Maybe. After you get the champagne. It’s time for a little celebratin’.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  CURTIS, BRETT, AND KYLE were banged up in prison. Hopefully for a very long time care of Sin’s hotshot daddy and her old family money and connections. Because if they got out and I heard about it, I’d have to hunt them down and kill them.

  Probably not a wise move for a would-be cop.

  I’d completed the preliminary testing necessary to join the Force. The physical, written, oral, and polygraph tests all included in the rigmarole were meant to keep the riffraff out. I’d breathed a huge sigh of relief when I passed.

  I’d been accepted into the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy in North Charleston, Chief Tilden, Ashe, and Hunter all putting in the good word for me.

  I couldn’t wait to get started.

  By October Sin had moved in with me, and that felt so damn perfect. But she was right. Pincushion did need a bigger place soon because Sin had a lot of stuff. It was all high quality, just like her. And I definitely didn’t begrudge her the king-sized bed.

  I bought her a ring. Had to sell some of my vinyl collection, but that hardly mattered. I was all about treating Sin right. I’d considered hawking Pincushion, too, but I’d probably end up having to pay whoever took the cat-thing off my hands instead of vice versa.

  The diamond wasn’t overly large, but Sin acted like it was the most cherished item she’d ever owned. She cried when I slipped it on her finger one night in early October. I’d done the romance thing right that time with dinner at a nice restaurant, a walk on the beach afterward, and the proposal at sunset with the waves crashing behind us.

  All followed by a long, wild ride on my Night Rod with both of us laughing. Then a long, wild ride in bed, both of us moaning.

  One evening, Sin surprised me. Returning home after a long day at the office, she plopped a fat folder full of brochures and insurance papers onto the coffee table. I got us a couple beers and settled down next to her.

  I couldn’t quite believe what she said until I looked over the contents of the folder.

  She wanted to move my mom to a state of the art facility, covering all the expenses.

  I sat for a moment, digesting it all, wishing I’d had the resources to do that years ago.

  The fact Sin could do it, wanted to do this for my mom made me fall in love with her even more. I couldn’t speak through the emotions swelling inside me. All I could do was nod, then hold Sin to me for a very long time.


  Late October, and it was a big party night at Retribution. Lots of reasons to celebrate. My engagement to Sin. Brodie’s birthday—the old man was turning thirty-one. And of course, JB’s pregnancy . . . again.

  The place was packed with Retribution men, Redemption women, and a lot of newcomers, Doc Ronnie and Sin among them. Everything was loud and proud tonight. The music rocked the speaker system. The balls knocked on the pool tables. Drinks were passed out hand over fist.

  And Hunter was looking for trouble.

  He leaned against the bar in his usual lookout spot, JB next to him with her glass of club soda and cranberry juice.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll drink double since you can’t in your condition.”

  With a swirl of brown curls and a hiss from her lips, she whacked him on the shoulder.

  Then she leaned up for a fiery kiss.

  “You’re on diaper duty for the first month, sweetheart, since you’re such an old hand at it.” JB sashayed away on click-clack heels with my woman in tow.

  Aaaaand all the brothers’ heads tilted to watch their jiggle-jiggle asses.

  “Fuck me. I might’ve bitten off more than I can chew with that woman.” Hunter’s golden eyes crinkled.

  He didn’t look too put out by that prospect.

  I knew exactly how he felt.

  At the bar for a refill, Tail boomed out, “Probably not the chewing but the screwing part that got you into this trouble in the first place.”

  His hearty laugh bounced around the room before he downed a double shot.

  “Ha ha, funny man. Let’s see how funny you think this is.” Out of nowhere, Hunter pulled his KA-BAR, slamming it on the bar between the splayed middle and forefinger of Tail’s hand with knife-edge precision.

  Great. Now I had to work out another goddamn ding in the metal.

  Tail showed absolutely no reaction other than to tug on his black goatee and tap his fingers for another shot. And invite Hunter to a showdown. “What say we take this to the pool table? See who the bigger man is then?”

  Bets were immediately placed as the word spread, and Hunter nodded. “Bring it.”

  Sin sat a table close by, the ladies admiring her rock with oohs and ahhs, the surrounding boneheads admiring her breasts. That was okay, for now. They could look but they couldn’t touch. I’d probably change that to no looking, too, after the wedding.

  But right now I practically oozed pure contentment from my pores.

  “She sure is somethin’ special.” Tuck’s barrel belly led the way as he sidled up beside me.

  “Yeah. Sin’s something else all right.” I kept my sights trained on her, rinsing glasses and slinging the bar towel.

  “I was talkin’ about Cleopatra.”

  Just then a cold wet nose nudged the palm of my hand. I looked down to see a dinosaur, I mean Doberman, crowded behind the bar. Cleo was one of the four purebreds Tuck had rescued from the Iron Nails raid.

  “What the fuck, Tuck? You know Brodie doesn’t like the dogs in here.”

  “Just one at a time will be fine.” He scratched Cleo’s sleek black ears. “If he gets worked up a
bout it that’s okay too. He could use a little strife in his life. Keep him on his toes.”

  Boomer—big as a fucking 4x4 and built of solid muscle—stalked up. “Hey. You seen Brodie?”

  “I don’t know.” I scanned the room, trying to pick him out. “Probably making out with Ashe in the office.” I shrugged.

  “I need him in here.” His smile was the evil older brother variety.

  “I’ll go get him.” Tucker’s eyes glinted, just as wicked as Boomer’s. “He’ll shit bricks when he sees Cleopatra tagging along, probably chase me back out here.”

  Moments later Tucker and Cleo hustled back into the main room, his handlebar mustache twitching, her pink tongue lolling, Brodie hot on their heels. Boomer made a signal to Hunter, who tapped something into his cell.

  All of a sudden, the wail of sirens rent the air. Loud and screaming, they sounded like they were headed this way.

  Sure enough, tires squealed right outside.

  “What the fuck?” Brodie stopped chasing Tuck and the Doberman, whose barking was another ear-bashing noise in the growing din.

  He headed for the door, swinging it wide.

  Red and blue strobes flashed in through the opening, the sirens deafening.

  Three cruisers had skidded to a stop outside.

  “All right. Who lit up a doobie this time?” Tail leaned on his pool cue.

  A bunch of bros looked at the ceiling, their watches, sank their heads over their drinks . . .

  “Cool it the fuck down.” Brodie let the door slam shut. “No one’s getting arrested. We’re clean.”

  “Clean except for Iron Nails.”

  “And the Cuban cartel . . .”

  “Whatever. No one knows about that shit except us.”

  “Hope this doesn’t have to do with you again, Cole.” Hunter scowled at me.

  All eyes swung to me.

  “Hey, I didn’t do it,” I protested.

  “This time,” Brodie muttered.

  “Remember? He’s going true blue, all legit.” Tucker came to my defense.

  “Weirdo,” Tail mumbled.

  The door opened, a chick cop strode in, and Brodie jumped back. “Whoa there, hoss . . .I mean, officer.”

  “Are you Broderick Steele?” the policewoman asked. Her face was stern, her hand on the butt of her pistol.

  Broderick. Snickers.

  “Yeah. I haven’t done anything wrong though.”

  “You’re under arrest.” She clanged her cuffs, popping them open with a metal-on-metal click.

  Brodie’s ice-blue eyes cranked wide. “Oh, hell no. I’ve got a fuckin’ pristine record. Don’t believe me? Just ask Detective Ashe Kingston. You know her? She’s my old lady.”

  “I know her.” Grim face didn’t seem to give a shit either. “Arms behind your back.”


  She was just about to cuff Brodie when Ashe, Hunter, and Boomer yelled, “SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”

  Brodie jerked away from the cop, swinging around. “That’s how you surprise me? By giving me a fuckin’ heart attack? Assholes.”

  Everyone laughed hysterically.

  “That’s so not funny,” Brodie grumbled.

  “Yeah it is. Going down in the prank hall of fame, this one is.” Boomer grabbed him into a hard manly hug. “Happy birthday, braw. You done good.”

  Brodie glared, until he couldn’t withhold his grin any longer. Then he outright chuckled, and it was all over, everyone whoopin’ it up.

  Disengaging from Boomer, Brodie face Ashe. “I assume you had a hand in this?”

  “Sure did.” She hooked her fingers in his jeans.

  Hauling Ashe to him, he whispered, “You are a bad girl, Detective Kingston.”

  “And you love it.” Her silver eyes flared just before he kissed her into silence.

  One minute later the party roared, full-on, full-out. Laughter, cheering, whistles. Beer. Shots. Cakes. Three of ’em to be precise, rolled in from outside. Enormous, three tier things, each specially decorated. One for Brodie’s birthday—a replica of his Harley on top—one for the baby in utero—a blue and a pink bootie—and one for Sin’s and my engagement. Handcuffs—if only they knew—and the red and black Screaming Eagle from her Trans Am decorated ours.

  Quietly laughing over my beer, I had half an ear on Tail as he went to work on the female police officer.

  “Hang the fuck on. You’re not a stripper? You’re a cop for real?” Tail coiled back. “Yo! What the hell?” He shook his head at Boomer. “Isn’t there supposed to be a chick-cop-stripper to go with all this?”

  When no one answered except with chuckles over mouthfuls of cake, he eyed Ashe with an impure gleam.

  Brodie pushed him in the chest. “Oh, hell no. Ashe ain’t takin’ her clothes off for anyone but me. Right now, in fact.” He snatched two pieces of cake, Ashe’s hand, and headed to the back rooms.

  It was all kind of sweet. So was the cake. Sin and I munched it, side by side, watching the usual mayhem, her ring flashing every so often.

  “They’re kind of insane,” she commented.


  “And happy, devoted.”

  “Yeah.” I looked down at her, smirking.

  “A crazy kind of family.”

  “You got it.” I kissed her on her sugary lips.

  “Mmm.” Sin slowly pulled back. “I bought you a ring too.”

  Fantastic. I couldn’t wait to be marked by Sin. Shit. Maybe I’d teach her how to tattoo so she could set her mark on my skin permanently instead of just with her fingernails.

  “Oh yeah? Where’s it at?”

  “Not that kind of ring.”

  “Why Sinclair soon-to-be Sawyer, you naughty, naughty girl.” I wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her more deeply.

  A few more cops entered the joint after cutting off the sirens outside. Welcomed into the throng, they helped themselves to cake, the beer casks, and the pool cues.

  I frowned. “Hey, didn’t they just misappropriate the police cruisers? Isn’t that a waste of public funds?”

  Sin clamped a hand over my mouth. “Coletrane Barnaby Sawyer.”

  “What?” I mumbled while the dudes yucked it up over Barnaby.


  “No one cares. It’s a party.” She brushed her lips against my ear. “Now, take me home. I’m ready for you.”

  “You mean—” Shaking free of her hand, I took a big handful of her ass.


  That did it.

  I rushed through the room, Sin’s hand clutched in mine, ditching a half-drunk beer on the way. “We’re outta here.”

  “What lit a fire under his ass?” Kinkaid asked.

  “By the way he’s been grabbing it, I’d say Sinclair’s ass,” Sadie answered.

  I flipped up a middle finger, calling back,“Hey. Someone tell Brodie happy birthday from us again when he gets done with Ashe?”

  “Whatever. Fuck off already, College,” Tail let sail.

  Double bird.

  “Maybe we should give him a new roadname now that he’s joining the po-lice.” Shaggy-haired Handsome got in the mix.

  “How’s about Po-po.” Tail got in his last dig.

  “Watch it.” I heard Hunter warn just before the door shut behind us.


  At home, I dealt with The Yowler since Sin said she had to go get ready. I hoped that didn’t mean she was lubing herself up, because that was my job. One I looked forward to. With Pincushion fed, watered, loved on, I beat feet to the bedroom. I took nothing off but my boots and socks and sat on the edge of the bed, the lights turned low.

  Sin exited the bathroom. A soft cloud of that distinct perfume surrounded her. Her hair shined in glossy waves that tumbled over her shoulders, down her back. All she wore was panties and a bra, if they could even be called that. The bra was a sheer black shelf that propped up her tits even more, showcasing the lush creamy mounds and her pierced nipples. I was definitely gonna
be sucking on those babies soon.

  Her panties? A thong. Black. See-through. Framing her pretty pussy.

  “Just so you know, this is the reaction you’re gonna get from me no matter what you wear whether it’s sexy lingerie, sweats, an evening gown. Every time I think about you.” I waved down to my swollen cock. “But I like it.”

  “And I like the way you look at me.”

  “How’s that?” I bit my lip.

  She skimmed her palms up from the indent of her waist and toyed with her pert nipples. “Not like a businesswoman. Like a woman you want. Need. A woman you want to devour.”

  I growled as she thumbed the reddish peaks, her ultimate-blonde hair waving over her shoulders.

  “And that sound.” She brushed her tits against me. “Like a wild animal who just needs to fuck.”

  I grabbed the bare cheeks of her ass. “Want me to go wild on you tonight?”

  “I can’t wait.” Her mouth opened over my neck where she sucked hard. “But first I’m going to undress every inch of you. And you can watch me while I do it.”

  My hands balled beside me, my muscles hot, tight, and strained, none more strained than my cock.

  She unbuttoned my shirt down the front, raking her nails along the sliver of skin revealed. Her tongue slithered after, all the way to the waist of my jeans. The wallet chain jangled. She gurgled a laugh, her hands hooked around my ass, holding me to her, like I was going anywhere.

  Sin looked up at me as she tongued every groove of muscle and the thin line of hair that grew heavier around the base of my cock. My cock that pounded in my pants.

  Gripping the shirtsleeves, she dragged them down my arms and flung the shirt away.

  Her hands ran up my chest, over my tats.

  She undulated against me, sucking the swirling, vibrant ink covering my torso.

  “So hot.” She moaned.

  “Fuck, Sin. Makin’ me crazy here.” I pulled her head back.

  Grabbing my hair, she yanked my head down, her hot mouth all over me. “Your face. Those midnight blue eyes. These lips.” She licked the top one, then the bottom, then brought my fingers to her mouth. One by one she sucked them inside. “Your hands so rough, so big.”

  “What are you trying to do to me?” I grunted, my hips bucking.


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